Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 871: Tianmo source

Fa Zun thought of this, suddenly there was a darkness in front of him, and his head was accompanied by violent pain. This time, the pain was just a thousand knives, and it was better than all the tortures!

As in the eighteen layers of hell, all kinds of punitive means, regardless of the order, at the same time.

"Ah~~~" Fa Zun has two hands to hold his head, and he is very embarrassed, and he looks awkward.

He screamed in unstoppable breath, he has been very calm and calm, but the excitement of this moment is much more painful and more intense than the night drunk!

"Quickly choose! If you don't choose, you will lose the chance to choose!" The voice of the devil whispered low.

"I chose..." The law was full of gasping, and sweating out of the air, almost all collapsed.

"Fast! Don't choose, just go to die!"

"I...I..." Law replied with tears in his hair, and finally gave up awkwardly. He looked like he had no bones and softened his eyes. His eyes were blind: "I'm sorry..."

Since I have betrayed once, then... what is the relationship between betrayal once again?

I have persisted this time without betrayal, but will they forgive me? We are all people who are not allowed to have embarrassment; as long as there is one, 疙瘩 will always exist...

Law smiled bitterly, but there were two drops of tears in his eyes.

I did not expect that life will come again, let you choose again. At this time, I still have to betray...

I still don't want to die, I really just don't want to die, can you forgive me?

"I choose, myself... to live!" Fa Zun smashed his eyes, his mind had completely collapsed, and he looked at the sky with a dull look. There seemed to be eight brothers watching himself.

"Located in the middle... the power of the soul is injected... let that one have a chance to live..."

After all kinds of painful struggles, Fa Zun finally repeated the original choice.

If you die together at that time, it will be over; but if you want to leave one to go out and ask for justice, anyone will go out the same, but Faozun still chooses himself...

This will allow other brothers to accept this opportunity to survive.

But he didn't have it after all.

This is where his pain is!

This time, he was worried, even though he repented, but he has been obsessed with 30,000 years. How could the original brother forgive himself?

Since I can't forgive, then... What good is it for me?

Since it was sentenced... there is still a turning back!

After making this choice; Fa Zun only felt that the whole person was as if he had been taken away from the soul, and he fell to the ground softly. Then, a pure spirit of the demon poured into his mind and poured into his heart. As soon as he said, Fa Zun only felt that he suddenly broke into thousands of pieces...

He slammed on the ground and lost all consciousness.

A group of strong black gas was formed rapidly in his eyebrows. The black gas seemed to be darker than the night. Finally, it turned into a bright black seed. It slowly floated out of the forehead. Floating in the air.

Tianmo source!

actually! Successfully? Really successful?

The demon geek who had already produced the heart of the person’s back, looked at the origin of the newly formed genie, but squinted, opened his mouth, and his face was unbelievable.

I really didn't think that this time will be successful... The last moments have shown failure, but they have succeeded...

This is too unexpected!

He couldn't believe it and blinked, only to believe that this thing is true.

Can not wait to reach out, the crystal black thing is divided into two, half of which is immediately black and shiny black smoke, he sucks, the black smoke is like a river. Quan Yong entered his mouth in general.

The hand was raised, and a black gas was sent out, urging the remaining half to return to the body of Fa Zun. A bang was injected from the forehead of Fa Zun, without a trace.

At this moment, the Fa Zun is still unconscious, and he does not know about all these changes.

"There was finally a success! Demon statue is on, thank you for your grace, and there is a demon in this abandoned continent... Otherwise, the children will not be indecent in this low-level plane..."

The Devil's five-body squatting on the ground, excitedly tears.

After a little bit of the temperament of the demon was absorbed by him, his body seemed to have a considerable improvement, at least not like the immortality of the previous one.

"Now I have absorbed the first source of the demon, and I have the capital. I can finally try to start with the ordinary warrior..." The devil whispered to himself: "If it is only for those who have cultivated magic power, If there are too few, it’s completely impossible to meet, but now there is a little accumulation... or else it can’t be developed.”

He brought up the body of Fa Zun and floated into the depths of the jungle.

"This guy will not die if he dies, but he will wake up after half a month. At that time, he is the real body of the original demon... In a short time, my body can not fully recover, it can only rely on He...had killed a million people before, but also arranged fifteen times for the magic array; after I absorbed a few more people, I went to kill a batch, and if I killed it, it would be more than one million, at least Three million is barely enough, this plane is really enough for garbage..."

