Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 959: Blood river

Thinking of today's encounter, the fifth gentle heart has some sighs.

It has long been known that these people are short-sighted and not the best partners; but they never imagined that these people’s short-sightedness would be so far. Just because my family has been late, actually I have to turn my face on myself?

They are unlucky on their own, and others are not unlucky at home.

This is still because their strength is greatly damaged. If it is still as it used to be, it is estimated that it will be taken directly under the presumption of "common enemy"!

When I think about the news of my family’s attack and the heavy losses, the few people are sighing with relief and the next consolation. The fifth gentleness can’t help but feel a little cold, or Said to be chilling.

Walking through a remote place, the fifth soft instinctive feeling of the crisis, a familiar pressure poured into my heart, stopped to turn, whispered: "Is it you?"

At this moment, the figure flashed in front of him, and a black figure appeared in front of the fifth gentleness: "The fifth brother, don't come innocent."

The fifth gentle look up, can not help but smile: "Chu brother. I know you are coming."

The natural person is Chu Yang, Chu Yu Wang.

"Talk to Jun, how?"

"I am also doing this, very good."

Both of them have a good-looking face and shoulder to shoulder; they have always been a big enemy of life and death in most of the time. However, these two lives and deaths are walking side by side today, which is an inexplicable harmony. .

There are some things that are very important.

There are some sympathy.


The killing of the whole world is still going on.

Chu Yang and the fifth gentle all the way to avoid, as far as possible to avoid others, such as the wind generally plundered north. Although the fifth gentle force is not among the best in the world, it is okay to simply run wild, and Chu Yang puts his hand on his shoulder and rushes out with his chasing wind and electricity.

The oncoming people even felt a gust of wind and couldn't see any shadows. The figures of the two people had disappeared into the distance - the mountains of the mountains, and the two who were galloping were far behind.

The water in front is like a thunder.

In front of it is the first big river in Jiuzhongtian, the soul of the soul!

Zu So Jiang, Zu So Jiang, Qian Qiu Wan is the king! Feeding the souls of ancient times to the present; connecting the world with the heavens.

Therefore, the old saying goes, the ancestral river has no source, or that no one can find the source of the source of the ancestral river; this is the vast river, from ancient times to today, moisturizing the earth.

There has never been a flood in the ancestral river.

On the river surface, the narrowest place, there are more than a hundred feet wide, the rapids rushing, the momentum is earth-shattering!

"The soul soul river is here." Chu Yang sighed, and the fifth gentle two people like a meteor across the sky generally fell to a prominent large stone on the river bank.

I saw the turbid waves below, and the river flowed from the west and rolled east.

If you are an ordinary person, even if you just stand here and look at it, you should be dizzy and have a little guts. You may be scared.

"Zu Jingjiang, now turbid." The fifth gentle and deep attention to the river below, could not help but sigh.

"This is a mistake." Chu Yang gently said: "It’s not that the ancestral soul itself is turbid, but someone has let the ancestral soul turbid. A natural disaster, a man-made disaster, but can not be compared..."

At this moment, the river suddenly provoked a wave of water again, and the water rushed to the height of several tens of feet. The water splash was like a big screen, reflecting the magnificent brilliance in the air in the air. .

"This is?!......" In the fifth soft eyes, it flashed to the extreme look.

He clearly saw that among the embarrassing rivers, there was a very rich blood color, which was not noticed in the river before, but once it was stirred up, the faint blood redness in it was revealed, and the mistake was not blood red and magnificent. Dazzling.

"Yes, it's blood, it's blood." Chu Yang's eyes were sore: "This ancestral soul of the ancient ancestral soul, the source of life under Jiuzhongtian, has now become a blood river, reddish by blood. River."

"The River of Blood!"

Chu Yang added a tone and said again.

Even with the fifth gentle and calm heart, I couldn't help but take a breath.

"I can confirm that there is a thousand miles and there is no death of a large number of people." Chu Yang smiled bitterly.

There is a faintness in the fifth soft eyes, and the hidden meaning in Chuyang’s discourse is too striking—it is enough to make most people creepy. If there is no large-scale death within a thousand miles—that is, the **** color in the river now In fact, it is from a thousand miles away!

After a thousand miles of water changes, it can still show such a blood color.

So, how many people have died in the upstream?

Can we achieve this situation now! ?

