Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 960: There is only one way to move forward and backward.

The madness of the law enforcers under the law, the fifth gentle in the secret room has been heard.

But I heard that it is one thing, but it is far from seeing such an intuitive and strong one.

These people are not ordinary people. Any one of them is at least a master above the level of the imperial level; the master of the emperor... In the next three days of his own battle with Chu Yang, there is a role that can determine the rise and fall of the church.

But here, it is like a rotten cabbage, and it is arbitrarily killed, thrown at random, discarded at will...

The life of these so-called masters, in the three days of the bonfire of the mainland, has become low-lying like a mustard!

"Perhaps as I said earlier, the demon catastrophe, the end of the war of extinction is coming." Chu Yang sighed deeply.

At this moment, Chu Yang can not help but regret some.

On that day, Wuchengcheng once asked himself whether he should tell the story of the year.

Although Chu Yang has a clear stop, it is not really strictly controlled, even if it is said.

At that time, I was only worried about the safety of the city, whether it would be deceived, and did not really consider the attitude of the law, the possible changes.

If you know this before, then Chu Yang would rather ruin this secret in his stomach.

Nowadays, the dance city has come out with a punch. After Fa Zun learned the truth, he was stimulated to become this kind of touch. Because of the extreme stimulation of this matter, Faun has launched a war of extinction without any warning!

Doomsday catastrophe!

Chu Yang sighed in the heart.

This is the fifth venting vent, and he is doing the final big move.

Such a slap in the face, such a heartbreaking madness, such a ... but there is no denying that; among them, there is a very subtle meaning: he is actually helping himself, helping the nine robberies, helping the nine robbers to complete the old and new era as soon as possible. Replace!

This point is something that Chu Yang cannot deny.

But such a help, so Chu Yang's heart is shaking!

Perhaps, in this way, he is declaring the complete destruction of the fifth commandment; is it also in this way to recall his brothers? Or, in the compensation of one thousand years of compensation, the owed to the nine robbers?

After all, now the nine robbery sword masters are all in the world, and the difficult situation is caused by the dedication of the law.

The biggest arm of the nine-robbery sword--the law enforcer, was also the biggest enemy by the law.

If it is changed again now, it is also known as the help of the nine-robbery master... such a self-proclaimed thing, the law will never do it! So he can only go to black one way.

And now, using the law enforcers, regardless of the cost, recklessly destroying all the living forces of the nine major families, it is the shield of the son of the spear; in the end, the result may be the most lose, even if the law enforcement party can finally be lucky Victory is also a heavy loss.

At the end of the day, the law enforcement officers of the Fa Zun will inevitably launch a positive decisive battle with Chu Yang and the Nine Robbers under the slavish slogan of the law - eventually collapsed in the hands of the nine-robbery sword in Chuyang!

Even including the law itself.

This is the last madness of Fa Zun: the battle of destruction!

I have established the order of the world in one hand, and set up such a powerful force in one hand, with the intention of putting the sword in the nine.

But I found out that I was wrong, then I destroyed everything I built! No matter how many people I want to kill, or whether they are innocent or guilty...

Those who have nothing to do with me. I just want to do my own thing, I just want the final result as my heart!

This pride has reached the extreme generation of think tanks, all the plans!

Since ancient times, for thousands of years, the power of law enforcement has never been as strong as it is now.

The law enforcer, this is the hegemonic machine that stabilizes the power of the nine heavens. Under the wise leadership of the first generation of think tanks, this is a rapid development in this 10,000 years.

Not only has the law enforcement hall increased by dozens of times; but it has also developed a powerful killer organization for law enforcement blood: these people have formed a habit of living habits for many years, in order to survive.

Once the law enforcement officials give orders, rewards, then they will subconsciously perform.

Because it is not executed, there is no food to eat, no place to live, no resources for cultivation, no... in short, there is no need to survive!

Don't underestimate this power. The secret and power of this power is absolutely beyond anyone's ability to ignore.

There are many people belonging to the nine family, who were still eating with a friend the day before; but the day after the law enforcement’s reward for blood rewards was released, his head was hung on the belt to receive the reward. It’s all too sudden and too unexpected.

