Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 899: Breakthrough of purple evil

As the demon gas completely disappears, the biggest obstacle to prevent the purple evils from being refined into perfection has disappeared, and even the best is transformed into a great help!

The purple evil sentiment was shocked, and it was clear that his cultivation was rapidly increasing in the momentum of breaking a river, or it was recovering. There were only two or three breaths in front and back, and the white mist on his head. It’s amazing.

The next moment, the white atomization of the head made red, white and yellow three kinds of flower buds of different colors, and the three colored flowers bloomed slowly on the top of the head.

In addition to the three-flowered competition, there are five mysterious anomalous breaths that rise and rise, and the air in the head can't keep tumbling. The purple evil feelings seem to know how to deal with it. The mouth of the mouth is slightly open, and the mouth is sucked, and the five breaths are sucked in by her. Within the mouth and nose.

It was actually a three-flowered gathering, five gas dynasty, and a perfect evening!

The look of the purple evil face suddenly rose, but I don’t know where this white light came from, but it has such a magical effect. It is clear that his cultivation has returned to its original peak. Even though there is still a lot of progress, after all, the plaza imprint is loose, but it is more gratifying than all the demon.

Or today is the lucky day of purple evil, because the surprise so far is only a beginning at best, just beginning, the next moment, the strength of the body is still climbing, gradually improving, is actually a constant impact.

Such progress is really incredible and straightforward. The purple evil sentiment was shocked by himself, hurriedly put away the joyful mood, calmed the mind, and operated to repair...

After a long, long time... The sound of "Boom" was crisp, oh... The purple bones slammed the bones neatly.

A pair of purple evil spirits slowly opened. In the eyes, the flash of light is not as true as it is. It is really solid, just three feet.

Day level.

I finally reached the level of heaven!

Then she jerked her head and looked at the sky and reached the level of heaven. It was a happy event, but it was also accompanied by another crisis.

Arriving at the level of heaven is bound to be accompanied by thunder!

In the sky, the clouds of the four sides flocked. In an instant, it was already a dark cloud, and the faint electric light flashed in the dark clouds, slowly rotating, and it was ready to go.

A terrible Tianwei, suddenly came to the top!

It is as if the whole earth is completely flattened. The feeling of horror, hundreds of miles, everyone is treacherous.

People cannot be higher than heaven.

and so. Once it is repaired to the level of heaven, Heaven will drop the thunder. From this moment on, it is only true to fight with the sky!

Take the road of your own from the avenue of ‘天’.

People and the heavens are fun. However, this fun is to pay a bet to accompany your life at any time!

There is no fear and fear in the purple evil spirits, and there is no wind and no clothes in the clothes, and it is a calm and unrestrained situation.

Four times around. Countless people were full of surprises and looked at the sky strangely. Looking at the robbery clouds in the sky; the remnants of the robbery, which powerful person, actually broke through this enviable level here?

The white woman since she escorted the purple evil spirits to the south, she sincerely liked the elegance and quiet here, has lived here, and carved, she is also the first to fly out of the room, after all, her cultivation is very deep.

At first glance, I couldn't help but be shocked: "Is it a catastrophe? Shouldn't it be? There is no such master in this way. If there is, I won't know, how can it be?"

Then he asked aloud: "Little purple, you are good now, is it okay? There are repairers crossing the thunder, we are leaving quickly, if there is delay, you can't help but fish!"

This is not the white woman's judgment error, even if the purple evil has been repaired as the most peak, there is still a long distance from the heavenly realm, not to mention the current retreat, the white woman can not think of it anyway. It is actually a purple evil sentiment to the heavenly level!

However, the next moment, the voice of the purple evil sentiment was very smooth and timely: "Reassured, I am fine, just, I just broke through the heavens... You will leave here as soon as possible, so as not to be regarded as a joint opponent by the robbery... ..."

The white woman’s heart is reminiscent, and she has turned into a streamer, flying out of the red dust. If it is seen as a joint confrontation by the thunder, it’s not a joke, it’s doubled, and it’s not dead. Even with the white woman's ability, I dare not try it easily.

Until it fell outside, the white woman's face was still a shocked doubt, and muttered to herself: "I was actually breaking through? How could it be broken? This is too ridiculous? So far away, a hundred years It’s an accident to break through... How could she break through to the realm of heaven now? I don’t understand, I don’t understand!”

This is not to blame the white woman beauty is so rude, it is really a breakthrough in the purple evil situation is really contrary to common sense, for the white woman who is very familiar with the current purple degree of evil, it is naturally impossible to understand the big strange thing!

