Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 906: My choice [Supplement 7]

Sword spirit face is stunned, his eyes are stunned, no longer worried about fear, no longer despair.

Anyway, it has been abandoned, what is the use of worry? Accepting your own destiny, this process has been experienced nine times. After experiencing too much loneliness, you are gradually getting used to loneliness...

Only after this time was broken up, in my life, I am afraid that there will be no more time to have my own full consciousness.

Chu Yang went on sinking: "My brother's life, I also cherish it." He paused and said: "My life is red, I cherish it!"

"And my friend's life, I also cherish it."

Chu Yang slowly raised his head and said: "For these people, I can pay any price. If you just wanted to swear at me, I will be embarrassed."

"Sword spirit is just a soul. I know, I know more than anyone."

"He is because of this sword, I know."

"He has no resistance to me, and I know the same."

Chu Yang’s voice is low.

The look of Sword Spirit has a little confusing meaning.

"But I have never regarded Sword Spirit as a vain soul, and I have never regarded him as a slave with no resistance!"

"Brothers can give up for me to die, I can also give life to the brothers." Chu Yang said softly: "But before this, Jian Ling has saved my life countless times. He is my friend. It used to be, now, and in the future, always!"

"My brother outside is a brother, a friend inside me, who is also a friend."

Chu Yang Huo Ran looked up, his eyes showed a compelling light, said: "At the expense of the sword spirit, you can get the invincible strength of the world, this choice is very easy, but ... I can sacrifice the sword spirit, but will never sacrifice friends."

"The power of peerless invincibility, I may still have it in the future. But if this friend is lost, there will be no more."

Chu Yang’s heavy road: “I am not the top eight and nine robbers; therefore, I will not let Jian Ling be a swordsman.”

"Even if there is never a sword soul... I am still Chu Yang."

Chu Yang said that the voice is clearer and firmer: "And, I have ever accepted my friend. If one day, he can completely condense the entity, we will fight side by side, standing in the blue sky and white clouds!"

He said that the sword spirit is shaking, but it is not fear, but excitement.

Almost crying; the body flashes red, a fierce to extreme emotion, seems to be burning.

In the shadow of the white shadow, there is a faint smell, and whispered: "Is this the choice you made!?"

Chu Yang smiles: "Yes."

"You don't regret it? There is no regret in this world!" Bai Ying asked tightly.

"I am acting in Chu Yang, I have never regretted this life!" Chu Yang Jianmei raised.

White shadow laughs: "Good!"

Suddenly burst into laughter, and rose up, it just went.

At that moment, it has gone without a trace, and all this is like a dream.

Only the white shadow sound came from far away and entered Chu Yang’s ear: "Not bad, I hope that you will never regret today’s decision. I will look at you and watch you go."

Chu Yang silently said: "I will never regret it, for friends, why have regrets!"

Bai Yinghaha laughed: "I finally told you a good thing. In the nine robbery space, there is a reward for me, but... you need to reach a certain level before you can get it, use it... hahaha... Boy, remember to practice well, don't forget, you have a battle with me!"

Chu Yang’s heart sinks: “When that battle, even if you forget, I will still stand opposite you! Show your sword! Please ask for you!”

Bai Ying laughed, only shocked Chu Yang’s heart to fall into the sky, and the last sentence came from far away: “See me next time, call me Jun Big Brother!”

Chu Yang smiled: "When you win, you are not too late to call your brother."

The voice of Bai Ying finally disappeared in a very sullen, ridiculous laughter, and there was no response.

Chu Yang opened his eyes, but saw the sword spirit standing in front of him, his face full of excitement, trembling, almost screaming: "Sword Lord! I..."

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Not so touched, I am not so great, I don't want you to be cheated by me... In fact, I just told him to go, let the white shadow hurry and get out of the way, facing His pressure is too great; in fact, my real reason is... I want to have a real sword soul, I forge a real sword soul, I want to see, what is my so-called 'smashing murderous' to do the second soul Sword, the sword of invincible, what it looks like."

He smiled: "Since someone can do it, I believe that I can do it too. And, I need my way, it belongs to my own way." He suddenly curiously smiled and said: "There is one more point, I really I want to see if you look like a phoenix, will it be like a legendary smash." He said, laughing.

The sword spirit almost choked and nodded again and again.

