Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 922: Blood River Warming Night

The eyes of the Huang family are shining, and their hearts are awkward.

People, there is always a time when it shines, even if it is like Huang Xia Liu!

Into the night.

Zhongdu City is still the most extreme.

Everything is messy everywhere. It’s like hundreds of billions of flies. The volume of the individual is small, but together, because the number is amazing, the volume will cause qualitative changes, but it can be said to be earth-shattering. Let some people with bad strength almost want to commit suicide.

There are more and more battles in the city, the frequency of combat is becoming more and more dense, and the number of homicides is relatively more and more; there are constantly corpses turned into a burst of yellow smoke from the corpse powder, rising.

And, just this night.

The major families and law enforcement agencies are actually acting as if they are doing a good job.

It seems that it is really too coincidental. Is this the so-called incompetence? !

Night home.

In the midst of calmness, suddenly there was a burst of noisy voices coming from all directions; then the screams rose; the footsteps heard that Sosso came like the middle.

One after another, the black night family, accompanied by a group of prisoners, one by one.

There are injuries on the body, which is clearly caused by the arrest.

In front of the night hall, the lights are bright. Countless night masters, standing silently, full of silence.

At night, I looked at the more than 300 people who had been pushed out. I just waved my hand: "It’s all killed."

"Why?!" Some of them screamed in anger: "I have been at night for hundreds of years, I have always followed the rules, for the night, there is no credit and hard work, why do you arrest me? Why kill me? Give me a reason?"

"The reason is very simple, because you are all law enforcers." The night explained the sentence, and apologized: "It has been confirmed now that the law is a descendant of the devil, wanting to be poisonous, I am waiting for him; you stay in Here, I am not at ease, this is the reason..."

He hasn't finished yet, and hundreds of people have already screamed in unison: "The night is heavy, you are the devil! You are defeated in this world! You mean!"

"The night is heavy, you are so arrogant and arrogant, what is your heart?"

"The night is heavy, your wolf ambition, even filthy law respects adults!"

"The night is heavy, I am fighting with you!"

"Night dog thief, law enforcement will never let you go, your end is not far away, I am waiting for you to wait under the Jiuquan..."

"Fa Zun adults will be the devil? Put your mother's fart! Your night is the devil, your family is one by one!"

The night sinks and closes his eyes, sighing weakly and waving his hand.

In the snoring, the steel knife is bright.


A blood column rises, and the night house is full of blood and smell.

"Thick burial!" The night was heavy and heavy: "It's all good guys, but unfortunately..."

The masters of the nights are also silently sighing.

As the night sinks, these people are really good guys. But unfortunately, it is a law enforcer, and now stands against his own position.

The better the man, the greater the harm.

Some of these people came over hundreds of years ago, some of them are the relationship of law enforcement, and some are very clear that the law enforcers are inserted; of course, the most is the dark line.

There are even a few of them who are undecided, but at the moment they have been removed together.

Ning killed the wrong, not let go. Not afraid of 10,000, but afraid of it!

"Before this, the old man has tried and communicated with some people to see if they can be used for their own purposes; but one of them refuses to believe me, there is no one exception... Hehe..." The night shook his head and smiled.

"These people are all looking for a dead end, their brains are rigid, why should their ancestors be on the heart?" Someone persuaded.

"It’s a pity that these people are loyal to the law enforcers." The night sinks and sighs: "The law enforcement is the first force of the nine heavens since ancient times, and it is the right way to do it... now, but..."

Everyone has nothing to say.

Law respect.

The key is that today's demon will be the law.

The law enforcer has been led by this legal person for more than 10,000 years. How long is this? After the law has benefited the people and led the law enforcement officials to enforce the law for thousands of years, you suddenly came up with the saying that respect is the devil?

Who will believe? I believe you have ghosts!

Not to mention the law enforcers, even if there are several people in the world who are willing to believe?

If you choose to believe in law enforcement or believe in night clubs? The results can be imagined, there is no need to choose!

Do not say anything else, the night is deep in my heart is the most clear, I am afraid that even in his own family of night, there will be many people who are dubious, and even suspect that they have ulterior motives will not be in a minority.


That is the law!

Under the universal sky, the benchmark of justice is the most unlikely to be the existence of the demon.

That is to say: If at the same time, the night sinks the saying that respect is the demon; and the law respect also said that the night is sinking.

Then, these night-time people would rather believe that the night is a god, and they will not doubt the law. Although they eventually have to go to fight with the night, this does not hinder who they originally believed.

This is helplessness, and it is also the prestige that Fa Zun has built over the past 10,000 years! Absolutely unattainable!

