Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 952: One step wrong, step by step wrong!

Of course, Fa Zun does not want to start, but the momentum of the dance city has never been relaxed, but there is a growing trend. The current dance city is definitely a volcano on the verge of extinction.

Fa Zun was silent for a long time and finally said: "Dancing brother, you said, why is there a traitor in this world?"

The dance city sneered and said: "What is amazing, natural miscellaneous, will generally become a traitor!"

"Wrong!" Fa said with a faint smile, "No one will ever want to betrayed... you don't understand." He smiled slyly: "It seems like you are a child of a big family. I won't understand."

The dance city is sneer: "Is it? Is it true that there is a reason to betray your brother? Is it really good to plaus the words? I have to listen to you."

Chu Leer took the opportunity to display Yuan Li wrapped up Chu Yang and others, far away to go to the side, at least to ensure that the dance city no longer need to be distracted by other foreign affairs.

Fa Zun smiled and did not care about Chu Leer’s actions. “Dancing brother, if I said that I did not betray, what would you do?”

The dance city sneered: "You have not betrayed?! Is it that I betrayed in the past? Or is the betrayal in the world's population and the betrayal in your cognition, the opposite?"

Fa Zun’s remarks about dancing in the city are not too bad, but it’s a pity that he turned back and looked at Chu Yang’s position at the moment. He smiled bitterly: “If you don’t go back, you can’t kill the Nine Robber Swords today. I’m afraid this life is difficult. Hey."

The dance city snorted.

"Dancing brother, we all have the same experience, experienced the same betrayal, why do you still need to maintain it today?" Fa Zun asked strangely: "Don't you, on the body of the nine robbers, What is the report... fantasy?"

Dancing the city road: "This does not require you to worry about it. You have been pulling for so long, and now you are coming to play the trick of not swaying, but the thief is not dead, but he refuses to answer my question positively. What do you mean? You know, I care about what is most important!"

"You attacked me, concealed me, I can postpone and settle with you, but this time, how can your brother offend you! Mix things, you explain to me!"

Fa Zun smiled and said: "Dancing brother, this kind of thing, I also know that it is difficult to explain clearly, it is even more difficult for the world to recognize. And I also don't understand why you are so concerned about this thing... But this matter is in my heart, and it has been tens of thousands of years. It’s really long enough, I don’t want to spit it out. Since the dance brother is so interested, then I can talk about it anyway, I’m so upset, The dance brother can also be dismissed."

"You say, I am listening." The dance city is still sinking like water, and the murderous machine has not been reduced, and it has always locked in the law.

Fa Zun took a deep breath and said: "And don't say how the nine robbing swordsmen of the year told me how to wait, just say that my other eight brothers, that is definitely the most important brother in my life, If there is a choice, as long as it can be mixed with it, what is this life?!"

"The brotherhood of that year, even after tens of thousands of years of thinking, still feeling a thousand, like yesterday."

"My fifth slogan is not a ruthless person. When the nine-robbery brothers dominated the world, almost all the plans were made by their own hands. If I really have two hearts, I believe that the nine-robbery brothers will not go to the end, this section. Do you know if you agree with the dancers?"

Dancing the city road: "Yes, among the nine robberies, there are three people who are the most crucial. The first is the nine robbers, the second is the think tank, and the third is the nine robbers. The first person outside."

"After the world's ascension, Jun Lie conspiring to calculate, I intend to wait for my brothers to make up the heavens, to achieve his great cause, I thought at the beginning, among the brothers, no matter who eventually went out, as long as they went out, it was victory; but, If I can go out, the effect will be even bigger; because I am wise, planning, closing the big picture, the most important point, I am calm enough."

Fa Zun said: "If the brothers can only survive one, then it is most beneficial for me to live out! So, is the dance brother approved?"

Dance the city again and nodded again: "Yes! The nine robbing think tanks of the past are always wise people in the contemporary era. In terms of destructive power, they may not be under the nine robbing swords!"

"So at the beginning, I finally decided to use the power of the brethren's spirits to do my best. The result is that I came out and lingered until today."

Fa Zun smiled: "If it is only in terms of reason, it is really that I come out best. From any aspect, it is all that I should live to create the greatest value. Only in terms of friendship, what do I rely on?"

"Why is it my body to retire? Other brothers are all gone, can't others live?"

