Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 907: Breakthrough

When Chu Yang made the final choice, the ten white skylights over the Elf’s forest finally came down.

One of the most middle ones, the "bang" into the body of Chu Yang.

The other nine, one turned into a sword, lightning rushed into the body of Gu alone, the other turned into a long knife, rushed into the Dong no wounds.

The other few, have entered the Mo Tianji, Ji Mo, Rock Enemy, ignorant, proud evil cloud, Xie Danqiong and ... Mo light dance body.

Ten white lights, ten people.

One is not lacking.

Only when I was looking for a light dance in the white light, the eyes of the brothers clearly flashed a very unexpected look, even the Mo Tianji is no exception.

If it is at this time, I don’t know if the last catastrophe of the Nine Robbery is a Mo-light dance... How much brain damage does it have?

This is the effort. Everyone has no time to talk. The only thing that feels is that only one of the energy of the world has rushed into his body. Immediately, his cultivation is so fast that it is so fast...

Those pure energy, like the waves of the river, a wave higher than a wave, seems to come in endlessly.

All the brothers did their best to make a fortune, and no time to think about other things, one by one was blushing to the extreme purity of the rushing face, like drunk.

Ink tears are enviously looking at the nine people in front of them, but their own thoughts are scattered like a flood; now that nine people are in the process of ascension, they can only be protected by one person, and the responsibility can be said to be significant. accident……

Besides, what are you losing? His own Lang Jun Dong is not hurt, but it is also in it. He has improved, but it does not mean that he has improved himself...

The tearful body of the tears turned into a black smoke and rushed to the treetops of a tall tree, monitoring all the movements in the hundreds of miles, and wholeheartedly did not dare to be scornful.


Three days later.

"I said Wei brother, don't you go out with me?" Chu Yang stood at the gate of the elf city in the underground and looked at Wei Gongzi.

"I will go out." Wei Gongzi smiled and said: "But I can't be with you. Some words, it's hard to say that the brothers are... I say that you are now the nine-supreme, the whole continent, can resist at the same time. You are not much, but absolutely no."

"I can also feel at ease."

Wei Gongzi holds a fist: "Brothers take care all the way!"

"Take care!" Chu Yang sighed in his heart, Wei Gongzi really did not have a little interest in the nine heavens.

"Wu brother, if there is something, you know how to find me." Chu Yang body flies upwards: "There is a change in the day, you and I will be drunk! Not drunk!"

The voice did not fall, Chu Yang's figure has not been seen, walked neatly, and there was no muddy water.

"This is something I don't know, but I have to do it. Mo Tianji is still playing my attention. Dong Wu is still waiting for a decisive battle with me... How can I go out with you this time?" Wei Gongzi Looking at the direction of his departure, shaking his head and screaming, he muttered: "I should also pick up the aunt... It’s time to settle their grievances, and second, it’s settled here."

The body flashed and disappeared.

What happened with Chu Yang is exactly two directions, two opposite directions.

Now, the ground has already exploded.

The light column in the sky disappeared because it was inhaled by nine people.

The light column disappeared into sight, and it does not mean that it really disappeared. Nine people are doing everything they can to digest the benefits of white light.

Every white light is the purest collection of abundance of heaven and earth, and there is absolutely no leakage in the process of chemical conversion. Whose is who. And there is absolutely no conflict with itself.

It’s not enough to absorb it!

Everyone sits cross-legged and tries to absorb the pure aura. Because the aura is too large and huge, under the gradual advancement, all the bottlenecks are broken through successively, and their own realm is naturally improved one by one, one tyrannical The breakthrough atmosphere is constantly erupting.

As a warrior, once a retreat can break through the basics, it is already the limit. Few of them can break through several levels, and many people do not concentrate on retreating. It is the minimum requirement for cultivation to improve a quiet environment!

However, these two basic consensuses have all been broken today. The nine people will improve their breakthroughs together in one place, and they will continue to make breakthroughs and myths without interruption. legend? legend? Non-above words can't describe the situation in front of you!

At least within a thousand miles, with these dangerous breaths slowly dissipating, the birds and beasts are completely extinct, not only scared away, but also many directly scared to death, and the earthquake is dead!

Ink tears alone in the top of the leaves hidden in the leaves, looked at the following with great care, vigilantly guarded all the movements around, escorted the breakthrough of nine people.

The beauty is constantly passing over everyone below. She is really curious: Who will wake up first? Who will wake up finally?

Or if the nine robbery brothers want to separate the high and low, they must be reflected in these aspects. However, in this breakthrough, what kind of realm will break through, and who will eventually have the highest strength? !

