Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 932: Nine robbery

Ink tears followed Dong’s injury, and the black clothes fluttered, just a leisurely walk.

There is no harm to Dong here, and there is no room for ink tears to be shot. Dong’s wounded field has long been protected by his wife. Anyone who comes in front of me is just a knife. If it comes from behind, well, a knife is gone, the knife is scattered, the body is divided on the spot, followed by the gods crushing, to a soul!

The remarks about the nine robbery finally picked up, and Dong Wu’s injury has actually ended the game.

There is no reason for him. Dong’s environment is too bloody!

Throughout the flesh and blood, Dong’s unscrupulous figure stood in the core position, and the tiger’s eyes fluttered from the surrounding crowds with no expression, and he was unstoppable for all his eyes. The eyes, no one dared to look at him.

In the dead silence, only the blood of Dong’s wounded head fell to the ground.

Thousands of people around, no one dared to gasp for a moment.

It’s too **** and shocking!

Dong did not hurt the 噗 噗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

He rubbed his knife in one hand, akimbo, and shouted: "Fa Zun is the demon! This is what I said! Who said he is not? Stand up!"

This sound broke, so that everyone around me was very neat and stepped back at the same time. At this moment, who else dare to say no?

Or there are dead loyalists, but these dead loyalists are cleverly shut up compared to denying immediate death, and the hero does not eat before the loss! As for the other wall grasses, the reaction is -

"Yes... yes, law is the devil! You say yes!..."

"Yes, right, you said that he is a demon, he must be, must be, definitely."

"You say him, he is, isn't it too!"

"Oh... scared me..."


"Ha ha ha ha ..." Dong did not hurt Yang Tianchang smile, a time of enthusiasm, and quietly shouted: "Everyone with me to read: Fa Zun is the demon! Defeat the law! Destroy all the devils out of the nine heavens! Kill the Fa Zun and the Devil! Who can't read it? The sound is bigger!"

Read the life, not the person who died!

Now all the people who can survive are "smart" people, so - thousands of people yell at each other and feel the general atmosphere of this Shura abattoir, as the god-like characters watched themselves fiercely, lest they shout Slow, the sound is small...

At this moment, it is really a loud voice.

"French is the devil!"

"Down with the law!"

"Exit all the devils out of the nine heavens!"

"The law will be honored and the devil will be killed!"


The buzzing sounds over and over again swelled, and the waves were higher than the waves.

Behind him.

Ink tears grabbed his forehead, full of entanglement and speechless.

Boss is to let you come out to spread the news, guide the trend of public opinion, and then form a wave, sweeping in the ......

I didn’t ask you to force it!

This... This is simply the power of the legendary power, and it’s a good thing. The scene is very big, but is it useful? Do you know how people think in their hearts...

This kind of goods is always so tyrannical... I don’t take any strategy at all...

In the midst of a tsunami in the mountains, Dong did not break his mouth and laughed, and he was full of enthusiasm...

A little further away, there are many law enforcement officials who look at this side with resentment, but they are eager to kill the thief and unable to return to the sky. This thief is too strong and can’t beat it...


the other side.

Ji Mo’s long swords are like the wind, just like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables, sprinting back and forth among the crowd, elated and shouting.

"The dog is awkward! The law is the devil!"

"The dog is awkward! Fa ​​Zun is the devil!"

"The dog is awkward! Laozi is Ji Mo! Ji Mo's Ji, Ji Mo's ink! Not lonely, lonely! But Ji Mo! Ji Mo's Ji, Ji Mo's ink! All remember to Lao Tzu, this is the name of Lao Tzu !嗷呜~~Dog big!"


"嗷呜~~~" Roque enemies yelled: "Everyone has heard clearly to Lao Tzu, don't be blinded by that law, and the law is the demon! Hey ~~! Have you heard it?"

"Hey~~ Our nine-day days definitely don't allow the demon to exist! Lying in the trough, you dare to hit me, find death! Hehe~~"


In front of Xie Danqiong, a single flower of Qionghua is splendid and open, flowing and dancing. In the beauty of the beautiful scenery, all the onlookers and onlookers do not seem to see the killing and bloodyness brought by this beautiful scenery. Instead, some are fascinated by this fantastic scenery.

The only thing I saw was that there was only one white fluttering, handsome and handsome, and the eye-catching young man, in a misty and dreamy sea of ​​flowers, resounding and looking forward to life.

Beside the body of this peerless young boy, there was a piece of flesh and blood; the broken limbs of the broken limbs added a lot of beautiful and cruel beauty to this dreamy landscape.

"French is the devil!"

