Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 931: Lone sword, no injury, light dance, blood waves!

"This is the nine robbery brothers of the nine robbery swordsmen. They also say that they are gods!"

"That... maybe it’s not filthy... Who is the Lord of the Nine Robbers? Can you just fall into the trap of others?"

"It is also said. Some time ago, Fa Zun also said that Chu Yang is an extraterritorial demon, and he personally went down to the law. Now he knows that Chu Yang was originally the master of the Nine Robbery Sword. Now the situation is reversed. The main saying of the Nine Robbery Sword is the Devil..."

"It is true. How can the master of the Nine Robbery Sword be a demon? Since it is the law, the situation is obvious."

"Why is he lying?"

"The heart is guilty..."

"What is your heart?"

"He is a demon, can you not be guilty, you have to bite a bite..."


The emerging paradox is almost one-sided and beneficial to Chu Yang.

This of course is the reaction of the nine family members after the chaos, and began to cooperate with Gu Duxing and others.

When such a speech came out, and the argument was still one-sided, it suddenly turned to the sky all over the place. It was already going to be turned over, but now it is truly real!

Nine robberies have always been the existence of legends. Who has seen them in the present world? Today, it really appears in front of you!

This kind of vibration is simply unbeatable!


"Wow... nine robbers! God, the **** in my heart..."

"This is the legendary nine robbery... no wonder so young, but with such a powerful skill!"

"This is really confusing..."

"It's so handsome... It turns out that this is the legend of the Nine Robbery, so handsome! Hey, I must marry him..." This is a flower girl.

"Cut, you are the face of your shoe? Don't look at your own long hair, you will find me like this..."

"Roll! You are going to die!"

"How can the nine robbers tell lies?"

"Nine robbers are saying that respect is a demon, and there must be something wrong..."

"Right... everyone is prepared for one or two..."


In the northeast direction, Mo light dances in red clothes, and the star dream light dance knife flashes a large piece of dreamy general luster. The figure is like a fairy dancing, but it brings out a piece of dreamy and murderous murder.

Behind her, it was a **** light.

The face of Mo Qing dance is too strong to be able to open; but the hand is never merciless.

"Taro, facing the enemy, you can kill in the first time! At the very least, let him not be able to act. Never hesitate!" This is the words of the second brother Mo Tianji: "Don't forget, you are not You are yourself."

"Light dance, just say a word to you: the enemy that really has no threat is the dead! Be sure to protect yourself. If you are... then hurt... I can only go with you..." This is Chu Yang’s words.

"I must not let Chu Yang bear another life for me!" This is Mo Guangwu's own warning to himself: "I want to be his help, never become his burden! Never!"


In the north, Gu alone and one person, one sword and one sword, the singer and the black-faced cold noodles, the black dragon swords and the fluttering dance, the blood under the sword is like a splendid peony, suddenly encountering a gentle spring breeze when the ambiguous desire is released, one The blossoming rushes to bloom.

Several killers who rushed up, only saw the shadows flying up, and then, at a faster speed, the heads of the people flew up from their necks.

A corpse, like a piece of wooden pegs, plops down.

Gu alone and started, out of the sword, fast and accurate, steady and awkward, hitting the middle, will die.

There is no nonsense at all, but if he does not accept the previous remarks and comes up with his own swords, he will be a sword, a sword will not return, and Huang Quan will leave.

Only when I first arrived here, when I was in a lot of people, I said a word of exhortation. Since then, Gu Erye has never opened a gold mouth. When you face your face, you will start to meet the challenge. It will be like a cold noodle!

The amount, wrong, is actually a cold-faced killer, and it is still super.

Because this murder seems to be more versatile than the most professional killer, the sword is not lost.

Even if someone later called out the identity of the nine robbers, Gu’s face did not move a little, and his eyes did not change at all.

Anyone who dares to rush up is ruthlessly killed, no exception!

He is like an ice from hell!

Cold and ruthless! Wherever you go, it brings killing!

Now this time, this time, whether it is the law enforcement or the nine family, both sides are brewing their own strength, and will not send super masters here to join in the fun, so Gu Zhixing is like a dragon to the sea, tiger into The mountains, in the middle and back of the crowd, actually feel no threat at all...

Having said that, it has been the supreme sword of the nine supreme swords. It seems that there are not many people who can be the enemy of the world. How can such a skill appear in the current situation?

This cold-faced killer looks like a lonesome and handsome man, and suddenly makes many rivers and lakes girls sway...

