Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 874: Want to fight the devil [fourth more! 】

Wei Gongzi screamed and said, "You can't make me happy for a while, then you can talk for more? You can die for a while, can you be able to wood?!"

The brothers laughed happily; the more talkative and unscrupulous, the more intimate they were, the more intimate they were, the more they were hidden, how to see the truth.

At the same time, a group of people untied to the highest body, like an arrow rushing out of the string.

Under such close range, no matter what the mount is, it will not be faster than the Supreme full speed.

Before and after, it was only a moment and a half, and everyone had neatly came to the top of the mountain, overlooking the vast forest that was boundless in front of him. Below, a thick and green behemoth forest, spread a thousand miles away, when you really can not see the margin.

The green leaves of the forest rise and fall with the wind, just like the waves of the sea, one after another.

Seeing this beautiful and spectacular scene, all the brothers are dazzling.

"It's so beautiful!" Chu Yang sincerely praised: "This kind of scenery, it is really a heavenly holy place! If you can swim here for a lifetime, it is really a change to a god."

If Weizizi thought thoughtfully, he smiled and said: "Why is this difficult? If Chu brother is tired of the rivers and lakes, he can come here to settle down at any time. Whenever I live, here, I will reserve a place for my brother!"

Chu Yang laughed: "Why can you ignore the beauty of Wei Brother? So thank you Wei Xi, so remember to leave me a good place to live."

The two looked at each other and laughed in unison.

But both of them know that Chu Yang’s words are already inconclusive.

On the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, the two people will live forever.

Outside of Jiuzhongtian, only Chuyang and Mo Tianji and others went hand in hand, and Wei Gongzi had completely let go.

There may be many apologies, but until now, Chu Yang has completely wiped it out.

In other words, during this time, the friendship has become deeper and deeper, and the two sides have no longer had to worry about any apologies.

However, Chu Yang did not know that Wei Gongzi did not know at this time. Because of this sentence today, the most beautiful residence of Elf City has lost its owner for a long time!

It became the highest forbidden place in the Elf City. Any high-ranking person, celebrity, homeowner, and leader who came to the Elf City could not get the most beautiful place. Even the high-ranking people of the Nine Heavens could not enter.

It’s just for today’s promise of “reserving a place”.

"Go on." Chu Yang smiled easily.

"And slow." Mo Tianji took a deep breath, his face was dignified, looking at the jungle under the mountain, the tone was abnormal and solemn: "Somewhat wrong, this seems a bit weird..."

"Weird!?" Chu Yang and Wei Gongzi heard a brow, and the brothers stared together.

Just now everyone's mind is not observing the situation above, so there is no excessive attention. At this moment, I concentrate on observing it. It is really faint to feel that this forest is really wrong. It is really weird.

The forest is still the forest, full of greenery, full of vitality, full of life, but in this great atmosphere, there is an insidious danger feeling latent, although hidden in the most hidden, but the feeling Abnormal reality.

It seems that there is an inexplicable beast hidden there!

I am trying to choose someone.

And still can devour anyone's peerless beast.

"This feeling seems to be somewhat familiar." The proud evil cloud wrinkled the eyebrows and said: "The pressure of abnormal horror seems to be unable to beat the heart under such pressure... Yes, this kind of It felt like it was there when the black gas came on that day. It’s just a lot lighter now, it seems to be completely hidden, but it feels like it does exist.”

"Yes. That is the feeling." The proud evil cloud mentioned that the brothers suddenly reacted and expressed their approval.

"Not only is it full and invisible, but also the ingredients that deliberately converge, but the demon is the demon, the essence of how to converge again and again, will also be detected." Chu Yang eyes dignified: "Conclusion is - the devil is here!"

Mo Tianji smiled and said: "Wu brother, if we estimate it is good, then... at this moment your nest is likely to have been occupied by the enemy; and this enemy is the terrorist power we can't compete at now!"

Wei Gongzi bit his teeth: "Heavenly? Is he actually? How is he here?"

"It's so clever, it's so chilly!" Chu Yang took a deep breath and looked deep-eyed: "After the demon smashed the stone house, I didn't know where to go. No one knows the whereabouts of the whole river, but he is here, though. Out of our expectation, it may not be reasonable; because from the Shijia to the south, this jungle is the only way to go, such a vast and dense place, is undoubtedly a great place to hide."

Wei Gongzi suddenly felt a toothache and angered: "What is this thing about him? It’s hard to get the opportunity to make the ethnic group re-lighted. Is it really occupied by that god? It’s really true!"

Everyone feels speechless.

