Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 965: The fault of each family, the badness of human nature

The night sinks and other people sink into the water, and the violent anger can't stop. Law enforcement, actually did so absolutely, so done? There is no room left!

When the sun just rose, Ye Jia came to the news: Ye Jia also lost!

Then, it was the news that the Zhuge family lost...

Lingjia is also in an extremely fierce battle, already in jeopardy, and may collapse at any time...


Over the entire continent, overcast, murderous!

The world is impermanent. The whole continent is only the capital of China. It is the most dangerous place in the past few days. Now it has become the safest place.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, this time point is concentrated on the top three warriors except the nine major families in the last three days, especially after a day and night of killing, along with the nine robberies and the dance city. When the super masters were involved in the war, the warriors who concentrated on Zhongdu’s preparations to participate in the Tianding event also took action, gradually forming a trend of strong and horizontal resistance.

The forces of law enforcement have lost ground.

In the evening near the evening, just after a sudden heavy rain, the manipulators of the Zhongdu side suddenly disappeared in a very short time.

Not completely killed; but collectively withdrawn.

Although the law enforcement personnel have withdrawn from the capital, the people in Zhongdu want to go out, but it is still impossible. After the law enforcement personnel left Zhongdu, they immediately lurked and ambushed in an unusually secret place, but they still firmly supervised the movements of Zhongdu. They only allowed people to enter the capital, but they would never allow those who had already entered the capital. Go out.

For a time, Zhongdu became a forbidden place in the inexplicable, and no one was allowed to go out in the direction of the southeast and northwest.

During this time, because of the relationship between the Tianding event, only a large number of people entered the country, and few people went out; after such a blockade, it became more rigorous.

It is also more crowded: because every moment, there are a lot of people who don’t know why.

Or it can be described as such, in the middle of the moment, has become a super giant prison, there is progress, not!

Chen Yingshi, the ancestor of the Chen family, broke through the night and wanted to go back to the family to take a look, but at the border of China and the capital, he was intercepted by the top performers of law enforcement!

The Chen family ancestors who had already smashed the nine realms of the martial arts, after killing dozens of law enforcement masters, finally fell into the siege of a number of law enforcement high-ranking supreme, and eventually seriously injured and returned; at this point, the blockade line composed of law enforcers was only Know.

In response to this blockade line, Mo Tianji set up a strategy, and arranged for the ranks of the troops, so that Zhuge Cangwu and others made a gesture of returning to the Zhuge family. They were secretly followed by the dance city and Fengyue, and the fifth gentleness followed the preparations for random response. Intention to lead the snake out of the hole, with these three masters accompanying, even if the law is in person, presumably it is absolutely impossible to get better.

And the most ideal plan for everyone, of course, is to be able to control the law, and it can be done once and for all.

However, this time the law enforcement party did not have any action at all, and did not impose any blocking at all.

Let it freely enter and exit.

The people finally had no choice but to withdraw.

After all, the people can’t really go to the Zhuge family with Zhuge Cang. Zhuge Cangzhen wanted to go back to the Zhuge family to see, but as soon as he left the brigade, he immediately suffered an ambush.

Fortunately, he escaped with all his strength and everyone was relieved.

After several trials, the results are similar. Law enforcement officials seem to be suddenly savvy to the extreme, in a few actions, it is necessary to say that until the law appears, even if the supreme master of more than one product master, did not encounter any one!

However, as long as there is no travel team with super masters, the result must be a heavy loss, even the entire army.

In the face of this situation, everyone is completely helpless.

Xiao Chenyu, Chen Yingfeng, Zhuge Cangwu, Ling Yuyang and Ye Qiu, the ancestors of these great families, are even more gnashing their teeth. They only feel that their chests are almost blown up, but they have nothing to do but sigh.

The battles outside of the capital, the law enforcement of the exceptionally strong individual strength has fully occupied the upper hand.

Law enforcement and the powerful force of the world's blood, this power is simply devastating, but also a desperate attack, in just a few days, has already established a victory. Then, the victory was locked.

Now, the Chen family is completely destroyed; the Ye family is destroyed, the Xiao family is destroyed, the Zhuge family is completely destroyed, and the Ling family, although lucky, still has seventy and eight, and is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Now the only ones in the major families are still complete, and only the one that has the last fruit of the night family.

But everyone understands that the night house is only temporary stability. After the law enforcement officers thoroughly smashed the other houses, the crazy spear will point to the capital, and once the whole strength is focused, the night house will be destroyed!

Even if everyone knows this, there is no way.

On the fifth day, the remnant forces of the Zhuge family, which is the closest geographical location, desperately broke through the encirclement and entered Zhongdu. After Zhuge Cangwu saw it, he immediately shuddered and screamed.