"It’s too sudden, it’s too unexpected.” The fifth soft look is complicated and shocked: "The action of Fa Zun is equal to the complete extinction of humanity, the demise of nature, and the utter sorrow of the whole heart! This is the tenth of the nine heavens. The martial arts foundation has been ruined for thousands of years!"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly, if this is not the case, why should one of his own people spend so much effort to search for the fall of the law! ?

"Yes, this time the practice of Fa Zun is really mad, let us be very passive." White shadow flashed, Mo Tianji appeared behind the two, Junyi's face, a bitter smile.

"This time I am looking for the fifth brother, I am going to discuss it. Although we have the intention to join hands, we are far from the time to join hands, but this time, it must be the joint efforts of the two sides to join hands to resist the law. Otherwise, Nine innocent innocence will be completely destroyed by him!"

Mo Tianji shook his head and smiled: "I don't think it is the nine-robbery think tank of the year. This action is really sinister! We don't care how to deal with it, I am afraid that it is all in the imagination of the law, no matter how it reacts, it is for him. The cooperation is also uncertain. So, it is really difficult."

The fifth gentleness, of course, recognizes Mo Tianji, the contemporary nine-robbery division.

However, the two of them were too late to chill, and they frowned at the same time.

Chu Yang, Mo Tianji, the fifth gentle.

If you let others see it, it must be crazy or not. These three people will actually gather together to discuss things, and they will have to do nothing... This is simply a hell...

These three people are united in everything, and it is almost impossible to study and deal with one person, but it is almost incomparable!

But this rare thing happened, and it happened almost without warning!

Previously, Mo Tianji once changed his mind and spoke himself in the position of Fa Zun, but the conclusion was that. The same behavior as Faozun’s present is exactly the same: it is destroyed!

Since I have reached this point, then I have no choice! Since I am wrong, it makes me more wrong! Let all sin, all blame on myself!

Let me never die! !

This speculation of Mo Tianji, when it was first mentioned with Chu Yang, Chu Yang was cold and sweaty, and the prayer from the heart should not be the case.

But just after midnight, this situation happened completely!

Fa Zun, Mo Tianji, are all nine robbing think tanks, high in intelligence, unparalleled in the world, in the face of such a situation, the decisions made are actually the same...

It’s amazing!

Mo Tianji succinctly introduced a series of recent accidents and the fifth gentleness of his own, and then, together with the three people of Chuyang, watched the river rolling under the feet, tired and floating, and sighed.

Now, this situation is really bad enough to be unimaginable.

"According to my estimation, after this incident, the survival rate of the nine-day high-ranking warrior... I am afraid it is definitely less than one percent of the original heyday! Even less." Chu Yang sighed: "This is a The field is aimed at the catastrophe of the Nine Heavenly Warriors!"

"And it's still a catastrophe that we can't help but participate!" Mo Tianji looked heavy and smiled.

"If we don't try our best to stop it, and after the law kills all the people he wants to kill, he will come to us to fight."

"If we stop it, or if we are in the middle of the law, we can't say it: he didn't want the law enforcement's force to continue to exist; we took part in the killing as soon as we started... and no matter how much we kill, the law will not care... He will only follow his own goals and plans, and go all the way until no one is available, and his own death will die. Or, the person he wants to kill will die..."

"This is a dead end. No matter which way you go, it is a dead end!"

"No matter how you do it, the end result is that this act of being honored by the law will clean the whole world, completely, and comb the hair!"

"And we have to participate and have to stop. Although this is a futile effort, we still have to work in vain!"

The three men who have stood on the top of the last three days and even the entire nine-day peak sat together and had a headache.

I have to say that under this sky, it is impossible for such three people to have a headache with this kind of situation. According to common sense, it should never exist, and it should never appear. It seems that there is no such thing.

But now, Fa Zun does not use any profound wisdom, but with one of the most savage and primitive methods of crushing, the normal superiors should never use this mad tactic - all over the injured one thousand The extent of self-destruction of 800, if not the superior strength of the law enforcement, the casualty rate will definitely fall, because now the law enforcer is almost equal to the whole three days, all the family is the enemy, or the kind of deadly enemy, This simple to extreme, but rude to the extreme tactics, let the three people completely helpless.

Join the battle?

The first question to consider is actually who to help?

In terms of morality, it should help the nine major families. However, a considerable part of the reason for the law to launch the war of extinction at this moment is to facilitate the reorganization of the order of the nine robberies. At this juncture, the nine robbers in turn help the nine families, first Psychologically can't go!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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