Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 888: City of Elves (5) [Supplement 2]

The seed of the Tianmo, which is cultivated by oneself, is naturally its own private property; all the demons agree with this view. For the demon family, this is a matter of righteousness.

"Oh, I understand, it turns out." Fa Zun smiled and said: "I can make a contribution to my predecessors. I am very honored." The heart roared: ** Grandpa! Your embarrassed dare to extract the origin of the deity! Two pens outside your domain! Laozi ** ancestors of all ages!

"Well, this is what it should be." The devil said a few words, almost suffocating the law, but the face of course is nothing to show, for the hidden nature of humanity, even the more advanced demon, can not Compared with human hypocrites.

At the same time, Fazen’s mind floated up another thought: Can he extract my Tianmo source to consolidate himself? Then, let me... Can I also extract his source of the demon and use it for me? It is ok to think of it!

If I can extract all the geniuses of this guy in front of me... So, what will I strengthen?

In the heart of the law, lightning travels through all kinds of thoughts.

"The most important thing at the moment is that you need some supreme cultivation to be above... the soul of the strong to make up for your loss..." When the devil said the word "strong", there was some disdain.

When will I be called the "strong" by the so-called "Supreme"? Strong? They also match? A little stronger cockroach ant!

I can’t help myself, and I’m telling you, “Come here, I’m going to teach you how to absorb the power of the soul. You go out to kill, then absorb the soul to use for me, strengthen your strength, and restore my injury...”

Fa Zun's eyes flashed and said: "Good! I must kill the seniors. I will kill a few people for the predecessors. Naturally, it is not a problem. There is no problem in killing. This country does not dare to say anything else. It is quite a lot."

Tianmo smiled with satisfaction and said: "You are very well-behaved. As long as you are obedient, the benefits are always a lot... well, listen carefully."

The demon does not have any doubts about how the law will be different. After all, he has spawned his source of the demon, which is the grace of the heavens and the earth!

As far as the creed of the demon is concerned, whatever he wants him to do is a matter of ridicule. The Demon family has been inherited in this way for millions of years, and it is not worth worrying about anything.

However, he did not realize that what he is facing now is not a true demon in the true sense. It is a complete nine-day human being. Moreover, this human being is still a high-powered, accustomed to the super-powerful people.

Most importantly, this human being is still a hero who has repeatedly betrayed, and is a super wise man with a sound mind and a wise mind.

After listening to the deeds taught by the demon, I have tried to figure it out for a while. I feel that something is wrong. I cautiously said: "Predecessors, you see that I am very weak now. I am afraid that I will not be able to kill the Supreme Power for the time being. I have to make up for it to carry out practical actions. Ok..."

"Well, what you said is also reasonable. Then I simply teach you how to refine the soul. You can kill a few people to add yourself first. Even if you are not high, you can recover a few layers of strength... You can’t Compared with me, I am very helpful to you in my glass of water." The devil is proud.

"Yes." Faith respectfully answered. In my heart: I really can't compare with you now, but after I have full wings and swallowed you, can't I compare with you? At that time, your fart is not!

Where does the demon think of the idea that the law is in such a big rebellion? Unreservedly, I carefully taught the exercises and warned: "Make me remember, as long as there is the soul of the supreme level, send it to me immediately, you must not swallow it yourself... at most after I recover a little, Every tenth, I will give you one, don't be too grateful to me, I am still very generous."

Fa Zhuang seems to be unconcerned, sincerely smiled: "The predecessors are so large, but they are called the shame of the younger generation? The seniors help me to open the source of the demon, this is so high and thick, I have never repaid in my life... I will never intercept myself. of."

The Devil whimse waved his hand: "Well, it’s hard for you to have this filial piety. The promise of this seat will always be effective... Go."

Fa Zun promised to come out.


In the next few days, Fa Zun has been constantly close to each other, and it is also enough to force him. The devil does not doubt him. He even taught him a lot of magic tricks...

He knows that every time he teaches a certain thing to the law, he is one step closer to death. He sent himself to the gate of the ghost door gradually...


Inside the Elf's Forest.

The core position of the super giant tree embraces.

Although the spring water that screamed and screamed out was fierce, it never really emerged from the ground, and naturally it would not be lost; only the color of the spring inside was more and more clear.

