Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 954: Can't step back!

Fa Zun suddenly stepped forward and lost all his sensibility. He even seized the cloak of the city, and the empty door opened. There was no defense at all. He just asked me, "You said, I... How! Also! Go back!?!"

"How can I still look back!"

"What else do I have to look back!"

"who am I?!"

"What am I?! What was it like before? What am I now?!"

The dance city is full of full-filled and can be counter-attacked at any time. He is even sure that he can retreat in the spirit of reinventing the law, but he has no movement at all, but he is allowed to scream at his own collar.

"I am not a human being. I am a demon. In fact, I have never been a human. How many people have I killed for my own desires? How many good people have I killed?" Fa Zun roared at the dance city: "Do you know? You are better than me." Ok, after you came out, I was framed by me. I haven’t had time to make it. How easy you are! But me! What should I do?”

"What is my plan for so many years? What is the point?!"

"I am secretly killing many people who are against me at the law enforcement headquarters? Which ones are not heroes who used to be heroes? Which one is not a hero who is full of justice? And which one is not a law-abiding law enforcement Rivers and lakes? But I want to retaliate against the nine robbers, they stop me, I will kill!"

"This time, not only has my heart become a demon. I have become a demon, and I have become a complete demon. All the tops of the law enforcers have been wiped out by me! Which of these people, the past is not the hero of the world?"

"It’s these heroes, all of which have been demonized by me! I have been demonized! How much have I made? Can I go back?!"

"After my bad things are done, you are telling me at this time, I am wrong! My brothers are still alive, my big brother is for us, everything is my own misunderstanding!... Hahaha... Hehehe, hehe..."

Fa Zun screams in the sky, tears roll down: "Heaven! Why are you? This is why? Why is this?"

Why is that?

At this moment, even though it is an enemy, Gu alone and other people can't help but feel sorry for him; when he thinks of Fa Zun's life, he is so erroneously step by step in the wrong way, and there is no turning back.

But at the last moment when I couldn’t turn back, I knew the solitude of all the truth... I felt a sigh in my heart, and I heard the sorrow of the world, and the sorrowful and sorrowful cry at this moment, almost wanting to cry together.

These strong, the first power, the peak of the supreme, is the legendary nine robbery hero; even if it is broken, it may not make him frown. Even if it is a dead end, it may not be able to make his face move, even if it is scattered, it may not be in public!

But at the moment, I am crying in public!

No image crying.

How many people can understand this taste?

Fa Zun desperately let go of the hand that danced the city's clothes, and the stiffness of the squatting back, the two hands still stretched out, but it was trembled fiercely, suddenly yelling: "It turns out that I have persisted for tens of thousands of years. Just a misunderstanding, a joke!"

"The people I hate and hate are actually the best people for me. I sacrificed all the people who want to make me! My selfishness has damaged the strength of the brothers and indirectly destroyed the sacrifice of my eldest brother! All my plans, It becomes meaningless, even hurt, destruction, destruction! This is what I did, my initial heart? My turn back? Can it? Is it possible?"

Fa Zun laughed again and again.

The magic fog of the body is more and more intense.

The dance city looked at him quietly and said: "It's not too late, you have the opportunity to look back, as long as you have a heart, there is a heart, you can turn back!"

"No!" Fa Zun shook his head: "I have no chance... I have no chance... I can't go back."

"I have done everything. I still have people here? I can't get back, I'm not sure I can't get back..."

Law Zunhehehe smiled, suddenly turned sharply, crazy swearing: "Nine robbery sword master Chu Yang! You come out, show your nine robbery sword!"

Chu Yang just woke up from the coma, and saw Chu Leer and Mo Qing dance. The two women were full of attention to themselves, while clearly feeling the extreme pain in the body, the ultimate itching, and The strength of the massive recovery in Dantian, the above signs, shows that he has eaten Jiu Dan, and is the full version of Jiu Dan.

I just don’t know if it’s Chu Leer’s, or Mo light dance.

I was about to speak, to appease the two little loli in front of me, and I heard a big bang like a thunderbolt: "The nine robbing sword master Chu Yang! Come out, show your nine robbery sword!"

Reluctantly looked up, but see Fa Zun is not far in front of himself, a black robe hunting and flying, full of long hair flu, only the look of the blind man staring at himself.

Chu Yang’s heart is not a glimpse. Law is a wise man in the world. He is the most calm and calm. This situation should never appear on him. Now there is this change. Then there is one, the only one, turning around. Look, the dance city nodded lightly to himself.

Chu Yang’s thoughts were confirmed, and the sword of the nine robbers suddenly appeared in midair.

