Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 878: I want to see how Chu Yang chooses!

Chu Yang and others all showed a dignified look on their faces, and did not have the idea of ​​slacking because of the retreat of the demon. Just a series of serial attacks, it can be said that Mo Tianji's meticulous masterpieces, every link, every possible, all the other strain response, are also in the Mo Tianji calculations, within this precise plan!

A ring and a ring, the more the stronger, the connection is seamless; in the end, the brothers at the same time get out, the scene of the attack, but also the most powerful, the most extreme power!

Chu Yang is absolutely sure, even if it is Ning Tianya or Fa Zun, the dance of the city, the single move, in the face of such an attack, it will certainly be injured, and it is absolutely not light and serious injury!

However, although this monster is also injured, it seems that it is not how to care about it? Moreover, it can recover so quickly!

Just this is just the point, it is already high out of any master of the nine heavens!

This strength, even if there is still a certain gap than the original purple evil sister, it must be above any other master!

This is the conclusion reached by Chu Yang!

The devil's face is calm and unrestrained, and a pair of good-looking looks like a slap in the face, it seems that the victory is in the grip, full of confidence, but the heart is so painful that it is almost bleeding.

Damn it!

These gangsters have such a strange attacking means. This round of blows completely dispels the nourishment of the Tianmo source that he has just absorbed!

Even after my physical condition, after my hard work, it was even weaker than when I was just down!

This is simply a soul. Yesterday, Laozi just got a paradise, and today he was beaten down to hell. !

What is the name of his **? !

Is this junk plane the mysterious plane?

Is it true that I will be killed by a group of ants?

The magic heart stunned, although my heart was thinking like this, my face was still stunned, and then a strange smile came out: "Hehe, very powerful! I can’t think of a little ants, I can make me a demon. I was a little hurt. Although it is very stubborn, it is already the limit?! But it is still very good, it is worthy of praise!"

Ji Mo said strangely: "You can speak people? I thought it was an illusion. You really said people, the devil will speak people, or the devil, is it a demon, or a demon?"

Rock's enemies laughed and laughed. Mo Tianji also laughed and watched the devil, saying: "We are really close to the limit, but you really only got some...small injuries?"

Mo light dance, of course, to cooperate with his second brother, grinning and laughing: "There is a devil outside, we have an old saying on the Nine Heavens, lying is not a good boy, that is, good children are not lying, is it not your devil? Good boy, don’t you squint and say something...”

The demon geek heard the words and angered and shouted: "Who said that this adult is talking big? This adult is a great man, the world is the best, I can do it, and what are you guilty of?"

"Don't you have a big talk? Really didn't say anything big?"

"It’s not like it, it’s really not like it."

"How can you look at it?"

The suspicions of the people are ridiculous and ridiculous.

The devil is even more distressed, and between the mind and the electric turn, it is actually the anger of life, and the channel: "This adult is like a sea, disdain to see you with this group of ants, but you do not respect the adults but need to give me an explanation. This adult is kind and kind, not how you wait, play a game with me as a accomplice, anyone can do it, huh?"

"Glutinous rice? Play games?" The brothers almost fainted neatly.

Everyone is in the midst of a great war, the battle is not over, one by one, and when they are ready to go, this article instantly shifts the topic, so it is so divorced from the transfer of 100,000 miles, and in an instant it is necessary to change the sin and play the game... ...

"Yes! It's just playing games, a very simple game. Anyone can play with me. I don't care about what you just raided me. I am very big?!"

The Devils are smug, and they don’t feel a little embarrassed: “It’s a simple game of choice; if you pass my game, I can promise you one.”

"A request? Is it any requirement?" Mo Tianji asked with enthusiasm. The strength of the nine-robbery think tank is still very impressive. Others still have some dizziness. When they are a little overwhelmed, the gods have begun to make new calculations. I just don’t know if this is the plot of the devil into the heavens, or the trap of the nine robbers.

"This is of course! This adult will say a word, will you not be convinced of such a sly ant?!" The demon geek looked up and said, "You must understand, you guys, Each has its own housekeeping skills. If it is swarming, I am seriously wounded and I am not hitting you. But if I deliberately avoid your edge and retreat, it is not difficult, you cannot be together forever. Just wait until someone has placed the order, then the person will die, isn’t that big?!”

"However, as long as you accompany me to play a game and let me have a full-fledged addiction, then this time the battle is over, it will be written off! Also, if some of you can play with me, I can promise you. A request, any request, is any requirement!"

