Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 953: It’s already too late to be repented!

Fa Zun’s out of a god, said: “It’s not just that you think it’s incredible, even I think it’s incredible. But this, or the change of my whole person, is so real... ... tens of thousands of years of subtle influence, I actually turned back, or I have no longer want to go back, no longer want to turn back?"

"Is it changed? Or is this world changed?"

"When all efforts are made, we can't see the beauty of desire; when all the struggles, they become empty talks; when the brothers of life and death become nothing, when I look back, I only see hatred..."

"I have changed! I just want to retaliate against the people of the world! Why? We have created a peaceful and prosperous life, but the people who created the peace and prosperity have not gotten a good end? With some mediocre people, we can enjoy our struggle. Results? Why do we have to be so sad? Why do we need to make up the sky? Why?!"

"What do we owe to them? Should we be theirs? If the brothers of that year only want to go to the rivers and lakes, which one can't do it? Which one is worse than others?"

"All the pains, all the loyalty, have become jokes! They are just making wedding dresses for others... I have changed!"

"It's no longer the same as me!"

"From the first time to kill people for power, and to kill a good person, I just went down. One step wrong, step by step wrong, and then later, self-destruction, in order to harmonious spirit, cultivation of magic power, it is even more Packing up... Nowadays, it has already caught up with the extraterrestrial celestial beings, and even itself, it has become the body of the half-devil... The muddy foot is completely immersed in the bottom! It’s a hundred years old, and it’s a hundred years old, I’m again For more than a hundred years, the millennium and the eternal years are not limited!"

"As far as my mentality is concerned, what loyalty is said, what qualifications are there to say these two words..." Fa Zun sneered: "These two words have been insulated from me. My brothers are dead, even though I am talking Righteousness, who do you want to talk to? Tell others about the loyalty in this world? Are they worthy?"

"But..." The dance city was furious: "But your brothers... there is no death at all! At least not under your so-called conspiracy!"

The words that danced out of the city were like wind and rain, and the stone was shocked.

"Not dead? My brother is not dead?!" Fa Zun stayed directly.

His eyes suddenly widened, his eyes straightened, and he stayed alone!

Like the thunder and thunder, the quasi-standard falls on his head.

If the dance city can be shot at this time, it is absolutely possible to attack a lawless defense with no defense and no resistance. It is not a luxury!

Fa Zunhuo looked up and slammed forward, staring at the dancing city with a gaze, and the calm voice became very anxious: "What are you talking about?! What are you talking about? You say it again, you can make it clear!" ”

The dance city looked at him mercifully, saying in a word: "I said, your brothers, in fact, did not die."

"No, there, die..." Fa Zun muttered, lost his soul, and could not help but step back.

He knows that no matter which side he is speaking, it is impossible for the city to lie to himself in this matter, and he can't help but lose some time.

This time it is really lost.

Even my eyes are empty.

If you are out of control again, if you dance, you can still win the Fa Zun in an instant.

A wise man will be lost in a short conversation, and this situation is rare.

However, there is still no shot in the city.

Because he and I have almost the same experience, now how can he shoot at this time. In his heart, only sigh.

"That... Where are they?" Fa Zun took a deep breath and his eyes became extremely sharp.

"In that year, the nine robbery sword master...that is, your boss, or my boss...maybe only he himself is really annihilated...he is completely broken with his own body and spirit. Come to open a passage for the brothers... so that a brother can go to the extraterrestrial warfare..."

The dance of the city said: "The process of things is like this..."

The matter that Chu Yang told him, he said in detail, the dance city always believes that Fa Zun is qualified to know this secret. Therefore, even though the enemy is like the sea, but the dance city has always insisted, even if you want to kill the law, you must also inform the other party after this matter!

Fa Zun has never spoken during the process of dancing in the city. He has been listening quietly, his face is still calm, but the muscles on his face are smashed from time to time.

It is the kind of involuntary embarrassment, from time to time.

When the dance city said that ‘send my brother, the extraterrestrial warfare’, these words, the look of Fa Zun’s face became incomprehensible. I want to cry again, I want to laugh, and I want to go to the bottom, but I still want to control.

The tragic look of the people makes people unable to bear to watch.

The muscles of Fa Zun's mouth are constantly twitching and continually squirming. He bites his teeth, but he can't bite, biting his lower lip in his teeth, but biting his lips, and dripping down the corners of his mouth.

He stared at the dancing city, but he never spoke.

No words at all.

