Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 897: Light dance

At that time, Laozi only had the feeling of maintaining a quarter of an hour. He was already a peerless genius. He was proud of the past and the present. He even thought that Laozi was the best in the world... Now these three times are more...

Wei Gongzi burst into tears. This is really a blow to people...

Finally, at the end of the fourth hour, Chu Yang was shocked and woke up, his body swaying, scratching his head, and wondering: "How tired, how is the body so heavy, how is the leg so sour?" what happened?!"

Wei Gongzi bowed his head without words.

You stood with the strength of the flesh for four hours... You said that you can not sink? Can the legs be sour? Everyone is sour, even if you are enchanting, you have to sink, you are sour...


"How is Dantian now?" Jianling clearly saw that the radiant yellow light of Chuyang’s **** suddenly flashed.

"There has been a change and it has become a shape that looks like a six-pointed star. It is very weird..." Chu Yang touched his chin, and he was puzzled.

Sword spirit 呃 呃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Oh..." Chu Yang did not understand, and he only got an amazing breakthrough. It was worthy of the spring breeze. How could it be awkward?

"The triumph of today is not equal to eternal. In the future, your way forward will be very troublesome, very troublesome,..." Sword Spirit said: "You are the descendant of the Nine Heavens, this is the world. One of the most difficult advanced exercises, but also the most powerful method of power. This in itself restricts your practice - the more powerful the exercises, the more demanding!"

"But not only that, but you are still a versatile body with two elements. If you practice others, most of them only need a single type, or the strength of the two attributes will be enough. You can advance, and you... every time The order needs to have seven kinds of strengths to be able to... And, the number of each type is seven times that of others, a whole seven times..."

"As a result, although you can be invincible in the same order, you can even win the weak and overcome the challenge; but your advanced path, under the same conditions, will be more than forty-nine times more difficult than others! Seven seven forty-nine times, do you understand?"

Sword Spirit sighed: "It’s just a breakthrough, and it’s the peak that the Nine Heavenly Masters can achieve. It’s worth the spring breeze, or you don’t understand me, or you don’t believe it, but when you get on the sky, this will really understand the true meaning of the forty-nine times, if the most simple analogy is that you can beat this man, after a year of growth, you can easily beat you, the difference is so big ...... "

Chu Yang grinned, and really did not put it in his heart, very easy to say: "What about that?"

Sword Spirit suddenly: "This means that your road will be extremely rugged..."

Chu Yang faintly said: "How is the ruggedness, my way is to go by myself, others have other people's roads, roads or the same road, but I am taking my path, why should we consider other people's? Is it not superfluous? ?!"

He laughed and walked forward: "Even if I am coming all the way, it is actually more than seventy-four and forty-nine times more than people!"

Sword spirit stunned, I knew that this product was heartless, but I did not expect that I had no heart to the lungs.

The former convenience is the throne of the Elf Queen.

The eighth section of the Nine Robbery Sword appeared from here.

Chu Yang has already felt that there is still a huge amount of energy here.

And these energies must be the welfare of the eighth section of the Nine Robbery Sword.

The nine robbery swords screamed cheerfully, and the screaming swords, but also the sound of the murder of infinite murder.

Wei Gongzi looked at Chu Yang on one side and couldn't help but whisper: "Chuyang, the heart needs to be stable first. If the heart is unstable, it is easy to change."

Chu Yang stopped the pace of the move and smiled: "Wei brother does not have to worry, I have already stabilized."

Has it been stabilized?

Wei Gongzi’s mouth seemed to have a twitching intentionally or unintentionally.

At the beginning, I spent half a month to stabilize. If you are still not good, have you already stabilized?

Suddenly, the Nine Robbery Sword suddenly made a very fierce sword, rising to the sky, and it was hundreds of feet in the air, and then the thunder and lightning flashed down.

Wei Gongzi and Chu Yang actually reacted in the future, and which Elf throne had been completely torn apart under the impact of the Nine Robbery Sword.

Not only the Elven Emperor, but also a deep hole on the ground.

There was a ray of light that flew out of the big hole. One of the most sturdy, lightning-like bodies entered Chuyang.

The remaining nine rays, like a meteor, flew out, and the moment has disappeared.

Outside, Mo Tianji and others are talking and laughing. Chu Yang accompanied Weigong to go to the Elf City to explore the secret without risk. Everyone has a consensus on this, naturally there is no worry.

In fact, the time for Chu Yang and Wei Gongzi to recover is not short. There have been more than half a month before and after. Mo Tianji and others have tried to improve their own cultivation, but they have also found a lot of fun. Playing a group is a method, but now it is a law.

The crowd sat around, in the middle position, racked up several shelves, the bonfire underneath, the shelves, the many hares of the barbecue have been bright yellow, giving a seductive fragrance.

