Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 921: Entering Zhongdu

"Hey, what do you want to see me doing? Is there any attempt at this young master? Come over and come down and apologize!"

"What? But come? Do you dare to marry me? Grass! Kill him! Actually dare to marry the young master, this young master is also you can be awkward?!"

Brush, oh, ah, 噗通,滋滋滋,哗...


"Hey, that old man is not dead, you grab something to enjoy it? The so-called see you have a share, come and divide me half..."

"What? Don't obey?**, slaughter him! Don't give half of it, this young master is all about it. If you don't give up, you will give up your life!"

Brush, oh... ah...

"Oh, okay, it's not good... Nine Grandpa and Nine Grandpa... The little top can't hold it... Nine Grandpa Hey, my dear, my grandfather, you have to help me..."

This is a hard scorpion.

There are undoubtedly a lot of masters brought by Huang Gongzi. There are also a few masters of the supreme level. Generally, the hard scorpion that makes Huang Gongzi so miserable is at least three products.

At this time, Ji Mo and Luo Ke enemy these two goods are afraid of the world without a mess.

As for other people, it is definitely not going to be shot. Even the tears of the lowest strength are dismissive. We can all be true high-level peaks. We must also start with these low-level warriors. , too much to laugh,

On this occasion, it is also the consciousness of Ji Mo and Luo Ke enemy that the two goods are completely unrecognizable, and the strong shots, the current strength of the two of them, can really kill the immediate warriors, so -

Hey, ah, 噗通,滋滋滋,哗...


"Where are we going to settle?"

"Hey... Grandpa of the Nine, please rest assured, there is also an industry in the family, and there is also an inn....Before it was already smashed, the inn did not pick up the guests during the Tianding Conference, so it was reserved for us..."

"The amount is the same, but it is heartfelt."

"Oh... where is it."

"Hey, I didn't praise you, what kind of humility are you there?"

"Oh... I can't do it myself..."


In the dark, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji all the way, while walking and talking, of course, the two of them used is the technique of sound. After all, the voice is noisy, and the general meaning of the conversation is not convenient.

“Can you find out?”


"Weird, this kind of chaos, this shouldn't be, even if the law enforcement is a law-abiding person, let the military be hostile, and the night house should not be completely inactive."

"There is such a situation, or it can only be said to be intentional indulgence. Not only the law enforcement, but also the night family or the major families."


"Yes. In fact, as long as the gods detect it, they will know that after those who have died, the soul power will suddenly disappear and be swept away after a while..."

"What do you mean by saying... The devil is actually in the city now? Is it still moving?"

"It should be true."


"But why are the nine family members all inactive? Especially the night-time people don't appear. As a local snake, they should have doubts about this conference. You won't be completely aware of the clues, but now it is. Letting go, why is this?"

"I think that the night house is probably already self-sufficient, and simply no longer spends energy on these small things. The nine-days are rare, but the military is the least rare thing; the other big families should be the same."

"There is some truth to this, but it is slightly more partial."

"If you want to say the whole ... Oh, now the night family and other families should have discovered the existence of the demon and the harm of the demon; but the demon is now invisible in the dark, they have no target, they can not shoot. So can only wait The demon appeared, and then gathered a blow, and hoped to hit a hit. Zhongducheng is now in such a mess, it is not a coup to deal with the devil."

"Well, it’s good. It’s just that there have been so many sudden changes from the corpse powder. It means that the night house is prepared, and it’s a post-game for this mess...”

"Yes, this also shows that the nine big families have now turned the devil into the number one enemy. You are the nine robbers, now they have not completely excluded you from their sight, at least not the number one enemy."

"Haha, things change, I am afraid that they are too late to deal with me at this moment... Heaven, this time, maybe it is possible to cooperate with the Nine Family."

"I am afraid that it is impossible. According to the current trend, cooperation is almost imperative. However, if you want to cooperate, the most important thing to note is not to be pushed up as cannon fodder. With independence, there is no one hit, and it’s a long way to go..."

"The point is, I originally thought so."

"Let's wait and see for a while. Now that the chaos has already taken place, we can't stop it."


After some arduous trek, I finally found the inn of the Huang family. At this moment, countless rivers and lakes gathered around the inn, and they shouted and yelled.

"Since opening a store to do business, why not let people live? Is it not money for Laozi?"

"It would be better to leave the house empty and not to live."

"How can we refuse to live in our real money store?"

"I have already booked? The person who is scheduled is still in the future. What are we going to do after we have lived for a few days?"

“Everyone rushes in, it’s serious to have a house...”


The situation has already taken place.

It must be said that the inn in Zhongdu City is quite a lot, but it is absolutely impossible to hold the world together. The inn is now facing the current crowd, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a drop in the bucket.

"Dispel!" Huang Gongzi ordered, Huang Jia's guard master suddenly shot.

"Oh... it hurts."

"Who pushed me..."

"who is it?"

