Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 943: Magic Flames!

Huang Xia Liu and Huang Jia’s master, who heard the sound coming out, actually found nothing, and only had time to see the pierced big hole on the top of the head.

The superficial figure of Mo Tianji appeared in the original place of Chuyang, frowning and said: "What happened? At this moment, what can be the situation?"

Where did Huang Xia Liu and others know what happened? When I heard this question, I couldn’t help but shake my head.

Mo Tianji frowned slightly: What is it that can make Chu Yang anxious to go? Moreover, even the confession is too late?

I want to pick up and master the world to check the secrets, but I have just used my painstaking efforts. Although I have used Jiuzhong Dan to fill the gap, now if I am tempted to reflexively, then I will have a deadly body...

Mo Tianji frowned and forced himself to calm down. He said: "No matter what... Chu Yang will definitely send back the news, temporarily Shaoan, to the contingency..." After a while, but Feeling that the brothers chased Chu Yang and went, could not help but put a big heart.

These people get together, even if they face the combination of Tianmo and Fa Zun, they should be able to protect themselves...

At that time, I have already reached the crucial moment! Even if it is said that there is a worry about life, it is not an exaggeration.

As for the talks and the strongest lineup of the Samsung saints, the strength will still be in a desperate situation. The reason is very simple. The strength of the recovery of many demons is too strong, and the strength is far beyond the reach of the nine heavenly masters. The limit.

You are welcome to say that with the current strength of the demon, it is absolutely invincible in the world!

Unless it is a purple evil spirit to reproduce the dust mites, there is a grasp of defeating the enemy, and it is still calculated by the current demon. If it is really restored to a state of prosperity, I am afraid that even the purple evil will reappear, you can't cope!

Before the talk about the most powerful tricks, a "help life" export, do not say that the elders of the Samsung saints are squinting, even the devil almost collapsed!

As a supreme peak of nine products, as the owner of a family, as the owner of the supreme magic body, as a strong self-proclaimed demon king, as...

All in all, no matter how important it is, the uncle who has multiple senior identities seems to have no reason to scream for help.

But he just shouted.

Moreover, he shouted with arrogance and arrogance, and the sound of the sound of the clock, the afterglow of the three days, the sound of thousands of miles!

The demon is not particularly understanding of this, and he is angry: "As a leader, the contemporary powerhouse, you still have to be shameless! Are you still arrogant to claim to be a big demon? The supreme magic body is simply a ruin, I am!"

Talk about anger: "You yell at me? I still yell at you, your brain is pumping, is it important to face or small life? Seeing that you are alive, you have lived a lot of age and live on the dog. How can you even dare to come out with such a simple and simple truth?! I really don't know how you lived to the present? Are you too lucky, or your enemy is too unfortunate?!"

The demon is mad and speechless. Talking to this kid normally is definitely asking for trouble. This is definitely a lazy guy who never arranges a card!

For such a person, it is a serious matter to deal with it quickly. It can be a moment early, the sooner the better!

The most important thing is that this is the ultimate magic body. It is almost the legendary ultimate magic body. This is the best thing that even the top scorpio predecessors are eager to get! The whole demon family, there are only a few people above the demon king to have the supreme magic!

Today, the good things of falling out of the sky have fallen on their own heads. The series of unfortunate encounters before, it’s not a problem at all. As long as you can get this supreme magic body, then how bad it is, it’s not a problem!

Just think of yourself and you will be able to take possession of this kid's supreme magic body...

Uh huh? That's really not a wonderful thing.

When I think about it, the devil looks at the sly eyes like a satyr sees a beautiful woman, and the mouse sees the rice, and the infinite drooling. If you don't say anything, go all out and try your best, do your best, get the most effort, and get the conversation as soon as possible. It is serious to take possession of his body.

A burst of magical mist slammed out, and the whole world was almost shielded by the magical atmosphere. The devil screams and laughs: "The devil is just a mercy, and he waited for me to fight with me. Now I have to go all out! The ants in the lower bound, realize it!"

The devil is self-supporting, and he does not do his best. He does not boast of self-esteem. Just now, he has not seen the physique of the singer. If he tries to win the game, he will increase his own speed. The injury is likely to worsen the injury that has just turned around, or even out of control.

But now, with the supreme temptation, there is no temptation in front of it, where will the devil care about serious injuries?

As long as you can take possession of this body, what are the injuries? !

A smirk, the demon temper rose and flew down.

When he talked about this, he was seen in his heart. When he saw that he did not care about other people, he only made a decision on himself.

Although the magic of this guy is huge and unusual, but the bones are not as good as their own. Is it right for me? ?

