Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 872: Difference between men and women

Ink tears followed, with a slight dissatisfaction in the heart, ready, if Mo Tianji can not give a satisfactory statement, come to a head and drink, the woman behind the man, the voice should still speak out.

After all, these brothers have gone all the way to the present, even if there are any misunderstandings that lead to each other, it is a pity.

"What's the matter?" The original Mo Tianji was pulled out of the crowd by his sister, and he entered a separate room. He couldn't help but be confused. What should the little girl do?

"Hey, a little sound." Mo light danced a finger to block his lips and whispered: "We will first construct a supreme force field and shield the sound from the outside. The following words are not well heard."

Ink tears agree with this.

If this kind of thing is heard by Wei Gongzi, I wouldn’t think that I have to think more about it now; then both of them can do good deeds.

The Supreme Yuan Li imprisonment was completed quickly.

"What the **** is it? How can it be so mysterious?" Mo Tian’s second monk couldn’t touch his head and asked with a fog.

"Hey? You still ask? Originally thought that the second brother is a calm person, and it was so frivolous, both of them have broken Chu Yang." Mo light dance whispered: "Second brother, don't you feel this time?" Are you too much?"

"I took Chu Yang badly? We are too much? What is this saying?" Mo Tianji gimmicks, looks like he is lying down again and shot. Is Chuyang doing something bad? However, most of the time in these days Chuyang is with the brothers, no exceptions...

As for me, I have broken Chu Yang? This sentence is really incomprehensible. It is clear that Chu Yang is slowly taking me to change...

Mo light dance and ink tears nodded together, Mo light dance bluntly said: "You also said that you are arguing for the party, especially Chu Yang, too much, it must be that the second brother instructed him to do so."

"Chuyang is too much? I told him to do it? What did he do?" The look of Mo Tianji became more and more wonderful: "Well, do you mean... in the past few days, we have been bargaining with Weigongzi for extortion?"

"You know it!" Ink tears a sigh of relief.

"You know that you still don't stop, is it really you planned?" Mo light dance stared at her second brother with the eyes of the conspirators.

"Ah? Do you think that... Chu Yang is so uncomfortable to do with friends? Is it too much?" The look of Mo Tianji is even more wonderful: "Do you think that Weigong is definitely not an enemy, and we are very close friends. It’s a lot of help for us all the way. If we calculate him like this, is it really too bad?”

"Yes! Right!" The two women nodded together and it was too bad.

The words of Mo Tianji are really the most important thing.

Mo Tianji took a long sigh of relief: "I still think about other big things, it is because of this, you guys..."

"Is this still not a big deal?" Mo light dance said cautiously: "Second brother, the heart of a friend, do not hurt."

Mo Tianji shook his head with a funny smile: "Hey... I really realized today that the thoughts of men and women are really different."

"Men and women's thoughts are different? What is different, what do you mean?" Hearing this sentence, Mo light dance and ink tears are a little depressed; this Mo Tianji, what is the ghost?

"Mu brother, what do you mean by this? Please specify, let us understand!" Ink tears as a black devil, whether it is martial arts knowledge, mental intelligence, or the means of experience of the rivers and lakes, are not under the nine brothers .

I have always been unwilling to pay attention to my eyebrows. Now I can’t help but hear the words of Mo Tianji.

"Don't misunderstand, I understand what you mean." Mo Tianji smiled, with a kind of awkwardness, said: "You are worried that Weigong will be really angry because of repeated blackmail, and Chu Yang does this. There are also suspicions of sinister danger, and it is still a danger to friends. The means are quite a bit of a meaning, right?"

It’s obvious that the two women don’t talk. It’s true. Isn’t this the case?

"Your thoughts are common sense, no, but you have not noticed; before and after being beaten by Chu Yang for so long, Wei Gongzi was unbearable every time, and he was defeated by grievances, isn't it? But you can have noticed A little bit: Wei Gongzi lost every time, but every time he fights, it can be said that he has repeatedly defeated and defeated repeatedly; he has been screaming and unbearable every time, but after three times and five times, you see that he really can’t stand it? Three days of the singer, is it only a person who will sell his tongue?!"

Mo Tianji smiled: "Wei Gongzi is very proud and will never easily bow down to the people. With the temper of Wei Gongzi, he will be a foreign object again and again, and then endlessly retreat. Need this time, he should leave! I have long abandoned the city of the elves, flying far away, but actually, now it has been dozens of times... but still stay here, why?"

Mo light dance and ink tears face each other: "Yeah, why?"

