Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 875: First battle demon

Mo Tianji warned, then turned to Chu Yang: "What do you feel need to add something?"

Chu Yang pondered a bit and found that there was basically no omission. He said: "Just add a little: If you encounter the demon, the final battle will be defeated, then, my brother and I will not break the five people, and all others will have to flee in the first time. No one is allowed to hesitate, and definitely can't turn back! If you are lost, you will meet at the small town pub where we came, and you will see it."

"I am absolutely forbidden to take shots after being responsible for the break. Who dares to turn back and delay the time, that is, the dragged brothers will die together! This section must be remembered!"

Chu Yang added a sigh of relief, and his eyes slid over the face of Ji Mo and Rock's enemies. Everyone else can weigh it. If it is impulsive, it’s really hard to be mad...

Ji Mo licked his mouth and said nothing: "Remember; anyway, everyone lives, I will escape first; if you find that you are dead, I will go to find you! Are you worried that Ji Erye will not listen to the command?"

Rock's enemy nodded strongly: "Luo Erye will also escape first!"

Chu Yang is furious: "Hey, who are you, who are you?"

Suddenly, the fists were like rain, and the two masters were instantly turned into grandchildren...

A group of people like Chu Yang, like a hurricane in the same group, rushed down the hill and headed toward the jungle. Lightning was interspersed!

What Chu Yang and others don’t know is that just a few hundred feet above the top of their head, on the high sky, in the thin clouds, there are always two people standing there, watching silently. Chu Yang and others.

They have been standing here, but no one will find that they are standing here.

They have been integrated into the void, no seeming!

"Lord, will this be too risky? This day, although the strength has been destroyed by the old 90%, but the demon is the demon." An old man with a white goatee looks very cautiously below, Looking at Chu Yang and other people like the same hurricane also rushed to the jungle, the gaze is a little bit of doubt, faintly a bit like watching the dead.

There is no belly in the heart: such a demon, actually let the old man personally shot, but also can not be killed with the same embroidered, easy to break the hands and feet can only be destroyed ninety-nine ... ... the old man really spent a lot of effort, killed A few dozens have been able to take advantage of the size...

"No." The "main" in this population is the long-lost snow and tears.

At this moment, he is still a literary dress, his face is light: "They are not far from the time of breaking the void; it is not a good thing to know the existence, strength, and tricks of the demon earlier."

He paused and said: "Or else, why should I spend all my time thinking about it, get a half-dead gods come over? Is it fun?"

"The intention of the Lord, the old is naturally clear; but ... their current strength ... in case ..." The old man still expressed concern.

As Snow Tears said, from the extraterrestrial battlefields outside the Nine Heavens, the demon will come here, even if it is the ability and power of the snow and tears, it will cost a lot of money.

"In case? How come there will be? In case you and I are here, what can you do? If they can't even get through this level, if they go up, how much progress can they make?"

Snow tears faintly said: "The prime minister, Chu Yang and others are about to break through the nine heavens... Once they go up, it is the beginning of the real sense."

"And I am destined not to look at them all the time. So, before they rush to the Nine Heavens, I will start to retreat."

Snow tears and eyes narrowed, sinking: "The beginning of self-restraint, everything is scheduled by you. The road of the nine heavens, let them go and do it for the time being... You, don't interfere with anything, you just It’s good to keep the overall situation stable."

"Yes, old age understands." The old man answered with respect and respect.

"As long as there is a conflict with several other monarchs... you can intervene. Otherwise, let them do what they did." Snow Tears said again.

"Yes." The old man flashed a trace of inexplicable color. These little guys are qualified to conflict with several other monarchs?

That is the peer-to-peer overlord who is against the Lord!

However, it seems that the Lord is really painstaking about these people. He does not hesitate to use so much manpower, material resources, and even many human feelings. Human and material resources are nothing, and human debt is the most difficult debt to repay.

However, the words of the snow and tears really surprised him: "If I don't shut down, I am afraid I will not be able to participate in it personally... just that the impact on their growth is too great, and there is no benefit in the future."

The goatee old man's eyes widened and he could barely speak.

Unlimited in my heart is guessing a possibility: this Chu Yang... Isn't that the illegitimate child of the Lord?

Did the Lord have been here for a night of glory... This one... I thought so, I couldn’t help but look a little weird.

"What are you thinking about! So ecstatic?" For the old man's blind eyes, the snow tears suddenly angered.

"Hey, hehe..." The old man turned his head and said, this time, it was really rude. The old man seems to have not been so ugly for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Don't ignore any of their details, especially pay attention to their fighting process." Snow tears cold road: "You can take a closer look, or you will be surprised."

