Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 951: Everywhere

Since zhidào has its mystery, it is not difficult to crack it. As long as ziji is stable, it does not seek speed, and it is delayed by the way of fighting.

During the period, as long as the gravity bombardment is used continuously to consume the main elements of the nine robbery swords, when the other party consumes almost the same, it is natural to hand it!

Although Faunun is not willing to delay shijiān, but now the best strategy for Shangchu is to fight, dragging Chuyang, and the cautious personality of Fa Zun, naturally, will not advance in any case.

Chuyang's four moves are linked, and all of them are attacked without interruption. They reciprocate and form a rigorous defensive circle, and all of them are guarded behind. However, Fa Zun is now totally uninterested in talking about people like him!

Just aiming at one person in Chuyang, with an extremely violent force and an unusually concentrated attack.

The nine robbery sword master died, méiyou took this core, the so-called invincible nine robbers disappeared. At that time, each break, it is easy!

As for those people in front of me, all the injuries are not light, and there is no recovery in the short shijiān. It is even more difficult to form combat power. As long as one of the nine robbers is removed, others can pinch it!

The most crucial thing now is Chu Yang, only Chu Yang.

In turn, even if these people on the ground are all killed, but Chu Yang ran, that is the endless trouble!

If you don't target people outside of Chuyang, you can best control Chuyang. Only in this way can Chuyang continue to drag on, drag him down and drag him down!

Fa Zun is the horrible zhidào nine robbery sword master, this moment, unreserved full force attack, in order to maximize, the shortest shijiān consumes all the power of light Chu Yang.

Chu Yang suffered a series of strong vibrations. The power of Jiu Dan was just released, and it was immediately squeezed to the extreme. At the beginning of the battle, under the fierce attack of Fa Zun, Chu Yang is now at the critical point again!

Before and after, it only supported a short breath of shijiān, and yijing was crushed to the end of the strong!

A terrible attack. A sharp and targeted strategy. It is worthy of the nine-year-old brains of the year!

Chu Yang wheezing gasping, only gǎnjiàoziji's lungs fǎngfo caught a fire, every breath, from the lungs to the throat are burning pain, with a salty taste, but also some sweet, some awkward. That is the smell of blood.

Even the eyes saw it, and it was almost blurred... The bones in the body were squeaky and seemed to break at any time.

And the law of Zun's offensive is still like a storm, fǎngfo is completely tirelessly rolling!

Chuyang yijing can't hold on, anytime kěnéng collapses.

The strength of bijing is not equal to perseverance, manpower is sometimes poor, and the nine robbers are also people. It also has its power limit.

He would rather keep the bones and keep the people around him, but now, even if he has broken his bones 10,000 times, he can't keep them!

Even his ziji can't keep it!

I can't do anything about it!


In another attack of Fa Zun, Chu Yang’s right leg was broken, and immediately, like a fried bean, the sound of broken bones continued to come.


The last hand of Fa Zun is hit!

Chu Yang’s chest was screaming. The sternum ribs are broken. The blood in the mouth is mad. Both hands smashed from finger to shoulder. The two legs are also yijingméiyou a little bit complete.

The whole person flies out like a broken sack. Such as the injury, it is slightly less than before the demon, basically yijing is the ultimate trauma that "people" can bear, and the danger of life!

In Chu Yang’s heart, it was a gray defeat.

Now, is the real méiyou hope.

Chu Yang ziji seriously injured dying, at any time kěnéng finished playing, talked about it was affected by the anti-stunned unconscious, the ancient one drum and other people unable to act, the combat power is basically equal to zero.

There is also Chu Yang's last card sword spirit, also in the battle with the demon before was shocked, completely méiyou shot.

When all means and cards are exhausted, but the enemy can still be lost, there is only despair!

Chu Yang's blurred eyes looked at Fa Zun step by step, and the helpless smile, exhausted the last yidiǎn power, muttered: "The fifth 惆怅... you betrayed ziji's brother for tens of thousands of years... Somewhat?"

Fa Zun’s body was shocked, and his eyes were full of complicated and unclear eccentric looks. He sighed and whispered: “The world is always desolate, life is inevitable; if I return to the year, life and death come back, I will choose Going to die with them... But now, even if it happens again in front of me today... I can't."

A voice quietly asked: "Why not?"

This voice does not belong to Tan, nor belongs to the ancient drums and so on, and is even more a voice from Chu Yang and Fa Zun.

Is there still someone else here? Ziji is totally unaware of it. He can marry the people who are aware of ziji and look around today. There are very few people who are this person?

Fa Zun turned around and turned around.

Chu Yang, but yijing heard the voice of the shihou, completely put down the mind, fainted.

Because, that is the voice of the city.

Since the dance is coming, it will be fine.