Since the third night, there has suddenly been a bright moon, gently shining here, covering the entire forest with a layer of crystal light.

The light gradually penetrated into each tree and disappeared, but the moonlight was shining forever, and the endless energy of the mysterious energy was injected into the forest without hesitation.

Chu Yang found that after almost half a day, the spring water became muddy, um, or can not be said to be turbid, but also became the general color of the moon, gradually precipitated, and, a string Strings of colorful bubbles are constantly coming up, whistling...

"This is the so-called Tianjing Yuehua. As today, Jingyuehua has already appeared, it proves that the ancient tree of life has recovered... And the appearance of this spring is the transformation of Tianjing Yuehua, which is a whole forest, into the city of elves. The special energy needed is transmitted to the city of the elves." It seems that I saw the doubts of Chu Yang, and Wei Gongzi’s faint explanation.

"It turns out that." Chu Yang exclaimed.

No wonder the elves have been so powerful, all the flowers and trees in this large forest are absorbing energy conversion... How powerful is this energy?

What Chu Yang still doesn't know is that with the recovery of the ancient trees of life, the emergence of Tianjing Yuehua, the periphery of this forest of thousands of miles is also spreading out at a speed visible to the naked eye. A tree emerges from the periphery. Come, slowly occupying another piece of land that did not belong to this forest...

It seems to continue at this rate and can occupy the entire continent in general.

However, all of this is done silently... It’s only half a day before and after, and this vast forest is expanding by one-tenth of the scope, and this expansion is continuing and firm. Keep going.

"If you have these people to absorb these energy..." Looking at the constant transformation energy of Tianjing Yuehua, some even condensed into essence, Chu Yang could not help but think infinitely.

"Don't be unrealistic, even if the gods rushed to this energy, they will be blasted in an instant." Wei Gongzi looked at him contemptuously and turned his head; no longer looked at the earthen buns that had never seen the world.

Chu Yang sweat.

Finally, finally arrived this day.

At that point, the spring water no longer bubbling, and it began to spurt out of the mist. The fog was initially very light, gradually becoming rich, and finally it was as rich as the essence. Chuyang breathed a bit and only felt like Shutai.

This phenomenon lasted for a few hours, the fog became faded, and the light was restored again. From the spring, the spring did not know how deep it was, and it seemed to always lead to the end of another world.

The human eye looked into the calm spring, and could not see his reflection.

Wei Gongzi took a deep breath and his face was dignified: "There is no shadow in the water, the vitality is transformed, the life is spring, the life tree is born, the moon is full, the elf channel has been opened... The time is almost, we can go in."

Chu Yang heard the spirit of a shock.

In fact, Wei Gongzi has already waited anxiously. In the past few days, he almost looked at the spring without blinking. I was afraid that what happened, and now I finally got through, and naturally I couldn’t wait to greet everyone.

Both hands continually played a variety of mysterious handprints on the chest, and the green aperture of one circle and one circle appeared so suddenly, all of which were injected into the void above the spring water.

Slowly, this piece of void shape began to undergo subtle changes.

With a twist of shackles, there was a narrow passage through which only one person could enter.

"This... really... magical." Chu Yang was stunned.

It seems that I haven't seen how hard it is for Wei Gongzi. Is this whole passage so open?

So simple? !

"What to abolish, it is serious to go quickly!" Wei Gongzi hurriedly greeted him, and he could not wait to fly and entered this passage.

Chu Yang did not dare to neglect, followed by a vertical entry.

"This is the racial power of our elves... It seems that you don't have to work hard, but it's actually effortless." Wei Gongzi is very excited, obviously not looking for words, the intention is to cover up himself. Almost the excitement of the heart's ecstasy.

"It turns out that." Chu Yang's voice seemed very dull in the passage, very depressed.

After the two entered, the outer passage of the passage suddenly disappeared silently, and after a space was distorted, it disappeared completely.

The spring eyes on the ground were also cleverly covered by a few stones, and everything seemed to have no traces.

Everything is full of vitality, and it is slowly scattered everywhere...

Let this place look a bit unobtrusive...

After entering the passage, Chu Yang felt that his body seemed to be in an infinite fall. It would be better to never fall to the end. An unprecedented sense of weightlessness appeared clearly in his senses.

Like a nightmare, I just feel that my body is falling inexhaustible...


Today's third, fill the second chapter. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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