Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 933: Ecstasy and regret [Supplement 14]

These people are all the ancestors of the nine family, all of whom are tens of years old. It can be said that all of them have reached the point where the big landslide has disappeared; but when they hear Ling Xiaoyang say it at the moment, It’s all completely out of tune!

The reason is only one sentence.

After Ling Xiaoyang came back, Lima rushed to meet everyone to meet. After meeting, Ling Xiaoyang was flushed and excited. He almost announced the news with an attitude that he could not wait.

An unusually big, even sensational news!

"Tell everyone a super good news! Our fathers... are very likely to be still alive!" Ling Xiaoyang's words directly shocked everyone on the spot.

After saying this, everyone is stunned.

At night, I breathed a few breaths and finally recovered. The body suddenly disappeared and the next moment was already in front of Ling Xiaoyang. It was like a ghost, and I was stunned by Ling Xiaoyang’s clothes: "You just said What? Say it again! You can make it clear!"

"After repeating, it is still good news." Ling Xiaoyang had tears in his eyes, but his mouth was a happy laugh: "My father... There are night uncles, Xiao Bobo, Uncle Zhuge, Uncle Chen... and Uncle Li, Uncle Lan, those of them, have a great chance to be alive! They are still alive!"

After Ling Xiaoyang finished, he breathed a few breaths and suddenly yelled: "They are still alive! I understand it! I need to repeat it?"


The place where the tens of thousands of years old ancestors are located seems to be boiling like a vegetable market.

Everyone is excited to say something, but no one cares, or does not hear what others have said, even what they are talking about, they are also confused and unintelligible.

Everyone is all because of this sudden good news, ecstasy has almost lost his mind, or has lost his mind, because the news is too shocking, too good!

After a long, long time, the night was heavy and I thought about it: "This news, where did you come from? Is it informative?"

This sentence will come out, everyone finally calm down, everyone's eyes gathered on Ling Xiaoyang's body, the meaning of the inquiry is self-evident, but the inquiry is still mixed with some doubts, a few points Panic, a little bit afraid.

Can't help but doubt, can't help but panic, can't be afraid!


Wannian brothers, everyone has a near-instinctive trust in Ling Xiaoyang. As long as you say it from his mouth, everyone instinctively believes, and anything can be believed. So it is not until now that I want to trace the source and the truth.

It’s ridiculous to trace the source and truth of the information after the carnival... Moreover, in these few people, it is absolutely impossible to happen mistakes; but now, it is true.

Just because this news is too big, if it is a misinformation, it will definitely cause great regret! This kind of empty joy will make people collapse.

"I went to the Nine Robber Sword Master and got this information from him!" Ling Xiaoyang precipitated his mood and gasped and said: "You a few, more or less, have a relationship with the Nine Robber Swordsman. Such hatred or affair, only my Ling family, is still making a bad relationship with it, and even some friendship; therefore, the old man wants to explore the tone and see if there is room for cooperation."

"After all, the magic of the sky is great. If we only rely on us, we will not lose, but we will also win. It is always good to have more support. Especially this help comes from the legendary nine robbers and nine robbers. ”

All the ancestors raised their ears one by one and listened attentively.

They know the truth of the matter and must be derived from this conversation.

"After I went there, I found that the demon thing is really hard to match, and Fa Zun has already demonized the high-level power of the law enforcement. At present, it is gradually infiltrating into the lower level, forming a scale, and the old man is angry and fills the slogan."

"But the nine robbers and swordsmen said that... now the Eastern hegemony is no longer the overbearing dominance of the past, but one of the nine robberies of 30,000 years ago, the fifth one! It is the fifth embarrassment in the use of the East. The overbearing shell survived, and he replaced the tyrannical identity of the East..."

As soon as this amazing news came out, the night sinking and Xiao Chenyu and so on were like the thunder on the top of the head, and the face could not help but squash.

"On the fifth point of this point, I believe that the nine robbers will not lie. Since there were exceptions in the previous nine robberies, I couldn't help but ask about my father's affairs. At that time, I was actually reporting the expectation. I didn't expect it..." Ling Xiaoyang remembered the mood when she was asking her, and she was still shaking with excitement.

"What did he say?" asked the old man.

"The nine robbery sword master said... Our fathers are very likely to be alive... but they are not on the plane where we are, currently..." Ling Xiaoyang took a deep breath and stopped the sound. The trembling, solemnly said: "Now fight on the battlefield outside the field, battle the devil! If you have not sacrificed, naturally still alive!"

The voice fell.

The room is silent.

At night, he coughed and coughed twice, muttering: "Father...the field battlefield, the decisive battle demon..." His voice was a little hoarse, his mouth covered his mouth, coughing, and a finger sneaked away and secretly wiped his eyes. The tears, a strong breath.

Xiao Chenyu looked up to the sky, his mouth squatting tightly, constantly swallowing something, tall and straight body, shaking in the shackles, from slight to severe, can clearly see that he is restraining, but how to restrain Not living, but more and more intense.

