Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 844: Northwest Final Battle [End]

Xiao Chenyu was inhaling for a long time, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. "I understand! You are until the moment of death... I still recognize my brother... but it is the second brother who killed you personally. I am sorry for you. I have no regrets about this matter, but my second brother has to regret for a lifetime. If there is a choice, I would rather be injured..."

Li Chunbo smiled faintly and said: "If you are injured, it is my turn to regret. In fact, I already knew that you have not used me as a brother... but I still..."

He smiled softly: "Second brother, the younger brother died, always have a funeral, let you have this sword, accompany me to bury it..."

Xiao Chenyu loosened the hilt and his body drifted backwards: "Brother..."

Tears finally couldn’t help but fall.

Li Chunbo smiled and seemed to want to say something, but after all, he did not say anything, and then the whole body suddenly exploded silently, turning into a blazing flame, burning in the air.

The nine products are supreme, and the souls of their own souls are fascinated, and all of them are transformed into flames at this moment!

As he said before: I am already tired of the world, even if I have the opportunity of the next life, I don't want it!

Brothers who have been in love for a long time can betray, what else can be true?

Such a world, I don’t want to...

The white flame burned in the air, and Xiao Chenyu’s carrying sword actually melted in it. Little by little, it turns into molten iron, and finally the molten iron disappears, and everything goes to nothing.

The song singer’s wrist shocked, and the ink-colored long knife in his hand suddenly made a squeaking sound. From the middle, he laughed. “One day is a brother, and a lifetime is a brother. Even though your other brothers are not with you, but my song. Xiangge, is to accompany! You always have a good brother!"

"Li Chunbo, I want to tell you solemnly, there is a brother in your life! Real brother!"

Qu Xiangge laughed and turned to look at Xiao Chenyu. His eyes were full of disdain and disdain. He said: "The other ones are that they are not worthy of being your brother! It is not that you have no brothers!"

The body floated, and the righteousness rushed toward the blazing flame. Suddenly, the blazing flame suddenly doubled, and it had to be smashed. The whole body of the song to the song disappeared in the flame without a trace!

The two nine-time supreme, and ultimately did not even choose to kill the enemy.

Instead, they burned themselves directly.

Both of them are arrogant to the extreme. Since death is a foregone conclusion, it is meaningless to drag some ants to bury, and more importantly, they are not worthy!

Secondly, it is also a silent request: We have made clear our minds, then, I am a family of hundreds of thousands of women and children, you can do it!

If you want to kill, you will kill it. Anyway, we must not see it.

But if you still feel some old feelings...

Then, just casually...

The whole world suddenly fell into a silence!

Xiao Chen Yu Yan stood in the air, at this moment, he only felt that the heart was killing. The hatred of the younger brother is completely forgotten.

In his ears, it seems that he still echoes the words of Li Chunbo and Qu Xiangge.

"I thought, in the end, if I blew myself together with the songs to us, even if you can't kill you, you have to bear the injury that you can't recover for decades... But when it comes to the end, there is still no...hehe... ”

"If you are injured, it is my turn to regret it..."

"Actually, I already knew that you have not used me as a brother... but I still..."

"One day is a brother, and my life is a brother; even if your other brothers are not with you, but I am a song, I want to accompany you! You always have a good brother!"

"Li Chunbo, I want to tell you solemnly, there is a brother in your life! Real brother!"

"The other ones are that they don't deserve to be your brother! It's not that you don't have brothers!"


He stood in the air, muttering: "I don't deserve it? Is it that I don't deserve it? Yes... I don't deserve it, I really don't deserve it, you can have no regrets, you have brothers to accompany you."

"If one day, my Xiaochen rain is dead, can someone still accompany me? I am destined to be sorry, because my last brother was killed by my own hands!"

Between the thoughts, Xiao Chenyu was shocked to find that he was infinitely sad, and he felt envious of the two people who had already died.

Because such a brother, he did not, the last one, was also killed by himself!

Or it should be said that on the day of the drunkenness of the barbecue, when the wine cellar was broken, the brother was no longer there!

The white flame gradually burned out and eventually disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Chenyu stood up and stood still for a long time. He suddenly fell down deeply, screaming deeply, whispering: "Li Chunbo, I really don't deserve to be your brother! I really envy you, brothers to death. Accompanied!"

Suddenly a sigh, "Wow", a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and his face was pale.

In the current state of Xiao Chenyu's cultivation, in addition to the consumption of many powers, there is almost no damage, this mouth is the blood of sadness, the blood of heartache, full of remorse, all in this blood in.

