Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 851: The holy family shot!

Behind this scene, there are hundreds of black shadows, neatly flying... everyone’s pupils shrink at the same time, shocked to see!

Neatly flying over, which means...

High-level supreme! Supreme six products or more!

Is it... so many people are all?

That... it’s really troublesome...

"The volley of the wind! These people are all high-end supreme!" Xiao Chenyu and other people suddenly smashed, all of them were shocked by their own judgment.

If these hundreds of people are high-ranking supreme, then these forces can be much more terrifying than the current strength of the coalition forces.

Just don't know, which power is suddenly emerging? Which party is it attached to?

Xiao Chenyu and the coalition’s high-ranking Supreme are all frowning, and they can’t think of it. Where did this power come from? Throughout the mainland, I have never heard of such a group of forces.

The dance city is also in doubt.

Only Chu Yang and others, the eyes flashed a joy.

There are even some angry depressions: what about him! This idiot is finally here!

The black mist drifted and wandered. After several twists and turns, it finally came to the front. An unprecedented atmosphere of Xiao Xiao suddenly swept the audience.

The black mist gradually dissipated, and a dark shadow appeared in the air, standing against the wind, a king of the world!

Behind him, there was a veteran like a drum. The whole person was round and round, and he did not know that he had moved out of a chair from there. Then he put the chair in the void, and this chair actually So safe and secure in the air.

It is actually the "empty void" method!

Previously, the big man's big-handed 'Ha, Ha, Ha' three laughs, smiled like a singer, then walked two steps in the dragon walk, walked to the front of the chair, and sat down with a big thorn. At the same time, Erlang’s legs were raised high, but he dug his nose, and he smashed his head: “An old drum, I am handsome today?”

On the one hand, the ancient one was watching the sky, and without any expression, said: "You are handsome."

The man laughed and said: "The following, oh old man, you said, I am handsome today!"

When the signboard came out, Chu and other brothers had a stomachache at the same time... This is not only the signboard of talking, but also the only way for him to find trouble! As long as I talk about the big devil wanting to make trouble, when this sentence comes out, I really can’t make it anymore...

Talking about the fingers stretched out, the target of the finger is Chen Jianlong.

Talking about the person’s style, the momentum is simply the singularity of the singer, I believe that it is hard to be more arrogant than this master!

Chen Jianlong looked up and looked up, but he saw that the man was like a big manure on the same beach. He was sitting on the empty suspended chair. He sat without a seat, and he was even more strange. He had an eyebrow and a big eyebrow. One eye is small, one round eye, one triangular eye, the triangular eye is quite big and pointed, the rounded eye is quite small and flat, the garlic nose, even the two nostrils are actually a round one, and there is a **** mouth, actually still 歪of……

All in all, in short, all the uncoordinated images that the world can have can be found on this guy's face; just looking at his face, there is already a possibility that people have to go to the fire at any time!

Such a person is actually asking himself, is he handsome? !

I have a grass, how do you feel embarrassed to ask for your exit, your appearance, hanging a little with the handsome words? There is wood...

Chen Jianlong had a sigh of relief in his stomach, but he smiled and said: "You are so handsome, you just know that you are..."

Chen Jianlong is sinister and arrogant, but he still has a little cleverness. He is used to seeing high-pitched people and seeing low-stepping. Don’t look at the people in front of you, but they are based on the means of their group, the empty hand, and the chilling to the extreme. The guys are obviously the heads of this group of people. Even if they are reluctant and unwilling in their hearts, they still have to flatter their faces and ask for the details of the other party!

We can despise a person's despicable, shameless, inferior, and splattered, but can't marry the experience of that person. Chen Jianlong is a man or is not desirable, but his mentality of being able to bend is still worth learning.

Next to it, Xiao Chenyu has been unable to help but whispered out: "Samsung Holy Family?!"

This name of the ethnic group that once shaken the entire last three days is almost a taboo, a taboo that is not willing to mention.

Chen Jianlong and others were shocked. They all know that Xiao Chenyu’s experience has been seen for a long time. It should be seen that some clues are seen. Everyone is staring at them. I saw that each of these people has an unusually obvious sign on their foreheads; Some of them are shaped by the shape of the moon and some are starlight.

These marks are naturally grown on their foreheads, not formed.

A group of people suddenly realized that these guys are really the legendary Samsung saints. But how can these guys appear here?

Coincidentally? No one believes that this answer is killed. They suddenly came here, wanting to do something, is to share a piece of cake, or to be an enemy of the coalition forces, in terms of the strength that this group has shown so far, if it is just for a share, then it is better to say, It’s amazing to give them three melons and jujubes, but if it’s absolutely enemies, then the situation is a bit bad. There are nine robbery sword masters, nine robbery brothers, and dance masters and apprentices; there are Samsung saints outside, and they are attacking each other. Even if it can handle it, it will certainly pay a lot of price.

