Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 968: Super Jiu Dan

Chu Yang grinning: "When I think, who let the **** Fazen now rise to the level of no one's sex, if we don't want to improve our strength here, can we die on the day of the final battle? Hurry, is there any quick? A shortcut to improve!"

Sword Spirit has indulged for a moment, saying: "Jiuzhong Dan is already the most perfect medicine in Jiuzhongtian. I want to find a way to improve it more effectively and without any sequelae. Absolutely no, even if there is, it is beyond the nine heavens. The method of using the category below is not suitable for the present!"

Chu Yang is a bit dumbfounded: "Is it awkward, is there no way? At this critical time, are you still missing the chain?"

Sword Spirit continued to say: "Don't worry, listen to me to finish the words, or that sentence, more than Jiuzhong Dan's medicine is definitely not, but you can work hard in Jiu Dan, at the beginning, the purple scorpion left those scorpio Medicinal materials, as well as the other heavens and treasures of the planes, if they are properly matched, they should get better results than the general Jiuzhong Dan..."

Chu Yang said: "That is to go beyond the full version of the super version? How much can be estimated?"

Sword Spirit sank a bit, said: "To tell the truth, the greatest utility of Jiu Dan is the resurrection, returning to life, restoring the injury, improving the physical condition, improving the endowment also has great effect. But for the repair, the effect of the improvement is It's not very ideal... If we can improve it, combine the huge potency, and make a special plan for the improvement of the Jiu Dan, for example, the last time to give the purple giant refining the super Jiu Dan, if we do some improvement, The most efficient use... should at least be able to improve the Supreme Realm for more than a hundred years..."

Repaired, also divided into high and low. For example, a throne for a hundred years of cultivation, and a supreme cultivation for a hundred years, utility and results, is undoubtedly far from heaven. If it is an analogy, this time, the former can only absorb a small stone at best, while the latter can absorb a mountain.

The gap is such an exaggeration, saying that it is not an exaggeration of heaven and earth.

"A hundred years of cultivation in the Supreme Realm?..." Chu Yang frowned. "If so. Can you reach the peak of Jiu Pin?"

Sword spirit smiles: "The sword master. You are now a high-level practitioner. How can you say such a layman? This is a good concept. The description of the nine peaks is the realm; Personal practice years, standards... Of course, there is also a commonality in this place. If the cultivation is carried out after the promotion, it will touch the sentiment, then it is absolutely possible to rise to a realm. If it can't...that is, increase by one hundred years. The repair is nothing."

"Moreover, there have always been so many nine-supreme ones that are not a millennium of cultivation to take a small step. After all, it is not a place where the aura is so concentrated. In a hundred years, you want to reach the peak, and indeed it is The whimsy is open."

"It turns out that there is also reason." Chu Yang meditated: "So, how many super versions of Jiu Dan can we refine these medicines? I remember. When Zi Dajie left, we have already used those medicines. I lost half of it, and now I want to come. I was really not at the time, I don’t know if it’s expensive, it’s wasted...”

Sword Spirit roughly calculated: "Don't be too pessimistic, in fact, there is a part of the medicine. During this time, it has grown a lot in the space of the nine robbers... at present. If all is used. Plus a small amount of nine great medicines It should be possible to refine... seventeen super versions of Jiu Dan! No more!"

"Enough!" Chu Yang took the initiative to "decisively start refining. As soon as possible, the higher the better!"

"Understood, start right away!"

Seventeen super-versions of Jiu Dan, enough for Chu Yang to promote the strength of the brothers and sisters in a unified manner. However, even if the brothers are promoted, Chu Yang estimates that I am afraid that it is still far from enough.

It’s just a hundred years of repair.

If it is converted into actual combat power, how much combat power can it be improved? How can it be compared with the practice of tens of thousands of years? There is no room for comparison!

But then again, even if it is the super nine-deno plan given by Jian Ling, Chu Yang may not be too concerned, because Chu Yang’s goal is not here at all; his real goal is in the original sentence.

"In the nine-robbery space, there is a gift that I have left for you."

This is the sentence that I said to myself when the fascinating **** who created the Nine Robbery Sword left the space of the Nine Robbery.

If there are other choices, Chu Yang really does not want to use it. After all, there is an inexplicable communication between himself and the great power. He once said that to challenge him and use his "gift" is to owe his human feelings. .

Even if the great power may not mind this point at all, it is not rare that Chu Yang owes the human condition, but the human condition is always human. If it owes it, it owes it! People don't care, it doesn't mean that Chu Yang doesn't care for himself.

However, Chu Yang has no other way to do it now. He can only hope for it here. If he does not manage to improve his own strength with his brothers, the risk will increase when the battle is decisive. If it is not comprehensive at the moment, let’s talk about the future. ? ! .

