Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 839: decisive battle! 【One】

"In the end, you and I are all kinds of people who can do what they want, and they don't have the means to do it; they are determined to be the same. But there are still significant differences! So... I have already gone to the extreme, and you still have room to move forward. "The fifth sighed softly.

Mo Tiandao said: "Of course! Your road is not as you said, it has already reached the extreme; but the space that can be upgraded is not destined to be big. And I still have unlimited possibilities! I will be able to overtake the road of the future. Above you!"

"Because I don't have a bottom line, you have it!" The fifth gentle sighs, both unwilling and convincing.

Mo Tianji is also deeply inhaled, and then deeply sighed, once the time has been a few new, Jiangshan generation talented.

"You must win, but in the future! I can sacrifice anyone in the world, including myself, including the fifth family, in exchange for a result I want." The fifth gentle said: "But you can't do it! This is what you have in my eyes. Mo Tianji is not as soft as the fifth!"

"But just because you can't do it, you have feelings in your heart, there are too many things that you can't give up. So, your space is infinitely broad. The fifth gentleness of the future will never keep up with the pace of Mo Tianji."

"Because I can give up everything, I have already reached the extreme, so if you want to go forward, I will not be able to keep up with your progress."

Mo Tianji said: "Yes! So if you are longer, you are not as good as me."

The fifth soft smile: "Unfortunately, your future is not destined here, and I don't want to leave, can't leave, and there is no reason to leave. So..."

"So you are still unique, no one can, is it?" Mo Tianji laughed.

Just at this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the field!

The two looked up at the same time.

The two wise men, the first meeting, the first exchange, the first time to talk about the situation, the first interruption!


Guild wars have officially kicked off!

The six hundred people on the side of the Li family are in front of the other nine thousand people. It is really too small to mention.

The coalition forces are also full of grievances, the people who died here, which one is not the fellow initiates who used to live together day and night? Which one is not the intimate person who has been together for thousands of years?

Suddenly, it is so dying, and the heavens are always separated.

Which one is not sad and inexplicable? Already red eyes, secretly skill, always ready to see the blood and kill. At this moment, seeing Li’s home, there is no organization that has no formations, and it is even more hateful, and the cruelty in the heart rises sharply.

You are looking for death!

Almost at the beginning of the war, it was already a deadly fight!

Fight to the end, fight to death, there is no big deal except death!

The real decisive battle, from the beginning of a self-destruction of the Li family, officially opened the curtain.

This Lijia Supreme can say that the flow of the year is not favorable. The whole family does not know whether it is a curse of evil. The woman will die if she is no more than a few years old. Only a large number of male sons and grandsons remain.

just now. At this moment, the full man has died in the previous battles, and most of them have chosen to die with the enemy. The old man has never thought of living.

So I haven't waited until Li Chunbo's Acacia has ordered it, and I have already screamed out and thrown my body bombs into the crowds of the other coalition forces.

Immediately, a fierce and violent explosion caused an empty space out of the coalition’s formation.

There are countless flesh and blood crumbs in all directions.

"Hey!" Li Xiangsi's eyes were red, and a low roar in the throat. The first meteor rushed out and rushed into the enemy group!

Behind him, all the family members were biting their teeth and rushed up without a word.

The final decisive battle, the Li family, who was completely in a weak position, did not even make any shouting sounds, so it was so silent, and suddenly a group of dumb-like rushed forward, screaming and killing!

At this time, the Li family, only in the heart to kill the enemy, even a cough is a waste of power, where there is still a breath? Let you watch out?

The knife light is like a waterfall, and the sword light is like a flash of lightning; the blood red light rises to the sky, and the **** smell is a thousand miles together!

Such a brutal **** decisive battle, in a silent and silent way, but in the most intense situation, broke out!

Xiao Chenyu rises up, the long sword swallows dozens of swords, sweeps across the audience, and screams loudly: "Nine Robber Sword Lord! Are you still coming to fight?"

Li Chunbo’s body swayed and smiled. “Xiao Erge still sent the younger brother first, and then went to the sword master. It’s not too late.” The wide robe sleeves slammed into the air and cracked a hollow crack. The sword, suddenly appeared in the hands, with a glimpse of the cold light of the general light, long hair fluttering, has been in front of Xiao Chenyu.

A round sword is like a sky, the Milky Way suddenly dumped, spurting toward Xiao Chenyu!

On the other side, the sword of life and death, with a knife and a knife, is also rushing toward Xiao Chenyu!