"If you can open the magic, you can spread the magic, how can the world be good, everyone in the world is magic."

"The words of the devil statue are simply too reasonable. Hey, the devil statue is not reasonable!"


Just when Fa Zun and the night drunk were in the jungle to accept the choice of the magic array, Chu Yang and other 12 people were coming all the way to the jungle!

The city of the Elf is located in the eighth section of the Nine Robbery Sword.

There is no time to delay.

The demon has confirmed the coming of the world. If the strength of everyone can't be promoted, then waiting for everyone's is really a slap in the face.

So everyone is in a hurry.

However, everyone did not expect that, where is the place where the devil is!

The coincidence is no more than this!

On this road, Chu Yang and Wei Gongzi are still **** for tat, and they are constantly bargaining each other.

The king of Zhizhu’s grip seems to have taken advantage of it –

"No! If I find out, I must take it. There is no room for negotiation."

"How can it be! Chu Yang, man, how can you be content, not too greedy."

"Why not, this is already my bottom line. If it feels embarrassed, it doesn't matter if I quit. It is not going to go to the Elven City with you."


"How? Hehe..."

"you are vicious!"


"What else? I want it! All! If you feel embarrassed, tell me, I quit, you don't have to be embarrassed, simple!"



Every time the bargaining dispute, as long as Chu Yang lifted the killer 锏 quit! Don't go to the city of elves! Don't give you any help! ‘This is going to be awkward, and Wei’s son’s ironclad collapses.

Instantly retreat.

The two men quarreled along the way, bargaining, not letting go, and splashing.

In this case, the brothers are naturally biased towards Chu Yang, and Wei Gongzi is even more lonely. Every time it is half-death of qi, the defeat of the defeat of the signing of the alliance under the city, hate to leave, squatting again, stunned and embarrassed.

But after a long time, Chu Yang remembered what new conditions, and immediately launched a blackmail...and then repeated.

I don’t know if it’s a certain squad in the middle of the three days. The old man is too much to be extorted. God can’t stand it anymore. He sent a king to rectify him. In a word, there’s no such thing as a singer’s singer’s death. Can't stop.

The king of Chu Yu chased after the victory, and Yu Yong should be chased after the poor; the brothers beat the dog, and in these days, every day, Wei Gongzi is miserable.

Mo light dance and ink tears two women doubted this, greatly wondered, and saw that Mo Tianji and others did not stop, the two women finally could not help but whisper.

"It seems that something is wrong..." Mo-light dance is clever, but now it is a bit confused.

"It turns out that you have also seen it. It is indeed something wrong."

Ink tears are also frowning. "We are not one of the nine brothers, but at the very least, we are extremely good friends, and have helped them a few times... for friends, such bargaining, Such extortion is somewhat excessive.",

"Don't say anything else, I said that he had been alone in the army and attracted the attention of a large number of masters. But it took a lot of risk. I think now I am afraid, change me, don't say it, talk about it. Pain, just rushing to this, Chu boss shouldn’t be so careless..."

"Yeah." Mo light dances his head and points again and again: "I am also trying to figure out this thing. Chu Yang, he is not such a person, how can it be so..."

"If it is only once or twice, it will be gone, everyone will laugh, and it will pass, but again and again, and again and again, there will be some extortion. It seems that some people are indifferent; it looks like some...not big "Good way." Ink tears wrinkled the eyebrows: "How could this be?"

"I don't know the reason why Chu Yang did this. Is there any hardship? If we don't ask my second brother, he may know the inside story." Mo light danced: "You can let them play." It’s too much trouble to make up for it, and it’s really hard to make up for it. It’s not worth the loss.”

Ink tears take it for granted.

Both women are people of Lanxin Hui quality, and did not rush to come forward, this event was temporarily pressed.

On the night of the camp, Chu Yang and the brothers are still fighting with Wei Gongzi, as if they are addicted. It seems that if the goods can not be completely hollowed out, the cheapness can be taken up to the maximum extent, and never Stop the general!

Mo light dance but quietly pulled out the Mo Tianji.


On the 8th of this month, at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, Feng Ling was fortunate enough to participate in the interview with Sanjiang; invite brothers and sisters who have time to come and give it to Feng Ling. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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