Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 937: Battle of the Devil

In addition, this incident is related to my brother Chu Yang, so I made another promotion during this time. At present, I have already arrived at the Jiuyuan Supreme Peak to talk about the devil.

In the middle of the road, Tan talked suddenly and his eyes condensed, saying: "Stop! Some are not very good-looking..."

The ancient drum suddenly stood and said: "What is not..."

I haven't finished talking yet, and my face suddenly shows a very stunned color. I look at the black gas that suddenly appears in front of me, muttering: "Good pure magic... Who is this? Is it..."

Some drums in the ancient drums: Did you just meet the Zhongdu, you met the Lord?

Looks like this luck... is it too back?

"Oh... delicious and delicious! Actually sent to the door automatically!" A smirk came out from the black air, and there was a voice that said: "Not bad, the luck of this devil is really good, actually here. When the garbage is still there, I have encountered a legendary supreme magic body! If I can eat this guy, my repairs can definitely be restored to the peak in an instant, even if there is a big entry, the sky is falling, but in this way……"

Once this sound came out, an unprecedented eerie pressure was also spurred out with the appearance of sound. In an instant, there is an overwhelming coverage.

Tan Yi and Gu Yigu and others all looked at each other and felt the power of this guy. It was beyond imagination.

I really can't think of it. On the land of Jiuzhongtian, there are still powerful people like this! Such strength, even the extraterrestrial demon is also very impressive, this admiration has nothing to do with race, just a recognition of its cultivation!

Talking about the previous step, a pair of twisted eyebrows have already been screwed up, and both hands akimbo said: "Where is the evil demon outside, I dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of this troll king, hiding the head of the dew, not quickly rolling out, see this giant Devil."

Talking about the fact that he used to be the big devil, he saw the real devil today, but he pulled his own one higher, from "big" to "giant"!

The demon screamed and laughed, and the black air of the ink rolled over. A black man suddenly appeared, and appeared in front of him, squinting and licking his mouth. "You kid, what are you?" Do you dare to call yourself a troll king?!"

Talking and grinning, said: "Son, I am you!"

The demons suddenly became angry and angered and said: "Let your fart! Although your magic body is quite suitable for me, but I am not your son after all! There is confusion in the middle of this..."

Talking about anger: "Do you think it is appropriate to be right!? He, are you insulting me? You think that Laozi is rare as your father!"

The devil is stunned, and then violently thunders: "What do you say, it is clear that you are insulting me! You..."

"Mixed things!" Talking about the big devil is more violent like thunder: "Hey, what do you want to make a dream, you will be the virtue of this melon cracking jujube, actually insanely thinking about the son of Laozi who is handsome and handsome Yushu Linfeng! You code Still not insulting you Laozi!"

The six elders of the Samsung saints squinted and opened their mouths.

What is this called?

Both of these guys seem to be powerful and horrifying; but the controversial issue at the moment is also speechless.

Talk about this has been completely broke out: "An ancient drum! Now give me a drum! Kill this guy! Save my eyes!"

Gu Yi drum sighed, Grandma dripping, Lao Tzu's English name in the hands of the King of the King, it is already corrupted, and it is not bad today!

Slowly swallowed out, but the opposite demon was stunned, and laughed, and couldn’t help it: "You, this ugly short man, actually called the drums and drums? How do you drum up, drums give me a drum take a look!"

The most annoying thing about the ancient drum is that someone makes fun of his own name. It’s no way to talk about making fun of it. Now even the guy who is not a ghost or a ghost is making fun of it, and he says that the ugly short fat man, Suddenly angered, and stood up, shaking hands is more than seven hundred palms of violent storms generally poured over the past: "What is the old man called your ass? I am short, not fat, fat is not fat off your ass, you count an egg!"

The black magic flashed in the sky, and suddenly there were countless arms outstretched in the black air. It was a whole smashing connection with the ancient drums. It was a bit strange: "It turned out to be a nine-product peak... um, good. It is still a bit of strength of the ants, hehehe ※...... a good meal, this magic will accompany you to play a few hands."

The ancient one was extremely angry, and the violent storm and the general tyrannical offensive was actually stopped by him without any leaks.

The ancient one couldn’t help but be shocked.

The 'Rainbow Pear Blossoms' that I just attacked this time is the fame of the fame since I debuted. Although I have been attacked by the wrath of the law, but the power is even bigger, I don’t want the way the devil can use this way. So, the next step is easy. This is never before.

