Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 963: Decline

"Thank you for the help of the Lord of the Nine Robbers." The leader of the night house is already covered with scars. Looking at Chu Yang's eyes is very complicated.

These people are night-time outsiders, and there are more than 300 people who have come back all the way. After this fight, there are only less than 30 people left now, if not Chu Yang happened to arrive. Then they will also become a member of the riverside corpse, no one can survive...

It is said that this time, ten times ago, I received an order to go back, in fact, it was to deal with the nine robbers. But this time, at the moment of life and death, it was saved by the nine robbers, this is really...!

Although I have already known the great changes in this incident in the middle of the road, but the real thing is coming, there are still some mixed feelings.

"Hurry and go back. If you have seen the body on the way, you can dispose of it if you can handle it. If you can bury it, you can bury it. Anyway, don't throw the body into the river again. This must be remembered." Chu Yang waved I did not return to the electric radiation.

Along the way, he has experienced several killings; but all the manpower of the law enforcement personnel, as soon as they see the arrival of Chu Yang, immediately disappeared, and definitely did not confront Chu Yang.

Change the place and continue to start.

As for those who did not run away, or were caught by Chu Yang, it is also very simple on the road, Huangquan Road!

Chuyang has rushed down this road, and his men naturally killed a lot of law enforcers. However, in the face of the general trend of the world, it is still a drop in the bucket, and it will not help the overall situation.

Really do it, really guilty!

I don’t want to scream in the air, but it’s a whirlwind of white dance.

"The body has already dealt with a large part, but it is not within sight. It is beyond the reach of the whip." The dance city sighed: "So mad at the heart... The law is absolutely crazy, how can he get his hands, I really don't know." What did he think?"

Chu Leer’s little face was white, and he bent and vomited.

I am still a little girl. Although my talents and my mind are far more than ordinary people, I suddenly see so many bodies, and I have to deal with them myself. I have to deal with so many... Chu Leer has already been strong.

If you can't see Chu Yang, it's better, but once you see your brother is here, suddenly relying on the feelings of the heart, can no longer hold the feeling of disgust, immediately vomiting.

On the one hand, Chu Yang slaps the back to Chu Leer and says to the dance city: "But things have evolved to such a level, and only to adapt to it. The predecessors can do more work and more work."

"Nine robbery of the world, this is an inescapable thing, even though it is already yesterday, my heart is still the same." Dance city said.

Immediately pity, looking at Chu Leer, dancing the city road: "This matter is done by the husband himself. Downstream, there are already night family members holding the corpse powder to continue to deal with the body, let the music rest for a while She is still a little girl, even if she doesn't have her helper, she won't delay too much time..."

"No! I am going!" Chu Leer’s reluctant road, although the little girl spit softly at the moment, she did not sit on the ground by relying on Chu Yang, but she still insisted on participating in the action.

"Predecessors, let me let Leer go." Chu Yang has some heartache, but he is still resolutely saying: "They are all children of the rivers and lakes... These things will be faced sooner or later, and now they are at the devil's gate. Any help is needed. I believe that the help of Leer can’t be ignored..."

The dance city sighed, as the master of Chu Leer, he did not know the ability of his apprentice, but he could not bear to let this little girl face such cruel facts too much.

"Although he said that he should pay attention to cleaning the entire Nine Heavens, his original intention was not to destroy the entire Nine Heavens. He now only kills people without handling the bodies. I am afraid that the biggest purpose is to use such a Means, dragging our hands and feet, it seems that his effect is very significant."

Chu Yangdao: "Because of this trick, we have to do what he wants. If it is not, the plague will rise up at the latest three days. Once the plague appears, it will be possible to sweep the whole continent within a few days... However, the entire Nine Heavens is in the midst of a massive plague. That is the real end of mankind... At that time, everything is really finished."

"Yes, just because I thought of this, it was particularly embarrassing!" There was anger in the eyes of the dancing city, and there was regret: "The reason why he concentrated most of his bodies in this ancestral river, the horror is exactly For this reason: This is more convenient for us to clean up... This **** really thinks of everything, such as the mind, the old man can't do it himself, but his mother's innocence is the nine-robbery think tank of the year, the old man had to give He has a 'service' word..."

The two sighed at the same time.

"The latest news that has been obtained before, the nine major families have passed out orders, and the powers of the nine family are on the one hand to stop the law enforcement from doing evil. On the one hand, they call on the world to properly handle the body. The law enforcement party does not apply to the person handling the body. It’s difficult..."

