Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 967: Thank you for your help!

There is also a key point. Fa Zun is so understanding of his own killer gods, and he knows himself and himself.

But he is only a confidant, completely ignorant of each other, can only rely on hard resistance, the only advantage is that the nine robbery sword only.

However, this advantage is not very obvious for the law, because it is also familiar with the sharp law of the nine robbery swords, and will not be brain-destroyed and his own gods, this ace, the results can be imagined.

Chu Yang frowned, walked out of the door, came to a room and knocked on the door.

The door opens.

Moonlighting snow appeared in front of the door: "Chu Sword Lord? You are here."

Chu Yang smiled and flashed into the room.

Wind and rain are in the room, looking out the window, with a little grace. When I saw Chu Yang coming in, I quickly got up and greeted.

There is no more nonsense in Chuyang. It is very simple to take out two large jade bottles and put them on the table.

"Premigrants, this is the spring of life. And it is still a full-fledged spring of life." Chu Yang smiled and said: "Speaking of this matter, hanging in my heart has really been a long time, and finally got the eighth When the Nine Robbery Swords, the chance to successfully catalyze the fountain of life under the circumstance, it is a matter of heart."

"The Fountain of Life?! Is it really the fountain of life?!"

The wind and rain turned softly and looked at the two jade bottles on the table. There was an unreal feeling in the daytime.

The two of them have been practicing the wind and the moon for a long time. They have never been able to break through the bottleneck, so that the whole body's blood is turned into a repair, and the chance of breeding offspring is lost.

For the sake of this, the couple can say that they have been cherished for a long time!

The only hope to break the obstacles is the legendary spring of life.

But the legendary spring of life is the sacred object of the elves, and the elves have long disappeared into the long river of history, and the two have long since despaired. It was only after the coincidence that Chu Yang had discovered the spring of life and had some hope.

But it is just hope.

The Fountain of Life and the Fountain of Life, although only a word difference, have a far-reaching effect; even after tens of thousands of years, they may not be able to evolve into a fountain of life.

But I really didn't think that Chu Yang had taken the spring of life just before and after a year.

“Really the spring of life?” The moon was also excited, and a rushed over, almost touching her wife.

Open the mouth of the bottle, and suddenly a gorgeous color like the **** of the moon emerged, and a refreshing elegant fragrance slowly spread. As soon as I heard the scent, the two of them felt that the whole body seemed to be relaxed in an instant. It seems that every cell is cheering, and it is adding vitality...

"Sure enough, it is the spring of life!" The sounds of the wind and soft and excitement trembled, and a pretty face rose red, and looked up and gratefully looked at Chu Yang: "Chuyang, thank you! The family finally has to be back... ”

Chu Yang coughed a few times, feeling a little red on the face, but it was blushing. Although the face of a certain king was thick, but in this mouth, it was still blushing.

Looks like what happened after this month's family... It's the thing between the two of you... You two will discuss it yourself, just say it directly to me, I really can't stand it, this stuff can't be with me. A lot of relationships, if I really have a relationship, I am a curse.

I just provided a little spring water, but I didn’t provide anything else...

"Yes, yes..." Yueling Snow was also excited to hold Chu Yang's hand. He swayed hard and hard, and he was incoherent. Junxiu's face also rose red: "The moon is finally back, Chu Yang, this Thank you for your help, your help... This... our monthly home ancestor will thank you..."

Chu Yang has a black line. This is a slogan. These two people are guilty of the incident. The two people who are usually very serious, now speak so badly? !

"What are you talking about?" The wind and rain finally noticed the language of his husband and wife. He slammed his hand on the moonlight, and his face was flushed and embarrassed: "You are a fool, for more than 10,000 years." Still staying like this!"

The moon heard a smirk, and then his face was distorted. He hurriedly replied: "Yes, it’s not Chu Yang’s help. Chu Yang didn’t help me at all. It’s me... it’s me...”

Obviously this person is so stupid, just now is incoherent, now it is directly nonsense!

Chu Yang was also stunned. The other side of the wind and rain couldn't help but finally feel helpless. Then he suddenly broke out and slammed his husband down to the ground. Then he slammed into the back room.

Chu Yang continued to stunned, but saw the wind and soft and red face infinitely embarrassed, and took the two bottles of the fountain of life into the infinite treasure, and slammed the door shut, never came out again.

It is still very clear that this woman is mad by the moon-snowing snow. The more we say the more outrageous, the more we say that the more we don’t adjust, the more we say the more shameful, the more we say...