The two great gods, Rocky Enemy and Ji Mo, are concentrating on the barbecue industry, and their mouths are sipping from the mouth. For these two foodies, it seems that there is no more important thing than the barbecue hare in front of you. As for the image, the two are completely ignored. What is the image of eating? !

Once it reaches the supreme realm, it can be used for a period of time. This cycle is not long, but it is also a special skill of the Supreme Warrior. Gu Zhixing and others are trying this novel practice, and even Mo Mowu is trying to find the valley.

Not eating human fireworks, but the legendary gods can do things, everyone has a longing for the heart, and now that there is something to do, how to pay for it.

However, the two sons of Ji Erye and Luo Erye are the big fish and meat that lived in the meal. The small animals in the Elven Forest are considered to be badly moldy. The wilderness of the Elven Forest is very much available, almost at your fingertips. And the meat quality of the Elven Forest game is not comparable to the world. It is very unusual and tastes very good. These two people have not fallen for a meal. The mouth is full of oil and the oil is full. This is more than half a month. It seems that there is a lot of fat in the body.

"The time for these two people to enter has been very short." Mo Tianji looked at the seventeen lines he had drawn on the ground and whispered: "It is already noon today at the noon of the seventeenth day."

Gu was alone, and said to himself: "Thirteen days... It’s been seventeen days..."

There is a sharp sword in the scorpion.

Mo Tianji shook his head and stopped him. He said: "I believe there will be no accidents. Wei brother will never be unfavorable to the boss."

Gu alone snorted and said: "If the boss is really a thing, I will kill the dark bamboo!"

Mo Tianji nodded and agreed.

Dong did not hurt to hear, Huo Ran looked up: "Well?"

Mo Tianji smiled and said: "Nothing, nothing..."

Dong did not hurt and said: "Why is it okay, I just heard it... How? Is it dangerous for the boss to do this?"

"I don't listen to the four, I didn't listen to it before. I just evaluated one or two. There is a saying that Chu is in danger!" Mo Tianji didn't look up at it.

These guys are a bit sloppy, knowing that there will be nothing, but they still can't help thinking about the bad, and then they are gnashing their teeth...

It’s mostly so idle, and you can’t find yourself uncomfortable!

However, at this time, suddenly there was a mysterious anomaly that rose from the ground.

The spirits of the brothers were shocked and they were alert.

They are not afraid of something now, they are okay!

Ji Mo and Rock's enemies also stood up and abandoned the delicious hare that was about to be finished with the barbecue.

Although it is a big thing to eat, some things are bigger than the sky, especially about the boss of Chu!

Immediately, I saw four mysterious lights rushing out of the ground.


In the next moment, the extreme light shimmers in the heavens and the earth, and the heavens and the earth are all bright, the light and the glory, such as the glare of the spurs, even the glory of the sun is pressed down.

In the extreme brilliance, everyone clearly saw that the previous four rays were divided into one red and three white, the red light was the most ambitious, but the power was several times more than the other three rays, and even the sky was grounded.

However, this aurora phenomenon only lasted for a moment, and the extreme brilliance disappeared. Only the most magnificent red light, it was a meal, as if looking for what the target was, suddenly bursting into a dreamlike brilliance, like Lightning generally rushed into the delicate body of Mo light dance.

Changed elbow, this change came too suddenly, Mo light dance only had time to ‘ah’, the red light had completely disappeared into her body, no trace.

It seems that it has never been seen before.

This series of accidents happened too quickly, even if it was too slow to describe it, it was not too slow to dance. Not everyone did not dance, everyone did not come to the ground and reacted. When it finally came back, it happened. It has even completely ended.

For the first time, Mo Tianji felt that things were completely out of his mastery. He completely lost control of the sudden changes. When he was in a panic, he walked in front of Mo Qingwu and asked nervously: "Little dance, how are you?" Can you be uncomfortable there?"

Mo light danced his face with a fascinating brilliance, soft, hesitant and uncertain: "I didn't feel any abnormality, it happened too fast, it was too fast, I really didn't feel anything. ......"

The little girl was a little panicked, and her speech was somewhat upside down.

"Hey?" Mo Tianji glimpsed, the ray of light is so vast, it must be a good name, how to enter the small dance body, but there is no response, it is against the common sense!


Today is only one more. Cough, not stuck, it is really drunk in the morning. The vice moderator of the heart of the heart is driving to Laiwu, the little life is living with him, the drink is so high, so he is drunk...

Keke, if you are too little to update, you can go to the heart of the adult to discuss a statement... walk away. (To be continued. Please remember this site ticket style website w/ww.pi/ao/ti/an.n/et)

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