Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 917: Despicable scam

Speaking of this, everyone is a scalp, the spirit is highly concentrated, said: "French adults ... but won?"

Everyone has a heart, and the strength of the law can be described as the first person in the world. How can it be defeated? If it is true that the law is lost... How can it stand here so safely?

"No, that was the battle I lost." In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Fa Zun shook his head and smiled a bit: "And it is still a fiasco! If it was not fast enough at the time, I am afraid that at this moment... I have to trouble you. I have a corpse."

a bolt from the blue!

This news shocked everyone.

Fa Zun, actually lost to the demon?

Devil... How powerful is it?

"If the martial arts of the demon itself is not so, it may not be so brilliant, but the demon attack of the demon is powerful. It is really a unique step, and it is invincible! Come to Japan to fight, you must be very careful. If a person is on the order, don't fight with thousands of people. It can only be sent to death! Remember to remember! Thousands of thousands!" Fa Zun's voice is heavy, hehe.

"Yes." Everyone is upset.

"Don't the gods know the attack...we don't have any resistance?" Pingyun said with a beard, some worried.

"The way..." Fa Zun sighed and sighed. He paused for a moment and said: "...not it is not...just...this method is more cruel, I don't recommend using it..."

"When is the moment, what are you cruelly afraid of? Everyone is a person who has died many times in life and death; is it afraid of cruelty? Is there any way to deal with the demon? It’s better than watching him ravage the world. Is there any way to do it? But you have to watch him kill each other one by one?"

Pingyi Yunhao’s words are: "As long as you can kill the devil, even if you want me to live a life, you will not hesitate."

"Yes! Please also ask the Lord to give advice." The people said with excitement: "In order for me to wait for the fish to be slaughtered by the devil, I would rather die with the demon, and any method does not matter."

Fa Zun’s eyes flashed and seemed to be moved by the greatness of everyone.

After sinking for a long time, I only sighed long and sighed. "I have a chance to get a mysterious exercise. In a very short time, let a person’s power of consciousness completely break out and hit this. The effect of human beings is three times the power of the gods. The effect of this method is unusually significant, but... the after-effects are also remarkable. Anyone who has used this method will be able to make up for it in his life. The process of shock is painful, one is not good, and there is a life-threatening..."

"There are such secrets, we are not afraid! We don't care! We are willing to try!" As soon as I heard that the power of God can be tripled out of thin air, taking risks and enduring some pain, everyone is bright.

In fact, everyone has already reached the peak of their own cultivation, everyone is well-informed: for the next step, the opportunity to break through is really very small, extremely embarrassing.

In this case, what is the relationship between the cultivation of the gods and the inability to enter into life?

I couldn’t get in the way. If I didn’t use this method, I couldn’t get the three times the power of God.

As for the process will be painful? What is the pain of the process? The process...just a very short time, even if it is painful, what can it do? Do you have a life? Everyone is old, this is almost going to the end of his life, today is a good fight for the people, it is just right!

Everyone has not considered anything at all, and they have asked Fa Zun to immediately teach the exercises.

Only the law deity is still hesitating, sinking for a long time, and finally said: "This practice is really a wicked door... and the process needs me to be assisted... and, in the course of spiritual practice, the gods of you Knowing power, there must be no more... resistance."

For this topic, he seems to be a bit difficult to talk about.

Ping Yuyun laughed and said: "Fa Zun adults are more concerned. Do we still don't trust the law-abiding adults? It is better to have the help of the Lord, and the algorithm is not to be said. We still want to ask adults. For me to protect the law. Who will resist the assistance of the French Lord? Haha, haha."

Everyone laughed and laughed at this topic.

"As for the evil door, what the lord of the law does not say, the old man also guessed it. I have prepared for the many hesitations before the Lord respects the light!"

Pingyun’s chest has a good foundation and said: “But anyone who can improve quickly, there is a normal method, and the evil door is the most normal. But if you just follow the practice, you can have three times the gods... that’s what you see. Ghost."

"Yeah, the French Lord does not have to worry about us. We are willing to practice this law against the devil."

"If this is the case, then I will teach you this way now. Everyone must survive the painful process and do everything in their power to fight against the devil." In the depths of the law, there is a faint black light flashing, cold and cold. Ruthless, just, no one noticed.

