Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 945: Holy King awakens!

The ancient drums can not be retired, but they must go forward.

This is equivalent to taking all the attacks into their own bodies.

The demon of the demon, the ancient drum can not bear, not to mention the previous damage has been suffered, only to contact, immediately suffered a serious injury, the combat power sharply reduced!

However, his purpose has been reached, he came forward, the only purpose is to save the talk, so that

The demon sneered, the huge palms closed, and the hand of the ancient drum was caught, and the pinch of the underpinning!

However, the sound of the cymbals sounded one after another, and the ancient drums were completely shattered.

He screamed and screamed, almost screaming out of his heart and mind: "Sacred King! Go away..."

His hands are broken, he can no longer attack, and he is still in the enemy's grasp, but he still has legs, but he can also counterattack, even if it is a futile effort, he must try his best to counterattack!

The two legs rise from the ground, and hundreds of legs in the whirlwind, blasting to the demon.

The demon screamed, one left hand grasped the hands of the ancient drum, and the other right hand was like a wind and thunder, and it was mammoth in the front chest of the ancient drum.

Almost at the same time, the ancient drums hundreds of legs like the gongs and drums all fell to the front of the devil, under such a huge force desperately counterattack, the demon's body can not help but rise back.

It is precisely because of the death of these hundreds of legs that the right palm of the chest of the ancient drum is not really solid.

However, even though it was not all compacted, this force was still devastating. With a click, the ancient drum screamed, and his chest immediately slammed down, but his mouth was still crying: "The Holy King... ...go away..."

The demon throws out the ancient drum body, and ignores the person who has no resistance. This person will not contain the owner of the supreme magic body, and will not lightly leave, then take a big step. Approaching to talk.

It was only the corner of his mouth that there was a trace of black blood overflowing, which was the result of the ancient drums fighting for life.

The demon is very angry.

I can't think of my own cultivation, and I will be injured in the face of a few ants in the Nine Heavens!

It seems that it is a quick fix.

The shadows flashed, and the rest of the five elders of the saints flew at the same time and blocked them. The five men shouted at the same time: "Sacred King! You are going!"

Then these five people just like the ancient one drum just now, righteously turned back to the heavenly magic.

Five people work hand in hand, all of them are full of anger and screaming, desperately screaming, and arbitrarily honing their lives for a single blow, desperately!

There is only one thought in their hearts at this moment: the holy king is going away! As long as you are alive, we will be killed if we are killed, broken bodies, and the spirits are gone, it is worth it!

If it’s not too long, it’s too close to everyone’s position. These people have already launched a self-destructive attack without hesitation. But now it is a rat trap, can only use their own life to fight, a desperate fight!

The devil screamed and laughed, with an unprecedented murderous murder, kicked out with one foot, and the shadow of the foot in midair was still there, but it was actually kicked in the chest of a saint elder.

With a bang, the elder's chest was kicked out of a big hole, but the elders hugged the feet of the demon, screaming and pleading: "The Holy are you still not going, go quickly..."

The right hand of the demon rushed out and touched the palm of another elder.

With a bang, the elder's hand was suddenly beaten, and when the rest of the effort was gone, the arm broke up all the way. Immediately, the demon had been rushed into his chest with his own palm!

In the flesh and blood splash, the Samsung saint elder screamed: "Sacred King! Go!"

Then he bowed his head in disgust, and a white-skinned tooth bite on the palm of the demon. Without his hand, his legs are not strong. Just use his mouth and use his teeth.

"Ah~~" The demon screamed and yanked back the palm of his hand, and a large piece of **** bones was brought out of the elder's chest.

"Spread! Fight with him!" The other three screams of anger and anger, do not evade, directly rushed to the past, can not blew at this moment, only close combat, in order to give each other the most effective containment.

However, this is also the most adventurous and most arduous practice, but the elders are so unrequited!

"Holy King! You are going!!"

The screams of the five people are still echoing in the air, and they only have a blink of an eye. The scene has become so fierce!

Talking in the ear, listening to the subordinates yelling: "The holy king is going!"

Seeing the flesh and blood of the old brothers flying in the eyes.

Talking about the whole body shaking up and down, the eyes slowly became red, and then turned into a black and inky look. He bit his teeth tightly, his face was awkward, his head suddenly fainted, and he turned around in a whirlwind. The whole person passed through the time and came to the nightmare.

Or, returning to the past, the last time you least recalled!