He bijing with ziji's intelligence, at the last moment, procrastinating, won the last key shijiān. In one sentence, using the name of the fifth 惆怅 引起 引起, caused the feeling of the law, and delayed the shijiān of nàmeyidiǎn.

If it is the phrase méiyou, the law will come up, nàme, even if it is a dance city, it can not be brought back to life!

But... always catch up!

Fa Zun slowly turned and faced the later person.

The expressions of these two people are somewhat complicated.

One of the two nine robberies of different eras, will meet again!

The dance of the city is white, fluttering, and handsome, and now he has completely restored the dress and appearance of 40,000 years ago. He is not far behind the law.

In the front of the law, seven or eight feet, is Chuyang seriously injured.

Chu Yang is not far behind, that is, talking about the ancient drums and others.

The distance is really close, and Fa Zun only needs to raise his hand, and he is sure to kill all of Chu Yang and others!

But he didn't dare, he really didn't dare. At this moment, he didn't dare to have any slight incitement.

Because behind him, the dance city yijing firmly locked him.

In addition, the law can still be clear gǎnjiào to, at this moment of the dance city, yijing raised all his repairs, yijing almost condensed into a blow between the life, this is a kind of near Desperate posture!

If it is the law, the dance will also be shot; the law and self-confidence ziji have full grasp can nénggou kill Chu Yang and other people, but at the same time, the blow of the city, even if it can not kill, can He will be hit hard!

And that's just the beginning.

The distance is so close, if ziji is heavily wounded, the dance city will never leave ziji any chance to escape!

The only result is only a dead end!

There will be no second road anymore!

Therefore, Fa Zun did not dare to move, did not dare to have any yidiǎn action, any yidiǎn action kěnéng detonated the dance of the city.

It is of course important to kill the nine robbers, but it is a pleasure, but if the price is to take a ziji life... then méiyou has any meaning.

In contrast, the dance city is not afraid to move!

He now undoubtedly occupies an absolutely favorable position, and is beneficial to wèizhi. As long as he has a shot, he can definitely reinvent the law! But he did not dare to move; because he méiyou confident that he could kill the law in one fell swoop, once the law respects the creation, the dog will jump under the wall, and will inevitably spare no effort to do it, and Chu Yang and others in front of nàme will die, dance. The city is too late to stop, and it may not even be blocked.

Both sides have scruples and fall into a delicate and dangerous balance.

Therefore, before the law turned and turned, the city could clearly attack and gain the upper hand, but not only did méiyou take advantage of the attack, but took a step back and let him calmly turn around.

Fa Zun smiled slightly: "I don't want to have such a big scruples in the heart of the dancing brother? This seat also thought that this battle was lost. It seems that God is very concerned about this seat today!"

Dancing in the city is faint: "If you have no scruples in your heart, why not give it a try? Can you verify whether God is taking care of you?"

Fa Zun smiled: "There is a dancing brother behind him, such as a thorn in the back, dare to try shime?"

Dancing the city calmly, said: "If you dare not try, answer my question, since the matter is repeated again, you can die with the brothers, why can't you now?"

"Does it say that when the time passes, the brothers are no longer brothers?" The eyes of the dancing city are full of anger.

It seems that if the sentence of the law is somewhat embarrassing, the dance of the city is absolutely unsatisfactory. In these subtle ways, I actually ask the sin to ask for a qingchumingbái.

Because, this sentence touched the most sacred difāng in the heart of the dance!

This is Chuyang yijing dizzy, if Chu Yang has not dizzy, heard the dance in the city in this shihou actually committed the kind of child's kind of fault ... Maybe Chu Yu seat can be stunned on the spot again, for shime Use "re-"...

Fa Zun smiled faintly: "Where is the dance brother, can the injury suffered in the past? The younger brother wants to get out of the way, forced to helplessly, use the dance brother, every time he dreams back at midnight, he regrets it, but he did not expect it until today. Only have the opportunity to pay tribute to the dancers."

The dance city is furious: "Don't shift the topic, say those useless! Today, I just want to listen to you an explanation! You have misunderstood, you are wronged, you hate your big brother, I can understand this. But, that year How did the other brothers offend you? How did you get your hands!"

Fa Zun’s face gradually became cold and said: “Brothers of that time...that was my brother of the year, not yours! You are not qualified to mention them!”

"Hey!" The dance city spit out: "Your brother? You are so kind to mention! You are really not qualified!"

On the other hand, Xiao Shantou Chu Leer yijing rushed to the past, first took out the jiji pocket and sent Chu Yang to Ziji's Jiuzhong Dan, and fed it to Chu Yang, then immediately sat down and squatted. Yang Fa San medicine, with a view to recover as soon as possible.

For all that Chu Leer did, the Fa Zun and the Dancing City are all in the eye; the dance of the city is naturally ignored, and the Fa Zun is ignored.

For example, I have not seen it. (To be continued)

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