Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 944: Terrible!

Talking about sputum almost vomiting blood, my own hands, how are these two hundred and five ah, is it long in the brain, long muscles, have no long brain? !

The original intention of escaping is to lead the enemy away, so that the ancient drums and others will have nothing to say, only one person left, then you can be too flexible, and look at the magical attention of the day, pay attention to yourself, presumably have What he hopes to get, and to lead it away, is the current highest strategy.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if you end up unfortunately die in the hands of the enemy, but after all, no brothers die in front of themselves, no brothers die because of themselves, for Tan, or the Holy Land, this point It is the most important!

In the past, tens of thousands of years ago, the world was ravaged, and the Samsung King was remembered. Others were more than acceptable. The most unacceptable is that the loyal subordinates died for themselves.

But today, I have encountered such a powerful enemy, and my brothers once again fight for the enemy and fight for the enemy! .

Talking about a roar, turned and rushed back!

Rush back to the battlefield of the demon and the ancient drum.

In his heart, the blood has completely burned.

Die and die! Anyway, this time, I can't escape if I kill him!

Just, Chu Yang, you should never come.

Talk about the rushing all the way, the infinite regret in my heart.

Nothing else, just remorse for the scream that he had just called for help. I didn't think that the enemy would be so powerful, strong enough to have no chance of winning. I originally wanted the Chuyang brothers to come, plus myself and others, no matter how powerful the enemy can handle it.

But now it seems... the situation is not big, this one is really too powerful!

Even though Chu Yang and others were able to arrive in time, some people at the venue teamed up with each other, and in all likelihood, it was not the opponent of this demon. The strength of this guy has obviously exceeded the limits of this space!

Chu Yang is coming, just to die! and so--

Don't come!

Talking about the arrogance in the heart, the whole person turned into a black light and rushed into the battle circle! In the sleeves, the cold light flashed, and the long sword that Chu Yang carefully tailored to it has already appeared in the hands. The sharp edge of the sword has just twinked, and the talk has already poured all the spirits and all the strengths of the whole body into it. In an instant, the sword is thundering!

A stream of sorrows, rushing to the devil!

"Holy King!" The ancient drums shouted loudly and the voice was mournful. With a loud cry, a blood arrow spurted out in the mouth.

In just a short period of contact, the demon almost turned into a monster of 10 million arms, and the six people who stopped the road, regardless of the price of the crazy attack, the ancient drum and other people have no idea of ​​avoiding, because once they avoid the demon will immediately go Chasing and talking, everyone is desperate to fight hard, but the fighting is commendable, but it is still far behind. For a moment, everyone has been seriously injured. If it is not talked about, the six people will be back in time. It is highly probable that the group Huangquan will start in the next moment.

Talk about 昙 昙 舍 舍 舍 舍 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙 昙? Samsung Sanctuary has tens of thousands of years of wind and frost, almost close to the family! Only when the Holy King came out, took the ethnic group out of the ice and snow, and finally ended up in a lifetime.

You can wait for your life, but you must keep the security of the Holy King. Only the Holy King is innocent, and the Samsung Holy Family has hope!

Therefore, the ancient drums and others are determined to be infinitely determined, and they are determined to defend the hopes and the outside of the Samsung saints with their lives.

When the devil chased, all the members stood up! Obviously: If you want to chase our holy king, you must cross us from our bodies!

The devil eagerly chased and talked about it, and captured the supreme magic body, but it was resisted by several people. The strength of several people is certainly not comparable to the devil, but it is already a counterattack! Even though the demon had tried his best, he still couldn’t get away, and he roared again and again.

At this moment, when I saw that the talks were coming back, the devil was not shocked!

I don't want to, these six people block the road, but the highest strategy to attract the supreme magic body!

The eagerness of the talks with the people of Jianlian to do the streamer, lightning generally rushed directly, as if the comet came.

In the eyes of the demon, a darker black light flashed, and in an instant, the whole world was even more bleak.

Suddenly, his entire body is abrupt! ,

Yes, it is a scattered, the whole body suddenly disintegrates, scattered to the surrounding, leaving a large hollow in the middle position, as if his body has been split at that moment.

When you talk about the combination of the sword and the sword, you will have to kill the impact. Then you will rush from the hollow, such as attacking the empty space.

Talking about a roar, the sword suddenly exploded in this hollow.

The tyrannical force suddenly broke out, and the magic around it suddenly surged.

The demon screamed fiercely, and the hand of the decapitated hand of the ancient drum was trembled and instantly recovered.

Talk about the trend of a sword just now, it is unstoppable, and it is impossible to stop halfway.

