Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 876: The first battle of the demon [two]

With the speeding up of Chu Yang's body, the nine-robbery swordsmanship of the opponents is also like the continuous flow of water; only before and after going out to the three feet, but the power of Jianguang has reached a level of horror!

Nine robbery swordsmanship, play hard!

A little cold and busy, why not kill the world!

Deeply buried does not change Ling Ruizhi, a gathering of the wind is the emperor!

煊赫亘古一剑锋, whistling the wind and the west;

The sun and the moon will work for the thunder...

Because the distance between the two sides is close, each other's body is also very fast, and Chu Yang is fully exerted, and only when he exerts the power of the seventh move, he has already collided with the black smoke.

The power of the sword without the hair broke out!

That moment was like a sudden explosion of a small star in the air.


Compared with the cautiousness and tension of Chuyang and his party, the depressing heart of the devil's heart can be said to be difficult to wash away from the three rivers; it is almost vomiting blood.

Just as soon as he appeared, he laughed a few times at the '桀桀桀桀', that means nothing more than a few words to come first, show off his power, first shock, prestige, and then calmly say a sentence : "Hey, come well, I just want to play a game with you..."

Of course, that is the game that cultivates the magic, catalyzes the magic, and then slowly extracts the source of the demon.

Then calmly tidy up the guys who don’t know the heights of the heavens, and turn the future of the magic into a servant, and the rest of the nature is turned into a nutrient to restore the injury.

Where do you know that you have just finished ‘桀桀桀桀’, but you haven’t had time to talk yet, and the other party can’t wait to get started first, and they rushed over like a dumb.

This change is actually unexpectedly unexpected!

Is this the rules of the world in this world so simple? Do you not face the enemy who does not know it? Come up and play? Where does he come from?

What kind of plane is this?

If you don't say anything else, even if you are in the Nine Heavens, even if you don't share the life and death of the enemy, do you have to say a few words to go through the game? Even if it is a few words, then at least there is a mouthful.

How about a group of young people here, do you want to go straight to the second place?

This is also a bit simple!

What is the reason? What is it? !

At the time when the Devils feel extremely depressed, the standard killing of Weigongzi’s “Thousands of Mountains and Waters Elf Moon” is about to come!

The unusually strong airflow, like the ubiquitous glory of the clear night sky, spread out, and fell from all directions!

This move is mad, but it is still a wide range of non-discriminatory attacks! It is equal to Wei Gongzi alone, it will completely block all the offenses of the demon to Chu Yang and others!

"Hey!" The Devil whispered a low voice. In the black mist, a black hand reached out suddenly. The big hand brushed out a strange distance and the five fingers volleyed. Wan Dao's black gas then dissipated, and the sound of ‘啵’, the air was like a water moon, and it was instantly dissipated, and Wei Gongzi, who was greatly counterattacked, snorted.

The black fog continues to spread and spread. For example, countless black snakes are generally chaotic. If you look closely, you can see that the black snakes of the black fog are faintly traceable. Countless black snakes will advance the path of Weigongzi. All the murders were buried in the dark fog.

Just between a move, Wei Gongzi immediately fell into passive!

The terrible of the demon is visible!

It can be said that if only one son of Wei Gongzi is here, I am afraid that I will fall into the predicament of being unable to flash back. Even if I can break through the storm, I will have to pay a heavy price!

But Wei Gongzi is not alone, and he is still following a Chuyang!

The nine robbery swords light is like a fierce yang, and it suddenly lights up. The light is shining, the trend of the nine robbery swords is like a tide, and it is constantly coming and flowing!

The sword light is like lightning and thunder, and it passes by the side of Wei Gongzi. It’s just a single Jianguang, but there is a mighty feeling in life!

Extremely overbearing, as straight as invincible!

However, the devil is not ‘hard’, but soft, almost the most thorough soft.

Another **** hand came out of the black air, oh... In a very short time, three times in a row, slammed on the sword light of the Nine Robbery Sword.

Chu Yang only feels that his own trend of the gods seems to have fallen into an extremely viscous water in a flash. The frontless mans are slowly being stuck, and all the swords that have accumulated to the extreme swordsmanship It didn’t break out!

"Kill!" Chu Yang took the opportunity to make a sudden decision, and slammed it all into a nine-robbery sword. "Boom", the illusion of the black hand disappeared, and the black fog suddenly slammed. Scattered, the sword that was temporarily restrained finally broke out and completely detonated; the strange light in the devil's scorpion flashed past, and smiled, saying: "Interesting!"

The spirit of the demon, has never feared any weapon in the world, even if it is a scorpio soldier, if you do not attach special exercises, you can not cause any harm to the magic of the sky!

But now he actually feels that the sword light of this strange sword can actually contain and faintly devour the spirit of the devil! Although the other side is shallow and can't fully play the role of this sword, it does give him a feeling of danger to the extreme.

