Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 935: Strong gathering

Yang Ruolan is almost always looking for something to do with Meng Chaoran every day. He asked his son Chu Yang about the situation in recent years.

The intensity of this heavy situation makes the Chu Fei Ling Chu uncle very jealous. If it is not the absolute trust of his wife, he may have to give birth to other thoughts. It looks like Meng Chaoran’s appearance is quite outstanding...

Mrs. Yang’s problems are numerous, such as how to get from the shackles, how to pull a handful of urine, how to reach the age of three or four, how to...

What did you look like when you were one year old? What does a two-year-old look like? What clothes are you going through? What do you usually eat? What is the favorite food? What is the least favorite food! Nothing is particularly disliked...

How did you start practicing martial arts? When was the first wrestling? When I fell, I cried. Didn’t there be new clothes for the New Year? Did you have toys when you were young?

What is Chu Yang's favorite to play?

Etc., etc……

Poor Meng Chaoran is a big man. Even though these things are personally experienced, how can you remember them one by one? So a person who was so free and easy, was stunned by Yang Ruolan and sweating.

"Is it too long to remember? It doesn't matter, think slowly, think again? Think again, don't worry..."

"Think again……"

"I really can't think of it? It doesn't matter... that's another question..."

"Think about it, think about it carefully, think about it, think about it..."

Yang Ruolan is full of enthusiasm, and he never tires of listening.

Poor Meng Chaoran has already grasped the things that can be remembered and turned over and said at least hundreds of times. Yang Ruolan is relished every time he listens. When he does not respect, he begins to wipe his tears...

Even if people like Meng Chaoran started to call their mothers, they shouted for help.

You said one thing, when you shed tears, it is understandable, but when you say a hundred times, you still shed tears...

This is too much to be frustrated. What is this called...

In particular, I still live in your home as a guest, you chat with me, talk and say, you cry, I, I, I... How do I explain?

It’s really...

Later, when Meng Chaoran saw Yang Ruolan, how far is Lima running? If it wasn’t for the early morning, it couldn’t move here. Meng Chaoran almost wanted to leave home and go to the rivers and lakes...

It seems that it is too embarrassing...

This time, the news of Zhongdu came, Meng Chaoran is of course an indispensable object of negotiation.

"Meng Mengfu, you see this thing..." Chu Feiling asked Meng Chaoran very politely.

Meng Chaoran saw that Yang Ruolan did not ask his own words. He was relieved and resumed his usual indifference: "This, it doesn't matter. Let them go to the trouble, we are here, especially the Chu family, don't mix it... ..."

Chu Fei Ling smashed it; this is the demon of the devil, maybe the end will come, how is it so light in the mouth of Meng Chaoran?

This seems to be too calm, right? !

For a time, Chu Dad couldn't help but admire the master of his son: look at the man's temperament, this calm! This kind of person can teach my son to wait for the enchanting, look at his disciples, know his teacher, since ancient times, the ancients do not deceive me...

"It’s just two seniors of Fengyue. I didn’t find them, but I don’t know where these two seniors are now. I don’t know Master Meng...” Chu Feiling is very worried about this. I am afraid that my son’s affairs will be delayed. People are the strongest in the world. If they help, it is undoubtedly a great help for Chu.

"You can rest assured that this two of them have already left. According to my estimation, it is very likely that they have already left the southeastern boundary, and the distance is up to the middle, which is about a day."

Meng Chaoran said faintly: "The news of the demon in the past few days came, they couldn't sit still. This time, quietly going out, it is definitely because of this... there are them rushing, and the power of Chuyang brothers, I believe. The nine major families will not sit idly by. So, in addition to the law enforcers, all the strongest forces under the nine heavens have already joined forces, and I believe that they can cope with this magical disaster..."

"Do not worry, there will be nothing!" Meng Chaoran gave such a conclusion, and his tone was extremely determined.

Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan are only a little relieved.

But Meng Chaoran’s next sentence makes people want to kill him.

"Speaking back, if the strongest strength under the nine heavens is also defeated, that is the end of the world, everyone is destined to die together, but the worry is still meaningless!" Meng Chaoran said lightly: "That's all."

Yang Ruolan and Chu Feiling’s husband and wife heard the news, and the words in the previous sentence are still in paradise, and they are infinitely imaginative. It seems that they are ready to prepare a feast for their son’s triumph. The latter sentence will directly fall into hell, and it will be 18 layers of hell. - The end of the world, the collective end!

