Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 879: Chu Yang's choice!

Although it is adventurous to play games, Chu Yang has another vague guess: this secret person may not be the enemy; if this person is an enemy, it can kill himself directly.

But now it is the result...

Chu Yang heart center read the electricity, the flash of light flashes: Will it be ... snow tears cold ... or the person who belongs to the side of the snow tears cold? If so, then you will never be in danger. However, Gu alone and others are not necessarily.

Therefore, Chu Yang immediately announced that he would only participate in the game alone.

Since the situation has been determined, then the situation will be locked into the most beneficial way, and the crisis may not be a turning point!

Mo Tianji took a deep breath and decided to look at Chu Yang for a long while. He keenly captured the helplessness and a hint of urging in Chu Yang’s eyes. He couldn’t help but calm down and immediately calm down. “You can’t beat it.” Killing is also a good thing! Our brothers are waiting for the boss to return!"

Chu Yang smiled and nodded, let go of Mo Xiaowu's little hand and took a step forward.

The Devils did not find any abnormality at all. They laughed and said: "Good courage, both, then go up ten steps!"

In the day, the devils want to come, the conditions they set out are so "good hou." How can the other party refuse, without risk, can solve the unbeatable enemy like himself, how to calculate is also cost-effective.

Chu Yang smiled and strode out, no more hesitation or shaking.

Whether it is voluntary or forced, since it is decided, it is to go forward!

Behind him, the pair of small hands that Mo light danced were tightly twisted together, and the bones were white.

The shoulders were slightly sinking, and Mo Tianji gently patted his sister's shoulder: "Reassured! Chu Yang is sure, you have seen that he was not fully prepared to move!"

Mo light dance nodded, this moment, but the heart is worried, even the words of Mo Tianji comfort did not listen.

The demon geek screamed and laughed, and both hands were raised. A black mist was sprayed out and the entire Chuyang was shrouded inside...


"On the Lord, it is not a subordinate. If you change your mind now, you still have time. The devil's heart is not a high-level magic. If you don't enter the master's eyes, it is the root of the devil. Once it is done, it is irreversible."

The old man in the air looked at the magic fog and rose, worried: "Only the spiritual stability, you can not fear the outer magic; at least to the land level can be so; this Chu Yang is now a good achievement, but it has only a level of hierarchy, Far from reaching the level of spiritual stability in the land; everyone's heart is magical, under the prefecture level, it is difficult to return to the magic; if it can't be suppressed... the adventure is too big! It doesn't matter, it's not as good as..."

Snow tears faintly said: "No matter! I believe that Chu Yang; 丞 phase, everything in the world, every benefit has a disadvantage, although spiritual stability is a blessing for the repairer, never afraid of the invasion of the outer devil; but ... after the spiritual stability However, it completely loses the opportunity of spiritual experience. This is a great regret for the future heavenly walk. Moreover, it is very likely to lead to abortion."

"Now Chu Yang accepts the demon experience at the level of the mysterious level, but it is the most critical and dangerous point in the Tiandao walk after reaching the heavenly level. As long as it is finally spent, it will be of great help... compared with each other. You should be clear, you should be clear!"

The old man sighed, no longer said more, but his heart said: 孰 孰 孰? If you want to pass it, you will be greatly help. If it is not passed, it is a fart [sail a small s house]. In the mysterious level, you can experience and succeed through the demon... How many people are there in the entire Nine Heavens?

In the past, in order to fight against the demon, the nine-day Scorpio has also carried out such similar demons. However, for three consecutive years, the geniuses cultivated by the major family sects, more than 30,000 people have been spurred of magic, and have to be killed immediately. To eliminate the hidden dangers, causing the major families to rebound strongly...

More than 30,000 people, including the so-called talents, geniuses, and wizards, but why is there an exception?

Since then, no one has ever done it like the whole Nine Heavens!

Why are you so sure that Chu Yang can pass?

Can you give me a reason to reassure me? Is there wood? Can wood? !

This is really puzzling...

"To tell the truth, I have another purpose. I really want to know, Chu Yang in those dazzling choices, how would he choose? How to give up!" Snow tears twitched a smile.

The old man was right, and he had nothing to say at a time. I can't think of the Lord... There is such curiosity, and it is still a low-powered...the warrior! Garbage warrior!

It is the garbage warrior. With the cultivation of Chuyang now, in front of these two people, it can only be described as a garbage warrior!

Nine Heavens is a genius, even if it is stronger than Chu Yang, the talent is better, there are many people, even countless, but the Lord has never been interested in any young people.

Today, what is going on here?