In my heart, the devil's rhetoric really has an irresistible temptation...

At this moment, in the sky, suddenly filled with the power of mysterious.


In midair, the old man is very amazed and surprised: "Sure enough, each has its own means of housekeeping. This battle is really a lot of surprises for you. Oh... Lord you... What are you doing?" ”

It is the snow and tears, the two hands are pinching the seal, and an unusual mysterious force is being radiated.

"Don't be so nervous, I just want to see how Chu Yang plays games... and I believe that the real surprise should still be behind, you have a good eye today." Snow tears smiled slightly.

"This day magic game can be fun, just a few of them, the situation is not optimistic!" The old man anxiously said: "The most important, once the devil is finished, the result is difficult to reverse, it is the instinct of the devil, non-off strength When the results are determined, we will not be able to change the final result even if we try again..."

Snow tears faint road: "Not so nervous, the same thing, I don't want to say the third time, what you have to do now, just watch it, quietly watch it!"


Below, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji secretly glanced at each other, and they all saw doubts and vagueness from the other's eyes.

The devil intends to use "playing games" instead of decisive battles, then this game is inevitably a small one.

The degree of danger may not be in the final battle with it. It is true that, as the demon said, he has the ability to retreat from the whole body, and he can lurk in the dark to wait for a sneak attack. However, as long as they do not place a single order, they will withdraw from the Elven Forest, and the devil will also be helpless, even Strive to fight together, especially to annihilate each other's odds, but if you let the other party dominate the form, it is the next strategy.

The two looked at each other and had the same decision: refuse!

Mo Tianji is even ready to make gestures, let everyone make their own tricks, and fight together to try and see if they can encircle the devil! Even if the attempt fails, it is remarkable that everyone slowly withdraws and temporarily leaves the Elven Forest. It is still very reliable to retreat.

Just before the moment when Mo Tianji was going to move, Chu Yang felt inexplicably feeling that his soul seemed to wander a little, and he suddenly thought of the idea of ​​accepting this kind of game, and his heart was suddenly shocked. He shook his head and said: "No..."

On the top of the head, the snow and tears in the eyes were extremely strange, and then the power output of the soul was increased again.

The old man's eyes on the side barely blinked: the Lord has already released his own soul power, apparently intentionally contributing to this game competition, but I never thought that this nine-robbery master Chu Yang could actually Resist the means of the Lord?

This... this is simply an incredible thing!

Don't say that Jiuzhongtian is a subordinate plane. Even in the Nine Heavens, so many super-genius geniuses can't resist the power of any tears and tears. No one can resist!

Then, how can this Chu Yang get it! ?

Mo Tianji and others are ready, is the Tianmo game a fun? It is absolutely unacceptable to break into the calculation of the other party and be led by the other party! Then, everything is still spoken with a fist.

The brothers got the gesture hinted by Mo Tianji, faintly accumulating, only waiting for Chu Yang to say "reject" decision, once again attack!

Chu Yang suddenly spoke, and when he said it, everyone was scared and almost collapsed together: "Good! I will accompany you to do a game! I have to look at it, the simple choice game, how simple is it, How to choose!"

Mo Tianji turned his head: "Chuyang? You..."

Chu Yang set the god, the heart smiled, in fact, he has now faintly noticed something, I am afraid that some people are exerting pressure on themselves, but this individual is definitely not the demon in front of him.

Originally, he initially suspected that the demon had exerted some kind of confusing technique on himself, and induced himself to play the game. Naturally, he tried to fight against the force of the inducement, but the external force was too strong, and he finally even controlled himself. Lost, even blurted out and agreed to the game!

However, Chu Yang has also determined another thing, that is, there are other high-ranking people present, and the strength of this high-man is too high, let alone one brother, even the opposite of the demon is far behind!

However, this kind of thing is simply impossible to say. If it is said that someone has controlled himself, I am afraid that Mo Tianji and others are not looking for people to desperately.

Since the other party has such unpredictable terrorist strength, how can he and his opponent be his opponent? Once there is a conflict, I am afraid that I will only die.

Since you can't resist, let me face it.

Therefore, Chu Yang chooses a person to face the crisis, preferring to take risks alone, and it is better to drag everyone back to their hometown!

"I am alone!" Chu Yang said resolutely.


Continue to the second!

Guess what, how does Chu Yang choose? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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