"Hey..." The moon was listening to the thigh roots. The expression on his face was very awkward. Some people couldn’t stand the excitement and said to Chu Yang: "This time, it’s really thanks to you, if it’s not you. , our old moon home came after the incense lamp..."

Chu Yang stunned and stunned, and blessed his mouth.

Suddenly I feel that I am not suitable for it. This is awkward, this is awkward, how can it be so good? It’s been awkward before, it looks like it’s more ugly... that’s it...

In the end, I had no choice but to say awkwardly: "That's all I should do. Just do it. If that's the case, then you are busy? I am going out first... don't bother you..."

After saying it, I feel that this sentence is ill, and the sweat is going backwards.

I heard the snow in the moon, but I was excited. "Okay, we are busy for a while... I am going to be busy for a while, not... or, you will sit down again..."

Chu Yang's face is sweaty and retreats, then sit down, still have to die? Don't be your own life, you have to have someone's life, and it's serious to flash people!

Just came out, I heard a squeaky inside, followed by a slamming of the door, almost pinch the nose of Chu Yang, and a certain king quickly retreated, still feeling the wind blowing off the door. It’s cool, the hair is floating back, and the dark road is dangerous.

Then I heard the sound of punching and kicking inside, as well as the shy roar: "You are the second one... You will let me go out to meet people in the future... You and you..."

"I am oh... I am jealous... I am not happy, I am..."

"You, you, you... you are really mad at me, then you can't..."

"Hurry to shield the sound..."

"I’m mad at me... I forgot everything...”


Then Chu Yang could not hear anything.

Two extremely powerful super supreme gods sealed the room thoroughly...

These two mouths combined to seal the space, even if the current law is not necessarily able to look at the scene, a certain king is naturally more powerless, hey, a certain king is too thick, but it is not good to listen to the husband and wife. ...

Chu Yang touched the scalp and went out, and there were already several heads protruding from several rooms.

"What is going on? How come suddenly such a powerful Supreme God? Is the two strong people discussing?"

"What the **** is going on?"

"Boss, how are you here? What happened?"

"Yes, what?"

Chu Yang’s sweat hurriedly explained: “This, the two predecessors of Fengyue are very busy, don’t bother to disturb...”

Halfway, I couldn’t help but take a picture of myself: you said that you should not bother to do it, and said that it is very busy...

“Busy? What are you busy?” Ji Mo scratched his head and looked suspicious: “It’s not busy now...”

"Yu..." Rock's enemies were puzzled: "The battle hasn't started yet, can you be busy..."

"Really..." Xie Danqiong meditated: "I can't think of them being busy. Is it a new way of fighting, watching the entanglement of the gods just now, or learning from each other..."

"Maybe, I’m going to study how to fight..."

Listening to the various speculations behind, there are still very close to the correct answer, it seems that really fighting in the battle, Chu Yuzuo "brush" once went upstairs.

Everyone said that it is normal, but Chu Yang feels how evil he is, how to feel how it feels different...

After returning to the room, Chu Yang immediately entered the nine-robbery space.

The month of listening to the snow couple has always been a heart disease in Chuyang. Chu Yang's temper, unless you do not agree to others, as long as it is promised, then it is necessary to do it! If you can't do it, you will always be in your heart and be worried.

Now that he has finally solved his heart, Chu Yang is also relieved. He sees that the couple who are listening to the snow are excited and incoherent. Chu Yang is also delighted in his heart.

Next, naturally, it is busy to improve.

Improve the cultivation, find someone to help is the last word, find someone to find someone to understand, Chu Yang knows the most understandable person, naturally, this spirit is the **** of the gods!

"Sword spirit, I need to quickly improve the strength, you have any suggestions." After Chu Yang went in, very simple, very neat and inquiring.

After fighting with Fa Zun, Jian Ling, who was still in a period of weakness, turned his eyes and said: "Rapidly improve the strength? It is not enough to take Jiuzhong Dan? Do you want to ask me about this?"

Chu Yang licked his teeth and said: "There is of course a reason for asking you. Although Jiu Dan is a god, but the healing function is indeed the biggest. For the improvement of the the extent of the nine products, the effect is not great..., it seems that taking Jiuzhong Dan still can't keep up with the progress I need, is there any more powerful medicine, or a method..."

Sword Ling once again turned his eyes: "Big brother, you are too noisy, you do not know what Jiuzhong Dan is? If it is not qualified, what else can you expect? We can come up, the highest level is this ". (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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