Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 964: at all costs

The moon was snowing and the wind and rain were so shocking that it was completely blocked. However, even with the strength of the two people, it was only possible to stop four people. Even these four people did not succeed in committing suicide. Heart, finally set foot on the road of Huangquan.

So decided!

Seeing the body in front of the body, the moon and the wind and rain are soft and cold.

The two of them just went to the periphery of Zhongdu. This catastrophe has already erupted in an all-round way. At first, I didn’t think that things would be so serious. Later, when the movements were getting bigger and bigger, the two flew out to investigate and knew the whole. The world has changed day by night.

The two of them simply did not have time to enter Zhongdu, and they began to block the four sides directly. However, Rao is a two-person means of passing through the world, but it is impossible to prevent the latest chapters of this super-scale chaotic super pet system.

Watching the blood linger under the feet, many lively lives end in an instant, and the moon is listening to the snow and madness: "Fa Zun, what do you do in this git? Come out! Come out and fight with me!"

"Fa Zun, even if you have difficulties! Even if you have grievances! Even if you have hatred! But... What is this world? Why is it? Why do you want such a heartbreaking madness! You confuse things, you give me out what!"

The sound of the grief and inexplicableness of the moon was passed away.

A roar, only a thousand miles of roaring; the clouds in the air seemed to be shaken by this sorrowful snoring, and it was raining.

For a long time, the wind and rain softly pacified and said: "We are still in the advanced middle... The catastrophe is a foregone conclusion. It’s just that we are both helpless. It’s a must for everyone to discuss together..."

The moon was sighing with the helplessness of the snow, and the cold rain fell on his mouth, but it felt bitter and powerless from the bottom of my heart.

The two buried the body of the law enforcer in the rain. A shout, rushing to the middle.

After the two left, there was a long sigh in the jungle.

Under a big tree inside.

Fa Zun black robes, standing quietly.

The rain poured down on him and he stood on his body. He stood still, motionless, and didn't even have the luck to get rid of the rain. Very awkward look.

Just in this darkness, he slowly lifted his foot and walked out step by step.

Facing a piece of unmarked new grave on the ground, Fa Zun's face was unusually complicated.

He stood still and said nothing. The rain fell on him madly, and he stayed still.

Just at this time, there is a magnificent sword in the distance.

Gu’s cold voice: “Who is ahead?”

The voice has not fallen, it has already arrived.

"It turned out to be you! Finally found you!" Gu Duxing black dragon sword shines, sigh: "Fa Zun! Cancel your ridiculous command!",

Fa Zun’s black clothes floated, and the unusually complex eyes looked at him with a glance, and his body fluttered away.

That one. There is helplessness, envy, and cold calm.

Gu alone screamed, and the black dragon sword flashed fiercely. This moment, Jianguang's gorgeous brightness turned out to completely suppress the lightning in the air, rushing toward the law.

The raindrops were provoked by his momentum, and turned into a sharp edge that could cut the human body. Together attacked the past.

Among the Jianguang, Fa Zun’s face flashed indifferently. Gu Zhixing clearly saw that Fa Zun’s eyes were filled with laughter and looked at himself with full approval. Then he was like a shrinking ground, and his screaming was far away from his sword.

Jianguang is still flashing, but Fa Zun has to retreat with such a hand, and it has already reached a hundred feet.

Gu is alone in the sword, and it is like a thunder: "French! Don't go! Don't go!"

But the body of Fa Zun has disappeared into the rain curtain strangely and completely disappeared.

Gu alone and a sword vertical and horizontal, it is like a lightning bolt, all the way to chase, with the sword in the nine products supreme, the speed of the sword and the sword, has reached the maximum degree of the nine heavens, but at such an amazing speed, in At the beginning, I could see the black figure of Fa Zun far from the beginning, but after a little while, I completely disappeared from reading the full text of Bailian.

Gu alone has been chasing after a thousand miles, but there is no trace at all.

It’s sneaky around.

Gu alone stood in the rain, and some were lonely.

The cultivation of Fa Zun is actually much higher than himself. This time, Fa Zun did not do anything to himself, and he did not even have the intention to do it. Then, the esteemed mentality that Mo Tianji said is basically a matter of nailing.

I want to think of the idea before I look at my sword, the kind of envious envy, the applause, and the complicated painful look...

In the moment of Gu’s independence, I didn’t know what it was. I was a bit sloppy and a bit sad.

I can't help but say, "I know what you mean! I understand how you feel! But you are doing this now, is it going to ruin the name of the old man you and your brother founded? I know you want to compensate, we know I know that you are uncomfortable, but even if you kill the people of the world, can you go back?"

