Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 840: Northwest Battle [2]

Li Xiangsi can be said to be the most stable and safest link; but this stability and security is relatively speaking.

Li Zuo, Li Zuo, two junior masters accompanied him; these two Li Chunbo's personal bodyguards were assigned to their sons by Li Chunbo during the final battle to defend his safety!

This is the last effort that Li Chunbo can do for his son!

Li family is over, and he has personally destroyed his son’s lifelong happiness. If it is the end, even the son's acacia can't be perfect, Li Chunbo will feel that he is dead!

Li Xiangsi's three strengths are tyrannical and constitute the most stable iron triangle. Fighting back and forth among the enemy line, Li Zuo Li and the two people face like a stone, not moving, just killing!

Before the tyrannical strength of the three people, the coalition masters who died under his command have already exceeded the number of 100, and this number is still rising!

The crowd surged and several unusually strong breaths came on the scene.

The three faces suddenly showed a cautious look.

The nine-level supreme hidden in the enemy line, and finally began to target the shot!

The crowd is a bit. Six people appeared in three directions, and they did not say anything. They flew up and formed a fan-shaped sword. It was like connecting the sky to the ground, and pressing it down!

Three of the law enforcement officers are supreme; and three of the major families are junior and supreme.

Li Xiangsi and other three people are full of red color, but they do not evade, head to head!

With a bang, the nine people are all bleeding and bleeding at the same time in the mouth and nose; the four-footed space is full of square feet, and everyone is shocked by the aftershocks!

The screams came one after another. It was the subconscious shouting of the warriors on both sides during the slaughter. On this battlefield, this shouting was the least valuable. There was also a desperate and vigorous laughter that sounded from time to time. The prelude of the masters to blew themselves, every time they laughed, it was a roar, a rare master of self-destruction, but today it became a cabbage, a penny does not need flowers, let you see the addiction.

If it is normal, a supreme self-destruction is enough to destroy the terrain here, but nowadays so many people, such a strong explosion, the ground is not even a white point!

Smooth as a mirror.

The entire battlefield has become a boiling ocean, a sea of ​​blood and sinks!

More than 600 people have confronted more than 9,000 people. The disparity between the two sides, the two sides who have no contrasts, can fight the smog everywhere, and the war is in full swing! It is so intense that it is unbelievable.

A fierce family screams and screams, and when a sword slams into the enemy's heart, the left palm is opposite to another enemy, and the force is attacked. The palm of the game is naturally down, and the internal injury is instantaneous. Gushing to the lips, forcibly swallowing up the blood, not retreating, not retreating, and slamming his own white head like a mad tiger on the enemy's head, screaming, two At the same time, the head broke the blood flow, and the cockroaches retreated. This encounter was really exhausted, and the heads and jaws were splitting, and even the brains were spilled out!

In the retreat, there were three swords that pierced his body deeply in different directions. He laughed loudly and actually accelerated back and slammed into the arms of one of the enemies. Hey, the enemy’s long sword behind him stuck in his In the waist and abdomen, he was hit by several ribs.

He suffered heavy internal and external injuries, and he struggled himself. The long sword in his hand flew out, and he actually passed a high-ranking master in front of him. When both hands were empty, he laughed and forcedly flipped and hugged the enemy’s head. With a twist, the sword stuck in his body was twisted by him, and he was broken!

Hey, there are seven or eight weapons that are like a chopped melon and cut into his body. It is bruised and bruised, but he doesn’t seem to have any painful feelings. He still uses his strength to twist his body and his blood and bones. They all left in pieces, but he finally turned the enemy's head into life!

The Lijia Supreme held the enemy's head in his hand and yelled at the sky: "You are going to die, I am mad at you? I ate you! Let me die, I ate you! I ate you!"

I really sent the head to my mouth and chewed it!

The mouth is full of blood, including the blood of the enemy, but also his own blood, described as fierce, like a ghost!

In terms of his injury, the internal injuries and traumas are already heavy, and the internal organs are all harmless. Such as the injury, even if you die three or five times, but he still can not persist, the thoughts in the heart, only, the desire to kill The person who died in my family, fled the flesh and blood, and defended my home.

Everyone who sees on one side, no matter how high or low, is not cold, creepy!

Another round of Jianguang flies, the master of the family is turned into a piece of minced meat, and even the head is no exception, only the mouth of the white tongue, from the face to the sky, the mouth is still biting With that person's head, never relax!