There was another white light flashing, and the demon prince fell in front of the beautiful woman: "Small sly, how is this going? Is there a big repairer hiding near us? I have used God’s sensation in the past few days. There is no such thing in the vicinity. The practitioner..."

"There is no overhaul hidden, but she... she broke through..." The white woman said softly, and the voice still had an unbelievable surprise.

"She broke through? You mean that Miss Purple evil has broken through to the realm of heaven?" The demon prince suddenly burst into surprise and exclaimed: "How is this possible? Are you kidding?!"

"Jokes? How to make fun of this kind of thing... The facts are in front of you, what is impossible." The white woman said with a long sigh: "This little purple is really the first genius of my demon family. Nothing can be a great achievement... It’s a pity... It’s a pity...”

It’s a pity that the white woman said that it’s a purple evil.

However, the eyes of the demon prince are even more hot.

Such a beautiful person, so accomplished, so talented, so beautiful, I... how can I give up? !

At this time, the white shadow is elegant, but see the purple evil inside the red dusty white fluttering, then volley. The thunder in the sky went straight to the past.

At the same time, the thunderbolt action. Lightning and thunder, countless lightnings, like a thousand arrows, vowing to destroy the mortals who dare to marry their own Tianwei...

Just in the moment when my body was in contact with lightning, I felt the unprecedented vibration, and the purple evil spirit suddenly flashed a long-lost lingering thought.

At these moments when people are sympathetic, people feel extraordinarily sensitive.

That super-sports figure, even at this time, suddenly burst into the purple evil heart.

Sword eyebrows. A black suit, proud and handsome, graceful.

"Is this strange white light because of you? It must be!" The purple evil face that gives me the best answer of her own reveals a gentle and extremely elegant smile, long sleeves, and unrelentingly with lightning. The thunder light banged together.



Nine Heavens.

Elf's Forest.

For the previous accident, Mo light dance suddenly had red light into the body. Mo Tianji and others are puzzled and incomprehensible.

"What the **** is going on? It's too weird! Not afraid of 10,000, just in case!" Mo Tianji subconsciously took out the fat of life, prepared for the divination, and glimpsed, this is related to the little dance. Have to be cautious.

The heart has already been transported, and the copper coins have been thrown in the air, and even a gleaming golden light has begun...

Suddenly, the change is reborn!

In the meantime, the sky suddenly fell into a darkness.

I don't know when to come from where the black clouds are coming from. The entire sky is covered and covered, and there is no light.

"What is going on? Is it the devil?" The proud evil cloud and Dong did not hurt to stand up. One left and one right, as the enemy.

I don’t blame these two people for this question. Other people’s minds don’t have such an idea. The situation in front of them is very similar to that of the previous days. At this moment, the entire Nine Heavens is in a darkness. Everyone is jealous. disturbed.

"What is this happening?"

"How is the whole day dark?"

"Is there a demons to be born? What happened recently?"

"My mother, it’s too scary..."

"No, my heart is flustered..."


Nine major families.

Everyone is also looking up at the sky, but the thoughts in their hearts are very different from ordinary people.

The reason is simple to remember, before Chu Yang appeared in front of the crisis, even if Xiao Chenyu refused to deny, still give a warning to the nine major families, Jiuzhongtian has an invasion of the heavens.

In fact, the extraterrestrial demon is the common enemy of the nine major families and Chu Yang. They all want to get rid of it and then they are quick, but for the nine big families, the degree of harm of Chu Yang is even worse, that is, Tianding will destroy the nine family. The destiny, so even if Chu Yang first released goodwill, the nine major families would not accept it.

Night home.

The night house night looked heavy and gloomy at the sky; he couldn’t understand it now, but he couldn’t understand it. Is this change made by the devil?

Or is it actually the master of the nine robbers?

Before the night drunk, I suddenly got rid of the magic to return to the family, and complained about the former feelings. The night was very gratifying. But the news of the night drunk brought back, but it also made the night sinking like a heavy lead.

The extraterrestrial demon, actually appeared in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian.

Also, almost the first person of the Nine Heavens, the Lord of the Law, even practiced the magic power, which is a vein of the devil.

In the autumn of these events, how could such sudden and unexpected things move to the table?

Originally, the nine robbery sword masters are about to make a success. This matter is enough to make the nine major families have a headache. I think that there is another **** in this pass...

"Where should I go from here?" The night looked at the darkness of the ink, and it was a bit distracting. For a time, my heart was like a mess, but I couldn’t understand the clue.

"Or, it's time to find the nine family members to discuss and discuss together..." The night sighed and sighed: "This way, I am afraid that it will be finished... everything is finished..."



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