The next moment, another big hand emerged from the air, and actually seized the outbreak of the sword, this time, the devil has doubled the force! The sharp swords that should have been invincible were left and right in his hands, and they burst into tears, smashing his big palms into a subtle hole; but this big hand still exists.

But this is the buffer of this little time...

Gu alone also arrived, a strong shout, a sword and a body, the entire thin body flew up, black dragon sword like an ancient dragon, shaking his head and tail, flashing dazzling brilliance, broke through the air.

At the same time, Dong did not hurt and thundered, and the burly body with the sound of ‘飒飒’, the gods generally jumped into the air, the ink knife was like a thunder, and the knife fell!

The weird man supported the moon and the knives of Weigongzi with one hand, and one hand supported the nine swords and seven swords of Chuyang. They were still calm and screaming, and there were actually two big hands out of the air. One hand greets Gu’s solitary body and sword, and one hand greets Dong’s raging knife!

He has a body and there are four hands! Moreover, the feeling of giving people is actually true.

Coping with the joint attack of the four masters alone, it is still a good job! ?

Not only is it easy, but the result of this fight is actually -

Gu alone coughed, and his face was flushed; Dong did not hurt and snorted, his eyes glanced.

The king of the sword and the king of the sword have been wounded by each, and the devil of the devil has an enemy four, which is especially prevailing!

However, a splendid glamorous flower blooms without warning in front of Gu Duxing and Dong Wu, while endless and flamboyant, endless murder suddenly bursts, dazzling and fascinating extreme beauty, facing two black hands and wrists狠狠 cutting.

Qionghua! Xie Danqiong shot, it is glamorous enough to kill people.

The seemingly prevailing demon whistle has also made a dull squeak, and the voice is weird, just like a broken string is pulling out the melody of the desert, and then there is another hand from the black mist. In the illusion, a Qionghua that is about to bloom is in the palm of the hand, a slap in the face, a hot hand to destroy the flower, and the infinite beauty of Qionghua annihilates time.

Five hands!

Xie Danqiong, who was smashed by the hot hand, trembled in the air, and almost did not fall to the ground. The corner of his mouth suddenly appeared a touch of red. His cultivation was slightly inferior to Gu’s independence and Dong’s injury. Qionghua’s life was even more The weapon, the broken flower of Qionghua represents that he also succumbed to the creation. In terms of injury, he still has to be on the side of Gu Zhixing and Dong Wu.

"嗷~~~" 嘹 吟 吟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Is it a dragon?" The demon whispered his eyes, until now he was really interested in this sudden battle, like the night and the day suddenly changed at this moment, this time it was spurting from the mouth Out of a thick black gas, and then, there is a **** hand rushing out from the black air, this new hand is so big, no one, but grabbed the dragon's neck and slammed it!

"Hey!......" A scream, Jinlong image collapsed in an instant, revealing the lurking arrogant cloud figure, the hegemony of a sword smashed into the shadow of the body, the day the monsters screamed and screamed, negative Under the counterattack of the pain, the black hand violently exerted force, and the proud evil cloud snorted, and a blood spurted out.

Although Jinguang was awkward, but still staying in the air, there was another blazing light flashing, and there was no such thing as a long shout, like Fengming’s sky. A flame, burning up.

The fire of Nirvana reproduces the dust mites!

As soon as the fire of Nirvana appeared, all the brothers were guarded in the back, and the flames rolled wildly, making a squeaking sound, and burning forward!

The flame is over, only one piece of white land!

The devil screamed loudly: "And the phoenix!?" The magical rush suddenly rushed up, once again illusioned a black big hand from the sky, it seems that the Nirvana fire slap into the soil.

The magical spirits are surging and there are sounds. This day, the monsters have already exerted their full strength.

In front of the opponent, not that strength is too high, but everyone has its own characteristics, each with style, the elves can contain the magic of the sky, the nine robbery sword can swallow the magic of the sky, these are the first special encounter.

Gu’s singular sharpness and Dong’s unscrupulous hegemony are also a kind of force that can threaten the life of the demon. The bloom of Qionghua caused the magic of the sky to stir up. This is the reason why Tianmo’s killing of Xie Danqiong.

And the power of the dragon and the phoenix that comes with it can also solve the magic of the gods, or even eliminate it directly invisible! Everyone's strength can actually hurt the demon!

This is really making this demon geek too unexpected! Is there such a thing in the world? The magical powers of the heavens and the earth that have always been difficult to meet the enemy’s hands have actually encountered nemesis in these low-level planes.

This is too incredible!


At 19:30 tonight, interview with Sanjiang and chat with my brothers and sisters. Everyone must come to join us... I will go ahead and prepare to have some meals, cough, a nervous, hungry... By the way, I will go to the toilet, so as not to be nervous later, urgency... (unfinished. If You like this piece, welcome to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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