"The old five! Hahaha ... die well!" A strong family of seven products supreme laughter like thunder, violently shouted: "I don't want to be a kind of Laozi! Death is good! Dead enough! Your boy did not lose face to Laozi! The spirit is not far away, remember forever, you and his name are fierce! Hahaha..."

The Supreme, who had just died in battle, was his fifth son. The old man laughed and screamed at the scarred body. When he passed, the crowd rushed to avoid the two sides. The invincible momentum of the invincible, people do not dare to block their sharp.

Together with the level master, I can't help but let it go!

Such as the power of the West, shocked on the spot!

The old man came madly, but he stood up in the flesh and blood of his son. He stretched his hand and took the half of his son’s head to his palm. He laughed: "This is a good thing, how to be with you!"

"啪", the broken head of the son's mouth was smashed out, and the palm of his hand was smashed into a powder, and then the body swung, the whole body flashed, but there were countless broken swords from all parts of him. Come out, a scream of screams sounded around.

The old man’s rotating body suddenly settled and began to breathe deeply!

The belly is fierce!

That is the harbinger of self-destruction!

"He wants to blew himself! Fast, kill him! Everyone joins hands and must stop him!" A coalition's seven-piece Supreme screamed and took the lead.

The old man laughed happily: "I will burst when I want to explode! Can you stop it? Can you join hands? Why don't you come over, come over, hahaha... Come and join me on the road!" The sword does not retreat, but flies up, and the knife on the top of the head is like Lin Jianru. He just flies up with countless swords and does not dodge. He is a big boy: "Baby! Waiting for me on Huangquan Road, waiting for the father. You open the road! Our family, Huang Quan, gathers together, follows the ancestors, and creates a great family! Li family, life and death!"

In the raging laughter of the Lang Lang, the old man held his son half a head, and his body fell like a meteorite flying into the crowds of the coalition forces, and exploded!

A large scream called an instant, and the old man blew himself up. He centered on him and emptied himself into a large field. The old man’s laughter seemed to reverberate in the air.

"Good! Three uncles are good! The children are coming!" Another loud voice rang, and it was a high leaping of a person who was surrounded by blood: "How many sins are in my body, if there is an afterlife, then redeem it!"

The "bang" sounded loud!

At this moment, the family is as crazy as it is!

Use a knife to smash, use a sword, wait until any weapons are gone, use your hands, hit with a fist, and finally bite with a tooth; they are like a group of beasts surrounded, in the face of the family burst, everyone is Desperately, use your own life to exchange as many enemy casualties as possible!

The destruction of Li Jia is already a foregone conclusion!

This is already something that the enemy and I understand!

But the annihilation will be destroyed; the final game will be fixed; how to die, how to die, but there is a completely different saying!

It is the most glorious way of death to die in battle and to return to the enemy. It is also the last glory that Lijia can enjoy!

This glory, they are firmly grasped.

Never discard!

Never give up!

What is truly unthinkable is that in this battle, it has shown embarrassment and retreat. It is all overwhelmingly superior to the army masters regardless of the number or strength!

In fact, it must be said that it is incredible, and it may not be obvious. Apart from death, there is no major event. People in the family are not afraid of death, or even for the sake of death. Death is only an inevitable destination for them today.

But those of the coalition masters are afraid of death, and often the more masters are afraid of death, the longer they have lived, the longer they live, the more they are afraid of death. How can those who are afraid of death fight against those who are not afraid of death? The number is far better than the strength, the momentum is far better, the momentum, especially the first voice for the remnant of the enemy, do not hesitate to seek a death, but it is completely incomparable!

Looking at the big and small battles in the past ten years, no matter how well-known and unknown, I have never seen such a fierce battle!

The family at the last moment of their lives is like a beast, and the evil spirits are attached; in the face of the death of the past, it has become so ordinary, even as if it is fascinating.

In the past, when a person died, the whole family would mourn and cry. But now, every dead person, the rest of the living family seems to have eaten * medicine, and once again won the same excitement!

Some people can't stop yelling: "Death is good! I am a family member, it should be so dead! The same family goes slowly, and the rest will go later!"

"Happy! This is the Li family!"

"Li family! Li Jiadan! Li family soul!"

Later, the more and more people in Li Jiazhong screamed and sprinted to the enemy! Their number is absolutely weak, facing the enemy's crushing offensive, but it seems like a winner's cheers, rushing toward the enemy, rushing to death!


"Li family! Li Jiadan! Li family soul!"

Every time this loud noise sounds, it must be accompanied by at least one person to make a bombing explosion!

"I am surnamed Li!"



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