Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 956: The demon washes the world!

"This **** land boundary, what weird things can come out, but also my bad luck... I met the devil when I shot..." The devil hated his teeth: "There is nothing at all. If you support it for a while, you will be able to win a big victory." I can get the rare magical body of the heavens and the earth, but I don’t know how it happened. I came to a strange sword, which broke the good things of the demon. Then, I actually encountered two poisons of the zenith. Master... Hey?! You still ask these things when you are doing this, don’t hurry to prepare? The sooner the better, hurry!”

"You are so hurt, what kind of gods can have the best effect? ​​In the end, is it the second product, or the soul of the three devils, do you need special catalysis?" The law is somewhat anxious, but it is well-organized. I asked very carefully.

"No, as long as the two or three products are on the line, hurry to prepare, what to waste!"

"So, as long as it is normal?"

"Yes. Go get ready! The sooner the better!"

"But adults, you also know that we have been highly demonized by high-ranking warriors before. If the two or three supremes have no great strength, I find that the souls of those people cannot be completely controlled... This is a little trouble... if There was an accident when you added..."

"How come you are so benzene, this is a big deal, you just need to do this..."

"Oh, it turned out to be the case. The adults are very vocal and have benefited a lot. Yes, when I went out today, my soul was also hurt. I found that I couldn’t fully command it... Is this related to the strength of my soul?"

"Of course, there is a relationship!~~How do you say so much, hurry to prepare... For example, like I am now, I can’t control anyone... It’s all the relationship of the devil’s brand, the weaker the magic, the control The lower the force, if the devil is on the verge of collapse, the branding can't be maintained... Don't go too fast! Get ready!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the case, you are really honest, I understand all."

"What? What do you mean by this?" The devil finally felt a little wrong!

Fa Zun Lengsen smiled: "I mean, you are really honest, honest is like a pig! A pig to be slaughtered!"

The demon will still squat, and then reacted and made a sharp call: "Do you dare say me?!"

Until recently, although I felt that it was not right there, I still didn't doubt the law!

Law Zun held his hand and stood on his face. His face was gentle and elegant, but he said in his mouth: "Do you understand what I said? Don't you understand people? You are a demon, and it is reasonable to understand people. Then, Let me say one more thing: **Your mother! Can you understand? Can you?"

The magic of the sky is almost exhausted, and the gasps are screaming, watching the law: "You ~ mix things! Magic scorpion, you actually..."

"I dare to marry you!" Fa Zun smiled: "I not only want to marry you, I want to beat you! Hit you this magic scorpion, rest assured, ** your mother, but you are definitely not my konjac!"

Saying, "啪", the real hit on the face of the demon slap in the face, the sound is exceptionally crisp and bright.

"You... I want you to die!" The devil is insane, completely ignoring his own injuries, and urging the devil to imprint.

Fa Zhan's brow wrinkled, and suddenly felt the ultimate pain in his mind, but this pain is not as unbearable as before, and the feeling of happiness is gradually weakening.

It seems that the demon is really real. It is true that everything is said. The last return to the light is no longer able to do anything.

After his devil's soul was obviously greatly damaged, after this time, he could no longer control himself. He couldn't help but feel wide and get rid of this last tie. He could do whatever he wants in the future.

Fa Zun has determined his own judgment, completely ignoring the other party is vigorously urging the demon soul, and is also a dozen slaps of slap in the face of the demon, whispered: "You control me? You control me?"

Give a slap and ask.

The pain in my mind is still going on, but my hands are still on the go.

"You control me? What are you?! You want to control me? You are a savage scorpion! Sin of the sinister evil! You play well, you are good to me! You This **** 10,000 times of **** stuff!"

After a slap and a slap, the pain in the mind of Fa Zun is still going on, and the final counterattack of the demon is different, but the face of Fa Zun is not shown at all. At this moment, he only humiliated the devil as much as possible.

Drops of black magic blood, from the mouth of the demon, the wounds, almost uninterrupted flowing out, turned into a little magic, dissipated in the air; the devil is extremely angry, but also grievances, watching the law, I can't wait to swallow him.

I couldn’t think of breaking my head. I came back here. I thought it was my own demon to heal myself. I didn’t expect this guy to rebel.

This kind of transformation makes the demon like a dream; how is it possible that the young demon who is out of his own hands actually betrayed himself, and even resists the laws that absolutely cannot resist the upper-level control of the lower person, which has never been resisted since ancient times. law!

For example, in a nightmare, I also encountered the horror of a nightmare. I really can’t believe it.

