Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 955: Where to go?

As the law departed, the sound of the air screamed.

In the direction of Fa Zun's departure, a drop of water drops from the sky, and a flash of crystal in the sun drops into the earth. Everyone knows that this is the tear of Fa Zun.

It can be seen that this generation of think tanks can no longer control their emotions. In such a rapid flight, there are still so many tears falling...

Everyone looked at each other and there was a burst of silence.

Everyone has not stopped. Did not think of blocking.

"Why did he know the truth, but he still refused to look back?" Ji Mo said with some anger: "Since I know that I am wrong, I understand that the events of the year were a misunderstanding. Why didn't I turn back? Is it true? Is that important?"

"Don't the brothers of that year miss him? He doesn't look back, let his brothers feel embarrassed!"

"Returning? How can he turn back? How can he turn back?" Gu Lonehang said coldly: "The law enforcement, the heroes who have been law enforcement in the world, and the nine-day-old heroes, have counted a few, basically have been destroyed in his In his hand; he has completely destroyed the foundation of the law enforcer, and the entire nine-day continent will be in a long-term chaos because of his time."

"The law enforcers have been corrupted in the past few years because of the relationship between the law and the law, but they have lost the restrictions of law enforcers. This continent will be 10,000 times more chaotic than the original, and even more."

"Although he is now repenting and turning back, it has not helped. The impact of his influence has already reached a foregone conclusion. Even if he is reversing, it will not make much sense. Instead, he may be more serious and far-reaching."

Gu alone sighed deeply: "In fact, such a hero, such as Fa Zun, the wise man of the generation, has his own ideas. He is now obsessed with regret, or is it true repentance. If he is repentant at this moment , get a sin of death... then this whole world is really finished..."

"What the **** are you talking about? Why didn't I understand it? No matter what, what do we say next?" Rock's enemies completely puzzled: "Do you still need a desperate struggle in the future?"

Chu Yang coughed and said: "Of course, Fa Zun just said it very well. He knows that the wrong thing is the same thing, but he can't look back, so the battle still has to continue. If he can kill us, he will never let go. The mercy, the reverse is the same! So the road ahead is still rugged, the blood is still full, everyone still needs to work hard!"

Ji Mo and Rock Enemy and others are still somewhat ignorant.

But the same thing is that for a hero like Fa Zun, one of the legends of the nine robberies that fell into the present day is the sigh of everyone, and it is awkward.

"Fortunately, Fa Zun encountered such a thing. If it is me, I am afraid that the only choice at this moment is to let the self-defense of the gods disappear, and one is dead..." Xie Danqiong said happily.

After hearing all the words of Xie Danqiong, all the brothers thought of all the encounters of Fa Zun, and then thought about if this happened to them... they couldn’t help but shudder.

I nodded in agreement.

If you live like this, it’s really hard to die...

"Let's go back to China. Since the war is inevitable, let's go all out!" Chu Yang said.

Mo light dance will hold Chu Yang up, a small body, hugs Chu Yang's tall and majestic body, looks so uncoordinated, but she refused to let go, just carefully hold.

The brothers left step by step and walked out of the distance, still could not help but turn back.

When Fazen came, the roar of helplessness and desolateness seemed to be reverberating.

Dancing in the end of the city, standing for a long time, said softly: "The fifth, thank you!"

He was a sneak attack on Xie Fazun at the time. How much I hated his sneak attack... But now I found that if there was no sneak attack that day, I was seriously injured, I am afraid that my present life will not be stronger than the law...

The wonders of the world are simply incredible...


On the other side, Fa Zun galloped all the way and rushed back to the place where the law enforcement officials secretly gathered.

It’s just that on the road, it’s very calm, it’s very calm. If it was before, Fazen would definitely think of a lot of things, such as who is calculating the plot, such as how to improve his own cultivation, and...

The reason why it will be calm is because there is only a blank in the mind of Fa Zun at the moment.

Or a blank is not suitable, because at the bottom of the law, there is always a sound of thunder and bursts calling.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Hey, what do you think?"

"Hey, where are you?"


"Five brothers, where are you now?"

"Five brothers, why don't you come yet?"

"Five brothers, everyone is waiting for you!"

"Five brothers, how are you doing now?"

"Five brothers, come back soon."


The voices of the brothers seem to be constantly ringing, and the law screams and covers the face. Hold your face tightly!

Fa Zun licked his face and choked.

The faces of the brothers are flashing in front of their eyes. Some of them look like tens of thousands of years have been blurred, but now, it is extremely clear. Even the expression on their faces is as usual.

