Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 845: You have to remember what you said!

Chen Jianlong laughed loudly and said: "There is a sin in this step of the present family. This is what sin deserves. Since they are enemies of each other, what are the internal and external problems? My opinion is very simple. Directly killing the past, copying the door to the house, scribbling the roots, as for the property of the family, the average distribution of each is!"

One of Shijia’s supreme said: “Yes, in the past, it has always been the case for other families. What exceptions are there? Our eight families and law enforcers, more than 30,000 people came to the northwest, and now they will stop With less than 5,000 left, can those who die not die in vain? If there is no gain, can we not even have to pay for ourselves?"

"Yes, those who died will not die? The brothers who died will have family at home. If you can't get some benefits from here, what about those people? The family lost the pillars, and so on. Being bullied and killed?"

"Lijia is a loser! The loser must have the consciousness of being a loser!"

"This is the rule of the rivers and lakes, and it has always been this way!"

"What can be the exception?"

For a time, everyone seems to be filled with indignation, and everyone is justified.

The fifth is soft and faint: "I just remind you that you and the Li family are also among the nine families! Li is like this today. If one day, your family... also goes to these places, but How do you say?"

"When the king is defeated, what else is there to say?" Chen Jianlong was unhappy, saying: "The defeat is defeated. It is true that the day is naturally our own wife and child damn, what else to say!"

When I was talking about it, I only heard a voice from Sen Han saying: "Yes! I hope you remember your words. If one day Chen’s family is destroyed, then your wife and children are destined to die... I will never let Any one!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that not far away, a young man in black was standing in the wind, his eyes gleaming, looking at this side. This sentence is not high, but it is murderous!

Everyone has a sudden heart, this person who speaks is the Chu Yang of the Nine Robbery Sword!

It was actually caught in a dead silence.

No one dares to swear this sentence, because the person who speaks is Chu Yang, the contemporary nine-robber sword master!

Others say this sentence, everyone will only be ridiculous, but the nine robber sword master said this sentence, everyone feels the pressure of Senran!

Nine robbery sword master, 90,000 years undefeated!

Nine robbery brothers, the world is invincible!

The nine robbery sword master will surely unify the nine heavens!

According to the history of this 100,000-year history, my family can almost be said to be destined to be destroyed in this person. At this moment, he said this sentence, which is equivalent to making a prophecy, a prophecy that is very likely to be realized!

How is the pressure on everyone? !

By his side, the nine robbers brothers have gathered together, and a pair of eyes gaze at this side.

Everyone was speechless for a moment, and they wanted to say a few words, but they couldn’t say it.

Even if the strength of the two sides at the moment contrasts, the coalition forces will have hundreds or more times more power than Chu Yang and others. If the two sides are really fighting, Chu Yang and others will have no chance of being spared! If it is a simple comparison of strength, as long as a few nine masters shot, you will be able to smash the nine robbery brothers, kill the nine robbers!

But the problem is that Chu Yang and others did not participate in the pre-war, and this is a new force.

They have another advantage, that is, they can withdraw at any time.

If you don't want to fight, if you don't want to fight, you believe that even if it is Xiao Chenyu, you may not be able to catch up.

Besides, there is still a think tank in the nine robbers; the fifth commander once solemnly stated that the Sanguang array has only used one daylight array, and there are still two unused ones!

Who knows how the terrible nine-robbery think tank will arrange the two?

Now, the nine-robbery think tank is not here, do not know where to go?

Or is it in the dark? If it is really played, the nine robbery swordsmen and others will introduce themselves into the smashing of somewhere, and they themselves will naturally know the way to avoid evil, we...

At this point, everyone has made a nap: the consequences can be really unimaginable.

As long as Xiao Chenyu does not speak, everyone will definitely not choose to start with this time. Although in theory, the Nine Robber Swordsman is the No. 1 enemy, but at this moment, Lijia Fortune has already entered the palm of his hand...

What is the purpose of snoring?

Who will put the vested interests aside, but go to the mysterious enemy that is irrelevant but extremely powerful?

Isn't that a silly fork?

What's more, the poisonous medicine dance is still on the sidelines, and it is clearly a group of people. Who dares to touch this mold?

"The threat of the sword master, we naturally do not dare to take it lightly!" Chen Jianlong said in a humble way: "Only this time, the sword master is exposed too early."

The implication is that you are exposed so early, even if we can't kill you now, but the power of the nine major families in the world kills you one or two, it is still easy.