"This news has undoubtedly exposed the purpose of the law."

"But the purpose of Fa Zun is completely exposed, but for him it is not a concern. It is no longer a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy, and we have to take the sham..." Chu Yang a fist on the ground.

I have to say that it is more difficult to deal with the law and horses, but it is even more difficult to deal with.

It’s just that, how do you do it, you have to do it!

The more people who are fascinating and glamorous, once they do evil, it is really hard to prevent, and even help them to act, helpless and help. Because even if it is blocked, it is also helpful!

This is a headache.

The meeting of the three people discussed was a break for a moment, and then they parted ways. This time, Chu Leer also had to act alone. After all, the area is too large, and one can move in one direction, and it will be more powerful.

On the other hand, the nine family members have also begun to deal with the body on all sides; but most of the masters are in the process of gathering...

The world is full of smoke.

Gu alone and other people were divided into nine directions, all the way to impact, on the one hand to deal with the body to prevent the emergence of plague, on the other hand is to find the traces of the high-level law enforcement. However, the situation encountered is exactly the same as that of Chu Yang and others.

As soon as the nine robbers appeared, the manipulators’ hands were immediately removed.

Even if it is white to give them a few lives, they will immediately go without a trace.

As for the law enforcers who were caught, they saw that there was no hope of escape, and the unity died in the first place. Even the opportunity to ask questions is not left for you, just so simple.

This kind of thing makes Gu Zhixing and others grievous, but also depressed, sad and regretful.

The rivers and lakes at the moment are already extremely chaotic.

Zhongdu City North, the side of the official road.

It was Chu Yang who was next to the jungle where the night drunk was at the beginning.

The moonlighting snow in the white wins the snow has already disappeared from the ordinary and handsome, and the anger of the face suppresses dozens of law enforcers: "Say! Where is the law!"

In front of him, it was just a raging momentum, and these masters of law enforcement did not dare to move.

The month of listening to the snow has not really been so mad, and the power of this moment of anger is terrifying!

The headed law enforcement officer sneered: "Yue Zun, this, you really should not ask me. What kind of organization is our law enforcement, you will not know, who is the legal person, you will not know; you Ask me, it’s also futile, why waste that power, give me a good time, don’t waste your time, and don’t delay my efforts.”


The moon slaps a slap on his face and screams: "Why did the **** make such a heartbreaking decision? Why? Tell me?!"

The man smiled and said: "The sacred man, the command of the lord of the lord, under the heavens, the words and the law are with you! No one can do it; whoever dares not, the brethren smash him! What does the lord say? Let's do anything. It's just to kill a few people, even if it destroys the world... As long as the French Lord said it, there must be a reason, we are going to do it, there are so many reasons! So the obvious truth is still Let's explain again and again?"

The moon was shivering and shivering, and screamed and screamed: "Far fart, you guys who killed the nine big family will also pay for it, but why do you even kill those innocent warriors? Kill will kill, why do you want to I have to go to the corpse everywhere, but I don’t even pack it up when I pick up the land. Do you know what this continent will look like?"

He roared: "The law enforcement guardian has been in the hundreds of thousands of years. Is it that you intend to completely destroy it in these days? What are you in the end? What is the intention of Fa Zun?! So mad If you do it, don’t you feel guilty?”

The law enforcement officer’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief for the first time. Shen Sheng said: "Larren is so arranged, we do this. As for the reasons, there is absolutely no need to know. The moon is full of bitterness, chivalry, brothers and so on. Admire, but the Moon Lord you and the Wind Supreme are even more powerful, but only have the power of two people, trying to reverse the situation in the world, it is impossible..."

He laughed aloud: "This will happen since the month of the Supreme, and there is no extravagance for the subordinates. It is here, just to die, thank you to the world."

Finished, clean and neat is a slap in the face, a slap in the face of his head completely smashed, twisted face seven bloodshed, revealing a strange smile: "Moon sage... Is there really right and wrong in this world? Haha..."

The last haha ​​voice has not fallen, and people have already died.

"Let's go, lest you go alone on the road! Hahaha..." Dozens of law enforcement officers laughed at the same time, and the backhand shot on their heads, the blood spattered instantly, and shouted: "The troubled people gather us The corpse... There are two people in the wind and the moon help the aftermath, I am waiting for the brother to die!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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