If this is said, Wei Gongzi is really unlucky.

Chu Yang indulged and said: "Do not use too much frustration, this enemy may not be able to defeat."

Wei Gongzi turned his head: "Oh?"

"If we judge by the situation of the demon in the day, it is indeed an invincible opponent at our present stage. However, when he is dealing with the Shijia, he inadvertently misses the bottom; the nine supreme can escape from his hands. What does this mean?!"

"This shows that this demon is not only seriously injured, but also the injury is far from being cured. The strength is far from reaching the level of prosperity; now he has destroyed the Shijiamenmen, I believe his strength will inevitably be lost., he stopped here and hid in such an unusually hidden location."

"Wrong is not the case, the devil in this world, will never stop."

"Also, let me make another serious reason for his unhealed injury and even the judgment of the deterioration trend. He obviously deliberately converged all the breath, that is, people are not aware that he is hiding here; but, but they are felt by us. It came out; this result shows that this demon has a problem with control, so his injury is absolutely serious and his strength will be greatly reduced."

"So, the demon at this moment is likely to be at the weakest time. Otherwise, with his strength enough to run the world, who is still afraid of this nine heavens? Why should he hide his whereabouts? Even deliberately hide or hide Not good."

"Inferred from this, although we have not absolutely grasped to expel the demon, or kill the demon; but, at this moment, try to risk, the risk may not be very big." Chu Yang faintly said: "This risk is worth trying, if it can be, Let's help Wei brother to recapture this forest, and even eliminate the hidden dangers of the disaster. If it is not, everyone will have the confidence to retreat, go far, and wait until the strength is enough to come back."

Chu Yang Jianmei picks, sneer: "But no matter what, how can we not do what we have not done?"

All the brothers screamed in unison, and they should be in unison.

Mo Tianji did not move, but he sighed in his heart.

On this level, as a generation of think tanks, how can he not think of him as a wise man?

Previously, he had already said that it was unbeatable. He wanted to avoid this place first. It was not the real one who was afraid of the demon, but he was still reluctant to let the elves and the nine robbers master the huge temptation of the platinum dream combination. Make the final try.

It is best for everyone to leave this dangerous place for a while and continue to wander through the rivers and lakes. At that time, Wei Gongzi will naturally go with the brothers... The most unfortunate, in the following period, he can also launch all the power. Look for the elixir, and then let Weigong do all the hard work, in order to prepare for the next step of the brothers to fight for the blood.

As long as Wei Gongzi is still among the brothers, there are countless means and methods to promote these things.

However, this time Chu Yang was very clear against his intentions, and completely smothered his intentions in the bud: he did not want to have the slightest reluctance to Wei Gongzi!

Moreover, this bone also contains a warning from Chu Yang to Mo Tianji.

Or no one else heard it, but Chu Yang knew that Mo Tianji knew it.

"Big brothers, this time, we may be the first time in life to face the devil!" Chu Yang look cautiously: "It is also the most dangerous battle since our debut!"

"Everything, on the premise of life-saving, as long as something is wrong, leave immediately!" Chu Yang said deeply.

"Tianji, you come to plan the layout, do not seek to win, as long as security, to ensure the safety of everyone as the first prerequisite." Immediately, Chu Yang designated the person to develop a strategic plan.

In the face of specific goals, when specific planning is required, absolutely no one is more suitable than Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji did not deny it. Just a little indulging, he made a decision: "Wait a while, let's do a search first. After all, we don't know the exact location of the demon, and where it is. So, everything is cautious. ”

"Everyone is a quadrilateral team, don't want to be scattered! Once you find it, immediately make a sharp cone!"

"Chuyang and Gu alone and the two sides, Wei Gongzi side, Dong is not hurt and proud of the evil side of the cloud, nowhere, you and Xie Danqiong. I and Ji Mo Ke enemy have light dance and tears, centered on, ready to support Any side."

"Remember, once you find out, you don't need to exhale and you don't need to breathe. The only thing you have to do is to close your eyes and use all the repairs to make your most powerful move. Let us know, we will naturally In the first time, the arch is behind you. Then instead of your pointed position, you only need one hit!"

"Remember, cover your breath, don't blink, and strike with all your strength!" Mo Tianji solemnly said: "The legendary demon is best at illusion, as long as you protect yourself and attack the senses, you can be foolproof!"

"When we meet, we have nothing to worry about. At this moment, even if the strength of the demon is still amazing, it is not invincible. As long as we do not enemies in our hearts, everything can be done."


Four more for a monthly ticket... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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