Ye Qiu opened his mouth, seemingly wanting a happy smile, but almost cried, hurriedly shut up, tears have been brushed down.

Everyone else is excited to be almost impossible.

"For ten thousand years, a whole 10,000 years have passed..." The sound of the night was dull and low, and the words were silent.

The old brothers are all in awe.

Heroes, descendants, the son of the Nine Robbers!

This is certainly their glory; but it is also their pain.

Father, only in the memory of childhood, that figure of the sky!

He is full of pride!

His hero is invincible!

He swept the world!

He is in the domain!

He can do anything!

However, he left early.

I don't know where I went.

No more after a visit!

Only left to the eternal legend of the Nine Heavens continent.

The nine major families resisted the nine robbers, why? On the one hand, of course, it is demanding continuation. I believe that no one wants to inherit the family that has been passed down for countless years.

But there is another reason, that is... In case my family is destroyed, who will pass on the great achievements of my father?

This is the foundation left by my father.

Leave it to me to protect the foundation!

I wait, swear to death!

One day in the future, under the Jiuquan, the father and son will meet and have a clear conscience.

Today, you are showing up again.

However, it is already a million years later!

"Cough cough... Keke... Hey..." Stone roaring and coughing again and again, seems to want to suppress his excitement, but coughing to the end, actually could not help but cry: "Father ... father adult When I left home one day, it was still midnight... At that time, I was sleeping, my father kissed me quietly... I was already awake, but I didn’t open my eyes deliberately... I regret it! Why am I? I didn't open my eyes! For 10,000 years, I regretted it for 10,000 years!"

"Since then, my father never went back. But the feeling of my father's beard on my face that morning, I will never forget, I will never forget..."

The stone roared and burst into tears: "But now, my father's foundation, Shijia, has been completely annihilated... What do I have to see him now?"

When it comes to sadness, everyone is silent and tears, half a sigh.

For a moment, sighing, sobbing, crying, and screaming, has not subsided for a long time.

"Now, since we have learned of their father's whereabouts, we naturally want to find them, rush to the nine heavens, upgrade the strength all the way, go to the outside, with the father, fight the devil!" Ye Qiu wiped away the tears, Shouted.

"As the saying goes, fighting brothers and brothers, and fighting fathers and sons!" Zhuge Cangwu said: "Father and so on have been fighting for 10,000 years, it is time for us to share some."

"So this time, the nine-day-day squatting of the demon, is the outpost against the extraterrestrial demon in the future, and must not be defeated!" Ling Xiaoyang said.

Everyone else is shining in the eyes, focusing on the head.

In a delightful and sentimental atmosphere, suddenly someone sighed and the voice was bleak and sad.

Everyone turned around and saw that the person who sighed was Xiao Chenyu.

For a time, everyone was full of heart, and did not know what to say.

Xiao Chenyu didn't turn his head, and then he fell deeply. It was like sin. The whole person's spirit seemed to be paralyzed.

"Morning rain!" the night screamed.

Xiao Chenyu was shocked and looked up. His eyes were devoid of his eyes. He laughed and said: "We are all better. But what about Li Shushu and Uncle Lan? I will meet you at the time, I will say, Lan. I don’t regret it, I’m already dead...but, Li Chunbo...but it’s...I’m dying, I’m dying...”

He smiled sullenly, and his mouth blew out of blood. He said, "What should I do? I have to see you, see you, my uncle... My brother is dead... I personally killed Chunbo... What face do I face against Uncle Shu?..."

Everyone is silent together.

Yes, here, it is undoubtedly a dead knot, and there is no puzzling knot.

Xiao Chenyu screamed in the sky: "People, people's affection is really strange! Hehehe... Before, when the fathers were there, we were like brothers, because everyone knows, our fathers, It is a brother who lives together and is not a compatriot. It is better than a compatriot. The father and the older generation are equally like each other, so everyone feels that they are each other, their own brothers, and brothers for a lifetime."

"Oh... unfortunately, my fathers are missing... So we began to gradually alienate... Yes, my fathers are gone, we are all busy with each other, and the emotional bonds of our fathers have been broken..., slowly, slowly began to not be the other brother, began to suspicion each other, calculate each other... slowly forming a stranger... slowly, turned into an enemy..."


Double the last chapter. Ha ha... I finally finished it. The heart also put down a big stone.

In the last chapter of today, Xiao Chenyu’s words are also my feelings. Many relatives in my family, grandparents and grandmothers are still busy, more than 30 relatives are moving very well, since the old people have passed away The family is gradually getting colder... I haven’t done anything wrong with each other, but a lot of relatives seem to be so inexplicably alienated, and then there is no...

Human relationships seem to be like this. Older people maintain family ties, young people develop new family ties, and old people go, and family ties go with them...

Although it is the world, it is indeed worthy of sigh...

Tomorrow's friend of the publishing house will come over. If the update is late, don't blame it. Say hello here first...Thank you. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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