Chu Yang Sen Ran said: "Then you mean... the women and children of Li family, can't you let go?"

Chen Jianlong stunned, loudly: "Yes! If one day, the sword master will capture the Chen family, you can also take it for destruction! No need to let anyone go!"

Chu Yang faintly said: "You must remember what you said! The cause of today is the fruit of tomorrow!"

Chen Jianlong said: "The old man is like a wind, a word!"

Then he sneered: "I will wait for the immediate start, go to the Lijia base camp, the sword master can go together to see? See how I kill people?"

Chuyang Sen cold road: "I will see it! I will definitely take a look!"

Chen Jianlong laughed and turned away: "Go! Walk around! Everyone has made a fortune..."

The coalition was suddenly excited.

The crowd followed and the sled slowly started; Xiao Chenyu was sitting inside. He clearly heard that the nine robbers were outside, but I don’t know how, at this moment, the heart is tired and even angry can’t afford it. Any interest!

Until now, Xiao Chenyu is still immersed in the things that go to the world for thousands of years.

"Boss, do we really care?" Gu Lundong frowned.

“How could it be?” Chu Yang smiled faintly: “But there is still a bird below, or you need to dig it out first.”

If it is normal, as long as this sentence is said, everyone must want to laugh. It is a matter of course that it is a matter of course. It is necessary to play a treasure. If you want to degrade a bird in advance, such as stripping pigs. Ah, if the bird is all exposed, it depends on how much the atmosphere is violent.

However, it was only after a fierce battle, even if it was not personally involved, but also a lot of emotions, even this person can not laugh, even if the humorous people like Ji Mo, this moment is silent.

Very heavy mood.

Chu Yang sighed and wanted to be active, but he didn't think about it. Even his own mood was depressed and how was the atmosphere active?

The coalition forces have gradually withdrawn. It’s already completely quiet!

Looking at the blood mist that has not been dissipated in the air, everyone is very depressed, and the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

Li Chunbo is dead.

And it is so dead.

Let the brothers have some complicated feelings in their hearts.

Whether the Li family is evil or not, whether it is mad or not, whether it is damn, this is a matter of opinion. But Li Chunbo, the old man, is the object of respect for everyone!

And it is the kind of respectful!

The old man can be called a hero, even a perfect hero.

This point has already gained everyone's consensus.

But no one can think of it, he will fall like this without any price today. The death is so clean and neat.

But when I think about it, if Li Chunbo didn't die like this, it wouldn't be Li Chunbo; if he finally blew himself up for the replacement price, then he chose to live with the burden of humiliation, and it is more cost-effective to go to revenge.

The nine strong supreme strong people are not manpower to be encircled. Even if it is as strong as Xiao Chenyu, it is difficult to stop Li Chunbo who is completely escaping. Even the majority is the same as Xiao Chenyu. The result is still the same.

If you want to kill the nine strong supreme powers in the true sense, you must have extremely special means, or you may have tyrannical strength beyond the boundaries of the nine-level supreme level, such as purple evil spirits, it is possible to kill the nine products supreme, otherwise You don't have to think about it!

But Li Chunbo is Li Chunbo after all, he has no choice!

Although he is already disappointed with the world, he still has his own bottom line; although he no longer believes in any emotions, he still believes and abides by his own feelings and persistence.

The brothers sighed together.

Strong, Li Chunbo!

Suddenly trembled under the feet; a faint wave of turbulence, let this piece of flat to the ground, filled with a magical rhythm at this moment.

However, Mo Tianji was relieved of the influence of the Sanguang array.

Hundreds of millions of amethysts, instantaneously turned into tantalum powder.

At this moment, somewhere in the underground, suddenly a "beep" burst and opened, a thin figure storm rushed into the sky for hundreds of feet, a big mouthful of gasping, a series of roar: "He ** I almost killed my old man!"

The thin figure is naturally ignorant, a bare-eyed bird.

Smoothness is inevitable. After all, it is into the magma. What kind of clothing can withstand the temperature of the magma? To say that this Phoenix adult is very unlucky, as Gu said, when he rushed into the magma, he did not consider that it was derived from the role of Sanguang, and naturally Three light bursts!

He didn't even think about it until he rushed in.

There is only one mind to enhance the strength, wholeheartedly, greedy to absorb the heat of magma, turned into his own Phoenix real yuan.

This is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; the magma heat caused by the unusually intense sunlight; this is not a rare occurrence, but a special scene that does not appear at all. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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