Of course, Gu alone does not have any feelings, red fen骷髅, looks similar.

"It's so cool!"


"If you can marry him, don't just stay with him..."

This is a young girl.

"It looks very strong... I don't know..."

"Nine robbers are so strong, they are dead..."

This is the intention of some flower letters.

If Gu Zhixing heard these words, I believe that there will be a blood spurt out, and then these girls will come to a hot hand to destroy flowers...


In the northwest, Dong did not hurt to hold the ink knife, and strode forward. No one stood behind him.

On this side, it is also the only way for law enforcement to go by hand. The law enforcement and law enforcement officials gathered here are especially many. After Dong did not hurt the dissemination of the news, the attack was naturally the most, the most intense.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that Dong did not hurt the walk and the facts, because at the beginning, Dong did not hurt his mouth.

It is convenient to bring a wife, and the tears are consciously doing all these things. Do you dare to count on Dong to say nothing to the people? As for when someone started attacking the ink tears, Dong did not hurt his neck, took the ink knife out of the space ring, dragged the knife, and stood so loudly in front of his wife, the standard husband was off, Wanfu Unopened!

Don't be surprised if Dong has no space ring. Chu Yang is coming out of the City of Elf. The first thing is to send a space ring to each of the brothers. Even the ink tears are equipped with one, these spaces. The main material of the ring is naturally made by the hundreds of thousands of years of Tianxingmu. It is really not as strong as the general space props.

Everyone likes it quite a bit.

At the moment, Dong did not have the slightest cover, and the high-profile sword that appeared in nothing was unveiled, which suddenly caused a greater commotion.

Some of the guys who didn't want to start the game were red at the moment.

"The guy has a space in his hand! How is it possible?!"

"That thing is my grandfather, and only the uncle has the same treasure."

"Catch it! Give it to me."

Suddenly, most of the people who had been watching were also rushing over, and all the indignations of the performances were filled out, as if Dong did not hurt anything that was unhealthy.

"Kid, you actually dare to insult the Lord! Give me to die!"

"You will dare to smear even the singer! Kill him!"

"Get rid of this filthy law!"

A group of people rushed up, fearing that the alien treasures of space were taken by others, and even more than those who were vengeful for the law, they arrived at Dong’s front.

Dong did not hurt his eyes, step forward, suddenly like a cloud like a mountain slamming forward, generally an unprecedentedly powerful, arrogant momentum suddenly emanate, just this move, the people in front of it is almost ready I can't breathe.

Dong did not hurt the knife, and gave a break: "It’s good!"

This loud drink is like a clear sky above the silence. Suddenly it sounds like a thunder that is trembled with thousands of miles!

The seven ink-stricken ink tears behind the one-and-a-half also covered their ears, which was too shocking.

A guy, seeing the eyes of the treasure, trying to make it all together, just rushed to the front of Dong Wu's body, and he was stunned by a big drink. The face of the face was still in the future, and the body was already stiff. The two eyes straightened and looked at Dong without hurting his eyes. Then the seven scorpions slammed out the blood, and the whole body fell softly... twitching, completely moving...

Actually, Dong was injured and killed by a scorpion!

To say that the guy who was just killed is not an ordinary person, but a monarch! The masters of this level are certainly not in the eyes of today's nine robberies, but in terms of secular warriors, they are still at a very high level, and Dong is not hurting and drinking.

Will be a master of the king, kill directly!

The snoring is especially resounding. Dong has no big strides, and he has made great strides. He has made great strides, and he has no momentum to return to the army. He is only in front, but no one dares to dare on both sides. Go ahead and rent it a little!

The few people who just rushed to the front were shocked and inexplicable, but the body still kept the action of the front flapping. It was too late to retreat. Everyone’s face was disastrous, and Dong’s innocent ink knife ran wildly!


The pieces of the body are neatly separated to the sides, and in a flash, the blood is shining!

Dong did not hurt one shot, that is, human purgatory, seeing in the eyes, only endless bright red.

He stepped forward on the splash of blood, his eyes were calm, his face was calm, and his moves were only a simple straight sweep, but no one could stop him!

As soon as the knife went down, the weapon broke and collapsed, the arm was broken, the head was opened, and the body was divided from the middle. Then, the next two moments, the two bodies were divided and flew out on both sides, neat and clean.

All opponents are better than nothing, no exception!

A big step and a big step forward, there is no pause.

One person and one knife, the blocker is invincible!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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