Gu alone yelled: "Fa Zun, I know that you can hear! I ask you, you kill the people of the world, can you go back? You answer me, why don't you answer me? You can't answer me, But can you not answer your own heart? Your heart must be eager to know this answer!"

In a dense forest about ten miles away from where the loner is located.

Fa Zun was dressed in black, sitting quietly under a big tree, like melting into this boundless rain curtain.

There was an infinite embarrassment on his face, and there was an unspeakable silent smile.

"I can't go back, I can't go back... I can't go back... Hehe..." In the silent smile, the corners of his eyes were a little shiny; he looked up, and the pouring rain was so screaming on his face.

"The sky is vast, only I am left here alone..." Fa Zun felt the slight pain of the rain on his face. For a time, he was saddened: "You are not here...only I am here." ......"

"I can never compare to the dance city. He still has the chance to meet his brother. I can never go back, and I can't catch up anymore. I never see you again, my heart." I still have a heart?..."


The body of Fa Zun suddenly pulled up. In the rain curtain, an abrupt turn, the sound of "嗖" disappeared without a trace.

Gu alone yelled twice, so he waited quietly.

But after a long time, Fa Zun did not appear.

The sound of breaking the air continued to come.

"Lone alone, have you found the law respected?" Xie Danqiong came.

"Where is Fa Zun? Not here?" Dong did not hurt.


After a while, even the Mo Tianji came, and the nine robbers actually went to six.

"No, chasing it." Gu Zhixing sighed: "The current cultivation of Fa Zun is really terrifying. It has gone beyond my cognitive range... I just can't catch up."

"How does the law say?"

"From the beginning to the end, Fa Zun only looked at me. Just left..." Gu’s voice is not innocent: "I feel it very clearly. In that glance, there is envy..."


The brothers sighed heartily.

If the law is always evil, it will not be the case, but the Three Kingdoms are good children. There is a great reason for his current practice... and, with all the people, the same experience...

This can't help but make people feel awkward.

I remembered that in order to avenge the brothers, the tens of thousands of years of hard work, exhausted the world, exhausted a lifetime, but at the last moment know that he was actually making a big mistake. Then he squandered the mad revenge and retaliated against the world he had guarded...

Everyone feels that the heart is angry and hateful, but some of them are faint for him.

If the law is abhorrent, how hateful it is. There is much to be pity and worthy of sympathy.

Poor people, there must be hateful, but hateful people. But there is no need for sympathy and compassion!

Such a person can be said to be a combination of contradictions that have never been seen before. I believe that since ancient times, and for millions of years, there may not be such a thing...


The chaos is still going on, and there is no sign of convergence, but it is getting worse.

Because Fa Zun has made another order, a more mad command: even if you use human life, you must fully capture the foundation of the major families within three days! Otherwise, the combatants will be self-disciplined!

The three-day attack, the blood of the participating players, the doubling of the reward!

This order came out, and the manipulators were directly mad.

In a night's time, they completely broke each other's stalemate!

This night is more crazy than the previous night. Countless law enforcement officials have been mad, and the original confrontation has no effect at all. Even if there are only three or five law enforcement officers, they dare to charge toward the masters of 100.

Knowing that you must die, you must also charge.

There are some law enforcement officers who attack the headquarters of the major families. They directly use their own bodies as weapons to rush upwards. After rushing up, they are disintegrated!

Even if one's life can only crack a stone and a brick of the walls of the major family headquarters, it is also at all.

Under such a fierce attack, the major families were in a big mess.

In the past ten years, the major families have been loyal to the king, and the law enforcers have played more power than the major families. However, they have been rushing to fight in the past few years.

Comparing the two, not to mention force, even if it is the mentality and the kind of iron and blood, it is far beyond. More law-abiding high pressure, the law enforcement experts are crazy, the general eight parties come to aid, blood reward masters flocked to.

In the middle of the night, the situation is already one-sided.

In the early hours of the morning, Chen’s family came to the news: Chen’s headquarters was completely lost! Only one of the nine products of the supreme and digital six products on the high-end Supreme escaped, and everyone else was slaughtered!

More than 300,000 people in Chen’s headquarters have been paid for!

It is said that the smell of burnt smell is filled with thousands of miles...

When the news came to Zhongdu, Chen’s ancestor Chen Yingfeng was black in front of him, and he squirted a blood and fell down.


<Things, there are activities at the end of the month, and the wind may have to go out once. Time is still uncertain, I will work hard to save the manuscript, and strive for more and more during the event. >

<Second thing. Our book, Long Haoyue's book, "The Four-Stars of Tianma" is now robbing the new book monthly list; the current situation is not very optimistic, I hope the brothers will go to support the book of the General League. Thank you, everyone...>

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