Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 850: Long Fengming, Samsung moves, and elves!

Chu Yang’s voice smiled and gave a response: “Look at what you said, the choice can be all in Xiao Lao, you are not, we are not going to be embarrassed with you; but just to ask you a sentence; these people are your brother’s Family, descendants of descendants, are you sure you want to kill your own brother's family? Completely destroy your world."

Xiao Chenyu said: "As a loser, there should be the realization of the loser. Besides... my brother is already dead. If his wife and daughter are in the hands of others, they will be robbed. Will be bullied**; but there are old men watching here, but they can guarantee their death, but this is already the limit that the old man can do."

"Do you really want them to fall from the peak and fall directly into the depths of the abyss? Nine robbers, you should not use your so-called Da Ren hat to deduct people; the people of our nine family, that family does not have this Enlightenment? The recurrence of the nine-year catastrophe, the annual rotation, has long been a testimony!"

Chu Yang sneered: "Awakening? Demonstration?! It is a fart! Why don't you ask these people in front of you, these are all family members of your brothers, you ask, do they want to die, or want to live?"

Xiao Chen Yu Dao: "Even if they want to live, I will never let them live with the shame of shame! If they can survive without regard to the skin of the family, they will not be qualified to surname, if they are not surnamed Do I still need to take care of my brotherhood?"

Chu Yang嘿嘿 sneer: "The paradox, in turn, the past is all your reason, you can take care of them with your ability, Xiaojia family is big, and it is not a problem to support so many people? Why must we kill?"

Next to Jimo and Rock's enemies laughed.

This sentence really interprets Xiao Chenyu's hypocrisy into the bones.

You said that you don't want your brother's family to live humiliatingly. Then, with your Xiao family business, what problems do you have to support a few people? Besides, this is the relative of your brother, not an outsider for you.

But Xiao Chenyu is obviously unwilling.

He led the crowd to destroy the family, and he was able to turn himself upside down, scolding the roots, and turning over his head to feed so many family members? Besides, these are all real enemies, and maybe there will be endless troubles.

Although the Xiao family is big, how can it be raised? What's more, it's not always feasible to guard against counter-attacks.

Xiao Chenyu’s eyes are cold and cold: “Is the intention of the Lord of the Nine Robbery Swords to be shot to save them? Is it to be a slave or a cannon?”

"I keep, I maintain, I will use them as cannon fodder as a slave, and he has nothing to do with you! Because, I want them to live! Give them hope!" Chu Yang said with sarcasm: "Most At least, even if I am a villain, the danger of taking people is also done in the clear, not like you are so full of morality and morality, the knife in hand is killing at any time."

"I have already made it clear that I want to kill people. I want to scribble and eliminate the roots, but I just say that I don’t want them to live humiliatingly... Xiao Chenyu, are you still a bit of shame?"

Xiao Chenyu was unhappy, saying: "Chuyang, you are the real despicable villain!"

He said that Chu Yang, simply hit a slap...

Suddenly, a woman from Li’s family looked sullen and sighed with a sigh of relief. “Xiao Chenyu, you are really disgusting! With your qualifications, you can juxtapose the ancestors of my family with my ancestors. ?"

Since the beginning, a woman has been screaming in a moment, a sharp voice said: "Xiao Chenyu, we are not dead, it doesn't matter, but the children always have to live... you are so cherished with the brothers of the ancestors, then only support So thousands of people are not talking about it?"

"Xiao Chenyu, we can believe you, as long as you say, these thousands of children can live, then ... I wait for all the adults here, can be in front of you in the blink of an eye! We don't want you to overburden How? Is this burden not heavy?"

"We don't need you to promise more, you don't need to let them have a good future, just let them live, have a tone, or even keep the surname, Xiao Chenyu, can you agree?"

There are requests, pleadings, and sarcasm... But a common desire cannot be concealed: these women want to let their children live, and do whatever it takes.

Even though they have hated the extremes, mutual grievances have long been unable to resolve, but they are still working hard with a glimmer of hope and doing everything in their power.

Although they know that Xiao Chenyu will definitely not agree, but at this moment they have given up their dignity to plead; even if they hope to swear again, for the last glimmer of effort...

For Chu Yang and others, they do not hope; because the number of people like Chu Yang is too small, the discerning person knows that it is definitely not the opponent of the coalition.

But they are still grateful in their hearts, because they have forged a chance to ask for their own waiting for others.

Because my child is still not dead at this moment, it is good to be able to live more than once...

Xiao Chenyu's face was blue and closed his eyes.

How dare he promise? How can I promise?