As the white light was exhausted, everyone broke out many times and broke through. The breath of an unusually powerful breakthrough suddenly came out. In that unusually strong atmosphere, Gu was the first to open. The eyes. The eyes are shining!

Nine products supreme, intermediate!

Open your eyes, you are completely different from before!

At this moment, Gu’s singularity is like a Shenfeng buried in the same hand for a thousand years. Suddenly, it’s suddenly coming out again; the indescribable sharpness makes the tears in the distance feel a sting, but there is one A sense of powerlessness that is incompetent.

In the next moment, the swords and spirits rise and fall, stalking back and forth in the air, and free to shuttle.

Brushing, countless trees in the vicinity, in the wake of Gu Lianxing just waking up, the completely unconscious returning swordsmanship diverged, turned into powder; then the sword swept, far away.

It seems to be a large locust that flies past.

However, the destructive power of this aphid is slightly larger. It is not only the grass that is not born, but even the slightest vitality!

Gu Zhixing, who was completely restored to normal state, stood up and pulled out the Black Dragon Sword silently. One of them floated, and he went up to the tree, converges on the whole body, and stands by the sword to protect the brothers.

Opposite him, it is ink tears.

When he woke up, he felt the intention of the ink tears, so the position chosen at this moment also coincided with the ink tears.

In the tears of the tears, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To tell the truth, while the tears of the tears delighted everyone to gain more strength, there was no fear in the heart. The extraterrestrial demon was also in the forest, and it might even be on the sidelines, trying to misbehave, although according to Chu Yang. The demon in the previous game was not hurt, but the ink tears are still not sure to guard the presence of nine people, but at this moment, Gu Lian has broken through the completion, and the strength is great, the burden on his shoulder has gone invisibly. Nine, how can you not let go of a breath.

The second one woke up, greatly out of the expectations of the tears, actually is a gentle dance.

As the red shadow floats, Mo light dances and stands up. Pretty eyes blinked twice, and they floated up and chose another direction. They stood alone with Gu Zhixing and ink tears. The three formed a solid triangle to prevent all variables from happening.

Gu alone walked around and couldn’t help but be surprised. Mo light dance is now the realm of ... ... nine products supreme intermediate!

Be flush with yourself.

This conclusion is really an incredible thing, but Mo Qingwu is now a nine-level supreme intermediate, which is an unquestionable fact.

"This little girl is really a promising future..." Gu was alone in the heart.

The third thing that received the work was a strong and powerful momentum, which came out at a certain moment! Just like in the empty wilderness, suddenly there are millions of troops at the same time.

Powerful, murderous, like a towering mountain, can not be shaken.

This is a natural majestic!

Such as the Weibulo momentum, let the ink tears happy.

It is he who wakes up, can't be wrong, that is, he successfully broke through!

This person, no one is more familiar than the ink tears, because that person is -

Dong is not hurt.

The king in the knife woke up!

"No harm to my brother's momentum, it's really prestige..." Mo light dance on one side, smiled and spit out his tongue, and said to the tears in the distance.

Ink Tears nodded with a smile and said: "It's just that people are stumbling, stupid."

On the other side, Gu Lianxing rolled his eyes and his heart; this is what you said. If someone else said this, it is estimated that the first one rushed to get angry, and even the knife was ink tears.

A woman is such a strange animal.

For their men, they can have countless nicknames themselves, and they can even hate tickles often; but if someone else agrees with her, when she says her men’s bad things, the most unbearable ones are instead This initiator.

This is very crashing...

So, if there is a woman who is gnashing his teeth in front of you, don’t try to reconcile her, because you will easily offend the man and the woman completely... The result is: You I don’t know how to die if I die...

A word that pleases and agrees can lead to the most outrageous results. Don't doubt...

The fourth one stood up, but it was a Mo Tianji.

For this result, Gu Duxing and Dong Wujue still have some accidents. In the hearts of everyone, Mo Tianji has never been a combat-oriented talent. How is this time, even earlier than the recognized martial arts genius arrogant cloud and Xie Danqiong?

They don't know, Mo Tianji always pays attention to 'conceiving people'. If you can't do it, you should try not to do it, but it doesn't mean that his ability to do it is worse. The wise man can have no power, but he can also Have the power of the world, and stand out from the crowd, such as the Tang Xinsheng of the day, and the fifth gentleness, as well as the gods and ghosts...

If Chu Yang is here, I will not feel strange at all: Mo Tianji’s past life is also one of the famous twelve famous people. How can it be worse? Clearly is a ridiculous judgment!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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