Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 958: The battle of destruction will open!

"So, what do you think will happen to the next law?" Chu Yang asked.

Mo Tianji frowned, no words, for a long time, said indulging: "I just said that I am very similar to him. I tried to make some guesses by myself, but I am not sure, I am not sure... …because……"

What did Mo Tianji want to say, but finally did not say anything, but he just sighed and said: "I hope it is not what I guessed... Otherwise, this world is true, I am not a legal person myself, can’t Count, and first wait and see, if I estimate it is good, within a day or two, there is news..."


On the night of the night, Zhongdu was suddenly in a chaos, and there was chaos everywhere. In the middle of the night, Chu Yang flew over the roof. After a while, the brothers came up.

Everyone can clearly sense that, besides the noise is getting stronger and stronger, the **** smell of the extremely rich is coming from all directions, and it is getting worse and worse...

"What happened in the end? How can there be such a change??" The dance is extremely far-sighted.

Mo Tianji apparently touched it. His look was quite a bit pitiful. He stared at the distance and was speechless.

"According to my experience, such a situation should be a large-scale, large-scale killing ... can have such a breath, and this killing is still going on." Chu Yang also sighed.

"The location of the killing is far from here, at least a thousand miles away. If it is close, it will not be so quiet."

the next day.

The news came.

The collective shocked everyone.

Zhongdu night home, almost collectively crazy.

Around Zhongdu, all the affiliated families belonging to the night family were completely slaughtered overnight; over 100,000 people were killed overnight!

In the secret room, everyone is heavy.

The central voice of jade, constantly reporting further news from various aspects. Or it is further bad news.

Law enforcement officers suddenly launched a tyrannical offensive under the circumstance of the big families! In the last three days of the whole continent, a massacre of complete human extinction was launched!

The object of the slaughter is the nine families!

Overnight, blood flowed thousands of miles!

Xiao Jia: The affiliated family was almost slaughtered, and most of the outsiders were killed, and such things are still going on. The Southeast Xiaojia headquarters was also attacked by law enforcement officials and suffered heavy losses. At present, it is still in the midst of confrontation, and the prospects are extremely pessimistic. If there is no assistance, it will be destroyed soon.

Chen Jia: The affiliated family was destroyed; the headquarters industry was burned by law enforcement officers with a fire, and the Sanqian Mountain Forest was directly burned. Chen’s family’s death and injury are countless. At present, the form has been temporarily stabilized and confronted with law enforcement officials; but the law enforcement forces, which are continuously supported by all sides, have also begun to gather there, and the form is not optimistic.

Lingjia: Law enforcement officers use a large amount of explosives to detonate under the ice peaks. Lingjia Bingfeng snow-capped mountains are half-turned instantaneously. There are countless deaths and injuries... confrontation.

Ye Jia: Being attacked, there is a great reduction in the strength of life... in the middle of confrontation.

Zhugejia: Blocked, attacked, and there were a lot of casualties... confrontation.

Being attacked, attacked... Right! Right!

The news from all sides was all attacked, there were a lot of casualties, and so on.

The huge legacy of the law enforcers in the 90,000 years has been detonated last night in such an intuitive and so flawless way! And still all-round, almost indiscriminate limit detonation!

How many people are law enforcement in the 90,000 years? This is a number that is countless.

If it is only distributed to the world, it is the mouth of the nine major halls; and each of the halls contains at least three hundred branches; under each branch, each has more than a dozen branches.

At each branch, the number of people must be at least 40 or 50 people. At each branch, there will be about one thousand people. In this way, a man-in-law must have at least 300,000 law enforcers!

And this is the most conservative, purely calculated number.

And such a general hall, there are a total of nine under the power of law enforcement!

In addition to the various headquarters of the law enforcement headquarters, the power on the bright side, the most conservative estimate, there are always four million people who have the power of law enforcement.

This does not include the hidden power of law enforcement, such as blood rewards!

This part of the strength of the blood reward hall is all scattered in the rivers and lakes, the number is hundreds of thousands of people up and down, and these people are all masters, brought together to lead the situation of emergency missions, is even more desperate only. It’s just overnight, the entire continent has undergone tremendous changes!

Roughly estimated, only one night, the number of people killed in the war must be at least one million!

In the secret room, the night sinks and other people are pale, like dead gray.

"French is absolutely crazy this time!" Ling Xiaoyang was deeply inhaled, and his eyes flashed and his face was cold.