"This is so powerful...",

Before and after but a moment, everyone has already arrived at the front of the inn, Huang Xia Liu Yan stood in the carriage with a hat, smugly said: "This inn, this young master first booked; now to live in, who If you don't accept it, come and expel the Laozis... As long as you have this ability, Laozi thinks that he is unlucky. If you don't have this ability, you will die here... Then you will recognize the bad luck, you can't blame, as for regret, leave it to you. Later generations!"

With the unusually arrogant discourse of Huang Gongzi, it suddenly became noisy.

"Grass! Too great!"

"Too burned!"


"Everyone ** he! One person spits and spits and drowns him!"


However, the hula cheering crowd rushed up and suddenly fell.

After a while, some people are already retreating, because these people in front are directly like demons, especially the two youngest men in the front. They are even more devil than the devil. The strength is even more powerful, and it is not human.


Chu Yang and others naturally lived in the best eleven rooms, just occupying one floor completely.

Huang Xia Liu wanted to live in this empty 12th room, but was kicked upstairs by Chu Yang.

The reason is, we have a son-in-law here, what is the story of an outsider you are here?

Huang Gongzi had to tear back to the room and took his wife to sleep.

"The son, who are these people?"

All the way, the masters of the Huang family have almost no chance to speak with Huang Xia Liu; now they finally seize the opportunity to ask questions and ask the biggest incomprehensibility in their hearts.

"Oh... they are all gods!" Huang Xia Liu looked up, very stinky.

"God... cut!" A Huangjia master whispered: "Who can make us so courteous..."

Huang Xia Liu’s eyes sighed, but the next moment she sighed: “Okay, okay, I tell you the truth; otherwise, if you guys offended someone, I cried without crying, but I did everything. The magic weapon has brought these great powers together... Since I have a son, I don’t want to reassure my son... oh, but I can’t let him cry too, no cry... ”

Everyone laughs and laughs.

During this time, the owner of the family really put all his energy into the two grandchildren. It’s also a matter of reason for you to ignore it. This product actually has complaints...

Besides, what are you doing? What is the use of you, a jealousy? The only use before was just to create people, and now even this role does not work...

"Can you still remember my illness?" Huang Xia Liu raised her eyebrows.


"I still remember who cured me?"

"It’s Chu’s son, Chu **** doctor...” Huang’s family were all serious: “I heard later... Which Chu Gongzi is the rumored nine-robbery master, another saying that he is an extraterrestrial demon Incarnation, I don't know if that is true."

"Hey, what is the extraterrestrial demon, the grandfather of Chuyang has only the identity of the nine robbers, and it is clear to me!" Huang Xia Liu Naikong Chaotian: "The one who spoke is the person who cured me, that is... As for the ten people around him... you think about who it is."

"Oh my God, it turned out..."

With a splash, a Huangjia Supreme master was shocked and sat down directly on the chair. He fell to the ground with awkwardness, but he was only surprised and did not feel any pain at all.

"Oh my God, my God..." Everyone was sighing in shock, and the eyes were excited to the extreme.

Everyone has the same idea in mind. Screaming!

Nine robbery sword master!

The nine robbery sword master has his own nine robbery brothers!

God, we actually walked along with the nine robbery sword masters, and now live together, we are equal to the same front...

Amount... my uncle, my dear grandfather...

The crowd immediately understood the meaning of the sentence that Huang Xia Liu asked: "Amount, I heard that you are the Nine Grandfather?"

finally understood.

Nine Grandpa is such a nine-grandfather...

It is too worthwhile to recognize that person as the nine uncle.

Since it is the master of the Nine Robbery, don't say that it is the nine-grandfather, the nine grandfathers, the nine grandfathers are also OK, even if the nine ancestors are also negotiable...


Have to say a few words. I want to say that I didn't ask for a holiday. What is a leave of absence? Leave is not to work today; to do tomorrow. Everyone has asked for a vacation. If you go to school after school leave, will you ask the teacher: I will go over again in the class yesterday. Will the work leave be told to the boss after returning to work that what was my job yesterday? I will do it again? no? And after I took time off, I doubled it up. It means that there is no leave and it is still erupting. Is there any mistake? It’s just that I promised to double the supplement, so I got it wrong?

I saw a lot of people saying that I have more time off, huh, huh, asking myself, I have asked for a lot of fakes in four and a half years, but I have doubled it up... If this is also a leave, I will ask.

But the question is... is this ok?

If it is counted to make up more... If my four-year break does not include the interval between books and books, should it be less than a week? Can you count the dates from each of the three books?

There is a [complement] word behind the supplement.

Four and a half years, one week... how? Where do I start to take time off every day?

I am really... the beggar collapsed, really. It doesn't matter if you don't read the genuine ones, but don't be so embarrassing.

It’s all about watching pirates... I’m speechless, really.

I don’t want to be jealous now, but I just say one thing: the gentleman can’t give up evil words. If you look bad, you can't watch it. No need to stay here to be abused, really.

Don't curse me for cancer! ! ! ** Is this a curse? ? ?

Look at my book for free, watch piracy, and raise such a problem with him? Every time you take a leave to double up, you will be used to this way? I don’t even say that those readers who spend money to read genuine books, why do you rely on them? ? ? ! !

(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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