Before Li Chunbo didn't die, Xiao Chenyu always felt that even if he really killed him, it wouldn't be a big deal, but at the moment, when Li Chunbo really disappeared in this world forever, Xiao Chenyu suddenly felt inexplicably empty. Silent, did not catch and fish, it seems that the heavens and the earth are silent at this moment.

For a time, my heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

He closed his eyes tired and gasped slightly. The heart suddenly emerged as a scene of the past...

I still remember that before the 10,000 years ago, the brothers met for the first time. At that time, the brothers had no interest in it. I still remember that the ten-year-old child stood in front of himself in matureness: "I am Li Chunbo. Are you Xiao Erge?"

"Xiao Erge, I am fighting with Ye Qiu, I am so hurt, you help me out..."

"You are so good at Xiao Erge! How good if you are my brother!"

"Xiao Erge, the trick is always a good brother!"

It seems that I grew up in an instant, and the white robe youth looked at herself affectionately: "Xiao Erge, I have good wine here, my brother respects you."

It seems that at a time when two families competed for a certain interest, then Li Chunbo was already a middle-aged man in white. In front of the two families, he said in an understatement: "It is something that Xiao Erge wants, we give up!"

So decided.

This does not hesitate.

"What do brothers want, as long as I have, I will give, no matter what." After a drink, Li Chunbo smiled faintly.

Today, he is dead.

Killed by yourself.

Before dying, there was no blast, and it disappeared forever between the heavens and the earth.

Is it true that the long years of time, can really annihilate all true feelings?

Thinking of the subtle look of Li Chunbo before he died, Xiao Chenyu suddenly felt the hatred in his heart disappeared, only endless sadness and sadness.

He only feels that his soul is empty at this moment. The nine robbers and his brothers are clearly on the opposite side of the mountain; but at this moment, he has no revenge and hatred.

I only feel the tireless fatigue.

It’s like trying to take a nap and want to sneak a sip of the drunken wine.

Just as Li Quanbo had no stagnation and no stagnation, he laughed and laughed.

Although Li Chunbo is dead now, he is full of envy of Li Chunbo!

This is a lifetime! A man's life!


Xiao Chenyu was like a dead body. He fell from the sky without any spirit. He fell to the ground. His feet were not stable. It was a slap in the heart. There was a sharp pain in his heart. It seemed that the soul was missing such a pain. Another three **** spit, all bright red!

Fighting with Li Chunbo and Qu Xiangge, although he suffered some internal injuries, he is definitely not so serious. Absolutely not to spit out the blood of the heart!

But at this moment, Xiao Chenyu feels that he can't suppress it and wants to vomit blood, and can't restrain the fierce soul pain!

It seems that I have spit out my own blood and spit it out to be comfortable.

One of the eight peaks of the supreme scars came over: "Xiao Lao, we... what do we do next?"

Xiao Chenyu waved tiredly: "Don't ask me, everything you do, don't ask me anything!"

Which master hesitated, said: "I mean the next step, let's find the nine robbers and the nine robbers... or kill the Lijia base camp..."

"Hey!" Xiao Chenyu's heavy slap on his face, said with anger: "You are stunned!? I said don't ask me, it's all! Did you hear it?! I don't understand it! Can't you understand people?"

The eight-product supreme was directly beaten by his slap by a few dozen feet. His body was like a spinning top, and he was almost killed by a slap, but he dared not say anything.

Let me say a few more words, maybe I will put a little life on it!

Xiao Chen rained two steps and walked into a tent; this was a sleigh tent that he could travel. After he entered, he put the curtain down and there was no more sound.

All the coalition forces face each other and say: "You don't talk, let's do it? Is it going to fight the robbery? Or go to rob the family? The most important thing is that the remaining women in the family are not killing? What should we do?" You don't even say, how can we dare to make claims?"

The fifth is gentle and slow.

Everyone was overjoyed, and the fifth commander is here. It is equal to the backbone of the heart. If the fifth is gentle, even Xiao Chenyu will not easily refute.

"How do you do it, don't ask me." The fifth gently shakes his hand, and his demeanor is a bit sorrowful. "From the moment of the decisive battle, I am no longer the commander of the coalition; but also afterwards. There are so many... The foundation of Li Jiawan’s many slogans, how many ** 孺 ...... This is a thing worth considering. This is a problem within your nine family, so... I don’t participate in any opinions.”


I fell to death today; I was drunk last night, I slept until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I was in a hurry, I stumbled into the toilet, and the pants I just put on fell again. I grabbed my leg and slammed it from the bed. It’s down... it’s solid... It’s a lot of things on the spot, a red big bag on the forehead, and it’s not getting up for a long time...

My wife said that I went to the hospital and I refused it resolutely; it is... I can't afford to lose this person... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (Flying Astronomy Www Pointing Sky Full Fighting Net) Collection And recommendation, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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