"Is there a mistake, how can it suddenly evolve to such a point, and Faun has always come to the forefront. If he does this, he will not be able to pay for it. Is there anything wrong with it?!" Chen Yingjia’s Chen Yingfeng knows the facts are clear. However, it is still in the hope of asking, after all, the reality is too unexpected, too cruel!

This is simply beyond the psychological bottom line of everyone.

"It's not wrong. The truth is that, and the latest news has just arrived. Fa Zun has used the 'enforcement killing order'!" Xiao Chenyu was pale and his mouth was awkward: "There is a sentence in the order." This is the case: at all costs, any means can be used to completely squash the nine families!"


Everyone took a sigh of relief.

at all costs? Can any means be used?

What do these two sentences mean? Everyone is too understanding!

That is unscrupulous, anyone can sacrifice; any sacrifice can be, any price can be paid!

Even after eradicating the nine major families, the law enforcers will be wiped out; it does not matter.

Anyway, as long as you completely slash the nine big family, the other is not important!

"Fa Zun! You **** bastard!" Xiao Chenyu finally couldn't help but scream: "What are the deep hatreds of our nine families? You have to be such a poisonous hand!"

Zhuge Cang sullenly sullenly, turned his head slowly, looked at someone who had never spoken, and said faintly: "All of our families have been attacked to varying degrees; but only one family has never Being attacked, I can’t help but mention it."

Everyone looked down at his gaze. In an instant, everyone’s eyes were concentrated on one’s face.

The fifth is gentle.

In the past few days, the fifth gentle and full-fledged efforts to prepare for the various events of the Tianding event, especially the efforts to adjust the power distribution of the major families, he has no choice, an extremely powerful overall planning ability, conquered Zhuge on the first day. The sky.

In these few days, everyone has got along well with each other; everyone has given full confidence and recognition to the fifth soft energy and weight.

Let him have room and space to play as much as possible.

But now, in the face of this sudden change, only the fifth family is out of the game. If this situation is only temporary, it is okay to say, but if this is the case, it will eventually make everyone feel uncomfortable and suspicious.

At this time, Zhuge Cangwu’s surfaceization of this problem is not specifically aimed at the fifth gentleness. No way, he is a recognized think tank among the nine families, and it is also the brain. This ugly person can only be used by him.

The fifth gentle look does not move, faintly said: "On this matter, the younger generation is also unclear. However, during this period of time, all kinds of gentle planning and planning, are in the eyes of your predecessors, gentle and selfish, self-conceited ""

Night sinking and other people are a little embarrassed in my heart.

The fifth gentleness is very powerful: you have been watching me, you have been calculating, you have always agreed, you have always trusted, ... but, at this moment, if there is a little bit of wind and grass, even if it is not clear, is it a face? This reason seems to be unreasonable there? !

If you change the time, what is the reason, if you are suspected, it is already a capital crime. Even if you don’t kill a stick, you must first stop and say the other. This is the mode of action of the nine major families. Any negative possibility must be budded. Destroyed.

But now, I don’t give it to me. The nine families have changed dramatically. The strength of each family has lost more than half in a few days. If at this time, the nest is against the home of the fifth gentle and new family, it is self-defeating. The arm is not worth the candle.

"Perhaps this is the devil's provocation, maybe?" Stone snarled and asked.

The stone family was destroyed, and the only stone family ancestor stone roaring had no family power, but there was no family burden. At this moment, he was the only person who was suitable for playing round!

"Maybe." The night sinks and other people gently decapitate; but the fifth soft suspicion still does not dissipate, it does not dare to dissipate, through this time and the fifth softly get along, everyone has a deep understanding of the fifth It is soft and terrible. If there is such an opponent, it will not be a blow to a pound, but a terrorist crisis that is fatal enough to completely destroy the major families.

However, at this time, the communication jade is shining again.

The new news made everyone stunned for a while.

"The new fifth family suffered a strong attack from law enforcement. Because the strength of the family master is low, it is impossible to form an effective check and balance. The casualties are heavy, and the masters do not have three or four..."

At this point, the fifth gentle finally changed his face!

The night sinks and so on, and the same color is changed. At one time, the secret room is in the silence like death.


The fifth soft fly generally went out of the house of the congregation, and then went out, but suddenly slowed down. All the way slowly rushed to the station where the fifth family was located, the heart can be described as a huge * 滔 ,, suspicion.

In the end, what is going on?

I remembered that in the beginning of the battle in the northwest, the help of the law and the law enforcers to the fifth family, now, the suppression of the fifth family; the fifth soft and even a little confused.

How could this be? (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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