In fact, he didn't know what he was in his heart? Chu Yang said that it is completely comforting himself, don't take it too seriously.

Because, under the deterrence of the white shadow, no one can say a word of disobedience; this is the spirit of the power that can be specially arranged by the heavens, which no one can avoid.

In that case, as long as it is said, it is the most realistic embodiment of the heart, and there is absolutely no possibility of fraud!

Only in this way, Chu Yang’s words are really valuable.

The previous nine robbing sword masters, in such a scene, turned over and contemplative, feeling that their weight is inferior to his brothers and relatives, only to choose to become a sword soul, increase strength.

Then between the day and night, invincible in the Nine Heavens!

"From this moment on, Sword Spirit is only loyal to the sword master, and no regrets!" Jian Ling solemnly stood in front of Chu Yang, and slowly bent down.

At this moment, the figure of the snow and tears flashed in the heart of the sword.

However, there is no hesitation in the spirit of the sword. He chose Chuyang because Chu Yang was the master of the heart, and because Chu Yang was his friend.

Here, there is respect.

The sword master said, I am his friend.

Everyone else is using me, others are destroying me, only Chu Yang adults, let me go, saved me. Also gave me unlimited hope and future!

Although I am only a spiritual body, I... I know who is good to me and who is not good to me!

I have a heart.

Most importantly, I have friends, I have a friend - Chu Yang!

Sword spirit is very excited, almost impossible to self. But I saw Chu Yang touched his nose and asked himself: "Yes, I have never known, are you male? Or female? Is there... what?"

"Roll!" The sword spirit that is moving is mad at this sentence: "I am like you! It is a man!"

Suddenly, I suddenly bowed my head: "In fact, I don't have that embarrassment now. My true gender... I can only show it after I have completely condensed the soul, and find the right body, but my body is indeed..."

"Understood, just wait for your soul to solidify. I will give you a female phoenix to let you meet that." Chu Yang touched his chin.

"If that's the case, I'm better off dead, you're a jerk." Sword spirit is furious, there is still something on the Lord who is not on the Lord, friends are not friends.

"Ha ha ha..." Chu Yang laughed.


Distant mountaintop.

"The end of the gambling, the result is very obvious, you lost again." White people sneered.

"If you lose, you lose. For this result, losing is more acceptable than winning." The black man stunned and said: "Is the bet all for him?"

"Do you mean that I am the kind of person who secretly makes hands and feet?" The white man felt awkward and grinned.

"Are you not?" The black man turned his eyes.

"Is it?"

"Aren't you?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The two laughed at each other.

"This time, it is a wish." The white man smiled easily: "Chuyang this guy, the spirit has passed; the heart has also passed."

"It's not easy, it's really not easy." The black man sighed hard.

"Although it is qualified, but ... fully qualified people seem to have died a lot..."

The white man shrugged: "The fall is not related to us..."

"The reason is this, but what you said is also... forget it, everything goes with it!" The black man turned his head and glanced. The space is fluctuating.

The white man shook his head and said silently: "Remember not to interfere!"

"I understand better than you!" The black man was a little angry and angry: "I just just look at it and see it!"

"Look?? You are really bored." The white man turned his eyes: "I am too lazy to be angry with you, you love to squat and walk away. I promised my wife, take them to my hometown to play." ""

The white man's headache scratched his head: "It has been many years, and I can't say it, but I have to go back to time."

The black man has no mercy: "Your few wives seem to be very simple, but also use your hands?"

The white man groaned: "I seem to remember that in my hometown, someone has been fleeing by the shackles."

The black man was furious: "Put your mother's dog stinky! I was a strategic shift at that time! If I let me meet the guy of the year, I must beat him to find his teeth!"

The white man shrugged his shoulders and sneered: "Yeah, if you can't beat people to find your teeth, you will once again shift your strategy, right?!"

The black man was furious: "How do I see you being so sloppy? You have to provoke me again and again, do you want to do one?"

"Don't dare, I am too afraid of you." The white man said lightly: "Do you have to find a tooth here first? You know, I am the most spotless, if it is contaminated by your teeth, It is really……"

The black man rushed over.

The white man was in a block, and the two men slammed into the sky.

As in the past, a black and white opposition.

"Come on! Fight!"



In the fourth chapter today, the seventh chapter is added. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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