In my heart, I thought about it. The other god’s hand has been transformed into dozens of arms. From a piece of magic fog, I’m sticking out, talking to me, and taking it down. I’ve almost blocked all the way forward and backward!

When I saw it, I didn’t dare to scorn, but I yelled, but I took up the whole body and said, “I have a hand in the mountains and rivers!” A right hand jerked out, and the whole palm was black and shiny, and it was all right to hold up the world. The general momentum of the river and mountains, meet up!

The voice of ‘啧’ in Tianmo’s mouth said: “There are two sons, this hand has a little look!”

Numerous palms suddenly swayed, disappeared instantly, and condensed into one hand and fell heavily, with the hands of Tan's hand without a fake pair!

The two sides attacked and slammed into contact, and the whole piece of land suddenly swayed abruptly, and then it stood still again. The next moment, the land of Fangyuan Baizhang suddenly violently flew up and rolled out in all directions!

This fight, actually there is a landslide!

In addition to the fire, the whole body was crushed to the ground and collapsed.

How deep is the whole person, and the surrounding land will collapse.

Flying around in a circle, flying in the air, the first wave of soil has not yet fallen, the ninth wave of soil has already flown up.

In an instant, there is a darkness between heaven and earth!

The ancient drums and other people around him are all in a certain position, shaking the west!

"Do you know that it is amazing now? This trick is the secret of the devil, the demon is coming to the world!" The demon screams and laughs: "The demon is coming to the world, of course, the stone is broken, the ground is cracked! The kid, knowing the power, surrender early, the devil This name is not for everyone."

At this moment, his right hand is still pressed on the right hand of Tan ,, the whole person's posture is suspended in the air, and the layers of black fog are gradually rising around him, so he is pressing down and talking.

If you don't want to talk about the supreme magic body, you don't want to let the body of the talker suffer any damage. This blow is enough to make the talker completely broken!

Even if the demon is in serious injury, but at the moment, a full blow, it is still not the weapon of the nine heavens can resist.

The magical power of Tan’s possession is much more pure than that of him, but the self-cultivation is really too much difference. I have tried my best to always break free from his right hand and can only be suppressed.

In the blink of an eye, it has already penetrated into the ground!

"Slow!" Talk about it and try to make it loud. A burst of breath, like a cow, red face.

The black magic light in the eyes of the demon, said: "How? What do you want to say?"

The strength in my hand was relaxed, and I had a breathing space to talk.

"I surrender!" Talked and shouted: "I admit that I can't beat you, and I don't want to kill you when I look at you. I simply surrender. You don't want it?"

"Suspend? You said that you want to surrender?" The demon hand urged, said: "Really?!"

When I talked, I felt that I had to be crushed all over my body. I barely shouted: "You are dying, let go, you just let go, I will surrender! The demon king is a family, never give up!"

The devil snorted and retreated. He said: "Because your kid knows the time, since surrender, don't think about it..."

When the voice did not fall, I saw that the talk jumped from the deep pit. The whole person was like a black light, fleeing quickly, and whispered in his mouth: "You are so infatuated, Lao Tzu is like the one who will surrender?!"

In the blink of an eye, the figure is already hundreds of feet away.

I just said that I will never say anything, but in the twinkling of an eye, I have already repented!

The devil is so dying, and rushing to catch up: "Are you not a family esteem? So identity, actually eating words and fat, too mean and shameless!"

Talk about stepping up the speed, reversing the lips: "Even if you eat and say how fat, anyway, Laozi is not fat, this time you can test your fat can not be fat! Just play you and can smash? You bite me!"

The demon is almost mad by someone’s shameless words...

Ancient drums and other people yelled and rushed from behind.

Although the enemy encountered this time is really too strong, but the Holy King is always at risk of life, how can he and others stay out of the way?

Tan said far and wide: "You a few fools don't follow me, and hurry to go to the middle is a serious, I take this guy around the circle to play."

If it is at this moment, it is the advantage. The ancient drums and other people are naturally not worried. They will follow their own instructions. But now the holy king is in an absolute situation where he will die at any time. How can he abandon himself? Going away?

Even if you know that you can't fight to protect yourself, you can consume more power from the enemy and you can win more life for the Holy King!

The ancient drums screamed loudly, and the first one flew up. The other elders also flew up and attacked the demon. To die, you have to drag some time to let the holy king get out of safety!

When the demon saw that someone dared to stop himself, he saw that the conversation was getting farther and farther, and he could not help but anger to the extreme. He was screaming, and the boundless black mist emerged, and the boundless spread spread out. Suddenly, the flames were soaring!

The devil is full of shots!

Talk about all the way to the rapid flight, turn around and see this situation, almost vomiting blood. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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