The dance of the city will tell the whole story.

Fa Zun still did not speak, kept silent, standing like a stiff one.

For a time, the atmosphere in the field was as condensed. An indescribable repression, the grief of the unspeakable, slowly volatilized...


The figures of the people landed here as if they were flying, and the ones who came here were alone.

When Gu Zhixing and others saw such a scene, they were all shocked.

Chu Yang Tan and others sat down a little far away, and there was no standing in the whole. The only two people standing in the second place were Fa Zun and Wucheng. And such a strong enemy is standing in one place and actually didn't fight...

This strange scene is too shocking, and it seems too difficult to understand...

Mo light dance saw Chu Yang's **** mischief, and it was difficult to accept it for a time. He only felt a shock in his mind. Suddenly, Venus was stunned and almost fainted. It seems that the sky has collapsed at this moment; all Consciousness is almost lost, and screams and rushes over.

"Chuyang! What happened to you?!" The ink tears were not pulled, and the light dance had already rushed out. At this moment, in addition to the seriously injured Chu Yang in her eyes, nothing else, the whole world is no longer in her eyes.

If it is him... unfortunately... then I... go with him immediately!

This is the only thought of Mo Qingwu in this moment.

The nine robbers brothers moved together, the swords came out, and Qionghua was in hand. His eyes burned and he looked at Fa Zun.

Because Mo-light dance is rushing from the side of Fa Zun, the whole person has no defense at all, no defense...

As long as the law is dare to move, the brothers are desperate!

However, Fa Zun unexpectedly did not move.

Not only did he not move, but he only looked at his reaction. He did not seem to notice the arrival of Gu Zhixing and others. He stood so dull, like a lost soul, and God did not keep his house.

Gu Duxing and others finally breathed a sigh of relief and still maintained their defense status. They walked in batches and bypassed from one side to see the situation in Chuyang.

Fa Zun and the dance city still maintain a face-to-face situation. At this moment, the whole person seems to have become a clay puppet.

The breeze came, and he picked up his black robe and snorted.

There is only one feeling in this moment of law, that is a feeling that has been abandoned by the whole world, such desolation, such loneliness and vicissitudes.

There is another kind of sadness, regret, and overwhelming.

After a long, long time, Fa Zun suddenly emerged as a stock of the richness of the extreme black gas, the dance of the city's eyes shrink: the devil's gas!

Reappearance of the devil's temperament, which means that Fa Zun made a choice? !

The magic of the gods on the body of the law is thicker and thicker, and almost all of them are covered in it, and the figure is gone.

A bitter bitter laughter, Fa Zun waved, and the magic fog that covered his head in front of his head was dispelled, and his face was again revealed. He sighed long and didn’t know what it meant: "Give me my brother, the extraterrestrial warfare Raising my brother, reinventing the flesh, becoming the golden body of immortality; fulfilling my brother, - outside the domain, into an immortal work; let my brother, enjoy the heavens and the earth with the supreme glory, the supreme glory! Hehe..."

"It turned out to be the case. It turned out that everything was misunderstood. It turned out that we misunderstood the big brother, the original...hehehe...hehehe..."

"It’s late, it’s late...” Fa Zun laughed and laughed, but laughter was even more ugly than crying, showing endless bleakness and desolateness. For a time, it was a lost soul and a soul.

"If I knew it 30,000 years ago, how could I try my best to destroy the Big Brother plan? If I knew this 10,000 years ago, how can I do this law? Even if I can't find them, I can at least make it myself. And to die, how much to lose the meaning of a low heart."

"Even if I only knew about it three thousand years ago, I will not make any choices, but I will not painstakingly plan to deal with the Nine Robbers. If I know this thing 100 years ago, I am still willing to give up all honors. This body is repaired and returned to the soul, but now, now..."

"How about now, if you are not guilty, you still have a way back, the devil is just a thought!" After all, those who are the same as the nine robbers, if the world knows the most respected people at the moment, except for the city, no one else!

"The devil is just a thought?! Hahaha..." Fa Zun smiled sternly: "Dance the city! Look, what is this?"

His "sudden" spurs the magic, let the magic fog float in front of himself again, pointing with his fingers, and gnashing his teeth: "What is this? What does my brother do? And I am what?"

He yelled at the sky: "My brother went to fight the devil, for the humans to fight the devil! And myself... now is the demon, for his own lust, he will not hesitate to become a demon, ravage the world! Even if the heart is still, can I still look back? ”

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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