Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 898: Divine change

The sinister cloud touched the chin and frowned and guessed: "Until now, the last catastrophe of the Nine Robbery is still undecided. According to the Chu boss, there should be the eighth section of the Nine Robbery Sword, the ray that suddenly burst out. It is very likely that the eighth cut of the robbery brought the change, but the light has only chosen a small dance, I make a bold assumption, ... Is the little dance the last robbery of the nine robbers?"

Mo Tianji pondered and considered the possibility of arrogant words.

The eyes of other people are all bright, and if the speculations of the proud and evil clouds are true, the nine robbers will be complete, and the nine robbers will be a great blessing!

He prefers to sing against the singer and sings the singer, saying: "If those ray of light really represent the genus of the nine robbers, the one dance is the last rob, what are the remaining three ray? Meaning, is there still a tenth robbery or an eleven robbery?"

Everyone suddenly became dumb and couldn’t understand what was said.

Yes, the other three are now flying without a trace. Who knows where to go? If it is based on this judgment, there will be a far-fetched suspicion.

At this stage, it is really impossible to judge what the four lights mean, what is it, and what does it mean? !

At the same time, Chu Yang also felt it, or he felt that he had a white light flying out, but he turned back silently. It seemed that he just went outside to go around and then " The sound of the brush disappeared into your body.

Chu Yangyi, heart, what is the situation, can you say that you have won again?

Why do you want to say "again"? Who made this time to win the prize, really more than once!

However, after careful investigation, it was discovered that the white light really entered his body, but the winner was not himself, because the white light really entered the nine-robbery space in his body, and one of them got into the sleep state of Wu Qianqian. In the body.

The winner is Wu Qianqian!

Chu Yang stunned, contemplating and contemplating, but after meditation for a long time, I didn’t want to understand what was going on. The only conclusion I got was that the white light went out for a circle and found that the target was actually on the nine-robbery space. In the middle, this is going back.

However, the field of this white light is too high, and there is no external force in its own space. You can enter this white light without exception. Actually, it is true!

The next three days, Tieyun Palace.

Tieyun’s king, Tie Butian, is looking at the bar at the moment, thinking of a good man. The last time Chu Yang came in a hurry, he hurried away, but left the infinite sweet memories of Tie Butian. When Chu Yang left, Tiebu Tian is standing here to send.

It is precisely because of that day that the delivery has created a new habit of iron-filled days. Almost every once in a while, I will come here far and wide, even if I know that I am just waiting, I still have hope.

Or, the unconscion... will come back suddenly?

But day after day, Chu Yang never came back. Over time, Tiebutian will have more of this habit.

The guards stood far behind, no one dared to make a slight movement. They all knew that the Emperor’s Majesty could not be disturbed at this time. They breathed silently and did not dare to speak.

"You... are you okay?" There was a silky tenderness in the eyes of the iron-filled eyes. Looking at the distant sky, the heart sighed.

If you were willing to abandon everything and Zhao with him then, then you may not have to suffer from this lovesickness? But... how can I be willing?

"Go back." Tie Butian turned slightly and turned back to the palace.

At this moment, suddenly a burst of exclamation sounded: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty..., be careful..."

The sky, a sudden white light suddenly falling, like a blank rainbow across the sky, the sky is coming.

The moment has arrived at the head of Tieyun City, but in the twinkling of an eye it has become the most graceful and bright yellow, just like the emperor's robe, majesty can not be square.

The bright yellow brilliance flashed, and the radiant light entered the body of Tiebutian.

At this time, the sound of exclamations of the people was still in the future, and it was really all that came too suddenly and ended too quickly.

Tiebu Tian only felt a little dizzy. As a party, she didn't know what was going on. She couldn't help but frown: "What happened just now?"

"Congratulations, His Majesty, this is the temperament of the gods and dragons, and the dragon is in the body, the master of the destiny! I am the iron cloud royal family, I will be able to protect the heavens, Wei Ling world, longevity!"

The ministers of civil and military and the guards at the same time stumbled at the same time.

This vision of the sky is in the presence of the emperor, this is a great auspicious,...

Ning Tianya, who is concentrating on cultivation in the secret place of the Imperial Palace, wrinkles his eyes and raises his eyes. If he looks at the sky with a thoughtful look, he will think for a long time, but he can’t think of it.

He can conclude that the white rainbow has nothing to do with the so-called dragon gas, but it really makes him say that he can't say it, and the strangest thing is that "the white light has nothing to do with the dragon, but But with an infinite emperor.