When I was willing to seize this guy’s condemnation, I saw that Meng Chaoran’s people had been fluttering, Shi Shiran, and screaming out, and the manners were calm and steady...

"Or let the Chu family do some preparations." Chu Feiling made up his mind and immediately went out: "How can the family of the nine-robbery masters not even do some gestures? Even if it is a glass of water, Also have a little attitude!"


On one of the roads leading to Zhongdu, there are two people in white like snow, and Anbu is a car, and the speed of advancement seems to be slow.

The handsome man is handsome and the beautiful woman is beautiful. It is the moonlighting of the world that is deterrent!

"This time out of the southeast, the battle of the devil, can be said to be the most sinister battle in your husband and wife life. Soft children, are you ready?"

"That is natural. Just, the only regret is that... I didn't leave a son and a half daughter for the husband. If there is a case... even if you and I have a companion, the wind home is a cigarette cut off. The ancestors of the Feng family were listed."

"Oh... stupid, you and my husband and wife are united in one heart, and they are determined to destroy the magical evil. They are worthy of the conscience of the heavens and the earth, the magical evils are not removed, and everyone has a future? What are the descendants of the children?" Moonlight smiles: "Face to the sky , a war can be! Non-devil, then people die, nothing else!",

"Good! Concentric, face the devil, a battle can be, but nothing!"

The husband and wife are relatively smiling, and they have accelerated their pace again and again. The white wind is blowing and disappearing in front of the ancient road...


Zhongducheng at the moment.

As the nine robbery brothers broke up, they became more and more fierce. Slowly, the nine family members also began to participate in the recent period. The original and the nine robbery swords were the big families that did not share the vengeance. At the moment, it is a desperate help to create a momentum.

Just because everyone knows that even if the nine robbers have destroyed their own family in the future, the principals are incapable of being spared, but most of the people below will be innocent, especially the innocent women, and the nine robbers will never kill them.

On the contrary, but let the devil robbed the world, then, no matter whether it is a woman, a warrior, or a common being, no one can survive!

Throughout the middle, almost has to turn over.

The power of public opinion is really endless, even more terrible, terrifying!

If a person claims that he is a demon, he will only be regarded as a madman. If he is said to be killed, he will be killed. If ten people say that it is equally absurd, it will also be killed. Even if it is more than a hundred people, it will still be The law enforcement official Luo Zhi is guilty of murder, but if thousands of people, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people say this... then the people who hear it will think and think if they don’t believe it: why don’t you say others?

Since so many people say this, there must be a reason, or...

As long as there is speculation, it slowly becomes dubious, at least not without doubt.

Just entering Zhongdu City, there are still some indignations, but slowly began to doubt.

The situation is slowly developing in a direction that is not conducive to the law, and the trend is gradually expanding.

The law enforcers in the city are simply unable to stop such a crazy breeding situation, and have already been suppressed to the point where they dare not show their heads.

Can only be tortoise, anger and not dare to speak, this time if you dare to say that respect is not a demon, even if you are not killed by alive, being beaten a must be inevitable, the hero does not eat the loss, this truth is relatively simple.

Outside the city.

Here is a small and quiet village.

The senior staff of law enforcement are now concentrated here. These elites, at the moment, are braving the cold black light of each of them, bursting with the magic of the scorpion, from time to time from the surface of the body.

In the middle of the room, from time to time there are a few hoarse roars, faintly outgoing. It seems that several people are suffering from torture and torture, and the voice has become unbearable.

" **** beast..." There was an old voice screaming with powerlessness: "The old man's life is bright and upright, the hero of the world; you lead me into the magic, as the demon..." Voice: "You must not die in this beast!! Ah~~~"

Suddenly screaming, angry screaming: "Let me die! Let me die! Why not let me die even if I die, I would rather die than to die, why can't I kill myself, why..."

Obviously, I want to commit suicide, but I am surrounded by the thoughts in my mind. I can’t even find death. Feel the magic of invading your body and soul, the flat face is tears, the heart is more painful, and you don't want to live.

"The old man's life's persistence~~~ The name of a lifetime! Ah~~~"

"I am a law enforcer, how can I become a demon! No, no, ah~~~~" is another scream of heartbreaking. This is another law enforcement person, the nine products supreme, suffering from the endless torture of the heart, between the demons.

The devil and the light of the past are doing a desperate struggle; faintly seeing, the devil has occupied a considerable advantage. The spirit of God has been swallowed up, leaving only the instinct of persistence, the rootless water, and how long can it last?

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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