Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 915: Painful, pre-requisite

The fifth gently raised his head, the face was a faint smile, and the channel: "The younger generation is coming today, and only listens to the meaning of the old predecessors. Then, no matter what decision the older generation makes, the younger will follow. Where dare to gesticulate..."

This sentence is very humble. It can be said that humility has reached a certain degree, and the attitude is gracious, making people really unable to resent.

Everyone's face is a little embarrassing.

Zhuge Cang snorted and said: "The law enforcement officers have always adhered to the implicit support of the fifth family... When I heard that the fifth owner was in the northwest, there were also masters provided by law enforcement as personal bodyguards...not Know, what is the relationship between the fifth owner and the law enforcer? Is it possible for the fifth owner to explain to you one or two here, so that it is not good for him to misunderstand!"

Zhuge Cangwu is now a slave to his own family. Now he is on the same level as his own master. His heart is really troublesome. Now he is even questioning face-to-face. As long as the fifth gentle one responds improperly, he must be detained by a collusion law enforcement person, even collusion. The big hat of the demon!

The fifth gentle still maintains a smile, saying: "The reason is very simple. It is nothing more than that the law enforcement wants to support a new family... as a nail in the nine families... I believe that you are old. The predecessors have already seen clearly, Zhuge’s family is asking at this moment, is it necessary to test softer?!"

Zhuge’s eyes narrowed and said meaningfully: “Oh?”

The fifth soft face is full and solemnly said: "In terms of the law and the law enforcers, there is a kind of high-spirited kindness to the fifth family today. For this, the gentleness does not deny it, and even dare not deny it. But... It has now been confirmed as a demon, at least the demon of the gods, his identity has become the enemy of all human beings throughout the Nine Heavens. Although the fifth is gentle, it is not talented, but it does not dare to ignore the human righteousness for the sake of small favors!"

"When the news just came out, the master of the family was a master of law enforcement. I have sent him away and returned to the law enforcement. If the seniors are still worried, then the day against the demon, I am fifth. Family, willing to be a striker. The so-called innocence, but life and death."

The fifth soft word is said.

His remarks are extremely sincere.

Moreover, it is indeed the fifth true feeling of soft inner heart.

No matter what identity, what is the intention, and how much kindness you have, but now you are the devil!

As the fifth gentleness of mankind, you will not be the same!

This is a matter of principle, and this point of understanding is absolutely unshakable!

Zhuge Cang Yinyin smiled and said: "I am not questioning the action of the fifth master. It is only the wisdom of the fifth master. Why didn't you try to leave these people this time? Explain the interests, knowing the righteousness, and truly accepting it for your own use. It is not a good thing. It is so arbitrarily let go, but it is a pity that there is a slight increase in the power of the enemy. Is it unwise?!"

The other ancestors heard the words, their faces changed slightly, and the darkness of Zhuge Cangzhen’s move was really **, this is purely the bones in the egg, is to find the fifth gentle trouble!

The fifth gentle face is a positive, cold and cold road: "In this case, why don't the predecessors put all the incidents on the table, calling on the whole world against the law and the demon, isn't it better? Why be so obscured? Covering the prestige of the predecessors, I believe that as long as you ascend, the followers will be like clouds, and why are they afraid of the region!"

Zhuge Cang lived.

The fifth gentle meaning is very obvious. To the younger, if you really say something that is righteous, it will be accompanied by the drawbacks of leaking the wind and screaming. You are also known as the wise man, but you can’t count it. Too shameful!

Listening to the fifth soft and sharp counterattack words, other old monsters can not help but smile. Even the stone roar that was seriously injured was also unbearable.

The fifth gentle word, the counterattack is really powerful. Directly let Zhuge Cangwu speak without words, even without face to face.

In fact, it is said that it is a small one!

I’m so big, why don’t you dare to break the word in public, and recruit the world to work together?

The reason is even simple... Fa Zun has been sitting for 10,000 years in the current position! For 10,000 years, the appeal of Fa Zun in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian is definitely far more than the nine families for the people of Jianghu and even ordinary people!

Once the news is distributed, there is no evidence in the hands of the nine family. Even if there is a person who is drunk at night, too many people are too light, and they are the night family. It is even more unbelievable. What kind of chaos will cause, that is unthinkable!

Even if it is night drunk and self-contained, it will not help, even more will be beaten by the law, saying that the nine families have committed chaos, fabricated such a big story, conspiring to frame the first person of law enforcement, there must be a major conspiracy......

Among the estimates of the people, such a statement seems to be more valid than the reasons given by the nine major families.

