Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 916: rhetoric

Xiao Chen was standing on the rain, and his face couldn’t tell the truth. The whole person seemed to be a few decades old at this moment, muttering: "If you know that the demon will be like this... how can I..."

He shook his head and walked away, leaving only a heavy breath behind him.

Ling Xiaoyang stood alone, straight as a sword, eyes stern and cherished, whispered: "Xiao Chenyu, this time the devil thing, if there are still life, you and me will die!"

His voice was very small, but Xiao Chenyu, who had already gone, immediately responded. He only heard him sigh and said, "Do you want to avenge the spring wave? Well, I am waiting for you, waiting for that day. s arrival."

Xiao Chenyu has already gone.

Ye Qiu could not help but sigh and persuaded: "Yangyang, why are you suffering? You and Chunbo are brothers, are we not your brother?? Is Xiao Erge not your brother?" Hands and feet are broken, how is it?!"

Ling Xiaoyang did not say a word, but his face was as white and white as his white robe.

Then he turned and went.

Chen Yingfeng screamed, whispered: "I am so arrogant, do you have a siege, and they have no one to go to Lingjia? Why is this kind of fake and false?"

Ling Xiaoyang’s figure has gone out, and his head has not returned. The voice is getting deeper and lower: “Li can’t exist; it must be dissolved. It’s because of the consensus that Li’s family had nine robberies. Never denied."

"But, everyone also got the news at the beginning, Li can not, but Li Chunbo can't be without it. Isn't this the consensus of everyone?!"

"From Xiao Chenyu personally went to sit in the town, I thought I could at least save Li Chunbo's life. But it was precisely after Xiao Chenyu went, it led to the death of Chunbo."

"You Chen Yingfeng said that I am false and false, saying that I am pretentious. All the words let you go, but after this, I will kill you!"

"You don't say anything, I want to kill you too! You or Xiao Chenyu are no longer my brothers. Why don't you talk about it?!"

Ling Xiaoyang was shaped like an arrow and made a bang, and disappeared into the night.

Chen Yingfeng suddenly rose purple, and he couldn’t speak. He turned his head and said: "Look, see... look at this..."

"Yangyang is this temper, you still don't know him?" Ye Qiuqi smiled and said: "Everyone will go to their own preparations. Wait until the end of the war... everyone can save their lives and say other things..."

Everyone was scattered.

The fifth gentle walk in the end.

When he walked to the door, he found a figure of Ge Yi in front of him, standing on his own hands.

Zhuge Cangwu.

Obviously waiting for him.

The fifth gentle stop: "Zhuge predecessors?"

Zhuge Cangwu took the hand and said: "The seven major family coalitions are only for the Tianding event... such a grand act, if there is no complete and detailed co-ordination... will bring chaos."

"I came to you to discuss this matter." Zhuge Cang Shen sinked a bit, said: "And... anyway, before this, the prejudice and attack on your family... I am sorry. Please understand. This is the owner Helpless, nothing to do with others."

Zhuge Cang can say this, it is equivalent to lowering the body to ask for understanding.

Who can think that in order to fight the devil, the old monster who has lived for thousands of years, the first ancestor will actually put down his body, and ask for understanding from the fifth gentle, the later generations, and the former servant vassals?

Everything is only due to the overall situation! Cangsheng is heavy!

The fifth soft heart is full of shocks, Christine said: "Predecessors have said that they are different. They stand differently from each other, and they are only awkward. If they are right or wrong, they will be too small.... The younger generation has a heartfelt respect for their predecessors!"

Zhuge Cang sighed and said: "Let's find a place to talk and talk to each other?"

"It should be like this, seniors please."

One after the other, the leader of a generation of smart families, a new peerless military division, disappeared into the night...

It is a pity that Mo Tianji is not here, or else the three wise men of the world will gather together, and believe that there is no strong person in the world who can come out of their joint calculation!

Even if this goal is another wise man, once a nine-robbery think tank!


This is the same night.

Two thousand miles away, in a very hidden jungle.

The Senator’s veteran, as well as all the top players among the law enforcers, gathered here to wait for further orders from Fa Zun.

"I don't know what the law is like to do with such a big move."

"There is definitely something very big happening."

"Before I heard rumors about the emergence of the demon... Is this time?"

"It's possible, but the devil is..."

Many of these people are eternal, but this moment is also a speculation. After all, the devil's theory is too ethereal, the devil is harmful, and the non-personal experience is hard to feel. My heart is awkward, I am a little excited, but I still have some eagerness to try.

"There is a rumor that it is ridiculous to respect the adults."

"Haha... then, can we not become a demon? The rumored person does not know what state of mind, such a low-level rumor..."

"That is..."

"Everyone should not talk, just wait for peace!"