"Faozun is already demonizing the law enforcement! Everyone must be vigilant. Once they are enchanted, there is no turning back."

I don’t have to hear what he said, some women who have been fascinated by Xie Danqiong’s ‘beautiful’ have been crazy...

Big and big, handsome guy is the biggest!

Such a handsome guy is really eye-catching and itchy...

The flower idiots who braved the red hearts in one eye rushed to scream, 'Fa Zun is the demon, and the law is the demon! ‘After the Xie Dashuai’s body, God blocks the gods, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha...

I am afraid that even the Mo Tianji of the gods’ ghosts did not expect that Xie Danqiong would be able to display beautiful men’s plans on such occasions...

Although it is unconscious, absolutely passive!

But it is also a bee to attract butterflies...

It’s really enchanting!

Is the handsome guy so amazing? !


The arrogant cloud and the sorrowfulness of the dragon and the phoenix are also unwilling to be lonely. Naturally, the same **** waves are set off.

For a time, Long Yu Feng Ming, Jian Xiao Knife, Qionghua blooms in the sky, the dog is screaming at the ear, the brightest...

Nine robbery shots, officially unveiled in the nine heavens. It was only the first time that Guangming Zhengda was dispatched. Throughout the middle, it was made into a mass of mud paste.

Throughout the middle, it was completely chaotic, and it was constantly upgrading.

The news about the law is the news of the demon, after the joint efforts of these eight aspects, began to spread out indefinitely...

The person who hears the anger is there, the skeptics have it, the thief has it, the fighter has it, and the dead person has it...

All in all, life is full of people, at this moment, revealing.

There are still some people, not the nine major families, nor the law enforcers. They do not participate in the battle at all, nor are they angry or skeptical. They are just a schadenfreude.

Don't doubt that there are such a group of people in the world. If someone is unlucky, they will be happy. If the person is a celebrity, they will be more happy. If the parties can reach the level like Fa Zun, they will be happy to burst into the shed!

"**, are you not very arrogant? The prestige has been more than 10,000 years, and finally it has been made one time..."

"Haha... It’s so cool, hurry up and see how things have evolved..."

"What is going on with me? Is there a bird relationship? Fa Zun? Is it related to me? Nine robbery? Not my relatives... I love it... just enjoy it..."

"It’s really enjoyable... It’s been the only time that law enforcement people have gotten other people. It’s the first time that someone has seen a law enforcement person, and it’s still the boss of the law enforcement person. It’s really a good time for the old man...”

"What? Fight? Why? I won't go. I just watched and saw who could finally win, hahaha..."

"Fa Zun is being dumped in the raspberry, haha... This is really bad luck..."

It must be said that such people occupy a considerable part. I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and when others see that they are unlucky, they will be open. The people who are gloating in disasters are really not in that place in this world.

No matter who is harming others, no matter in that world, that plane is there, and often it is not a minority! What about him, let's be more!

At the moment, the middle has been completely smashed into a pot of boiled porridge.

However, the killing is still going on.

The Nine Robbery is still letting go, it is almost a **** wash.

People from the nine major families have gradually stepped in. At this time, it is only in the nine families who are responsible in all directions that the people in the family have seen the situation and are self-proclaimed.

The real family support order has not yet come down.

If the nine major families really cooperate with each other, the momentum in front of them will only be able to be more than several times more...

The purpose of Chu Yang is to make the event bigger and better! The more intense the better! It is best to spread the entire nine heavens, that is the most ideal situation...


In the secret room of the night house.



A few cups of tea fell on the ground one after another, and shattered.

Some were dropped in the hands, and some were shocked because of a news, shaking hands and feet, hit the tea cup on the table, and broke it.

"You are the news... is it true?!" The night ancestors squatted stiffly in the chair, looked up in shock and looked at the opposite of Lingyang, and both eyes almost bulged out, if there was no eyelids. Blocked, maybe shot it!

Xiao Chenyu slammed into a fist with both hands, and put it on the table, his face was full of redness.

Stone roaring has been seriously injured, and at this moment, the mood is ups and downs, big joy and great sadness, the breath is difficult to stabilize, and the cough is fierce: "Cough cough... Ling... Fuyang! Keke... Keke cough... This is this... Is this... cough..."

The more you cough, the more coughing you get.

The emotions of Zhuge Cangjie and Chen Yingfeng were not so good. The screaming and rushing gasp, and the two eyes looked at Ling Xiaoyang, waiting to speak out from his mouth.

Confirm the truth of this news.

Ye Qiu is the eyelids violently red, biting his teeth tightly, one word: "Ling Sange... This thing... In the end... Is it... really?!"


There is also a chapter, I am completing the debt today. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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