Why is that?

Ning Tianya is also confused, the only thing that can be determined, that white rainbow will not have a negative impact, so that is enough.

As for another odd number in the palace

Xiao Tieyang is still in the pool, and he continues to play day after day. The little face is now a little dignified. The strange tree was once again placed in the water, and the transparent beads rushed up with the water, rushed up, then ruined, fell

Life and death... life and death... life and death...

As for the struggle, struggle, give up, escape, and so on.

As for this white light, the little guy didn't seem to see it and ignored it.

The distant nine heavens.

The smoke noodles that have never been heard are Jiangnan.

Small and delicate red dust.

The long-lost purple evil sentiment was white, sitting quietly in a piece of Mozhulin, feeling the strength of the heavens and the earth, to nourish their own air.

Since the successful forging of people, the purple evil feelings seem to feel that they have changed a lot of temper, but after the demon gas in the body has been dispersed, the aura of the people once again gathers the aura, and then rebuilds, but it is true. Not an easy task.

Until now, even with the rich experience of the past, the exceptionally superior cultivation sites and cultivation resources have been restored to the past half of the cultivation.

Since returning here, the purple evil has been concentrating on repairing, shutting down, and doing everything, effort, and perseverance to restore cultivation. However, in order to become a person, her demon has been destroyed, and the progress of cultivation has not been the same as in the past. The progress is also quite slow. It can only be slowly practiced as a person's San Dantian, step by step.

Purple evil is to cultivate everyone, and there is a clear understanding of such a process. It is not anxious. Where is the bottom of his own, as long as he is willing to work hard, he will have a successful day, especially now In essence, the body is really the beginning of the door of the avenue, the future is full of light and smooth road.

During this time, the demon prince who had been robbed of death has now recovered from his body and came to the south of the Yangtze River. He has been on the door for almost three days, and he does not mention the pursuit. He just talks about the land, exchanges and discusses the cultivation experience. Or say something interesting about the rivers and lakes.

The purple evil sentiment is overwhelmed by this. I have experienced countless hardships and suffered so many hardships before being able to forge adults. The most important reason is to draw a relationship with the Yaozu, how can he accept his heart now? ?

Not to mention that in my heart, there is already another person who has already faintly...

However, the identity of the other party is noble, but behind it is the back of the entire demon power. The purple evil can't be denied in person, but also forced to succumb to the virtual and the snake. Every time I say a few words, I will rush to the order.

Refused in a euphemistic way: I am not interested in you, you should not come around me.

Unexpectedly, the demon prince was frustrated repeatedly, but it was more frustrated and more courageous. The more he came to the Iraqi people, the more interested he was. It seems that eating here is often rejected, but instead he has his fighting spirit.

The purple evil spirits can't wait to pinch this flies-like guy, but once the other person's identity is superior, he can't do this: the second is... the demon prince's strength is also the highest strength, he is not his now. opponent……,

Moreover, the demon prince is polite and courteous, has a decent manner, and is very friendly. There is no reason for her to get angry. Only her heart is depressed.

The purple evil feelings have been sighed at this point, but I can't help but sigh. I am afraid that there are still many troubles, which is really a headache.

It was just at this moment that suddenly a god-and-white light rushed to the thunder and the electricity came normally. The speed was so fast that it was just discovered, and the white light had all fallen into its own body.

Although the repair of the purple evil is only reverting to the past, it is still not comparable to the nine-strong Tianwu. After this change, it can't help but wait for it to be repaired, protect itself, and respond to it, but it is inexplicable. The avenue of the avenue has been loosened. This change makes the purple evils happy, and the loosening of the avenues of the avenues means that it is just around the corner, but the real surprises are still coming.

Before, because it was necessary to fade the demon body and transform the human body, the original demon dan was naturally destroyed. This is an inevitable process of demonizing the human body. The purple evil affair ruined its own demon dan with great perseverance. The source of the demon is not extinguished, and the demon dan that is destroyed is scattered and enchanted, and still stays in the body.

There is no way for this purple evil to do it. It can only be wiped out by water mills, and it can be turned back to the most primitive aura. It can be said to be the source of the past, but now it has become the biggest obstacle to perfection. The evil situation is stagnant, and it has a lot to do with this demon source.

But when the gods came from a white light, suddenly there was a huge change, just like when the air was shining, the haze was scattered, but in the body, the infinite demon of the demon was swept away in an instant. Everything is transformed into the purest energy power.

Continue with the second chapter of the codeword. (To be continued)

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