A majestic voice came and spoke to the first person in the Yuantang, among the law enforcers, the oldest Ping Yuyun.

Pingyunyun is now more than 29000 years old. After the previous generations of ancestors returned to bliss, he became the oldest antique among the law enforcers, looking at the entire Nine Heavens, in addition to the dance city. It’s really hard to find someone who lives longer than him.

Pingyunyun became famous, and the opportunity to join the ranks of law enforcement, starting from the bottom, until now, the law enforcement veteran, the master of the name, no one is dissatisfied, it is under one person, above 10,000 people, even even the law He is common to him, and he also pays tribute to the respectful salute.

It’s natural to talk in the clouds, and it’s so quiet.

Under the night, a black shadow flashed.

A long, flowing figure appeared. In the long hair, the shawl is down, and the eyes are calm and calm, like the king of the world, over the sky.

Fa Zun, finally arrived!

"I have seen the Master of the Law." The Yuan Laotang stood up neatly under the leadership of Ping Yunyun.

There are a total of nine people in the Yuanjiao Hall, plus more than 20 people in the top of the law enforcement hall headquarters. The place is the most elite and peak force of the law enforcers.

All, all!

The power of this power is enough to stand out from the crowd, enough to annihilate any of the nine family, especially in the body!

And this is only the peak power, and the middle-level forces that are coming to the top of the seven products in all directions are not included.

"The long-distance travel of all of you has worked hard." Fa Zun held his hand and the eagle-like scorpion turned around in the face of everyone: "Is there any accident in this way?"

“No.” All the people sang together: “Fa Zun adults are hard.”

"Well, this time I gathered everyone, but it was because the situation was very serious; the Tianding event was officially opened in 12 days, but I called everyone in advance, I just wanted to arrange it and make a few hands to prepare." The black light flashed in my eyes.

"The situation is extremely serious?" Ping Yuyun's old voice stunned.

His age is already very large, and he has never been able to step out of the final step of the Nine Heavens limit. Even if he is superb, his body function is still hard to resist the tempering of the years, and it has already begun to decline. Naturally, he can no longer maintain the past. Young face. The face is full of pleats, but this flipped eyelids, like two cold flashing daggers from a dried eggplant, sharp.

"Not bad." Fa Zun whispered: "You must know... the demon, really appeared..."

The faces of the people are heavy. Compared with the nine major families, law enforcement officials know more about the origins of the extraterrestrial demon.

"This is not the worst news. When the demon appeared this time, it controlled several of the nine families, planning conspiracy... The deity has undergone many twists and turns, and understands the conspiracy of the demon. The demon premeditated at this Tianding event, completely subverted. The law enforcer is the same, killing the nine robbery sword masters, ending the legend of the nine robberies, turning the nine heavens into the vegetable market of the demon... the base camp."

Fa Zun took a long sigh of relief: "The enemy is now hidden in the nine family, and it is implicated in several teams. The forces are huge, and... the demon itself is high, it is really unpredictable, I wait. It may not be an opponent."

Everyone breathed quickly. This series of bad news shocked everyone. Although everyone knows the existence and harm of the demon from the old books, they have never been really confronted with the gods. The human panic instinct for the unknown. At this moment, it is undoubtedly obvious.

Pingyunyun bit his teeth and said: "My generation guards the nine heavens of the mainland, and I have no words to die, but I don't know what the arrangement of the Lord is, even though I am told that I am waiting for an old bone. Even later, I can’t break through the last level of the collapsed void, and I haven’t lived for a few years. I’m going to fight this life with the devil! The devil is strong, I’m waiting for the death, I’m going to have the same thing. Hope it!"

His eyes were cold: "The nine families were the ninth generation of the previous generation. They were smashed by their predecessors, and they colluded with the devil. The sin is not to be sinned! Even if it is broken, I will also hang these ungrateful things and count the things that are forgotten. I am in the palm of my hand! The nine-year-old reincarnation, the end of the previous generation is decaying, and there are certain numbers!"

Faith nodded gratifiedly: "Well! I know the law enforcers of my generation. For tens of thousands of years, I have been sturdy, and my heart is still the same. It is the vocation of my generation, our mission! It is our glory!"

Everyone stood up together and said loudly: "Yes! This is our glory! We guard the nine heavens, and we will not regret it!"

Law nodded with a sigh, and immediately sighed: "Unfortunately, there is a blood in the air. If the gap between the strengths is too great, it will still be useless... The gods of the gods attack, even if it is me, it is a big loss... Attack, it is impossible to prevent."

He calmed his face and said: "A few days ago, I was alone, looking for the devil, fighting with one, and I hope to destroy the devil in one fell swoop."

The crowd straightened their ears at the same time!

Fa Zun, who had a battle with the devil? How is the result?

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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