Fa Zun bit his teeth, his left hand grabbed the demon's hair, lifted the whole guy up, his right hand slaps and slaps in a row, his eyes are cold, like a cold blade.

"My life is ruined in the hands of your gods!"

It is true that this sentence is analyzed in detail. The original mission of the Nine Robbery Sword Master and the Nine Robbery was to deal with the devil; all misunderstandings also originated from this.

"You have made me betray my brother!"

"You have made me betrayed!"

"You have made me inhuman!"

"You can't help me to go back and forth!"

"You have made me alive and dead!"

"You hurt me..."

The more the law is said, the more sorrowful and angry, suddenly inserting **** into the eyes of the demon.

Now he is in a state of madness.

What is the pain of the district? It is the greatest pleasure to be able to ravage the body of the demon.

The demon is not as screaming as death; it is trembling, and the magic fog is disordered. Fa Zun did not stop, constantly applied, the means became more and more cruel, the demon body was gradually dismantled and smashed, with a scream close to the collapse, the last slap of Fa Zun, slammed in the demon The heavenly spirit is covered.

At this point, the devil finally made a low voice, do not know what it means, and finally screamed.

Poor a heavenly demon, in the nine heavens can be above the devil of the heavenly warrior, dreaming of not thinking that he will die so badly in the nine heavens.

It’s so dead... I can’t believe it!

The next moment, a rich and extreme magical mist erupted from the top of the demon body.

That is the world of the devil, and the last mark of the devil outside this domain!

Fa Zun laughed like a madman; he stretched out his hands, and a group of darkness came to the extreme magical force, and opened his mouth, and the pure magical element that turned the demon soul into a mouth was continuously sucked into his mouth.

"You swallow this, devour that, today, I have swallowed you! Let you taste, be swallowed, and never lose! Game? Go to your paralyzed game! Game your ancestors!"

He punched the chest of the demon corpse and smashed the heart of the demon spirit. He opened his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth. Then he smashed Dan Tian suddenly...

"I ate you! I ate you... you guys stuffed... you are the culprit of the culprits!"

Fa Zun whispered in his eyes, revealing his hatred and madness in his eyes.

At this moment, the body of the demon can no longer be described by the incompleteness, and it has become a piecemeal, but the law still refuses to relax. It is still full of sorrow, no let go, until the whole body of the demon disappears into the secret room. Among them, there is no deposit...

Fa Zun slowly got up, suddenly screamed and laughed, smiled and slammed into the ground, crying, crying, and crying...


For a long time, the door of the Chamber of Secrets was opened again.

The law was neat and tidy, and it came out from the inside with a blank expression, and the eyes restored the depth and silence of the past.


"Tell me orders! Law enforcement lore: Nine major families betrayed law enforcement, colluded with the devil, and the whole world is enemies, want to subvert the nine heavens! Immediately call the law enforcers of the whole world, at all costs, at all costs, completely destroy nine Big family!" "Dare to ask the law to respect the adults, this time the comprehensive destruction means ... specific one?"

"Do you understand the full meaning? All! Destroy all!"

Fa Zun coldly ordered: "From the foundation, to the people, shops, industry, grain roads, etc., all, as long as they belong to the nine family, the all-round indiscriminate destruction!"

"Don't kill, the grass does not stay! Men and women, young and old, weeding the roots!"

Fa Zun bit his teeth and issued such an order.


"If there is a block, if there is a accomplice, dispose of the same crime! All affiliated families will be removed!"



"Then, the Lord of the Law, the original plan to deal with the nine robbers and the nine robbers..."

"That time I will ignore it, first destroy the nine major family's catastrophic tumors! As for the nine-robbery sword master, I will personally deal with it! The nine-robbery sword master, the tyrannical tyrannical power is extremely high, the sea tactics are invalid, only If you are strong and strong, you can win it! I have already made a decision in this section. You have to do something from it, so as not to disturb the whole plan."

"Yes! Understand it!"

A series of law enforcement orders have been continuously transmitted from here.

First, it went to the headquarters of the law enforcement, and then from the headquarters, it radiated to every corner of the entire continent.

All law enforcement officers started on this day and suddenly launched a frantic attack.

Yes, the former allies, the nine big families, all shot, no reservations!

This day, in the records of the later nine continents, it is called the beginning of the blood river!

Fa Zun stood in the woods, his eyes were cold and cold, and he was ruthless and indifferent.

"...will my heart, lose this world?"

"And use my hand, clean this day!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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