Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 936: The saints come south!


The man’s eyes were dark as ink, but for a while it was frosty and snowy. His face is stunned, his muscles are awkward, and he struggles to maintain the last line of clearing. However, they can see that they support the hard work and may collapse at any time. Once the last line is clear, they will not be the bright and lawless law enforcers. Devil, the evil of the world.

Hundreds of people inside and outside, all of them are the same colleagues in the past, everyone struggles together, how deep is the feelings? But at this moment, everyone seems to have not heard the general, and there is no reaction at all.

There are still people, the eyes are shining with the light of cruel and happy.

The evil atmosphere has completely affected their hearts; their hearts have become cold rocks, and they are indifferent and indifferent to the horrors of their former colleagues who fought side by side.

A cold drink was uploaded from the treetops: "Shut up!"

It is the voice of the law.

In the huts, the original struggles of the struggle suddenly disappeared.

The demon soul has already been swallowed up by the law, and now these people, if not accidentally killed, even if they want to die, want to be self-sufficient, but also get the consent of the law to be able to do so!

As long as the law does not agree, you can always control his spirit and put all their activities.

I don’t want to die.

Shut up, then, even if the heart is not unwilling, but involuntarily obey the command of the law.

Or should not use obedience, it should be obeyed, they lose their soul-led, for the law, it is just a human form!

Ping Yunyun bit his teeth, tears streaming, slamming his head against the wall, and the boundless remorse, let him have a feeling of life is not as good as death.

If you know early... How could the old man participate in the **** test?

When I gave up everything, I finally found out. His own renunciation is to even give up his own soul, and even give up his own conscience.

This is no longer a disaster!

There is only a kind of goodness in the heart, and the persistence of 20,000 years of age, still doing the final persistence, struggling with strength, but he also knows that he has been struggling for a long time, and will collapse at all times and completely break into the magic. ......

On the treetops. There are two black figures standing quietly on the heights.

A long hair fluttering and fluttering, is the law, another black cloth covers his head, but it is evil, it is the demon.

Both of them have developed their own knowledge. Look at the movements of Zhongdu.

"Those people are jealous of you, and the organizational ability is quite strong, very effective." The demon said in a tone of gloating.

Fa Zun did not speak, just like a statue standing upright.

The face is blank and expressionless.

"If their public opinion is really formed, it is very unfavorable to you. I really didn't expect that you have such a high identity in this garbage plane. It can cause such a influence! It was really a small one." !" Tianmo continued.

Fa Zun still did not speak.

"You have nothing to say? It won't be a helpless thing? I don't know how to move it?!" The demon looked at him with a funny look.

"How to act?!" Fa Zun was silent, faintly said: "It is nothing more than a huge killing... It’s all killed, what is the waste of the dead? What to say?!"

"Good! I like this kind of practice!" The demon laughed.

Fa Zun was silent, and his eyes looked deep into the distance. The middle of the city that has been completely boiling; the look in the scorpion, slowly becoming cold, seems to have made up the idea, a low sigh. The negative hand floated from the tree and fell.

The body of Fa Zun is like a black feather. There is no weight suspended in the air, step by step down.

The wind whistled, rolled up his robes, black robes, and wandered in a void, horrible but free and easy.

He whispered in his mouth: " many years, a bustling; who took me... really murder? I remember no, when the situation was gone; how much hate, magical dust sand; go go... and will my heart If you lose this world..."

Waiting for the last sentence, the law looked at the cold eyes of the distance suddenly appeared a trace of embarrassment, some looked at the distance, flashed a trace of memories, mixed with endless pain.

However, the next moment has been replaced by a cruel decisive decision. It seems that it is finally a painful determination, abandoning the past, abandoning everything, muttering: "...going to go...and will my heart, lose the world... ...whether it is!"

"Ha ha ha ... have lost this world!" Fa Zun shouted, long hair flew up, his people finally fell to the ground, ghosts generally flashed into the room.

Immediately, I heard a crisp sound of "啪". It seems that someone hit a slap in the face, and only listened to the cold voice of Fa Zun: "Flat clouds... don't know how to lift!"

There is only one silence in the room.

There is still silence outside.

Many people trembled.

Fa Zun slowly walked out, faintly said: "Go two people, go to the city to clean up the garbage! This time in the middle, should be quiet!"

"Subordinate wishes!"