In the tone of the snow and tears, there seems to be great confidence.

The old man secretly pouted, his heart: Can you have any good attention, deal with such a half-dead god, the old man blows his breath and blows it, but he still has to concentrate on the observation, the guardian is not so protected, the old man... ...

What unexpected unexpected changes can happen to the lower level plane? Still surprised?


Deep in the jungle, the devils who have slightly improved their injuries are urging a group of black gas that is darker than the most intense ink to tumbling up and down, consolidating their magical powers, and hope to recover as soon as possible.

In front of him, there was a hole in the ground. In the hole, Fa Zun lay quietly. Another group of dark black air lingered on him, and the more and more urgent, the creaking creaking, continuous.

This air gap has obviously gone to a critical juncture.

From time to time, the Devils looked up and looked at the situation inside the cave. They muttered: "It’s fast... It’s really fast, I woke up. I didn’t expect this to be such a trouble... It’s a day..."

At this moment, he looked tight and suddenly looked up: "Someone is coming?"

The magic of the Devil's grotesque will not be wrong. Someone is coming, and the people are still not good at it.

The problem of the Devil's blame has not been answered, and only one of them has come to the forefront.

It is a momentum full of hostility, murderous, full of crashes!

Due to the power, the entire forest seems to have suddenly violently violently hurricane, countless towering trees, neatly blown to the side by the wind.

"There must be an enemy! Is it the one that escaped before?" The devil's face suddenly became cruel: "Did you dare to come to me? Look for death! No, it should be to let me recover from injury as soon as possible." The nutrients sent to the door are right, oh..."

As soon as it swept out, the whole person turned into a black smoke, and headed for the direction of the strong momentum.

Wei Gongzi and Chu Yang are both as pointed, and they are easy to move into the jungle.

The other groups of pointed attitudes are consistent with the two and enter at the same time.

It’s very easy for everyone to look at the other appearances, but everyone here knows clearly that under this relaxed appearance, the hidden is extremely cautious, and everyone’s nerves are collapsing tightly.

It can be said that this is the first time that all the brothers have made their best efforts. For the first time, all the people gathered together to deal with an enemy with a pre-arranged battle! An unusually powerful enemy!

Everyone has cultivated himself to the limit and is ready to attack at any time and place.

In the face of unpredictable powerful enemies, who dares to have the slightest care?

Once negligent, it is not only that you are in danger of falling, but also the life of your brother will be sent here!

In the silence, Chu Yang and his party have entered the depths of the jungle for two hundred miles.

However, no abnormalities were found, and the enemy's breath and traces were completely undetected.

However, the secretive and strange pressures are getting heavier and heavier. It is precisely because of this heavy oppression that the vigilance of the people is not reduced, and more careful and careful, to prevent any negligence.

"The jungle is vast, hiding a person like a needle in the sea, do you want to change direction?" Wei Gongzi screamed.

"No!" Mo Tianji is in the middle, and the body will keep the light dance behind; slowly: "This is a powerful and thoughtful existence, as long as we find our hostility, he will come to fight, absolutely Do not evade the provocation of a group of ants."

The people slowly nodded.

Another thirty miles of space receded under the feet; suddenly, without any signs, just in front of the crowd, the side where Chu Yang and Wei Gongzi are located, violently spurred a black smoke darker than the ink An unusually powerful and inexplicable evil atmosphere has spread rapidly.

The smoky smoke filled the crowd with an incredible speed. It is faintly visible in the middle of black smoke, and there is a faint shadow.

"Oh..." A sly smile, a series of sounds.

"Thousands of mountains and waters elves!" Xiuzi, who was the crown of the people, took the lead in the disaster. Suddenly, there was a very bright and tidy moon in the dark and dark forest. His figure was also the first to be saved. A sharp long knife, madly pulled out.

Among the people in Chuyang, Wei Gongzi’s cultivation is the highest, and he has been in the supreme position of the nine products. At present, the strength of the enemy is too strong to estimate. In any case, Wei Gongzi should take the lead in blocking the first gear and create a shot for others. The gap between counterattacks.

Almost no difference, Chu Yang did not say anything, the nine robbery sword suddenly appeared in the hands, the moment of appearance, has been violently violently burst into the glory, like the most beautiful meteor in general, empty.

Tightly follow the back of Wei Gongzi!


Today is even more. I just wrote some battle scenes and deleted them. In the battle with the demon, I will think about it again... I am afraid to drop the pen.

If you have any strange and sinister attack methods, please leave a message in the book review area. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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