If you trust, no one will believe that the world’s highest power has been over for thousands of years, and he will be deliberately hurting himself.

The sound of the faint voice of the Fa said: "You, the first practice of this method, relax the consciousness of the gods... Close your eyes and give me all control. I will lead everyone... to get this power of God; The peace and joy of the nine heavenly beings, do their best!"

At the request of Fa Zun, everyone closed their eyes and completely relaxed all vigilance.

With the highest trust, the greatest sincerity...

The sect of the sacred scorpion quickly turned into a dark color, which was darker than the darkness of the night, exuding the dark color of the black scorpion. The next moment, his hands waved, "suddenly", a group of magical swarms And out, in an instant, this small piece of the scene is completely covered.

Every high-ranking master of law enforcement was individually wrapped in a black mist.

In this dark fog, everyone heard the voice of Fa Zun alone and said to himself: "Open your eyes, yes, don't doubt... It's here... relax the spirit, let's do this work. Law; in order to get rid of the magic barrier, we must first make a choice..."

"Yes, this is a choice game; you only use this experience as a game, choose your own heart, and give up... naturally you can reach the other side of your heart..."

"Now... choose to start..."

A thick magical mist, stirring in the jungle, boiling, constantly expanding, it seems that the devil is laughing...


There are three wise men in the metropolitan area, and the fourth wise man is on the way...

"The front is the middle." Mo Tianji stopped the pace of the front, looking at the dark front, quietly said.

"When I got here, I never found traces of the demon." Chu Yang frowned.

Along the way, in addition to discovering the masters of the parties killed by the demon from time to time, the brothers really felt that this world really has to change.

The entire rivers and lakes have been completely chaotic during this time, and there has been unprecedented chaos.

The degree of boiling is so vast.

The long-lost Tianding Conference suddenly launched in advance, so that the whole continent was completely boiled in one day. Almost all the strong people flocked to the frenzy of Zhongdu, and they came in all directions...

It’s just that everyone goes straight on this road, and they have already met no less than two hundred people who have galloped from different martyrdoms.

Zhongdu, now in the middle of the city, has almost been crowded.

The last Wan Yao Dadian, although quite grand, is only a well-known pharmacist in the mainland and some of the nine family members, as well as law enforcement and drug valley people. Even though there are many people watching it, it is also Not too much.

However, this Tianding event is a meeting related to the future destiny and future of the world's military.

Basically, all who feel that they have this strength and can seize the opportunity are coming. But then again, who would think that he is not strong enough and the opportunity is not enough?

So no matter what is not enough, everyone comes together.

Maybe the cat will come across a dead mouse, and the old man will leave the dog?

There are definitely a few who hold such ideas.

In addition, Fa Zun sent out the law enforcement's token ‘the order of the heavens’ ten days ago; this is the most supreme token of the law enforcer! All law enforcers must be obliged to do so, and the order is forbidden. Do not dare to say no, not to defy, and even delay the need. This order is the symbol of authority!

Therefore, all the masters of law enforcement above the holy level in the world, as well as the ants move, play in general toward the Zhongdu side.

The major families have also made movements.

Even the newly established fifth family, the fifth family, which was originally conservative and low-key, is now almost ready to move.

All the topics are left with the words "Tian Ding Sheng Hui". All the events are also carried out around the "Tian Ding Festival". Even the northwest decisive battles of the previous period, and the Shijia family in the nine major families, were inexplicably destroyed. Nowadays, no one has mentioned it yet; and the nine-robber sword master who has been eagerly occupying the center of the topic has just been It is the head of the topic.

As for the law before the filth of the nine robbery sword is the demon thing, no one mentioned it again, no one will take this to say something.

The whole world is crazy, and it is mad for the upcoming "Tian Ding Festival".

Because, Law Zun solemnly declares: This time the Tianding event will be different from the previous one, which is very different.

All eligible ones will be promoted and reused, and all have the opportunity to enter the ranks of law enforcers. Not as restrictive as before, this is not the case, and the various rules that are wrong are all canceled.

As long as you become a law enforcer, you have the strongest and thickest backing in the world!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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