If you guessed it right, the things here are probably not in use now. But now, it’s already nowhere to go, and you can’t use it if you can’t use it.

The strength of Fa Zun is now greatly increased. The heights of law enforcement officials are sure to have considerable growth after the demonization. Under such a long-term, one side can be said to be defeated.

This is the end of the battle between the end of the nine heavens.

Losing is equal to death!

Therefore, Chu Yang should do his best before the war and bring the winning percentage to the limit.

Do your best, win or lose no complaints, no regrets.

If you only have the seventeen Jiu Dan, now you can't say that it is a drop in the bucket for Chu Yang, but it is still too little. My brother and Mo light dance, ink tears, it is necessary to occupy eleven of them.

The dance of the city and the Chule children are also inevitable, and two more are to be removed.

If you don't give it to you, okay, every day, just a word will also collapse yourself: Brother, I am handsome? Am I more handsome today than yesterday?

I don’t need more than one day, and I’m talking about it one hundred and eighty times on my own ear. I can still enjoy myself when I talk about it, but I will definitely be driven crazy...

Also, do you want to give the windy month?

And... my own family? parents? grandfather? Is this at least three more?

Always leave one for Wu Qianqian? Tiebutian also needs to give one? There is also his own son, how can that little **** have one?

Seventeen looks like a lot, but once you know the distribution, it is not enough.

Who do not give to whom! ?

Chu Yang feels that if the "seventeen" is reversed, it becomes "seventy" or that it is barely enough.

Seventeen... It’s not enough.

In fact, even if it is really seventy, it is enough to distribute it. What is the real effect? ​​The collective improvement is a hundred years of cultivation. Seventeen are for one hundred and seven hundred years, and seventy are only seven thousand years. Compared with the French, It is still only a fraction of its practice, it is not optimistic! If there are seven hundred, it will be enough!

Chu Yuzuo said that he was not enough to recite the medicinal materials. While he was packing up the medicinal materials and preparing the alchemy, the sword spirit turned over directly with a white eye. The whole imaginary figure was almost devoid of ecstasy, which made it shocking.

"I said Big Brother, brother, brother, you are too whimsical, this kind of medicine, even in the nine heavens, it is difficult to find hard things, even if only one appears, can lead to the nine heavens The **** battle of many forces... You have seventeen at a time, but it’s still too small? Still think about seventy? Seven hundred? Are you thinking about it?"

"You can't be so greedy as a man?! Just enough, it's almost!"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "You see me, I am so pondering, good things, always better and better..."

"People's inferiority is always the same. If you think about it, if you are talking about the resilience of the world, even if it is the celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial being, it is not as good as Jiu Dan." Sword spirit complained: You already have such unparalleled resources in the world, and still complain, this is too much?!"

"If it is about improving the cultivation of the elixir?" Chu Yang asked.

"The elixir is the first and foremost. If it is not safe, even if the potency is huge, you can't absorb it. The result is always futile. Jiu Dan has no such problem. In terms of security and safety, the world can never surpass the Jiu Dan. It is only a matter of improving the cultivation of the spirit, it is necessary to look at the basic qualities of the elixir; this is really impossible to say."

Jian Lingdao: "This waits for you to go to the Nine Heavens, and after opening the inheritance of the Purple Emperor, there will be many ways to improve and cultivate, and the Purple Emperor, when he was recognized as the first alchemist by Jiuzhong Tianyi. His Dan Fang is also the first magic of the nine heavens."

"In fact, this is also the biggest reason why the Purple Emperor Zihao can rise rapidly in Tianzhu. There is no such thing. Of course, this is also the source of the hatred of the major forces of the Nine Heavens, which has led to the later generation of the Purple Emperor. The main reason for fighting alone is not one."

"The Zixiao Emperor of Heaven, with the identity of a river and a lake, has risen rapidly in Jiudian Tianzhu, and the speed is staggering. For tens of thousands of years, the achievements of the Purple Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven... Who is not jealous?"

"According to the situation at the time, if the Purple Emperor Tiandi can continue to develop, I believe that it will not take too long. The entire Nine Heavens will probably be under his threat... I will not be rescued in the past. I am afraid this is also A tacit understanding between the major forces, after all, if the Purple Emperor defeated the extraterrestrial demon, it became the savior of the Nine Heavens, the eternal master, so say..."

The sound of Sword Spirit is a bit strange, and seems to be pointing at something.

Chu Yang thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean, what you mean is... After I go up, I should try to keep a low profile, especially like the nine robbery swords, the nine rare birds, and other rare things. The best thing about the inheritance of the Purple Emperor, is that everything is secret: the more confidential, the better!" (To be continued.)

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