They are calling me, they are calling me.

But I only have to hide my face.

I miss you too; but I can't, I don't deserve it.

Fa Zun all the way to the wind and gallop, forcibly hold back the endless sourness in his heart, but still feel a burst of whispering; the oncoming whistling wind, has long been the air mist that just overflowed the eyelids.

I don't know what I am thinking, I just feel that my heart is burning like a fire, and it is like a cold ice.

If life is inevitable, then what is my life? Is it a tragedy? Or it is a farce!

There is a farce that I am self-directed, self-righteous, and self-contained! I screwed everything up and thought that everyone owed me. As a result, I was the biggest debtor.

Who, I owe!

In the heart of the law, the feeling of ridiculousness has risen to the extreme. For a time, I want to laugh at the sky, and I want to yell at the sky, or I am angry with the sky. Complaints about God’s willingness to make people, and the heavens are unfair? !

For a time, it seems that I want to kill the people of the world. I don’t want to stay in the grass, and my life is perfect. I want to destroy myself for a while, and my soul flies away.

"It turned out that everything was wrong!"

"The one that turned out to be the most powerful is actually my own. From the very beginning, selfishness, and then the desire to smoke, the deeper and deeper, the world is difficult, and there is no way to go back..."

"Full heart and regret, full of hardships, can't retreat, can't go forward... Oh, the fifth, what the **** are you going to do?..."

"The fifth embarrassment, you were once a **** of the world, and a hero who is highly eye-catching! The legend of the heroes of the Nine Heavens continent also has a place for you. The name of the nine robbers of the ages, and your glory; the tens of thousands of years ago, subvert the nine heavens, As a nine-robbery think tank, you dominate the overall situation. After all your planning, you will have the brothers who will unify the nine heavens."

“Now, what have you become?”

"Is the current law, is it the fifth time in the past? Or is it the nine-thousand think tank of the day?"

The fifth? Law respect? Nine robbery think tank? Tianmo seed?

hero? ! devil? ! Misfortune? !

Where should I go? Where to go? Where to go...

Fa Zun feels that his heart is going to burst...

Fa Zun stopped suddenly outside the woods, and he was speechless, his face was full of gloom. Really can't retreat, can't be before...

For a time, there is no way to choose, there is no way in the moment, and the advance and retreat of a moment is not allowed!

"Fa Zun adults!" Two law enforcement officers who were vigilant outside the woods came out from the invisible place to salute.

Fa Zun took a deep breath, gently and long spit out, quickly converge on his emotions, a touch of words: "Is that person, is it back?"

The two guards said: "It's already back, but... it seems to be very heavy. Now people are looking for the way to go to the Lord."

Fa Zun’s face was full of joy and no anger, just nodded faintly: “I know.”

As soon as the body floated, it entered the jungle.

As soon as I entered, I was clearly aware of a burst of magical power. In the faint rise and fall, there was a feeling of detachment at any time.

This feeling is very weird, even if it was the devil at the beginning of the day when it was hit hard, it seems that it has not been miserable to this part. It seems that the injury caused by the demon is really serious to the extreme, and it is fatal. Above the day!

Fa Zun walked over with a sullen face.

The faint shackles of one strong and self-repressing came out from the inside almost without interruption. Only by hearing this sound can you imagine the extent to which this screaming man has already suffered.

"Are you back? You are finally back!" The voice of the demon is weak: "Come on, come over."

Fa Zun’s eyes flashed and the figure disappeared into the local area.

Instantly enter the middle of the room, with a hand on the wall somewhere, then a secret room portal. Fa Zun came in.

The wall is behind me and slowly closes.

"Fast..." The devil succumbed to the secret room, and the whole body had almost shrunk. Constantly, the magical spirit overflowed from him and disappeared into the air.

As the magic gas gradually overflows, his breath is even weaker. Now it is like a candle in the wind, dying, you may finish playing at any time.

It was a serious injury before, and it was the only poisonous thing in the world. Now the devil, the strength of even moving it is gone. It is very lucky to be able to return here. If there is no last hope of Fa Zun, it is really Only waiting for a dead road.

"Hurry up, immediately prepare me a few souls of the supreme demon above the supreme, the more the better, not too strong, the second and the third supreme spirit of the demon must first solidify the Peiyuan..."

The devil’s weak road: “If I don’t get any more, I’m going to vanish, hurry up and prepare, hurry...”

"With the strength of an adult, how can I hurt such a heavy injury?" Fa Zun frowned and asked slowly.


There is something in the evening, and the second chapter is a little later. I would like to inform you so that everyone is in a hurry. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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