"What is the reason for this?"

"For a whole 10,000 years, my spirits are floating in the mountains, I can't do anything, I think about my brother every day. I always persuaded myself to convince myself for various reasons, but It is difficult to deceive oneself, and it is hard to deceive oneself. People have a flaw in their hearts. This is not a reason for any reason."

"Ultimately, I understand one thing. One thing I should have understood long ago, but never realized."

"Between the brothers, it is loyalty to die together. Even if you die together because of any conspiracy, you can have no regrets in life. But... everyone is dead, only you are alive, and you still use your brother. The spiritual energy before they die is alive... This kind of sorrow, do you understand this kind of suffering? It turns out that the last person who lived is the most painful!"

When the law was held up, the voice was extraordinarily calm.

The dance city took a deep breath and only felt bitter in the mouth. I don't understand? How can I not understand? Didn't I go through this process in the past?

At best, it is only one less than you.

"With the embarrassment, with the torment, I began to re-analyze myself: I am alive, at the time, did I have any selfishness?"

Law smiled and said: "After countless times to overthrow myself, I gradually found out that I am selfish! When I was dying, the idea of ​​'I want to survive', I really have , indeed."

"Then, I am even more embarrassed! More uncomfortable!"

"I am troubled by the heart of the shackles, it is difficult to be self-sufficient. I even tried to blew the soul of the soul many times. I was dead. However, it was the brothers who changed the soul of all of them to my survival. How can I die casually? So I have a new idea, as long as I can get the body again, in any case, I can do something for the brothers' families! Do a lot of things! No matter what I have to do, to compensate!"

"But when I got my body and I was able to control myself, I found out that my brother's family was gone! Not even a posterity can't find it! Because time will not stay, time I have already gone too much!"

"And the most ironic thing is that the fifth family I established was actually the only one that survived at that time! It was one of the nine families at that time. However, it was also being attacked by the Nine Robbery. It was in jeopardy and could be destroyed at any time."

"At the time, I was only initially in control of the body. The soul could not really fit the body perfectly, and I could not exert a strong strength. Secondly, it was also my psychological work: the descendants of the brothers have not However, my descendants are still there, by what?!"

"I have already been very rude to them. Only I have used their spiritual strength to survive. Why can only my descendants continue to exist?"

"So I didn't participate in the original battle. I watched the fifth family gradually decline; I only said one sentence, and Zhuge, one of the nine robbers of the time, said that because of this sentence, the fifth family was avoided. The crisis of complete destruction has become a vassal of the Zhuge family."

"Then I started a long-awaited career with a high degree of weight..." Law smiled bitterly: "In those years when my soul wandered, I no longer thought about doing things for my brothers all the time; but really... but found out There is nothing to do. In this case, what did I come out for?"

"Every time I enjoy the high weight of a moment, I feel even more sorry for the brothers. The brothers are fighting hard, let me enjoy the high power and wealth here?"

Dancing the city anger said: "Since you feel sorry, then you can live in seclusion, do you not respect it? You have not even done this choice, do not admit that it is your greed, negative feelings?! ”

The law smiled bitterly: "Is it fascinating? Is it negative? After a long time, I am getting more and more embarrassed, and finally I want to not do this law, and I have to suffer from so many inner tortures..."

Dance the city road: "Yes! It should not be a law!"

"But... I have been sorry for so many years anyway; if I give up at this time, not only have I endured so many years of vain, but I have to lose a lot of weights?" Law sighs.

"You... bastard!" The dance was absolutely speechless.

Dreaming can not be imagined, there will be such a strange evolution, I was really said by myself, power can really erode people's hearts, even the day's nine-robbery think tank is incompetent.

Law deplores: "I know the practice is very idiotic, even think about it should not; but, the reason, in fact, only ...: one, broken cans broken, second, the erosion of power; mentality Gradually change; three come... they are dead. And it has been dying for tens of thousands of years. This is an established fact... What do I use if I insist on it? What's the point!?"

"So, I am going so step by step, and finally... it is hard to return."


This character of Fa Zun is finally coming to the extreme. The first sin of Jiuzhongtian is the most wicked person, and the first poor person in Jiuzhongtian...

This character, I have devoted a lot of effort, although most people do not like it, I do not like it myself; but the twists and turns of his life, it is almost a history of good and evil.

Um... It’s... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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