Can't help but cry, the situation of this remnant is really terrible, the Zhuge family has more than 10,000 end of the family, the family masters tens of thousands, and finally can break through the encirclement to the Chinese capital, actually only seventy-three! Moreover, almost every one is scarred and described as flawless.

There are quite a few people, and the whole person is already like a beggar.

There are still two people. After finally arriving in Zhongdu, the injury was too heavy and the mood suddenly relaxed. Actually, I couldn’t sleep, I dreamed of Jiuquan...

"What about other people?" Zhuge Cang shuddered and asked in the hope of the case.

More than 70 people fell down at the same time: "The ancestors... Zhuge family... finished..."

Zhuge Cang's face suddenly pale. Asked with a lip, "Is it..."

"The whole family, up and down, men, women and children... chickens and dogs don't stay..." After the words of the Zhuge family's nine-product supreme, Zhuge Cang's throat made a strange voice, it seems that he wants to be a big man, and It seems to be a whistling, but in the end, nothing is said, the throat squeaks a few times, his face violently rises red, and then the whole person falls straight backwards...

Just in the afternoon of the same day.

The remnants of the Chen family finally arrived at Zhongdu.

After Chen Yingfeng saw the arrival of the person, the body that had already been injured was no longer able to support it. Even if he did not ask, he fainted: or Chen’s remnant man’s hand was somewhat inappropriate, because the entire Chen’s home base was altogether. Just escape three people!

A nine-piece supreme, two eight products peak supreme.

Others, hundreds of thousands of people, like Zhuge family, no one survives, chickens and dogs do not stay.

"Chen family... thousands of miles in the mountains, completely into a sea of ​​fire... It’s too bad! It’s too bad... I can smell the taste of barbecue meat within a few thousand miles around... This is Bloody seas and deep hatred, **** seas and hatred!..."

The nine masters of Chen’s family were full of tears, and the spirit was almost collapsed. They barely supported the above words. As for the other two eight-product supreme, they were not light, and they traveled long distances. It’s dead, but it’s not finished, but it’s just because of exhaustion and deep coma.

Everyone is as sinking as water, and at one time they only feel dizzy.

Chu Yang's face is equally gloomy.

Chen Jia is the one who vowed to be extinct on the same day. For the **** feud of Wei Wuyan, Chen’s ending seems to have been doomed. However, if he has not yet gone, he has been completely destroyed in the hands of Fa Zun, or is ruined in a command of the Fa Zun.

Moreover, it is still the most miserable family in the world.

Hundreds of thousands of people eventually escaped only three people, only three people.

Chu Yang did not know what to say at a time.

Sympathy? What a pity? Or... Is there any regret that I can’t revenge?

All the thoughts have been turned into a long sigh.

If Chu Yang personally went to revenge, I believe that Chen’s end will never be so miserable. For the military, Chu Yang may be killed in full anger, but for the old and the weak, the unarmed person, Chu Yang will not moveable.

This is not the fate of a woman, just the bottom line of a person!

But Fa Zun is doing so thoroughly.

Actually, even a person’s hair did not stay, and the grass and roots, the chickens and dogs did not stay...

On the third day after the arrival of the Chen family, the remnants of the southeast Xiao family finally came: better than Zhuge and Chen, almost 100 people.

Zhongchao became a hateful sea.

A strong curse, a vicious curse, filled the entire capital city.

Then, Ye Jia’s remnants were also coming. Ye’s situation was even better. In the end, more than 500 people broke in. This number of people made Chen Yingfeng’s Zhuge Cang and others red eyes.

Why is our family almost dead, but your family can leave so many people?

This unreasonable embarrassment made Ye Qiu’s anger, and if not everyone would persuade, a super guilt would almost start.

However, when the news of Lingjia came, Ling Xiaoyang became the target of the public instead of Ye Qiu.

At the end of the war, although Ling Jia was inevitably destroyed by the headquarters, the casualties were extremely heavy, but the old and weak women and children in the family were almost harmless. After the pleading, the Lingjia people have all moved to the original location of the Li family.

At present, there are many people in the remnants of the Ling family who have come to China in the night...

This news made Xiao Chenyu a complete eye-opener. Looking at Ling Yang’s eyes is like watching a traitor.

Why kill our family without killing your family? The women and children of your family are women and children. Is it true that the women and children of my family are supreme?

What is the relationship between Ling Yang and Fa Zun? Or... um? !

Ling Xiaoyang was simply mad at this unreasonable remark, and he was arguing. After a big fight, he simply led the tribes to the inn of the nine-robbery master Chu Yang and others, and they only got angry and rushed to the crown!

Is your family dead, and others are not dead? Is it still not working? (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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