Since Li Chunbo does not want to live, then his own life and death brother is naturally to accompany him to life and death, the same way of life and death!

Speaking of a brother who is a stranger in life and death, is it a brother?

Xiao Chenyu’s long sword flashed, and there were two Xiao Chenyu in the air. A sword screamed Li Chunbo, a cross-sword sang song, and said: “If this is the case, I will send the brothers first. Look for the nine robbery swords to settle accounts!"

The three men have been mingling in one place in the blink of an eye. The loud bang of the "bang", the sword and the sword smashed together, and there was a series of screams.

Li Chunbo is completely indifferent to this, and the sword is on.


The fifth sighed softly and said: "Mu brother, if there is a relationship, the Tianding event will be the time for you and me to fight again."

Mo Tianji smiled: "As far as I am concerned, I am afraid that it is destined to have a fate. This battle may not be avoided."

"Several is a foregone conclusion." The fifth smiled softly: "The nine-day battle of the demon, this idea is impossible to achieve; the self-interest of the nine families will cause you to choose to destroy them, so you and I will have a battle. That war, but I don’t know who God wants."

The chic waved, the fifth softly turned and went in the direction of the coming.

He is free and easy, and it seems that the battlefield of thousands of people in front of him is just a meaningless sacrifice.

Don't worry about it!

Mo Tianji held his hand and stood quietly, watching the fifth gently leave, and his right hand raised his fist in the back; his eyes flashed.

He actually wants to kill the fifth gentleness at this time. Once the chance of this big problem is lost, it is hard to find it, but after all, there is still no shot!

He doesn't want to shoot!

A flash of people, Chu Yang and other people appeared in his side, Chu Yang asked: "How?"

Mo Tiandao said: "A terrible person, a very respectable opponent. He... is not as mean and shameless as in the rumors, but there is a kind of ... unscrupulous confession of confession, very strange, very contradictory ,very……"

"It's different from a real villain, but it's definitely not a hypocrite!"

"What is the unscrupulous belief in becoming a king?" Chu Yang muttered a remark, saying: "Yes! The fifth gentleness is such a person, this statement is very vivid."

"Boss, do we really not fight?" Dong did not want to try.

"We have to fulfill a few wishes of Lijia. One is Li Xiangsi, the other is Li Jiafu." Chu Yang sighed: "Tianji, did you think... We use others, but in the end it is so muddy?"

Mo Tianji said with a wry smile: "Because we are still not the fifth gentle."

Chu Yang laughed and said: "Perhaps, this is a ‘human'; the true meaning of existence is this humanity!”

Mo Tianji nodded and meditated: "Everything can be sacrificed. After all, it is a means of arrogance; I don't think that I am a hero, but when things come, I can't be as cruel and free as he is."

Chu Yang nodded and said deeply: "This is where you are better than him!"


The coalition forces were suddenly attacked by self-destruction, but they were slightly confusing. However, in a very short period of time, they regained their footsteps and immediately counterattacked. As a result of the tide, they would drown the masters in the crowd. The two sides had just contacted each other. Ten people lost their lives!

The knife is like a forest, the sword is like a rain; the knife is dead, the sword is chasing the soul.

When Li Xiangsi and others were just entering, they were immediately separated.

But everyone has no fear of all, and try to fight!

Everyone is coming to die, killing a fight, ** one enough, more than a few to earn!

One after another, the family screamed into the intensive battle circle of the enemy and then exploded!

The violent shock wave is raging everywhere.

But no one cares.

Everyone on both sides has been stunned.

Although the number of enemies is very small, but one is a super-dead person; and can survive to the present, no one is not a master of superior strength, an old fox with a superb mind.

Whether it is eyesight or reaction, it is superhuman, and naturally there is superhuman life.

Therefore, they even choose the timing of self-destruction, but also superhuman!

You can see at a glance whether the enemy in front can kill himself; if it can, of course, wait for the killing of these and then blew himself up; if it is impossible, only if it is killed, then naturally it will detonate without hesitation. Of course, it is ideal to be able to make it to the enemy's crowded area.

For a time, the sound of the thunder became a piece.

Pieces of dead bodies appeared one after another, and the next moment, another explosion, another bombing and frying.

The number of six hundred and twenty people in the Li family is in a sudden reduction. There are still six hundred before the blink of an eye, but after blinking, there may be less than five hundred!

Every moment, the dead are countless!

Li Xiangsi saw that his own people had died from their own violent blasts, or they had no time to blew themselves. They only felt that a sorrowful anger in their hearts could no longer be tolerated.

............(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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