The two men stared at the river and looked at the river. I saw that there was not a long time. There were many pieces of things flowing down the river. Some of them went to the riverside in the middle, and they were kept by the riverside grass, some floating. As it floated, it fell into the whirlpool and was rolled into the bottom of the river.

But there are still a lot of things that have drifted all the way.

It is a broken body, or a fragment of a dead body. Some have broken hands and broken hands, some have no heads, some have a big hole in the abdominal cavity, they have begun to rot, or they have only broken their hands, broken limbs, broken ends, and have been soaked by blisters...

Looking at it, the upstream river is densely packed like a foam.

Chu Yang and the fifth soft eyes are a bit straight, how can the scenes of the two great heroes of the world be shocked? !

The answer is right in front of you!

"The fifth brother, before I was looking for you, I actually came once. At that time, Jiangshui was already like this; then I went back to find you, come back now, it is still here. And there are more."

The fifth soft face is getting paler and paler.

Chu Yang sighed deeply.

After discovering the massacre, he rushed out of the inn for the first time to find Fa Zun and stop his actions.

Because of this massacre, it is too cruel! Too cruel!

However, he only found traces of law enforcement officials such as Fa Zun in a forest, and some of the slightest breath of the demon; the larger harvest is a strange shape of a skull hanging on a tree.

Chu Yang recognized it at a glance, that is the head of the demon.

No doubt!

The devil who was seriously injured before is now dead in the hands of Fa Zun.

Even the head is hung on the tree!

The law deity should first kill the demon, and then the cruel command of the slaughter, and then let people leave here, and then no longer know.

After that, Chu Yang and others searched along the way, and the limit of the knowledge of the gods was released, but it was always nothing.

Fa Zun and his high-ranking law enforcement officers disappeared into the world as if they were silent. However, local law enforcement officials are in a mad massacre because of the law-abiding lore.

The order has not been lifted and is still being firmly implemented.

In the face of such a situation, everyone has nothing to do. Even if you have a lot of wisdom, you can only do nothing. Even if you have thousands of tricks, I will only follow certain rules. Law enforcement will only execute the orders of the law, and will command, advise, comfort, and care for others. The Council.

And if someone dissuads, some people persuade, and all will be treated with sin...

As long as Fa Zun does not show up, this situation will continue!

Unless you kill them, but can you kill a few? You can kill ten, one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand, but there are more law enforcers standing up, the law enforcement all over the world are crazy, it is killing and killing...

You can kill this side, kill the other side, but the whole world is in turmoil, have you killed it?

"The devil robbed the world, the end will come!" The fifth soft lips were actually smashing.

The fifth gentleness never loses confidence, but this time, today’s situation has made him lose his confidence for the first time in his life!

It’s just that in this short period of time, the number of broken bodies and broken limbs that have drifted from the upstream has been tens of thousands; this is not a sinking in the middle, nor is it already stopped, but only calculations rely entirely on luck. There have been so many things that have drifted down the tide.

So, how many people died? How many people have died so far?

That is a huge number that I can't even think about, maybe it's an astronomical number.

After that, how many people will die, and how many people will eventually die because of this long catastrophe? !

Definitely think about the amazing numbers that are going to be creepy!

"These bodies, I have studied some of them. All the bodies have traces of practicing Wu. Moreover, although many of the bodies have already died, the remaining elements of the body have not completely disappeared... ..."

Chu Yang said: "So it can be concluded that these dead people are all people in the rivers and lakes, all of them are military, and there are not a few masters above the holy level."

"There are some people who have broken clothes and can still see these pre-life affiliations. Most of them are from the nine family members. As for others, they are all law enforcers."

Chu Yangdao: "Now, the whole world's law enforcers have launched a war in the world, it seems to be a convention, as long as there is a body, it is thrown into the river..."

"This river has now been renamed by 'people', called 'Blood River'! According to the speculation and assessment, so far, the only people who have been throwing dead bodies in this river have already exceeded 100,000. It!"

"More than 100,000 warriors are all buried in this river, but also for the moment?!" The fifth gentle and long-term inhalation, for a time, only felt full of shock, it seems that there is no such thing in life. Today, a series of shocks came one after another.

It’s just that this river has more than 100,000 masters. So, there is no close to the river... How many?


At present, I have encountered a problem. Fa Zun launched the war of extinction; then I carefully considered it, but found that this station could not be directly solved... This is really a pit to bury myself... Infinite headache... ...

Today is the birthday of the book ‘literary host Baron’, let us wish him a happy birthday! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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