The scene that was tens of thousands of years ago, the last thing I want to recall, suddenly came to my heart at this moment. At that time, the same was true. Countless ethnic groups, subordinates, converge into a torrent of water in front of themselves, rushing toward the scene of the collapse of the day.

"Holy King! Go away!"

At that time, millions of people were squatting together and begged to leave.

They are weak in front of their own eyes, but they are weak, they ushered in the torrent of the world, protecting the most powerful one among the tribes, and pleading for their own escape, only to escape!

Talk about it silently.

As if the sacrifices of the past, like the flesh and blood of that day, suddenly inspired the most wild factor in his blood, he opened his mouth, silently groaning, the eyes have become completely Black, that is darker than dark night.

It's like two black holes.

Although the eyes are still so big, the two invisible black holes seem to be getting bigger and bigger...

There is a faint suction, which is a powerful suction with strength.

"I have escaped once, this time, I can't escape, I can't escape, I can't escape!" The body that was seriously injured was slowly standing up from the ground.

Previously, the main goal of the demon had already locked him. The silent hand had almost interrupted his whole body and muscles. Normally, the talks could not be moved, and they could not move at all.

Not to mention standing up and fighting.

But at this moment, he seems to have recovered inexplicably, and it seems that he has not been hurt at all.

"At this moment, I will not escape again!" Talk about the two black holes in the eyes of the devil, cold and cold: "Stop!"

In the voice, with an unquestionable command overbearing, full of a kind of Wei Ling taste that masters the world, shuns me, and counters my death.

Still talking about the body, it is still the face of talking, but at the moment, the feeling of giving people seems to be completely changed into another person.

The lazy rogues of the past have disappeared without a trace at this moment. Instead, they are the imposing manner of the kingdom. They dominate the temperament of the people, the arrogance of the crowds, the hegemony of killing and killing, and the temperament of arrogance.

In one word, with the words and deeds, the power that cannot be violated.

Somehow, the demon actually stopped involuntarily, and immediately dissatisfied with his own stop, screamed: "How dare you dare to order me?!"

Talk about the killing of the icy cold and cold, faintly said: "Waste!"

"Is the Supreme Magic awakened?" The demon stunned, and then fixed his eyes and looked at it. "It turned out that the power of the seal was back... but even if it was back, Your cultivation is always limited by the interface of the nine heavens. You can't reach the real power that the magic body should have, but what can you do?? It is just a strong cockroach ant!"

Talking about his eyes and looking at him indifferently, he said: "You said it is good. Although the strength of the king has increased, it is still not enough to kill you. However, even if you can't kill you, you can already fight with you! Open my subordinates, this king will accompany you to fight! You don't want to get the body of the king, come and take it!"

The demon clearly feels the other party's arrogant power like a rebirth. It is almost inferior to his current full-fledged strength. He can't help but be cautious, and the temptation is big, and he must always have life to enjoy. Everything is careful.

Gently let go of the hand, the whole person slowly floated in the air, smirked and said: "Oh, although you are the devil in the devil, but now, after all, it is still too weak. It is better to let go of the soul, let me Use your magic body to develop its potential power, how to reach the peak together? I can guarantee that you will not destroy your soul, together with Weiling!"

The promise of the demon is from the heart. Although the current state is greatly enhanced, it is still not as good as the demon. It is difficult to have a chance to win. The devil will make a compromise and will be willing to take the body with the soul. So, the potential of the supreme magic body will be developed in an extremely fast way. Power, in a sense, is also a win-win approach!

Talk about the handcuffs: "Let you ** fart! You are a little monster, I want to manipulate the old man's body, I missed your heart!"

Suddenly the brow wrinkled, and some silently laughed: "I used to be self-respected and never exported to dirty. I can't think of this time... Hehehe, it really changed a lot."

"War!" Talk about the body shirt without wind and automatic, the long hair on the head flies up, standing in the pool of blood, behind the black mist, it is completely dark.

He took a step forward and the black fog behind him was more intense.

Before the demon came out, it shrouded the magic of many spaces. This moment seemed to be assimilated by the dark fog of the talk, and gathered in the way of talking to you.

That kind of authority, that kind of authority, is almost full of the whole world!

Feeling this lawlessness, it is already dying, the ancient drums and other people have no eyes and awkward eyes. An inexplicable excitement is full of heart, one by one, tears and tears: "The Holy King !~~You finally wake up..."

Regardless of their own heavy and abnormal injuries, the old men were so excited that they burst into tears.


There is another chapter! ! Seeking a monthly ticket! ! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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