I don’t know that the snow and tears are also thinking in secret: I really want to see, this strange place in Chuyang, actually qualified to be the last generation of nine robbery swords, bearing the two big powers to value...

Why is it? For what reason? What reason?

What is unique about him? It’s rare to have this opportunity today, naturally it’s a good idea...

The devil is in the array.

Seeing that Chu Yang has entered the game category, it has been completely shrouded in the whole battle. The Devils have released their own knowledge and probed the heart of Chu Yang. Under this look, I am overjoyed!

The depth of this Chu Yang's origin is actually far more than the previous one; this is really a hair. If it can give birth to the source of the demon... This, at least, can restore more than one-and-a-half of the repairs!

I made it, this time it was made!

But this guy is so old, how can there be such a strong hou heart?

The demon is in doubt, but only listens to Chu Yang and asks: "Why don't you start?"

Are you still impatient? This adult inadvertently let you live a little longer, you are impatient!

"The game has already begun, hehe..." The gods hurriedly woke up from their meditation, first making a burst of laughter that was hard to suppress the excitement of their hearts.

Kid, this is your own door.

If it was a few days ago, I really didn't have much confidence in dealing with ordinary people like you, but now, I already have a Tian Mou source in hand, and there is no difficulty in dealing with ordinary people like you who are not predators. Saying...

"Begin... this game is like this... choose..." The Devils began to explain the rules of the game.

"The most, you can only choose nine!" said the devil. Immediately, the magic array unfolds immediately.

If Chu Yang once saw the choice of Fa Zun and the night drunk, then it will be found that the time of the demon array is now more than doubled than that time!

In other words, the power of the current magic array is experienced by night drunk, more than doubled! More dangerous and unpredictable.

Chu Yang nodded and looked at the fifty-six items that were rotating in front of him. His eyes were slightly fascinating.

There are also some surprises in my heart.

The fifty-six items in it contain almost all the desires in the human heart. All life ideals are in it! Whether it is good or evil!

After the Devils urged him several times, Chu Yang finally began to raise his finger and began to choose. The golden light flashes in front of you, one by one, slowly slipping through, and each one can touch the heartstrings.

Life partner!

After Chu Yang began to choose, these four words suddenly appeared in front of him, Chu Yang eyes bright, pointed out like the wind, the first one is to light this item. Rolling red dust, if it can be accompanied by the people of the life, this life is not awkward...

Juvenile couples are always coming, this is also the most valued in Chu Yang's heart. The regrets of previous life have made Chu Yang full of obsession with the ‘lifetime companion’!

The old man is old and accompanied by his life.

Mo light dance, iron fill the sky ... Oh, I don't know these gimmicks, what if it is old, what would it look like? Chu Yang is fascinated.

Then, life and death brothers. second section!

Chu Yang did not hesitate, immediately click. My brother, with the same bitterness, share the honor and disgrace; the same knife mountain, a total of fire sea; before and after life and death shoulders, the king of the temple is accompanied by!

Chu Yang point, looking at the gleaming 'life and death brother' three words, Chu Yang muttered: "If one day, I become a legend, I hope [sail a small s house] look at my legend, there are you If one day, you become a legend, I hope that you have me in the legend!"

"I used to vow, I will not forget!"

Then... the parent family, the third.

Father, mother, created his own people. Although Chu Yang has not been separated from his parents for a long time because of his life, his envy of his parents is not second to others.

Thinking of the tenderness of her mother Yang Ruolan, Chu Yang’s heart is a warmth. Even if the whole world is unreliable, parents can always rely on it. No matter what his son did, parents...have always been tolerant!

The fourth item, Chu Yang chose the blood brothers. The blood brothers, there are still a few younger generations of the Chu family. Chu Yang’s heartfelt hope that these brothers can live in harmony.

Then, the fifth item, Chu Yang chose the world invincible - the world is invincible, this is the rivers and lakes, and even ordinary people, as long as it is a man, everyone has a sweet dream!

"The world is invincible, it is already very good, it is completely enough. What is unique to me, it is superfluous. If it is only my own, then how should my parents and brothers behave themselves? Are they under my subordinates?" Chu Yang heart Sneer, and then clicked on the world. The sixth item.

"I have never been a savior; I don't have such a great mind, but I grew up in this world. The world is dead, I will die, my brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, all my loved ones... die!"

"Not to mention, this world is still full of goodness. There are still many good people. If there is that ability, why not save it?"

"Ronghua is not necessarily rich; if you have strength, are you afraid that you will not be rich and rich? However, it is necessary to order the world. Some things, such as the future decisive battle of the devil, there is not enough momentum is not enough... it is indeed Need to order the world."

The seventh item, order the world! (to be continued

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