Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 900: Oh, still not? [Supplement 5]

However, when everyone in Jiuzhongtian was in a state of horror, suddenly, in the infinite darkness of the sky, suddenly there were ten white lights suddenly falling!

These ten white light from nothing, grand and extreme, and connected to the sky, through the Qiankun!

It is like the nine heavens on the mainland, suddenly more than ten pillars of the sky!

It’s so brilliant and mighty and overbearing stands between heaven and earth!

The next moment, a screaming sword rang through the sky.

The nine beams of light, moving together, and a cross, actually turned into a huge long sword, quietly and majestic in the air.

Witnessing everyone in this situation can not help but feel the shock, the eyebrows jump.

The night sullenly stared at the vision in the sky, tiredly closed his eyes and muttered: "This strange sky is really made by the Nine Robbery Sword Master. This sign means that the Nine Robbery Sword... has found the first Eight...The nine robbery sword masters are already close to invincible. Within the nine heavens, it is hard to beat the enemy. It also means that the end of the nine family is near, and the end will come..."


In the forest of the elves, Mo Tianji and others looked at the sky, and for a time they were shocked.

Before the ten magnificent pillars appeared suddenly, it was like a sudden emergence of ten suns in the darkness, shining the heavens and the earth brighter than any moment.

But only they can see that the ten beams of light have not fallen.

The distance is connected to the ground and there is a little distance.

Of course, this truth, only Mo Tianji and other talents know!

Because these ten beams of light are just above their heads.

"What is going on here? Is it suddenly that the darkness is not the devil's work, but the boss has come out?!" Gu Lone asked.

"It should be... I guess, the boss has already found the eighth interception sword at this moment, just because the return of the eighth interception sword, which triggered the vision of heaven and earth." Mo Tianji will not be unhurried The copper coins in the hands were collected.

"That's a good thing, and this thing in heaven is a good thing."

"Since it is a good thing...but why not fall down? Is it appetizing?"

For this doubt. In fact, all the brothers have in their hearts.

Looking at this posture, it is clear that it is going to fall, and everyone has already felt in their hearts, but why is it not going to fall? It seems that this is not the case? !


In the city of the elves.

After the white light entered the body, Chu Yang suddenly stopped, and the whole person did not speak at all, such as the loss of the soul.

Wei Gongzi looked at him with some surprise, although he knew that this should be the vision of the nine-robbery sword. But I don’t know why Chu Yang didn’t move. Fortunately, he was there. Fortunately, this elf city only has two living people and Chu Yang. If there are two enemies, then Chu Yang can’t be mermaid. what.

Wei Gongzi naturally does not know, at this moment, the knowledge of Chuyang. It is already entering the space of nine robberies.

And this time it was not his own entry.

It was suddenly inexplicably entered inside.

In the nine-robbery space, the white light that had entered the space before is now standing, and in the white light, there seems to be a faint figure in the faint.

Although the figure is faint, it is almost invisible, but it reveals an infinite majesty. At first glance, there is an impulse to kneel down.

In front of the white light, Jian Ling stood pale in the face.

Standing with Chu Yang.

"What is going on here? How do you do this?" Chu Yang asked. In the nine robbery space. Jianling is almost the existence of the gods, but looking at the situation in front of him, it seems that the situation of the sword spirit is very bad, this situation can be quite strange!

Chu Yang asked Jian Ling, but Jian Ling did not answer unexpectedly. He just looked up at him and said nothing at all.

Chu Yang’s heart and soul shocked, and immediately felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, because. Sword spirit in the eyes at the moment. Hopeful, hope. There is also despair and sorrow, it is a quirky look that has already "resigned".

At the heart of Chu Yang’s heart, there was a glimpse of the realization: the first few swords were basically accompanied by some dangers or twists and turns. But this time the process has not experienced any danger, or test.

Chu Yang’s heart has long felt that it is not normal. The Eighth Robbery Sword is the eighth most important part, but how can you get it smoothly and get such a terrible advantage.

Looking at this situation now, I am afraid that the test that has not arrived yet, or the checkpoint, is here?

"Don't think about it, I called you in." The faint figure in the white light suddenly began to speak. The sound is very calm and very light.

However, Chu Yang can clearly hear it. In this voice, it also contains endless shackles, overwhelming sorrows, and a kind of infinite martial arts that smash the heavens and the earth, rotate the shackles, shun me, and counter my death.

"Who is you?" Chu Yang looked up and looked at the white light.

"Who am I? Good question, hehehe..." The figure laughed and said: "I am naturally the one who created the nine robbery sword!"