Still exuding the brilliance.

Just in the air, a sword stood up.

The frenzied mood of Faun suddenly became as calm as snow and ice, and the once wise man came back at this moment.

But he still didn't have any movements, just stood up, raised his head, and looked at the nine-robbery sword in the air, his eyes changing.

It can be clearly seen that there have been many memories, and in this moment, the heart has passed, how many past, in the bottom of my heart, the brothers who died together, the loyal boss, the irony years, that The passing years of life...

The sword is shining, it seems that the former Qin Dafang is looking at himself.

Nine robbery swords are as usual!

Boss, where are you? Do you know that I have hated you for so many years?

I am wrong... I want to confess to you, but you... Where?

In the eyes of Fa Zun, tears condensed and shimmered. Then, quietly running down the corners of the eyes, the drops drooped on the ground, splashing a touch of dust.

He stood upright and looked at the nine-rocketing sword in the air. Slowly, the body that stood straight was slammed down a little. For a moment, it seems that I am thousands of years old, and I can't even straighten up with my waist.

"The vicissitudes of the past,

Brotherhood is boundless in the deep sea;

The dream is faint and long-lasting;

Stunned to sit on the moon;

Kyushu Polycast is doing its best,

How can you say this?

The blood of the hero in his hand,

Step by step, Xiaguanguan;

Incisive teeth hate heaven and error,

a nightmare, a brother-in-law;

It’s hard to redeem a sin,

Both hands are **** dreams;

Live up to the brothers, tears,

It’s hard to be right for the elder brother;

Full of regrets, full of misery,

Can't retreat before;


The law is long and screaming, long songs are crying, voices are mournful, and some have a feeling of death.

He went all the way to this place, suddenly hoarse laughter, but the laughter was even worse than the cry.

Then he snorted and suddenly squatted down, facing the nine robbery swords, and screaming heavily: "Sorry! Brother, I am sorry for you! I am fifth, sorry for you!"

"Brothers, sorry!"

"I'm sorry!" Fa Zun jumped up and screamed in the sky: "I was wrong! But I am destined to turn back! God wants to get people, I... What should I do?!"

"Heaven! If you really have eyes, how can you make it like this!"

"Why do you like me!"

Fa Zun screamed in the sky, almost crazy.

I was still thinking about it, and I kept saying that God’s demeanor was returned to me, but now I am doing my best to denounce the injustice of heaven!

Really want to get people?

Dancing on the side of the city, almost shed tears. He is definitely the one who understands the most respected Fa, because he has almost embarked on the path of Fa Zun.

Fortunately, he stopped the wrong way forward at the beginning, and the one that prevented him from going down was just the law, but he really did not sneak in the day of hating the law, if there was no day. Sneak attack, nowadays, or another poor person who denounces the will of God!

From this point of view, Fa Zun, turned out to be the biggest benefactor of the city! !

But the law, who prevented him from going wrong, is already doomed to turn back.

From a hero of the world, to a peerless hero, to a treacherous traitor, and finally become a curse! Fa Zun walked step by step, and it was difficult to return step by step. Finally, when I was unable to return to the sky, I learned the truth.

What a cruelty and how helpless it is.

Step by step, it is sorrowful: If there is no guidance in the darkness, then step by step to the present... It is really incredible.

After Fa Rang screamed in the sky, the whole person was so quiet, quietly, standing like a dead man.

For a time, everyone did not know what to say.

Then Fa Zun quietly turned around and faced the dance city: "Dance brother, thank you, hahaha, the sneak attack of the day, the dance brother should hate me, or thank you!"

At this time, he even laughed. However, he spoke to the dance city and talked about the sneak attack of the year. His tone was full of envy.

Like each other, the dance city can go back and go back. If there is an opportunity, you can enter the original group again, but what about yourself? Even though the brothers still accept, even if the big brother does not care, even...

But how do you go back?

What more face to go back? What's more, is it going back with your own half-magic body?

"You..." The dance city opened its mouth, but found that what it said was not appropriate.

"This road, I have to go on! I can't go back!" Fa Zun was deeply inhaled, with no expression on his face. "The Chu Sword Lord, the Tianding Grand Meeting, is the time when you and I finally fight! If you Art is not as good as people, don't blame me for being ruthless! I win, that is, God is willing to return to me, you win, and the nine robbers will re-read new articles!"

"You, the Tianding event, will be decided in the first battle!"

"It's a matter of life! Let's die! Let me be wrong!"

Fa Zun screamed and flew up, and made a roll of magic fog in the air, so he went without any care.


Written very your best...(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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