Mo Tianji’s mysterious smile: “It’s very simple. If you can’t understand it, you can analyze it on the other side. Everyone knows that Chu Yang is not a sinister, this time. But it is a big abnormality, desperately taking advantage of it, and dying to die without losing money. It is not only different from the ordinary people, but also the taste of the marrow, and it does not depend on the meaning of endlessness. Why? Is it true that Chu Yang is such a small forgiveness? people?"

"How is it possible?! You don't want to talk nonsense, Chu Yang must have his reasons for doing so! There must be major reasons." Mo light dance fiercely refuted the first time.

"Yeah, you know it's impossible, but why don't you think about it, why would he still do that?"

Mo light dances and squints, but it is confused. Yes, Wei Gongzi is not such a person. Chu Yang is not such a person, but there has been such a thing. Why?

Ink tears are also thinking.

"Gu is not a fool, but the evil spirits Xie Danqiong is not; Dong is not hurt, and Ji Mo and Rock Enemies look awkward, but they can see it clearly, so they don't stop, but instead follow Pushing the waves... Why?" asked Mo Tianji.

When he was asking, his eyes only looked at Mo.

He wants to let his sister learn something.

As for the ink tears... that is the responsibility of Dong’s injury, and the relationship with himself does not seem to be very big. The more he is not doing things, especially the brothers’ women...

Mo lightly squinted and squinted, squinting into his head: "Yeah, why? Why?"

Mo Tianji smiled and looked at the ink tears. Seeing her was also a confused face. I couldn’t help but raise my mind: men and women are really different! If your sister is like this, the Dark Lord is like that!

Even if it is a smart woman, it will not understand a real man.

Just like the strange man of the world, but he can't fully understand the psychological changes of any woman, this is the same reason.

"I will talk more carefully. Have you noticed that Wei Gongzi was blackmailed by Chu Yang, and many times, he actually asked for it, that is, the so-called delivery."

Mo Tianji had to further remind him: "It’s like yesterday morning, Wei Gongzi said a word under the wrath, the sentence is: Since you are so excessive, then you can take whatever else in the city of the elves, but If there is a fairy fruit, you must not move! Is it not? Is there such a sentence?"

"Yes. Some!" Mo light dances his head and points: "Wei Gongzi then said that he lost his word..."

"Unspeakable? What is the character of Wei Gongzi? You may not have lost one sentence in your life! How can you lose your words in this critical moment of extortion?" Mo Tianji sneered.

"Amount?" Mo light dance wrinkled the eyebrows.

“Especially, after Wei’s ‘missing’, Chu Yang immediately began to fight with the stick and began to extort the elf fruit that was “unintentional” to say that it could never move...”

"Yes, there is such a thing, Chu Yang is also, people have said that it is absolutely impossible to move, how can it be... Well, is this related to what you said, can you say..."

Mo light dance and ink tears are completely confused.

Think of it this way, it seems like a wish to make a wish, both of them are deliberate?

The so-called "absolutely unable to move" is simply a hint?

"Forget it, don't worry about it. Or I will explain it to you carefully." Mo Tianji sighed: "I really don't understand, the essence of this problem can even be understood by Dong." A super-smart woman is getting into the horns and can't come out..."

Ink tears, the eyebrows are upright, and they will get angry.

"What is it called 'Tong Dong can be unscrupulous?' What do you mean by Mo Tianji? Dong is not hurting like you, you can understand things, how can he not understand?" Now, if I say it, let me say a man? According to the meaning of Mo Tianji, isn’t that the man I saw is the most stupid?

Mo Tianji’s face was distorted, and he was in pain. This is something that cannot be answered. Once it is received, it will wait for the clear sky and the storm, I will bear it! !

After squatting for a long time in the temple, I finally decided to avoid it; I simply explained: "The identity of Weigongzi is no secret to us. He is an elf. It is probably the last elf in the world of Jiuzhong. The only elf; and the current behavior of Wei Gongzi and the ultimate goal or life pursuit of his life is also obvious: he did not want to rush to the nine heavens in his life, and he did not even want to participate in the battle of the world. Hey, it’s a lifetime in the world of Jiuzhongtian. Isn’t that ugly?”

Mo light dance ink tears nodded together.

Indeed, Wei Gongzi has always had this tendency.

Including this time to restore the city of elves, it is only driven by the ancestors' legacy and ethnic missions, not really. And this point is even more clear when I first met with Chu Yang.


Continue with the third word code! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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