The coalition people are thinking, but the person who heard the above question is obviously the leader, and the ugly ghost who is too big and too outrageous, screaming at Chen Jianlong: "The old things of the miscellaneous! Are you thinking about it?" Death? How dare you treat this king?"

Chen Jianlong stunned: "Well, what's wrong? What did I say?" The heart could not help but anger, you ugly ghost just asked me if you are handsome, I don't want to be extra-budgeted, and you are handsome, you are still angry. stand up? Do you have to tell the truth? Really, this is true!

"You really have this reason!" said the anger and said: "This king condescends to be expensive, sincerely asks you that this Wang Shuai is not handsome, but it gives you a big face, but you do not know how to lift, perfunctory The thing! Just now, clearly is a violation of the words! Now I will give you a chance, I ask you, this Wang Shuai is not handsome?!"

Chen Jianlong’s words are a glimpse: Is this guy actually very self-aware, in fact, to listen to the truth?

So exaggerating his handsome is not happy? That would be easy!

So I let out a sigh of relief and said: "I was just polite, you are really not handsome, not very handsome!"

When I talked about the rumors, I suddenly smoked and violently jumped like a thunder. "Well, you are an old bastard, and you dare to say that I am not handsome! It’s really daring, upside down, black and white, I don’t know how high, thick, come, give me his whole ** Come out and settle on his face!"

Everyone is mad, including the Samsung people, or it should be said that the most ugly face is actually them.

The king’s lack of adjustment has long been understood and accepted by everyone, but at this moment, this environment, this occasion, is really a shame!

Say you are handsome, you say that people are against the heart; if you are not handsome, you are angry and angry... How can you satisfy your heart...

Talking about a piece of tender meat at the waist, it was screwed by a jade handkerchief. The path was rotated for a full circle, and it was a full circle of three hundred and sixty degrees.

The big devil who is giving orders is suddenly distorted and almost turned into a normal person...

The ancient drum twisted the front step on the face: "Get it!"

Immediately, I saw a round bulging body rushing down from the air, aiming at Chen Jianlong!

Between the movements of the bulging body, only one piece of scorpion was formed at the same time. Everyone had a feeling at the same time. This piece of heaven suddenly became a funnel and buckled down. The ancient drum was the tip of the bottom of the funnel. !

A mysterious and strong suction force suddenly formed, and the "bang" sounded, the invisible funnel fell like lightning, slammed into the earth, and then heard the "bang", everyone else around Chen Jianlong was forced to be strong. The fierce force flew out.

The crowd that was originally very crowded suddenly became Chen Zhilong’s lonely person standing there!

The ancient drums came to the same place, and the body flicked down. Chen Jianlong suddenly suffered a change, but he also got rid of it. He was able to keep his mind out of his mind and shouted, and he slammed his hand and tried to fight against others. Come on, the helper on your side will come soon, then, naturally, it will be safe.

The ancient drum sneered, the right hand sneaked, and the first move first, has accurately grasped Chen Jianlong's wrist, Chen Jianlong's right hand stabbed, intended to solve the danger of the left hand, but Jianguang has not yet formed a moment, the ancient one drum 兀Opened a big mouth, even bite off the one hundred long sword "crash"! Immediately hand and force, Chen Jianlong had already smashed the whole person, and the powerlessness on his head and feet was fixed in the air! At this point, Chen Jianlong has no room for resistance, and he is a fish.

Then, it is the beginning of Chen Jianlong’s tragedy...

The ancient drum is obviously obeying the royal order of a holy king, and regardless of the occasion, when the left hand stretches out and slams, Chen Jianlong’s robes are torn apart, and he laughs: “Sacred King! You are letting the subordinates The guy’s ** is pulled out and put on his face, isn’t it?” With the rupture of the robes, the hand has moved to the center of the human body, and the next move will be seen.

At this time, Xiao Chenyu has come from the sword and shouted: "Let go!"

If this fat man really stunned Chen Jianlong in the eyes of the public, it is not necessary to take the next step. It is estimated that Chen Jianlong will never see another person again; let alone say... pull out the whole piece and install it. On the face.

The ancient drums snorted, and the left-handed scorpion slammed out. Only one of the flesh palms collided with Xiao Chenyu’s long sword, and even the half-step did not retreat, and did not fall into the wind!

Xiao Chenyu turned back with a head and his face was dignified: "Have you been the peak of nine products?"


Seek double monthly ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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