"Quasi! Remember, if it is the nine robbery and the nine robbery sword master, kill innocent! Do your best, if necessary, may wish to die with the enemy!"


The two men were tall and short, and they were very interesting. When they stood up and held a fist, they immediately turned into a gust of wind, and they disappeared fiercely.

The demon did not know when he stood behind Fa Zun and said: "Now there is already a whirlpool. Whoever goes to die, you send two people to the past, can you send them to die? If you die with the enemy, even if there is Heart, you have to have that talent!"

Fa Zun was silent for a moment and said: "Go to two nine-supreme supreme, and test the strength of those people, I believe that there will be some results."

"Nine products supreme to die ... oh ... great big pen, as far as this garbage plane is, it is really a big deal."

Fa Zun smiled coldly and faintly said: "If there are more people, they will inevitably choose to retire and temporarily avoid the edge. At that time, they will have to work hard to find them. Only a small number of people can try to come up with certain details. At the beginning, I was scrupulous. It was not the nine major families, but the climate that has become a climate. The two nine products are supreme. If they can finally come back, then I can rest assured. If they can’t come back Then, after three days of the Tianding event, you have to sit down in person. It is enough!"

The devil licked his mouth and said: "In this case, why don't you try it yourself? Isn't it more secure?"

Law Zun is cold-hearted: "If everything needs my own hands, what do they need?"

He said coldly: "Moreover... After the people are demonized, what is the effect? ​​You still need to test... And this time, it is the test. Only really used for me... I will..."

The devil laughed and said: "Your current magic is already very impressive."

Fa Zun blinked and said: "There is still a lot of fire, such as..."

The demon can't think of it, and the young demon who has been completely controlled by himself will have a different kind of mind and hear the law. Disdainful words: "I didn't expect you to even understand this? Listen, so..."

"It turns out! What else..."

"Like, look, remember..."

"Yeah. Not bad."



"Basically these are all... You have basically learned all of them, and the rest is just a proficient process." The demon is very satisfied with the smile: "In the future, you can certainly achieve extraordinary, I believe that even if I reach my level. It’s not impossible, just work hard. Everything is possible.”

Law Zun solemnly said: "I hope that, as you said, everything is possible; but there is still a last question that is not solved; it is the way of the devil, or the way of the advanced road..."

The devil laughs: "The advancement is not difficult. It only needs to be so... It can be gradually upgraded and step by step. Our practice is completely different from the humanity's shit."

"Well... I remember, I really remembered it." Fa Zun smiled and said: "The magical body of the adult has now recovered a few percent? Do you want to converge some soul power?... ..."

The demon nodded with some satisfaction: "If you have filial piety, my trauma has now recovered by almost half, and the disrupted repair has also restored the level of the peak period... Oh, although it only has 10%, It is not the so-called nine-product peak of Jiuzhongtian that can withstand the supreme. If there is more soul power, it can recover faster. However, this garbage plane is rare, and the power of high-quality soul can only be supplemented by quantity. ”

Faun nodded: "I will take the power of the soul."

Tianmo Dao said: "Go, the two people who have just gone, are already our magic species; if they can't come back this time, they may take their soul power to absorb it. If they can swallow the magic species, I can recover. It’s faster. You go this time, don’t ignore it.”

"Good! Understand!"

Fa Zun’s eyes flashed and he went away.


Seeing that the law is far away, the demon reveals an evil to the extreme smile, is about to go to the room, suddenly frowning, eyes looking to the right, the mouth of the '咦', the body turned into a black smoke, standing And go.

On the road about a hundred miles from the right side of this small village, there is a team that is rushing forward.

There are only seven people in this line.

For the first one, one eye is big, one eye is small, one eyebrow is facing the sky, one eyebrow pokes the ground, one ear moves forward, one ear sticks back...

With such a strange appearance, naturally only the Samsung Holy Devils talk about adults!

The short fat man around Tanyu is an ancient drum. In addition, the five people are all elders of the Samsung Sacred.

This time, Tan Wei did not let Xie Danfeng accompany him.

The devil is destroyed?

Actually, is there such a thing? This news, let the big devil of the 昙 很 is very angry: in this world, in addition to Lao Tzu, who is worthy of the devil? What kind of demon is actually drilled out now!

It’s just that his grandmother didn’t make sense.

Dare to fight the name of the devil with Laozi, naturally to kill him!


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