After all, Fa Zun is almost the first person in Jiuzhongtian. What advantage can the demon give him, and let him give up this honor? I believe that no one will believe it, but in turn, it is justified to say that the nine major families are ignoring the prestige and lofty status of the law!

If it is really like that... The nine big families don’t need the nine robbers to come and they will finish themselves.

In addition, there is an important key: every day, what is the demon god? But, who has actually seen the demon in the entire Nine Heavens? Who knows the harm of the demon?

Those who have seen the demon, nine out of ten are dead, the only exception is three, Fa Zun, night drunk, stone roar!

However, the latter two cannot be proved at all.

Now if you really spread the news, you will definitely find your way out.

Zhuge Cangwu just found the fifth soft topic trouble, and simply could not stand. If the fifth gentleness really wants to counter the masters of several law enforcement, the biggest possibility is to be killed by them on the spot!

As a law enforcer who has been led by Fa Zun for many years, when he can't tell the difference, is he choosing to believe in the fifth gentleness or believe in the law?

For the law enforcer, this is simply something that you don't have to think about.

Even if the people who retaliate against them are contemporary wise men, the fifth gentleness is too "sweet"!

The night sinks: "This is the end of the day, this time the Tianding event... Just decide."

His eyes and Xiao Chen Yu Ling, Xiangyang Zhuge Cang, and others were right, and everyone nodded slowly and agreed.

"Do your best, don't leave the so-called cards. Life and death, and then retain the strength, that is purely looking for death." The night sinks slowly and stands up, said: "With the greatest effort, all the power. First the devil Get rid of! Destroy the magic, it is a matter of urgency!"

"Yes!" everyone agreed at the same time.

"As for the nine masters of the sword, we still don't cooperate with them, but try not to rub with them during this time. Where to go, choose by themselves, if possible, reveal our meaning to the past one or two."

"If this is the time to destroy the demon, everyone will finish the egg together, then there is nothing to say. If you are lucky enough to destroy the demon, the nine masters of the sword, and then discuss; fight again!"

In the deep and deep eyes of the night, the brilliant light is shot: "To the demon, we, never give in, never surrender! The same is true for the nine robbery sword masters. Even in the hands of the nine robbery swordsmen... but this world, It’s always in the hands of the people under the nine heavens, and it’s not enough to fall into the hands of the Mozu. This is enough!”

The night sinks and Xiao Chen Yu Ling and other people have never said it for a lifetime; but at this critical moment, it is a manifestation of the heroic spirit of a generation of heroes.

nice! !

The old man here is full of blood at this moment.

"Never give in, never surrender! No matter who you are, it is!"

"Everyone is ready!" The night sinks: "The news should be arranged, how to arrange the staff, everyone has their own number... I will not say more here."

"The fifth is gentle, Zhuge Cangwu, you two are a number of intellectuals; this time the layout of the arrangement, the two of you to coordinate consultation, it is necessary to come up with a complete, closest and sure plan, no effort, Just for success."

The eyes of the night sinking and Ling Yangyang are all serious and solemn. They look at Zhuge Cangwu and the fifth gentle body. Shen Sheng said one word: "Please ask the two, no matter how the fifth family and the Zhuge family before. What... But if it is this pass, you two can’t give up the suspicion...”

Zhuge Cang 穹 穹 穹 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The fifth gentle and gentle dagger, solemnly said: "I am willing to work hard, prematurely this battle!"

The people nodded lightly.

"Xiao Chenyu!" The night turned back and turned, and Shen Sheng said: "You know what I want to say!"

Xiao Chen Yu Huo stood up, loudly said: "My brother is dead in the hands of the nine robbery swords, but I am swearing by Xiao Chenyu, the devil will not die, I will not go to the nine robbers Trouble. If you swear by this oath, your children will be perfect!"

He smiled awkwardly: "Even if the blood of the enemy is deep and the sea is not shared, but I still understand in my heart, Xiao Chenyu, I am a personal class! Not my family, my heart must be awkward! Devils, God, do their best, so Just already!"

"Good! Say it well!"

The night sinks and the hand turns away, and the voice floats gently: "Brothers, although we are few people missing, but this time, we will be able to face each other again and join forces to destroy the devil..."

His voice gradually went away, and the ethereal came: "...I am really pleased."

Indoors, several old people stood sullenly, and everyone’s faces were complex and mixed.

I have long remembered that after a long time, the nine brothers once again shouldered the enemy.

Just a few people are missing.

The feelings contained in this sentence are as turbulent as the waves!

Lan does not regret, it is in the hands of the nine robbers.

And Li Chunbo, but his brother died...

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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