"The person who created the nine robbery sword?!" Chu Yang couldn't help but take a breath and the eyes were wide.

In front of the virtual shadow is actually the super power of the half of the universe in the snow and tears? The one who created the nine robbery swords to dominate the entire fate of Jiuzhongtian mainland for 100,000 years?

Now, the legendary mythical figure is in front of himself?

"Well, if you think, it is me." The man said faintly: "Since I already know that it is me, why don't you still squat? How can you look so blind!"

If there is no last sentence, Chu Yang really wants to worship the thoughts of the people in front of him. In any case, the other party has created a nine-robbery sword, but he has great grace for himself, and then he is super-powerful, master of the world, absolute predecessor. , the predecessors of the predecessors.

By worship, Chu Yang feels that it should be, even if it is just a matter of respect and deserving!

However, the other side is enlightened to take the initiative to ask him to kneel down, Chu Yang is infinitely resentful of this "requirement".

I am willing to marry you, that is my business, that is my respect for you; but, if you want me to be jealous, I will not be embarrassed.

‘Let me 跪’ and ‘I want to 跪’ are two concepts. A completely different concept, the ambiguous concept.

I want to be embarrassed, it is the instinct of self, but I want to be a slave! There is no reciprocity!

"Even if you are, how do you want me to marry me? Why? Who do you think you are?!" Chu Yang stood up like this, and the whole body stood tall like a sword. In the face of such a peerless and powerful person, it is still a slap in the face.

"Who am I? I created the Nine Robbery Swords and gave you the money to dig the world; I am the one who created the Nine Heavens and gave you unlimited future."

The white film is very convinced: "I have a high weight, just a word, you can make the subversion. I am so powerful, just one finger, you can sweep the sky, my generation is sublime, under the heavens, only I am alone, I Let you see... you are not?"

Chu Yang faintly said: "You created the nine robbery swords and created the nine heavenly gods. It really made me. I should certainly bear your feelings, but I can't be the reason you let me marry you. Also, believe that even if there is no me. There will be other nine robbers."

His eyes turned over and sneered: "Not to mention, the nine robbery swords you created play with me for two! Let me live like death, miserable! This kind of human feelings, I may not be rare!"

Chu Yang laughed: "If you don't say let me be jealous. I should marry you. As you said, your strength is a great achievement... Anything is worthy of me; but you said let me be jealous. I am Not biased!"

The man was stunned and said: "The speech is ridiculous, and it’s three ups and downs. The first few nine robbers have smashed me, but you are not jealous?"

"Is it ridiculous? Not at all! They are good, but I am not them." Chu Yang said faintly: "I have my pride. Men have gold under their knees, and they are stunned by their parents! Arrogant, proud and proud is a man!"

"I, no!"

Chu Yang is a very arrogant person, but the past and the vicissitudes of the past, miserable encounters, let him live this life is extremely cautious and careful, lest any regrets, tragedies, regrets.

Therefore, this life is all done with caution and caution, lest it be a little wrong.

Or Chu Yang himself does not know that his innermost feelings are filled with many repressions.

However, at this moment, the people in this white shadow only used a few words in total, and they all ignited the depression that was hidden in his heart. Even a raging brain broke out!

One thoughts into iron, one thought into steel, one thought like a golden stone!

Even in the face of the super-mastery between these universes, I am not embarrassed, how can you?

Kill me? Except for death, there is nothing big, I will not marry you! Just don't worry!

If it is normal, most of Chuyang will review the situation and assess the situation. However, at this delicate moment, the fire in the heart is actually burning more and more vigorously. It is completely unstoppable, and there is no scruples. .

Unexpectedly, the white shadow actually laughed.

Even if it is a laugh, it is full of evil spirits and evil spirits.


Somewhere in the distance.

The top of the mountain.

The clouds are floating.

A stone table with a jug of wine.

The spirits of the surrounding spirits shuttled around, and the purple avenues were densely shuttled.

Here, it is no longer the world, but the universe.

It is in this supreme place that all living beings can only look up in the distance, burn incense and worship, the highest sacred land that can not be reached for life, but at this moment it is full of alcohol, such as the sacred land, how can it become a wine cellar? !

A white man, a black man is sitting and drinking.

There is only one small wine glass in front of both.

A jug automatically floats, and the wine is poured down. For a long time, it is still not full of wine glasses. If it is dumped, it is difficult to splash a little bit of alcohol.

This is the sacred place here. It’s not reasonable to have more weird things.

"Hey, old black, you guess, that kid is not awkward?" The white man smiled.


<The third is today, the fifth chapter. >

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