In addition, this person not only easily took over, but also produced a very weird suction, so that his cultivation seems to pour out invisibly.

"砰", the black gas suddenly dispersed.

"You are the devil!" The ancient one drum turned out a hollow rib, and his face was black and shouted. At this moment, he did not reveal the defeat, but he knew it well: if you really fight, you must be defeated, and you have the life!

Everyone behind them, everyone's face became extremely difficult to look at.

It is not uncommon for the devil to come, but it has already been guessed before; but the demon is so powerful that it is impossible for everyone to imagine.

"Oh... it’s the devil!" The devil smiled smugly.

"Retreat!" Talk about his face turned to solemn, said: "The Holy King came to stretch his weight."

Although it is only this time to fight, Tan Yi has already had a judgment. These people, I am afraid that even oneself, no one is the opponent of this devil.

However, it is always necessary to fight to win or lose, it is better to be killed, not to be scared to death!

To be honest, there is a sense of crisis in the heart of this moment. Since I talked about myself, I have never had a sense of crisis. It is a feeling that I can't completely control my life and death. It is very bad feeling!

However, the pride and dignity of the king did not allow him to withdraw. And he still has too many cards in his hand... and he is confident that he will not be too miserable even if he eventually loses.

Moreover, in the face of such a strong, how can we not fight?

Thinking of this, talking about it is somewhat speechless. Although his current strength has reached the peak of Jiu Pin, in fact, he has not really recovered to the peak of his previous life. Otherwise, why is it so embarrassing? Going to the pain in the morning, the shit!

"The Holy King is careful, never to be careless!" said the elders together.

Even the ancient drum is not the opponent of the other side, the holy king personally played, this ... the results of the war is really not optimistic.

When the demon saw that he was playing in the battle, he was obviously excited. The whole body was actually a little trembling. The black flicker in the dice, the unsavory money, hehe smiled: "Oh! I will teach you this magical body." !"

Talking about the screaming, the body has turned into a violent wind, rushing forward, and the fist punches: "Look at this king smashing your rabbit scorpion!"

The devil does not evade, step forward, the same punch!


The two fists did not have the slightest fake frontal collision.


Both fists are coming out at the same time!

On the fist of the demon, there is a thick magic that is dark as ink; while the power on the fist is a black and shiny atmosphere, and the demon of the devil is full of evil taste; but talk The blackness of the cockroach is completely dark, it is a feeling of darkness than the night!

It seems to be all about swallowing the darkness of the shield!

In addition to this boxing, the demon body just shook a little, and immediately stopped, his face was so surprised that he was shocked to the extreme expression, clearly the unreasonable joy.

On the other hand, the whole person slanted and went out for a full three feet, which barely accepted the footsteps, and his face became abnormally heavy, cautious and solemn.

The demon is self-cultivating for the high, this battle can be said to be a stable victory, just the purpose of the blow has to touch the bottom of the shackles, to facilitate the movement behind, after all, he does not want to get a broken, incomplete Magic body. However, talking about it is also a self-sustaining identity, not willing to go down the wind, intending to explore the true limits of the opponent. After a punch, the two have their own hearts.

Although this guy has the supreme magic, but it does not seem to discover the true mystery of the supreme magic, let alone play its true power - after the confirmation of this day, the devil is in the heart, watching the talk The gaze is even more bizarre, revealing the urge to urgently occupy the flesh.

This guy's cultivation is indeed higher than me, and it is higher than just one, just... his magical power is unexpectedly miscellaneous and impure, full of a feeling of evil demon, this is a lack of utilization. . My magic is much more pure than him. There is almost no comparison. However, in terms of total volume, it is calculated in reverse. The comparison of comprehensive strength is that I am in a comprehensive downturn. I can only slowly follow the plan...

There is already a retreat in Tan Xin’s heart. The reason is that there is no such thing. This opponent is really terrible. Now I am barely able to do anything. I am definitely not an enemy.

Talk about what can be confirmed, and repair it as a higher demon. Of course, it will be confirmed earlier. It is more insightful about how to talk about it. How can he be allowed to escape?

Therefore, when he talked about his body shape, he immediately rushed up like a shadow. He laughed and laughed: "I don't think you have such a person in Jiuzhongtian, don't want to quit, it is serious to divide me." Even if you are entangled in the other side, there is absolutely no one on your side who can escape.


"The devil and the talk of a battle, I feel that it is not set up." ……Very depressed! ! ! ! . (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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