Even though it is a desperate attempt by the devil to face him, it is somewhat difficult; therefore, the devil chose to cast a trick to disintegrate Dafa. As long as he talks about his body, as long as there is a momentary gap, he will be able to see it. These few unsightly guys are all cleaned up.

In addition, if you talk about this attack and hit the empty space completely, it is not a trivial matter to use the wrong force. It is likely to weaken the strength of the talker and make it easier to act later. Therefore, this trick is a wonderful trick.

However, the devils are counted, but they are missing a point. And it is very important. People talk about it is the reincarnation of the demon king 100,000 years ago. How can it be thousands of secrets? How can you make a huge mistake in attacking the empty space and using the wrong way!

Seeing each other's disintegration, Dafa has already reversed his own strength during the flight. The swordsmanship that has already been issued has been quickly recovered, and the limit is erupted in the core of the empty position!

From the inside of a wide range of indiscriminate extreme impact on the demon body.

The demon couldn't think of this trick as a dream. When he was caught off guard, he actually ate a big loss and was shaken fiercely. The moves that had already attacked were suddenly weak.

In fact, this is still too weak for the sorcerer's skill. If you talk about 昙 昙 昙 昙 达 一半 一半 一半 , , , , , , , , , 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半

The ancient drums and other people screamed in unison, and this opportunity took off the attack range of the mysterious magic hand.

Everyone is out of a cold sweat.

Anyone who thinks that the demon is so tyrannical, until the real fight, can understand the horror of the evil spirits of the gods; just a few face-to-face efforts, actually can let themselves and others suffer serious injuries, and even get stuck in the dead, life and death.

"The junior is bold!" The demon slammed and turned to talk, and the body swiftly swept through the air, making a sharp and empty sound: "You have successfully angered the devil! Enlightenment!"

Talking about the cold, he yelled: "A few of you are still not going fast? Waiting to die?!"

This voice is said to the ancient drums and other people, but he is eager to hope that this old brother will quickly flash.

The ancient drums laughed and slammed together: "The Holy King does not leave, and I will not leave. If it is to go, the Holy King will go first!" Tan was stunned by the ancient drums, desperately resisting Under the wrath of the devil, there is no pervasive attack, and he screams: "Mixed things! Ancient drums, you have lived for so many years, so you have to slap your temper! Are you planning to play yourself, or kill me?!"

The ancient drums laughed and had already sneaked out of the sword behind the demon. He smiled and said: "Thank you for the praise of the holy king. The subordinates will continue to work hard and continue to work hard!"

Hearing this loyal and honest truth, he only felt the pain in his mouth, and looked at the six elders as if they were crazy, attacking the demon, and sighing in the heart.

What is the use of desperately, completely helpless.

The strength of the other party is too strong, and it is useless to be powerful!


Talking about it only feels like being in the middle of a mountain. The invisible hand of the demon is on his back. This palm is simply unsearchable.

The devil is still opposite, but this palm is coming from behind.

There is no shortage of strength, but it is extremely heavy!

Or it is not appropriate to use the metaphor of the mountains, because it is not so serious by the mountains, the talks are beaten and violently smashed, a cockroach, fell to the ground, rolled out.

The demon sneered, and reached out to lightning, and grabbed the past toward the talk, and the supreme magic body finally got it.

Talking about the blood in the mouth of the mouth, slamming on the ground, trying to avoid a catch, but the demon immediately opened his hand. The black palm of the hand has expanded to the extent that it can cover a few squares in the air. It is impossible to avoid this claw in the center position.

It seems that the fall into the clutches is a foregone conclusion.

"The Holy King!" The ancient drums flew away, blocking in front of the talk, a sword stabbed to the clutch.

The devil does not evade, as if he has not seen it, the original situation remains unchanged, and he continues to grasp it.


The ancient sword that was infused with the life of the drum was smashed while smashing the palm of the hand. It was just like a car. When the ancient drum was struck by lightning, the face suddenly turned into blood red, and the whole body leaned back and looked at it. To be hit by pressure.

Yes, it’s flying, and the attention of the demon is never in the hands of people other than talking. It’s obvious that you can easily shoot the old drum, but you have given up, but you want to talk about it without disturbing yourself. It’s good to go to the magic body.

However, the entire body of the ancient drums almost had to fly out, and at the moment when he just started to lean back, he finally stood up stubbornly, and bent his body back again. Both hands slammed out.

At the same time, his mouth began to spurt blood in the mouth, mixed with visceral fragments.

If he had just tumbling out of the situation, the injury would not be too heavy, but now he is forced to fight against the trend but he has suffered a double impact. It is an impact he can't bear; but he understands that if he retreats at this moment, the devil can Grab the Holy King in your hand!

Therefore, the ancient one must not retreat. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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