Seeing the hatred of thousands of young people, if the 7,000 people with good qualifications really grow up, what kind of storm will be set up inside the Xiao family... even as a servant... But who knows when? Can there be a huge change?

This risk, how can Xiao Chenyu afford it?

Seeing this reaction of Xiao Chenyu, everyone understands.

"False! Disgusting!" Rock's enemies spit on the ground, stunned.

"Xiao Chenyu, you are too hypocritical!"

"Xiao Chenyu, like your mouth full of benevolence and morality, the hypocrite of a man who is full of belly thieves is still very beautiful, you are still a personal..."

A scream of snoring came.

I have to say that it is absolutely more vicious than women to pick up people, and they are flexible and flexible. In an instant, the sons and grandsons of Xiao Chenyu were all cursed at least once, and the eight generations of ancestors were all greeted, and there will never be any leaks...

Xiao Chenyu’s face suddenly jumped on his muscles and finally waved his hand. “Everyone started, they tried their best, and they all killed!”

"Yes!" Chen Jianlong and other orders have been a long time.

Dancing in the city is furious, faintly said: "Xiao Chenyu, it seems that you really do not know how to live and die, in this case, the old man is convenient for you to do a game here! And look at the old man's poison, how many people can kill! ”

Chu Leer came out with a voice, and the sly figure stood on the snow and smiled. "There are some poisonous things here..." The hand was raised, and it was a blue-blue smoke, flying out.

Blending with the blue smoke of the dance city, a poisonous smoke suddenly swelled into dozens of feet and became a smoke wall. Yokohama is between the two sides.

Chu Yang laughed happily: "We have several brothers, and naturally we must also teach the eight major families."

The situation suddenly became a hit!

Xiao Chenyu’s pupils contracted, and the killing in the eyes was getting heavier and heavier.

Suddenly a long shout, a clear voice said: "The eight princes and six princes are respectful, Wanshui Qianshan I am the king!"

When the voice came out, the nine robbers and brothers were distorted at the same time. They were not afraid, nor jealous, but... some disgusting nausea.

This buddy... it’s endless! Don’t you say this sentence when you play? ......

Even the muscles on the face of the dance are twitching.

A greenery suddenly rose, and the son of Weigong appeared. In this snow and ice, he stepped on the green vines. Step by step, the lotus came along, all the way to the middle of the confrontation between the two armies, and smiled: "Brothers, don't come. Innocent?"

Chu Yang cried and laughed, Dong did not hurt and sighed. Mo Tianji looked bitter; Ji Mo shouted: "Wei brother, those two sentences are really prestige, wow haha..."

Wei Gongzi’s screaming, actually opened a folding fan in the cold ice and snow, and actually slowly fanned twice, and said flatly: “That is that!”

The arrogant cloud and the ambiguity only feel that the blood force in the body seems to be dragged. Suddenly, the sound of the screams is long, and the dragons and phoenixes are smashed in the air, and they are intertwined in the air.

Opposite, Xiao Chenyu’s eyes showed a solemn look, and Shen Sheng asked: “What exactly have you become a monster?”

Wei Gongzi was furious and turned around and screamed: "Quiet?! You blame your uncle! You are a strange! Your quan family is a strange! Laozi is an elf, an elf! You are a lonely country!"

"Elves..." Xiao Chen Yu Yu generally spit out a breath, and for a time his face was burning and self-confident!

I actually think of an elf as a strange...

This is going to spread out, and my reputation can really resound through the nine heavens... and it’s a stupid reputation!

The heart sighed. After all, the elves did not appear for 100,000 years. Who can think of the elves? 100,000 years...

"It turned out to be an elf..." The look of depression and anger in Xiao Chenyu's eyes is becoming more and more intense. He said faintly: "No matter what you are... Since you want to preserve our enemies, there is a choice and me." Enemy, then... just stay here!"

The Li family members were all energetically excited, and suddenly they stopped their chests, and the desperate atmosphere just swept away!

We, after all, have reinforcements!

We, after all, still depend!

Seeing the war at a glance...

Suddenly there was a loud voice and a big laugh said: "How is it so lively here? The king came out to let the wind out, play a game, actually can catch up with a lively, not bad, really good. Small, look at the past Let these ignorant humans look at the face of the great devil, Ying Wei!"

"The Holy King is mighty!" An earth-shattering flattering sound.

Everyone looked up and saw the distant sky. A group of people was dark and inky, suddenly flashing; the whole person immediately turned into a black mist and flew.


Continue to code words, the more bottlenecks, the more the monthly ticket doubled, had to fight together. In the early morning, I will try to write a chapter out; if I can't write it, I will work overtime... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation. .)

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