Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 887: City of Elf (4)

When Chu Yang said this, Mo Qingwu suddenly became blushing, and his heart was sweet and low-headed; Mo Tianji was also relieved, and said with enthusiasm: "There is still some conscience, I know that I care for my sister, rest assured. Let me, how can I not let the light dance thin?"

However, while the other brothers outside are at ease, they are also ridiculous for a while.

"Rely! Boss is really a light-hearted friend, what is it that we are not afraid of being hungry... People are iron rice is a steel don't eat hungry, big men are also people..." Rock is strangely strange: "We Why are you not afraid of being hungry?"

"Yeah yeah..." Ji Molian nodded: "Heavy color friends, Ji Erye is a flesh and blood. If you don't eat for 20 days, you will die." My family will only ruin the blood, so disgusting things, Ji Erye can't do it, and I can't do it if I kill him."

The arrogant cloud, the ignorant, suddenly glared at him, and it was very interesting to learn the lesson. Ji Mo clearly did not see the form in front of him, and he continued to provoke the death and death: "Look at it, you two and a half are not humans, don't hurry to hunt? Hungry, what are we going to do in the future? So no eyesight. I remember to play more, you will eat raw, and I will be grilled and eaten with Gu Lao 2 Mo Shen stick, we are not cold and not jealous..."

The voice has not yet fallen, and the arrogant cloud and the ambiguity have already come together, and the fists and feet are all out, and there is no mercy. If you look at the posture, you can say that they have a lot of possibilities with Ji Mo.

"What are you doing hunting? The brothers will bake you both and eat enough..."

Ji Mo yelled and yelled: "Brothers! Oh, these two non-humans who dare to fight the people of the second generation, are not afraid of causing anger..."

The voices have not fallen, and the brothers have started to work together, but the target of the hands is the dying Ji Erye and Luo Erye: "The persimmons are naturally picky, and the dragons and phoenix buddies can’t afford it. Only Ji Erye and Luo Erye of the Terran are ready-made two sandbags. They don’t fight white, they fight and they fight.

Hey, hehe...

Ji Erye and Luo Erye were very interested in asking for mercy, and they hugged their heads and hugged their heads: "You grandfather, the little ones are wrong, you are the adults, the prime minister can support the boat, forgive... ”

"Continue to smash! Use force to smash, kill people and come to me!" Mo Tianji murderous order.

Finally, Ji Erye and Luo Erye became two dead dogs that could only breathe between a few fingers. They were on the ground, and they were black. Gu’s cold face came together: “What did you call? Gu Gu 2? I didn't hear it clearly. Do you call it again? Let me listen clearly and hurry!"

Ji Mo has a mouthful, and the original problem is actually here? !

When Mo Tianji stepped forward, Yin smiled and said: "What did you call? Is it a Moss stick!? I didn't ask for it, you said it again? Hurry!"

Ji ink screams, the day I die, resigned eyes closed Ass: "Beat it beat it ...... not that you wanted to hit me with you ...... Not the face on the line ......"



Time flies, time flies very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, half a month has hurried away.

In the middle of the month, the outside brothers were bored. In addition to practicing as a dry frame, Ji Mo and Rock's enemies were each smashed at least forty or fifty times. This is still the most conservative estimate, and it is still a slap in the face. People are invincible.

Proud evil clouds and sorrows are unreasonable, especially if they can't understand themselves, they can be the crown of the people who have already lived. A pair of heavenly bosses, my old 2 virtues, finally caused public anger; they were jointly attacked once, and the arrogant cloud was turned over. With a blind eye for a long time, I can’t get angry.

Later, Gu Zhixing and Dong Wushen challenged each other, and the two men singled out the rest of the people. However, under the command of the gods, the sword of the supreme sword was the ultimate moment of the sword. Was disintegrated, and the two were taken for granted.

On the last day, there was no reason to provoke the incident again, but the brothers were all stunned by the fact that everyone was stunned, but the singularity of the singularity, the exception of the singer, the gods are amazing, this thing is very beautiful, very Unbalanced, so there was no reason to hold on to Mo Tianji and hit a meal. When it arrived, no one could spare the day of changing pigs...

Half a month has passed, everyone has improved a lot, and the ability to fight and fight has also been significantly strengthened. Only in addition to the two females who are Mo light dance and ink tears, everyone else is a bruise of human face. The human head is also a common thing...

This brother usually stood out, any one, no matter where he went, it was a beautiful man with a jade tree, but at the moment everyone was black as a panda, his cheeks were swollen like a hoe, his mouth was bruised like a pig. The nose is bruised and scary. It is a group of refugees after the war...