Therefore, although it is a pity to kill these people at night, it is bound to kill at this time. Because these people who do not know the truth will only obey the command of the law.

If it is a real war, it will be unimaginable for the destruction and killing that these people can cause. Because they have been at night for many years, they are too familiar with everything in the night house.

"The world today is a strange world that is upside down!" The night sinks into the sky and sighs: "The party of justice must be as cautious as rebelling, step by step, and move forward in the shadows; but the ugly side is in Take the means of being fair and honest, unscrupulous, and use the light of the usual light to carry out the act of extinction!"



Such sighs, tonight, countless people in the big families are sighing, wrong, but unfortunately...

Countless blood, skyrocketing.

Among the law enforcers.

Among the people who come from law enforcement agencies everywhere, they are also cleaning. Those who were originally inserted in the nine major families, either plain or dark, were all smashed out one by one.

Such people are even more than those executed by the major families.

Law enforcement also has no mercy. The fact that the nine major families have betrayed and have been nailed to the nails; what are the secrets of these days?

Then the sword flickers...

Blood is shining.

It was only on this night that the number of people killed was at least more than 10,000.

This night, blood paved, people flying.

Later generations, this night is called ‘the night of killing’. It is also said that this night is the 'night of blood river warming up'!

High in the sky, in the night.

A faint black gas is like a fog at night. In the rapid movement, a series of soul energy that is invisible to the naked eye, like the Baichuan Huihai, is rapidly gathering in the dark fog...

Occasionally, there is a low smile in the inside, cruel and satisfying.

I don't know if it is the devil's whisper, or the devil smirk!

The two sides who are destined to oppose each other have waved the ruthless butcher's knife to the opponent's scorpion!

This night is destined to be cruel and cruel!

After a night, the blood was full.

The capital of Zhongdu City is thousands of miles above the sky, and the rich **** smell is almost long-lasting. Even when I took Chu Yang and other people to have breakfast, even though I had already prepared myself, I couldn’t help but feel the nausea.

I just didn't have breakfast. If I had to eat it, I wouldn't have to vomit it. I didn't have to pay for it. All the big men were like this. Mo light dance and ink tears were even worse.

Mo light dances pretty face, white, no blood, ink tears a little better, but also lost the past grace, for no reason, with the two women's current cultivation, the gods are powerful, how can the city's changes I have seen both of them, and it seems that this may be a minority of negative effects brought about by over-cultivation.

How many people have been killed in order to create such a bleak and terrifying atmosphere?

At this moment, it is clear that the sky is clear, the sun is shining, and the scene is very good, but it is full of haze full of gloom.

"Vo... can't eat it... can't eat it..." Huang Xia Liu rushed to the front of Chuyang, shaking her head and sighing: "How many people died last night... This kind of heaven and earth awful!"

Do not say that Chu Yang and other high-ranking people, it seems that even Huang Shaoye and other people, but also felt the strange changes in the surrounding environment!

Chu Yang screamed, saying: "There are not a few in the decision, I am afraid... no less than 20,000 people."

He also experienced a lot of battles in the next three days. There are some experiences in this regard. When you look at the blood, you can basically calculate the similarity. This is the experience of Tielongcheng for the way, but it was stolen by Chu Yang.

However, there are more than 20,000 people here, no more than 20,000 people in the next three days. It’s just over 20,000 people who have died here. It’s enough to go down the next three days, and it’s enough to subvert any dynasty thousands of times.

All are masters wow!

"There are more than 20,000 people who have finished playing..." Huang Xia Liu exclaimed: "My mother, so much, how can it..."

Mo Tianji calmed his face, nine pieces of copper coins slammed in the sleeves, and stopped for a long time. He looked up: "The two predecessors of Fengyue will have to wait at least five days to get there. If they didn't get on the road in advance."

Chu Yang nodded and said: "Five days, it is necessary to hurry at full speed."

Last night, through the unique newsletter of Huangjia, I informed the southeast Chu family. At this time, the Chu family can no longer be partial.

We must go all out to join the tide of the rivers and lakes, and do everything we can to turn the tide.

In the judgment of the two, Feng Yue and the two immediately got off the news and traveled at full speed, but it still took at least five days to get here.

In this battle, in addition to facing countless law enforcers, the supreme power of the law, and the gods who do not know how much has been restored, Chu Yang does not have to win.

Although the brothers are already supreme, but the sneaky means of the demon are still no confidence to win.

"At the moment, I don't know if the predecessors can catch up..." Mo Tianji's eyes sparkled with strange light.


Second today. Then the code word is added... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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