Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 914: Life and death and justice

The night was heavy and long and sighed: "Today, I will bring together hundreds of thousands of brothers here. It is for this matter. should we start? Today, we must have a decision, it is time to wait!"

"The reason why I said when I was not waiting, but also because I received a secret message earlier, under the law of the law, all the high-level forces of law enforcement, have also come to the nest, including even law enforcement The long-awaited veteran group... It will arrive at noon tomorrow at noon."

The night sinks and adds: "I don't think I need to say that everyone understands that the nine of these people are not in the minority... there are even a few people, but they are all old monsters for more than 10,000 years. Many people have worked with them, and they have only lost with a slight gap. These people’s strengths are definitely extremely difficult opponents even if they are not as strong as the wind..."

"What are we going to do... coping with this, this is another question that cannot be ignored." The night fell asleep and smiled, and some silently shook his head.

Coping, decision...

Everyone was speechless for a while.

The law enforcement officials have come out in a big way, but it can be said that they are actually coming out of the nest. It is obviously demanded by the law, and even the "world order" is used. Why is Faizun asking for this, then ask? No one is a fool at the meeting, and I still don't understand it!

Fa Zun or Tianmo is now in desperate need of a lot of masters, and now he uses the name of the law enforcer to hold a Tianding event, gather a large number of masters in the world, and then put all the masters on his side. It’s conceivable to gather and prepare for it.

What should I do in the face of such an inexhaustible stream? Don't say that the night is sinking, and now there is no bottom in my heart, even the other people present are confused.

With such unscrupulous behavior, who is Faure really want to deal with? It is nothing more than the nine major families, or the nine robbers.

As for some other rivers and lakes, even if there are a few masters, there are not many masters of the nine major families together...

Everyone frowned and shook his face, but he didn’t say it. It’s not a pretense. It’s really nothing to say.

The night sinks: "At the moment, we really don't have time to hesitate anymore. Two powerful enemies are approaching us. We are close at hand, and the demon and the law are respected. According to their unscrupulous way of doing things, they have already been shown. I don’t care about us at all, they just use us as his goal, his ingredients; the medicine used to nourish. On the day of the show, they swallowed the Shi family; then they killed all the way to the present..."

"In addition, according to the signs, the Nine Robber Swordmaster has now won the eighth interception of the Nine Robbery Sword. This means that he is about to board the upper stage of the Nine Heavens, and to unfold the fate of the Nine Robber Sword Master..."

"The original nine robbers and the demon can not be said to be inconsistent, but the legend of the nine robbers, the primary goal is still us, even if the devil is gone, the nine robbers will not let us. Even if the nine robbers die, the devil will not Let us go. The nine families are in jeopardy."

At night, I feel a little bit of heart-wrenching. There are tigers in the front door and wolves in the back door. I am really in a crisis, saying that it is not a bad life.

In just a few days, the situation has turned sharply. Almost has not had time to react to it. The major families that once named the whole nine heavens are already at a disadvantage, and they are absolutely inferior, even in the dead.

Xiao Chenyu sighed and said: "Before the end of the northwestern war situation, the nine robbing sword master Chu Yang, once said that there will be a devil in the world, but also proposed to me, to join us, to eliminate the devil, never The devil...but... I refused..."

"Refused?" The ancestors of the ancestors turned to look at Xiao Chenyu, and the gaze was like looking at a stupid.

If at other times, I believe that no matter who is anyone, any force dare to look at Xiao Chenyu, Xiao family ancestor, will definitely be uprooted by Xiao Jia, destroy the Jiuzu, chickens and dogs do not stay!

But now, in today's grim situation, it is rare for the Nine Robbers to take the initiative to show off, and want to join forces to destroy the magic, you Xiao Chenyu actually refused?

You are not stupid, who is stupid? !

If it is not for the old friendship and face, the great ancestors would like to greet the ancestor of Xiaojia. You didn’t have a long brain or a mold in your head, and you won’t be kicked by the door. You refused to do so. Is it good to have a good day? !

If we can make the devil and the nine robbers master, we will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. No matter where we win, there will be some losses. Let’s have another fisherman’s profit and clean up the two major afflictions. !

But... you... you actually refused! ? !

Xiao Chenyu’s face was red: “Where did I know... things will deteriorate to such a level? The saying of the demon outside the domain, although it has been seen in the old books, but it is rarely depicted, who It can be thought that the degree of harm is so terrible. As far as the situation is concerned, the family is dying, and we can just stop because of the joint action of the nine robbers..."