Mo light dance and ink tears have long been eccentric about such scenes. The two women's paths whispered freely, and they laughed twice from time to time. For the boring people who had their own nose and face swollen behind them, the two women only sneered.

If Chu Yang is there, it will be able to form a binding force on these guys. At the moment, Chu Yang is not there. Obviously, Mo Tianji and Gu Lone have not had such prestige... I have been stunned without screaming. beat……

However, the exchanges during this time gave the ink tears a very surprising discovery: no matter which field, Mo Qingwu seems to have more than he knows...

How is this going?

This looks like a little girl who is only a teenager...

Moreover, the most incomprehensible to the tears is that Mo Qingwu sometimes meditates silently, and the words that are said are like the suffering women who have seen through the vicissitudes of life and suffering from the wind and frost; but sometimes they are cheerful, but still It’s a real little girl who is innocent and innocent.

The two performances form an unusually sharp contrast. It even gives people a feeling of being out of touch and fault.

If you use the eyes of modern people, the modern medical theory, the full division of the schizophrenia, and is an extremely serious schizophrenia!

Super dual personality!

This kind of specific feeling makes the ink tears feel ridiculous; but this situation is more than once in the Mo light dance.

Also, every time this happens, Mo Qingwu always seems to have some problems...

Ink tears were puzzled by this. When the night was quiet, there was a question about Dong Wu. Dong did not hurt directly: "Do you think I can see it?"

Ink tears completely defeated.

Yes, this sentence is definitely a big truth, no big cover!

"I have forgotten that, in addition to the wisdom of Dong Erye, you can not only learn to kill the enemy, but also know that it is good to be full of food. I should have contented..."

Ink tears sighed, and I was so depressed that I couldn’t figure out what I couldn’t figure out. Ask someone to ask the knee joint...

Dong Wu's reaction to the ink tears for a long time, only came one sentence: "Know still ask!" Turn over and continue to snoring...

Ink tears are directly internalized, super internal injuries, or internal injuries that cannot be said to anyone at all...

This stock! Do you dare to lick a little more? !


Thousands of miles away.

In the hidden mountains filled with clouds and fog.

Fa Zun woke up and rubbed his eyes, only to remember what happened. He turned up and sat up, but he only felt that his body seemed to feel very strange. It seems that there is an unprecedented strong feeling, but he has only an unprecedented weakness.

The body is weak, the spirit is exhausted, and raising your fingers feels a sense of difficulty.

But where does this unprecedentedly powerful real feeling come from?

"What is going on here?" Fa Zun asked subconsciously, but in an instant he had recovered his calmness. He looked up and looked at the black mist in front of him.

Inside the dark house, it is the demon.

At this point, Fa Zun does not need any identification at all.

"Just a little accident... I was hurt..." The demon sighed, but the voice was dull, but the Fazen could clearly hear it. There was a kind of anger and violentness in the voice. . Behind all kinds of negative emotions, there are even more hidden sorrows and panic.

"You seem to be weak now?" Fa Zun narrowed his eyes and asked faintly.

"Crap, I am hurt, can you not be weak??" The gods did not say a word, but they did not hide. For the law, he does not need to hide, and there is no need to hide.

Because in his heart, Fa Zun is created by himself! Absolutely!

But I don't know, what kind of terrible consequences this kind of frankness has to be divided into, and the frankness of the present...

"Oh..." Fa Zun closed his eyes and his face was calm and waveless. No one knew what was in his mind.

"Your demon source is now truly awakened, and the true meaning begins to form a magical spirit." Tianmo said: "In the future, as long as you practice hard, under my guidance, you will definitely become a powerful demon! Even if it is not as good as this one. But it is also very popular!"

Fa Zun smiled dryly: "A powerful demon?"

Suddenly felt the indescribable absurdity in the heart, the deity is the first person in the nine heavens, and now he is going to fight for what is a "powerful demon"? Work hard?

What I am pursuing is only strong personal strength, but it is never rare to have any genius!

Still under your guidance? What are you? ! Not as good as you? !

I bother!

"Since my Tianmo source has awakened, why is it so weak now? Is this unreasonable? Shouldn't I feel refreshed and rehabilitated?!" Fa Zun frowned.

"It was supposed to be like this, but I took some of your source and repaired it for healing." The gods said of course.


The third and more than 500 words have been written, I wrote very smoothly, forget the time... cough... (unfinished. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend the work Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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