"Moreover, my younger brother... Chen Lei is dead in their hands, the legend of the Nine Majors and the Nine Robbers can not coexist in the world... even now, even if you know the situation is grim, even if the nine robbers The sword master once again put forward the proposal to join forces, I will still refuse, this is a matter of principle."

"Xiao Erge, your thoughts are too extreme!" Ling Xiaoyang frowned, his eyes like the cold mountains and snow, faintly said: "There are things that are different in size and priority, is it the world, the safety of the whole continent, in the heart of Xiao Erge Isn't it better for your brother to come alone?"

Xiao Chenyu is silent.

For a long time, I said: "I personally adhere to the original opinion, and I do not agree with the Nine Robbery Swords Master, but that is just my family's words, and will never interfere with everyone's movements... And this time, the previous encounter will be said. I want to tell you... If you can cooperate with the Nine Robbers, I believe that the other party will move."

"The nine robbery brothers are committed to the welfare of the world, and we are invited by the righteousness. The opportunity for the two sides to join hands is great, but the question is, after the cooperation?"

Ye Qiu is a handsome old man who looks like an old man who is still awkward. He frowned: "And, in cooperation... can the two sides really cooperate sincerely?"

His intentions are not stated, but everyone understands what he means.

The nine major families have always been the enemy of the nine robbery swords; now they are forced to work together in the form of temporary, but will there be a knife behind them in the process? Why are you licking each other?

To give a simple example, the demon claws will come, and the masters of the nine family will cover the safety of one of the nine robbers? In addition to the battle of the demon, if the heads of the nine major families are seriously injured, and their lives are hanging on the line, only the legendary Jiuzhong Dan can be ruled, will the nine robbery swords be generously given?

If it is the former, the nine major families ask themselves if they will not help!

As for the latter, the heart will be compared to the heart, the demon will be destroyed, and the application of the **** medicine is equal to the enemy. If it is only a fool, will the nine masters be fools? It doesn't look like it!

If it is such cooperation, what is the difference with non-cooperation?

Because of such a situation, it is absolutely possible to appear, and even have to take care of the "friends" around us, and guard against "friends" to slap themselves.

The number one tutor of the nine-family family in the past ten thousand years is to deal with the nine robbery sword masters, and regard the nine robbers as the highest and largest imaginary enemy. The concept of hostility has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Suddenly, how can you cooperate sincerely?

Zhuge Cang frowned and said: "There is no absolute thing in the world. The situation is not the same. The two sides are not impossible to cooperate. Cooperation is not just a way to fight together... as long as everyone is consistently targeting the domain for a certain period of time. The demon, everything is based on the extinction of the magical premise, do not fight, that is."

Chen Yingfeng said: "Don't fight inside? Who can't say beautiful words, do you think it is possible?! Uncomfortable things, there will be absolutely, ask yourself, who dares to pack the tickets can not afford to be deceiving, self-deception!"

"Call shut up!" The night was heavy and dignified.

Everyone stopped talking.

"Our nine families, fighting with the nine robbers, are to survive. Knowing that it is the general trend, but it is about personal life and death, have to struggle, have to go against the sky. This is helpless! But the devil is coming, but it is It’s a big deal!”

"Between personal survival and righteousness, how to choose, what to say? What is it?" The sound of night sinking is low, but it is very strict.

The ancestors of the crowds all bowed their heads and stopped talking.

"We are not good people, but we have not fallen to the traitor who is doing the whole human race!" The night sinks into the sound like iron: "The demon is strong and strong, but I wait, only death! This time, I also care about the nine robbers. Don't know what you are doing?!"

Ling Xiaoyang loudly said: "Yes! This time, nothing to worry about! Night boss, I wanted to fight with you before death, but in your words, I will not fight with you. ""

The night fell a bitter and laughed.

He knows why Ling Xiaoyang is, but at this moment, he really does not even mention the thoughts of those things.

The night turned his head and looked at the fifth gentleness that had never spoken. He said, "The fifth master, what do you say?"

Everyone turned their heads.

Sitting softly with the fifth, everyone is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Over the past 10,000 years, the top-level high-level meeting that originally belonged to only the nine major families, has he added an outsider? However, nowadays, the fifth family is coming out of the sky, rising high-profile, taking advantage of the imaginary, and squatting into the heavens. Even if you have some strength, what do you count? An outbreak of the family!

What qualifications are you sitting here? Is it equal to me? !


The code word is very slow, but very serious. Ask a question, who can see my new intentions from my chapter? What is the change in the plot? ......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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